Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Profound. Precise. Proficient. Proud. It's found in the hearts and souls of the honorable, dignified and the ones keeping integrity as humble and heroic as their inner character. Dade County had a pearl, a gem of a man, a gentleman full of expression and energy policing its boundaries, corners and venues. They had your wit and mature nature, Officer Cook, shielding and providing those comfortable shelters where serenity and safety can take a short respite. Your family surely was proud of you. Your community and department was very mindful to have a healthy dose of your unwavering desire, dedication and hopeful determination from an esteemed hero. Always with them in spirit. At age twenty-five your life and career, surely your beloved Karen should have had to bury you and be mired in grief. You did all you could that day and everyday, Officer Cook. God's gift to the world now became eternity's angel of boldness and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

A bulge does not always seem normal. Violence is that storm that once it gets kicking is hard to contain. Big and tall. Short and a little heavy, just so long as they can handle the rigors and are honest, dependable and loyal to their comrades. Directions take us in different routes. Promise takes people far so long as dignity and integrity don't escape the big picture. You got it, Officer Cook. You received the messages and heeded your supervisors who knew you capabilities of intelligence were ahead of others. Never lack of modesty or bravado. Always true to form and to your words of trust and truth which accomplished making Dade County and its folks sturdy once again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero . Conviction, commitment and character are not the resolves of a conceited man. Your best intentions , Officer Cook spurred on shelter and contentment for mankind's excellence. Everyone must pass the same physicals and mental aptitude examinations, no one gets any free passes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

Earn a bit, spend a little. You must earn your respect in order to give back admiration. One must go through the rigors in order to cope with the duress and stress of the occupation. Police work is not for everyone. Those who think they have an honest bone and a strong interior may start that marching in the academy. They toughen up a recruit so that when they graduate theri dignity and loyalty are exactly where integrity id required to be. You summoned the courage, Officer Cook and found yourself surrounded with loyal partners here in Dade County. Freedom and unity all the result of a proud and yet humane sacrifice that has all the eyes that mourned your tragic loss flowing with tears. God was humble to elevate your special soul to a more peaceful and perfect world where guarding His sacred and pearly gates of bravery would never draw harm your way ever again. Everyone has that day of being called, some unfortunately sooner than others with more left on the horizon to complete. Violence and evil should not have created that awful absence. You surely were a more deserving gentleman who gave us more benefit than doubt. Salute the wise. Pay heed to the pious. Their visions and wisdom have that source of energy to make us acutely aware of our responsibilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

Smiling faces pose a serious problem, contempted and coldly calculating. At least your words and bonds of commitment meant something, Officer Cook, as you gave your heart and soul for the people of Dade County. Our serenity, security and tranquility cam about because of your esteemed nature and natural work habits. Those traits of honor, integrity and dignity all warmed and engaged those you struck up a friendly conversation with while out vigilantly keeping law and order. Surely, God's warm palms hold your beloved soul of humbleness, heroism and the efficient manner by which you performed all your central tasks. Saluted and admired for giving the ultimate. Badge#1664 was worn expertly and most notably. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character never clouds an issue, it's callousness that is the hang nail of a more serene society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

Hopeful and serene environments are preferred over hostility. Police already have their hands full of trouble, peril and lurking danger from a foe so difficult at times to tame and whip. Dade County a superbly conditioned public servant in you, Officer Cook, honest, resourceful and resolute beyond any calls of onus. You kept our stability all through your undivided attention to detail and offering a character replete with scruples and enhancement. Safe to say your sacrifice left a gaping hole hard to fill in your family who has endeavored to carry out your heroic legacy after all these decades. They do. They have happy occasions all of which you should be avital and integral part of. Your soul immortal and brave watches over them constantly day and night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility creates humanity's passion to become special and unique. You were that, Officer Cook, a man of maturity and ingenuity to offer those clues of wisdom and goodwill for a brighter future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

If you believe you achieve. If you simply maintain a humbly honest profile that in of itself lends credence to heroism. You function properly and stay dignified and with a badge of integrity, then your character will generate the desired outcomes. And from such violence, Dade County required your undivided attention to specifics and detail, Officer Cook. Devotion and loyalty do much to support the pillars of faithfulness and resiliency. Never more cherished, respected and admired forever. God's eternal gardens have your special soul of distinction, wisdom and bravery, Officer Cook, a smile that graced your family and department all sadly absent. Those wings you now wear for eternity are a symbol of your unselfish humility and ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2019

Sadly, this past March 7, 2019, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, passed away at the tender age of hundred and three and a half. I say tender, more properly at her age with a life full of character, honesty and the virtues of belief in God, goodwill and faith. Her dignity and integrity were instilled in both yourself, Officer Cook and your big sister, Nancy. They all missed you terribly these last forty some years. You were that super glue that kept your family unified during tragedy and helped to mend those fences here in Dade County where its residents relied upon your skills and heroism the most. Saying goodbye to a reputable and resourceful man of legendary humility and the serenity for which you discharged your professional duties. All difficult, life is never easy. Nothing is just handed to even the smartest and most mature of public servants. Tears reigned down that Saturday afternoon at your Inspector's Funeral at the Cathedral of St. Mary's. She was blessed and so forever is your immortal soul of vitality and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Long life is granted to those humble and pious. Her missions of faith and resilience and her volunteer work at Sabal Palm Elementary school in North Miami Beach, Florida where you and I attended kept her mind and body sharp as I'm sure she took great care of herself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

Officer William Coleman Cook, a man of heart and soul who engaged those around with a smiling face and a more gregarious personality. But, yet you graded out very well in terms of honesty, character and the integrity that was solidly behind your gallantry and unwavering resolve. To patch up the holes that were there on Dade County streets we can only praise and thank you. The low life who took your life away from your family, comrades and humanity, he faced his punishment when Detective Donald Blocker came and shot him to death for having taken your life, Officer Cook and nearly those of your esteemed and faithful colleagues of acumen and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

A partner and a friend are to any officer what honor and dignity are to mankind. The world cannot begin to function without some sense of integrity and those full of humbleness and character can perform better than those without these critical traits. Just one thing and nothing else could not restore, calm and cool off those whose tempers are fraying. Thankfully, Dade County and its folks had you, Officer Cook, among them. Genuine and serene. Never a yeller, always trustworthy and articulate. Humanity yearns for men and women composed as yourself, Officer Cook. Enhancement, enrichment and endearment. All raised to a higher level by your unrelenting endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

Communities are like a wilderness where freedom reigns supreme. It's those wild and callous individuals who make society regret all that is good. All that is fantastic. Everything honest and decent you represented, Officer Cook, came to life on a daily basis. Integrity and the finer points of dignity helping to create those bonds of boldness and shelters of character for those desiring life. Taken too early with much left to champion. Cornerstones and their foundations arranged for a more safer tomorrow. Heroism and humility awaiting at heaven's gates of bravery to welcome more heroes too many paying that ultimate sacrifice. But peace and tranquility are those roads to health and prosperity and must not be breached. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

Your close personal friend and comrade, Officer Keith DiGenova, was in an induced coma as he struggled to survive the brutality of his injuries, Officer Cook, you are his hero and honorable mate who patrolled the streets of Dade County searching for that nook of security. You see, Officer Cook, when a righteous man of commitment and faith is born to preserve and to rescue others from peril, we must salute their gallantry. For they graced this world with a treasured goodwill and resolve like no other. Our Master has your clear and unobstructed view before His throne judging and blessing your sacred soul of distinction and gratitude. Your beloved family continues carrying out your all important legacy. Challenging task. They are humbly intelligent to figure out the roads and venue to stay free of harm. May they walk and emulate your ways of peace and devotion forever, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

In your humbly heroic heart, Officer Cook, lied herculean feats of trust and justice. The kind of truth that comes from a glad man's honor, reverence and healthy respect for dignity and integrity. Excellent character that allowed you to hunt down crime and to shape up the future landscape of all Dade County. Those angel wings, Officer Cook, that you have been donning in heaven now for over forty plus years are perfect in everyway, shape and dimension. The diversity of your drive and desire cannot be measured just the esteem and loyalty you had for your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

Trust in the Lord's truth, it will never lead you astray. The fruits of nature await those heroes and heroines whose dignity, character and integrity carried their journeys until they were deemed as finished. What a shame! A life ruined, not just ruined but taken by a wanton and senseless man's rants against the eyes and ears of the establishment. You were doing your job serving Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. The pride and joy of your folks and of North Miami Beach and the Norwood section of North Miami diligently persevering through danger to make strides in our tender and hopeful stability. Humility and heroism rest in peace along with your passionate soul my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

Those humble roads of resolve flow through a public servant's goodwill , honesty and the bravery of dignity and integrity. A thoughtful and incisive gentleman, your missions of faith and character, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. Your heroism made Dade County and its citizens greater in the sense of their harmony and unity. Surely, the riverways flow completely without a stoppage that coming from those who have taken over your sacred watch over them mellow yet a man full of morals and unselfish humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2019

The pitch comes closer to home plate and the batter has a few scant seconds to react. Violence does not always give the honest and most trained of women and men the time too to react. All you can do is try and stay dignified and focused on what is required to stem that tide of torrential torment. You gave Dade County and its residents more than enough peace, serenity and the trails of joy and goodwill, Officer Cook. a happy and most humbly proud individual who relished his life and performed in an outstanding manner to loyally save the lives of your fellow heroes and the lives of those whom you protected. Always fondly etched into our minds and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tragic, your life and toil had to be called home at such a young age by a very disturbed man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

Safe and secure. Thanks to your dogged dedication, fierce motivation and devoted leadership skills, Officer Cook, which consumed your honorable and most integral and dignified efforts to stop a very evil and wayward man. You defended our liberties with your total heroic character and unassuming heroism. You deserve to be alive today to celebrate all your family's happiest of occasions, though God must have needed your sweet and treasured soul of humility and noble distinction in His holiest of locations. Where valor and angels cruise higher each moment. No one will ever forget your dispensable thirst for knowledge nor those sacred trails of trust and truth. Terror, torment and turmoil never will win out against these traits of ingenuity, intellect and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

Never exacerbate an argument with a gentleman way more mature and capable than most. The times you spent watching and attempting to dig Dade County out of a hole where nothing but wickedness existed, Officer Cook, says plenty regarding your sweet disposition and dignity. Sheer integrity and character consolidated with your valid commitments to excellence and pride brought all the security and safe travels to an area that continues honoring your heroic legacy and memory. You lost your life battling unending terror that day brought about by a most troubled man. Sad and yet there is no fairness in why your soul needed to be called back home to heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To enrich is to be applauded. To endear is to educate. To enhance is to make use of stability as a means of hopeful expression.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

Life can be boring at times. But, police work never is. Honor and dignity, integrity and character may never take a nap while non sense and terror infiltrates our land. Your noble cause, Officer Cook, allowed the people of Dade County to sleep soundly day and night for the humanely hero in your heart and soul would never dodge a situation where help was needed. your dreams and desires live on in your family's hearts where only the best of sanctity and vision was always wisely implemented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destain haughtiness and pursue humility. It accomplished its means as you solemnly patrolled your community where respect and reverence meet eye to eye.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

Life and death share that common bond that always accompanies honesty, integrity and the virtues of dignity and character. Composing oneself during chaotic episodes of violence and being able to maintain a firm grip of a circumstance is all anyone can expect from a most notably gallant young man. Your missions and journeys, Officer Cook, helped Dade County reap sure dividends of harmony, unity and prosperity. You gave hope to humanity and thoughtfulness to your heroically humble actions. Always fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Integrity and class were vehicles of your vigilance. God watches over your soul, Officer Cook and has blessed it with His ultimate rewards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

You made the supreme sacrifice, Officer Cook, to further Dade County. A noble and honest hero cherished by his love of family and the dignity to work along with such humane peers. Our continued stability and peace came sadly by one evil man taking your life of character and ingenuity. Today, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known your aspirations, dreams and goodwill left an enhancement that has been felt forevermore. Integrity and morals are safely tucked away in heaven's shelters of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2019

Indecision can only interfere with the constructive efforts to maintain dignity,peace and integrity within the framework of humanity. A humble and honest man, yourself, Officer Cook, devoted full attention to the duties that lied ahead. When peril and danger struck Dade County you responded swiftly to try and nip that evil that threatened our unity and tranquility. Where you forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Our Lord knows where your resolve and reverence can now have that affect while you patrol those sacred and golden gates of valor. A legend of a man who deliberate leadership and motivation has been etched upon those walls of remembrance never to be forgotten,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2019

Evil can strike as quick as turning on a light. With the blink of an eye public servants must react to all sorts of various circumstances never really knowing the outcomes. You answered all your calls, Officer Cook, with fierceness and ferocity so feverish it was all worth your efforts which always included the proficient skills of acumen and integrity and never any absence of dignity and humbly humane honor. A hero whose legacy stays fortified in God's perfect regions above us. keep looking down, Officer Cook, upon your family and distinguished peers who now carry the torches of your sincerest of endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2019

Your intuition, intellect and commitment to morals and mettle, Officer Cook, produced the much needed peace and stability surrounding Dade County. A young man who lived to fulfill his dreams and aspirations and whose devoutness and goodwill have been long since saluted for giving everything from decency and honesty, integrity and dignity that fought like anything for safe passages to continue for humanity. Humbleness and humility are the keys top maintaining vigilance and with your due diligence, Officer Cook, it's found in heroes such as yourself as to why respect, resiliency and resourcefulness made your career more stellar. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2019

Violence is that disease that just seems to run rampant in our society. In all situations you require excellent men and women who care and take their onuses and honesty very seriously. Ferocity needs frankness and tenacity needs dignity and integrity to shine like the sun. You had that beautiful smile, Officer Cook, that is sincerely absent today though heaven and Our Master can view it daily as you walk that heroic beat watching over those pearly gates of bravery and esteem. Character and your consideration, Officer Cook, have been solemnly and fondly remembered all these decades later. A sacrifice that made serenity and safe havens possible for those whom you loyally protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2019

An officer and a gentleman who honored his parents and creator with extraordinary service toward mankind. Dade County is a rather large metropolis and all you did, Officer Cook, was to provide its citizens with yeoman service with your kind heart and even more dedicated soul of affection. When honor,integrity and the ingenuity of dignity run together to battle against the likes of callousness the results are usually there for all to view. Commitment, conviction and character were your instruments, Officer cook, that followed your trails of tenacity, trust and truth . Your heroic actions will forevermore be saluted for humility and the sacred undertakings that spared our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2019

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