Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Grit and gumption dignified your honesty and undying integrity which made your hunts of peace and security more meaningful. Dade County and its people regarded your expertise as most vital to their health and stability. Elements of effort and respect only broaden the bases of bravery and boldness and so your life and career, Officer Cook, defended the boundaries that much more. Take a man's character which reveals their humble behavior and so your conduct was always up and above those calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

Glitz is nice. Gallantry is more humble and honest. Your earnest efforts, Officer Cook, spared Dade County a much worse fate that day. But, than again everyday was made better by your perpetual movements to trap terror and rid our society of its violence. A great man, a wise gentleman who knew the ins and outs of good police work. Humanity greeted you, Officer Cook, the same way heaven welcomed your soul to His palaces of perfection where heroes and heroines now angels of dignity and integrity float gracefully above us. Keep looking down o n your family, Officer Cook, your smile and precision said it all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

Everybody has their own personal style of patrolling.The common denominator is that each most possess honor, integrity and dignity. Without these letters you searches for peace and unity will become much more taxing. You stayed the course, Officer Cook, Dade County was humbly protected by your loving soul, one humane, esteemed and most beloved by your family and peers of justice and fairness. You are missed very much, Officer Cook. Your ethics and mettle surely were blessed by Our very creator who has your resolve and resiliency linked within those walls of honor and pearly gates of valor for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

The fragrances of ferocity are spread far and wide. Heroes and heroines honored and esteem who have laid down their immortal souls for their communities in which they are forever admired, revered and treasured. Your legacy here in Dade County, Officer Cook, remains dignified and full of heroic integrity. By the powers vested in our beloved and most gallant of warriors can we exist in a more harmonious and serene environment. The character Our Lord bestowed upon you, Officer Cook, will forever carry the embodiment of endeavor and efficient trails of trust and truth. Without some semblance of wisdom and vision, a man or women so dedicated cannot even begin those pathways of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

Just wished, officer cook, you could have had more time on earth to humbly savor your professional exploits. Dade County was always and respectably guarded by such a decent and most heroically honorable young man. All heart, character, dignity and integrity blended as one to formulate our stability and serenity forever. saluted and greatly admired for humility and unselfish resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

A hero's day never seems to be done. Integrity and character, dignity and honor always being phased into your efforts to stop crime. It was a tall order and yet, Officer Cook, you saved Dade County and its citizens from simply put one evil man. Gallant and respected for holding the line between peace and prosperity. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2019

I make drives out to Naples, Florida, Officer Cook, for business. A little long looking at the Everglades and its wildlife. You sacrificed your decent, honorable and heroic soul of integrity to construct those very pyramids of perseverance, resolve and excellent character. Never a more stout individual whose sincerity and ingenuity won't be forgotten. We salute your actions on behalf of all Dade County, mankind and in the name of reverence and respect for your position where glory was not chased after, rather evil and whatever mayhem needed to be put away. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2019

Vengeance is the virtual act of violence that reverberates around mankind. Those inclined to commit such demonstrative wickedness ought to rethink their pathways. For society and humanity's sake, thank the heavens above for a wonderful young man, a gentleman through and true, trusted with our protection, our inner spirit of peace, yes, you were that humble hero here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Where not everyone ventures into a most demanding, stressful and yet perilous occupation where we require Our Savior to watch over those humane preservers of character. Their excellent commitments, their words of boldness, bravery, a solemn bond undertaken with love and esteem, a desire and dedication like no other. Fondly and resourcefully remembered for trying to steer harm away from those pursuing joy and successes in life. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was sudden taken with more left to fulfill. Those earthly horizons are now for eternity your sacred and proverbial perfect patrols where nothing will come your way ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

The heart and soul of heroes and heroines are never lost. God knows where they are at every second. Every beating moment. Your dignity and integrity were humbly and honorably laid to rest over forty years ago at Dade Memorial Park North in North Miami, Florida among other heroes who too gave their spirit of uniqueness and the quality of quintessential peace and safety. The mind can play tricks but, when you patrolled faithfully around Dade County every ounce of energy, every gram of gallantry was injected into your veins to rid our world of this very wickedness. Saluted fondly and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The grit and loyalty resides in those trusted women and men who have been given the torches of tenacity to firmly take hold of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

Irons press clothing making them look sharper when coming from the dry cleaners. Too bad they cannot take care of the venom on the roads which seems to calculate and simply disturb the very balance of nature. You lived by a code of conduct, Officer Cook, raised in a great home along with your big sister, Nancy and you married a great lady in Karen. No doubts about your honesty, integrity and characters of dignity all heroism, all fond memories of a short but humbly well lived life. Your family, peers and friends all wished you were here with them perpetuating mankind and those very ideals and values for which fruition and happiness join hands together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

The book is finalized. next are those humble blessings that heaven bestows upon your dignified and honest soul of appreciation, Officer Cook, for performing as all public servants must during those horrific battles over heinousness and just evil means. Dade County was able t olive more peacefully and secure by virtue of just that and your sincerest of dignity and integrity. a young man filled with grand character embraces every opportunity to make humanity proud. God bless your humbleness, humility and the sanctity by which you took to those streets every watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

A pinch of pristine respect, crystal clear vision and unwavering resolve, all summoned from those chambers of honor and courage which beckoned your responses to those calls, Officer Cook, in which the citizens of Dade County required your awareness and acumen. Violence surely tugs and shakes at the fabric of any community but with your heroic integrity and dignity evil did a double take. You rescued and saved your partner and colleagues from further harm while sacrificing your career and life of character and accomplishment of which society will hold your soul in humble esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

Composure is the compound of coolness and calm under pressure. As the saying states one who gives their life for their fellowman is to be honored, blessed and rewarded for heaven's sake. Your deeds and functions, Officer Cook, helping to spare Dade County and its people from more harm shall be eternally cherished. An extra dose of dignity, integrity and character always make the likes of commitment and conviction more humane, more safe and most of all heroic. Your legacy, Officer Cook ,will be saluted for valor and praised for true grit, resolve and endurance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

The consensus on discipline is that those humble and morally righteous men and women understand that bravery is derived from honesty, dignity and integrity. If one does not possess these humane traits then their trails of trust and truth become distorted. Vision and wisdom lessen further complicating one's searches for peace and serenity. Your wisdom and loyalty, Officer Cook, were the essence of your life and nobly chosen career. Never more resilience, never sounder character and commitment to pride and excellence. mankind and Dade County received a special gift from Our Master in you rmost sweet and immortal soul of distinction. Humanity was sacred and your service, Officer Cook, bore these facts out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2019

Talent can be terrorized by torment which causes the type of turmoil most public servants never want to witness. You saw everything, Officer Cook, in Dade County and did a remarkable job of keeping calm and the peace during one man's exhaustive rants. His rage robbed you of your life and dignity by which integrity and a man's character and commitment stood humble, heroic and most proud. Your family who is left today can certainly feel blessed as Our Lord rewards your civility, sanctity and nobility chasing after a semblance of harmony on those sometimes hazardous venues and roads where resolution and resolve can result in a positive ending. Just wished May 16, 1979 was that day. heaven has your sweet and genuinely compassionate soul of immortal combat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

The mind races back and forth with what if scenarios. Never should have happened and yet domestic violence crops up in our land on a seemingly never needing basis. It does in Dade County and back in your day, Officer Cook, you were there to serve and protect those institutions where stability, serenity and safety all channel into our very happiness and joy. A life and career so special, so unique and so precious gone before the blink of an eye. Officer Cook, you had the tools of the profession to take dignity, honesty and integrity to a higher plateau of heroic peace for mankind. You can be certain your angelic heart and soul flies freely each moment in Our Lord's giant lair where bravery and gallantry don't just walk the walk. It's the never ending perfect proverbial patrol free of peril and obstacles forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

For all the joys and pleasures including a new great-niece a few years ago named Legacy how very appropriate, the nightmare still resides in your family's heart and minds, Officer Cook. A most traumatic time as your beloved Karen must have agonized over your untimely death. her young, honored and most heroically diligent husband taken so very suddenly by an evildoer. Dade County and its folks were under the evil eyes of a rotten scoundrel who denied your access to a more customary retirement as most of your comrades were able to live and see. Your visions and wisdom, Officer Cook, were all an essential make up of your humble character and the integrity by which dignity lives on in your surviving family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing, resourceful and most engaging with a never to be overlooked smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

Polished shoes, a shiny badge and a clean and pristine uniform of valor all represent the signs of s most truthful and trusted heroic warrior. Your efforts, Officer Cook, certainly offered all Dade County the humane and noble chance to pursue their labors of love and to have peace and unity help stabilize those missions. All your journeys of goodwill and boldness have never been forgotten and fondly remembered for your solemn approaches to maintaining law and order for heaven's sake. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

Bragging is not being humble and bold. Loyalty surely sinks to a new low with one who cannot maintain a decent and honorable image. Dignity and integrity partner together in their spirited battles over violence and evil and for those living in and around Dade County your heroism and deliberate character, Officer Cook, wrote newer chapters of your courage and those cornerstones you began to arrange in order for society to relish your trust and enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

Touche, Officer Cook, for your unwavering,undying and unselfish tenacity. all of which helped you to honorably discharge your faithful and most dignified duties on behalf of all Dade County and its residents. Today, forty plus years later your heroic integrity and character remains so humbly honored by your family friends and department colleagues. It has helped to sustain humanity as well as your unassuming resolve and countless humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2019

Heads for heroics, honor and humbleness. Tails for tenacity and tireless effort. You gave a complete package of persistence, pristine perseverance and stellar proficiency, Officer Cook. The real goods were delivered over sixty-five years ago upon your birth. A new day dawned replete with dreams, goals and aspirations now all wonderful memories your beloved family has of you giving back the greatest gift to humanity for safety, your life and tragically it just seems sometimes like the other day. but we all know better. Integrity and dignity permanently saluted and etched upon walls of humility,civility and the sanctity you brought to Dade County full of character and passion. A wise man who pursued his very desires and was driven to accomplish which you did every moment your breathed so help me God! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2019

No matter where a brave soul of honor sleeps soundly their acts of compassion and admiration will not be overlooked. Reverent and greatly respected among your peers, your pristine personality, Officer Cook, made many inroads for the people of Dade County struggling to live peaceful and sound lives of security and endearment. You paved those venues for other future menand women esteemed and talented as you were. You never know where that sleeping dog will lie, so better get a jump on defeating and defending our land against the likes of gloom and ruination. A deserving man and a very gallant gentleman whose dignity is firmly forever entrenched in God's golden spots of perfect unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2019

A life so young robbed of its humble honor and bravery. Sadly, Officer Cook, God's will was for your soul and heart of ingenuity and dignity not to grow old. Why? No one knows but Our Creator where His wisdom, integrity and perfection shall not be questioned. Of course we ask why? Of course violence can never really steal those precious memories of a warm and decent human being just doing his job you affirmed to do. But, character and vision saw your way through danger for most of your six years working and toiling on behalf of mankind and Dade County. Enhancing our very streets with serenity and heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day after day badge#1664 is both doubly blessed and rewarded for unselfish resolve and undying commitment to excellence and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2019

Wisdom and humility are the very cornerstones that support the pillars of perseverance, honor and integrity. But certainly without some thread of dignity and character your trails of tenacity trying to tame terror maybe for naught. Your desire and devotion, Officer Cook, all stemmed from a healthy upbringing and surely as the sun rises today will you be humbly and heroically remembered for ethics, morals and whatever honest means you employed to deliver peace and stability for Dade County's folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2019

Tenacity must be like a hot blow torch. It must be directed upon the dire calls of those requiring aid. You saved and rescued society from just a plain old bad man, Officer Cook. All because Mr. Pearsall refused to listen to commands that would have saved the public and himself. Your desire, decency and devotion was spot on that tragic day when the hero in you was mourned by your beloved family and humbly gallant comrades. Always a special individual and a uniquely prospective young man who won't be forgotten for heroism and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2019

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