Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A deposit is required to make a withdrawal. Courtesy is expected of an honorable individual. During tense moments the stress and duress is ratcheted up many levels. Dade County experienced this during your day, Officer Cook. Domestic squabbles occur and many fine men and women all of character, dignity and integrity must step in and try and calm a situation before it escalates. You were a block away in Dade County with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and though you were not required to go you did and your actions heroically saved your comrades and those citizens involved in that awful day. You will be humbly saluted for solemn duty and certainly for embracing your position that has and will forever be respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made a deposit of desire and dedication to be remembered as a part of your all important legacy for all future officers to take notice of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2019

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that you looked to make Dade County a more serenely tranquil environment. The stakes are always high when torment and tension tango. To keep this from occurring you used every ounce of honesty, dignity and reverence for integrity. Public servants must never let down their guards of character and consistency. Perfect no one is but the elements of effort, efficiency and energy must compliment bravery and humility. Your humane life and career if not for this evil man would have been more complete. Though you did accomplish and as we know God determines our lots in life. Your service and heroism were and always will be at the forefront of Dade County and its folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2019

Cactus is sharp. Courage and conviction all stoke one's own humble honor, respect for integrity and dignity. It's all utilized to fight off corruption and heinousness. You served and protected the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your might and vigor you summoned straight from your warm and cherished heart. Never overlooked and surely never out of sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of engagement and total enhancement of our harmony and stability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2019

Happiness should be a trusted vehicle to a move serenely tranquil environment. But, unfortunately evil people walk this planet feeling in their hearts that their actions enhance society. But, how wrong they are. Your life and upbringing , Officer Cook, made that humble and honored difference in Dade County. Now you are forever remembered as a hero whose very own integrity and dignity made that distinct impression. mankind can continue its voyages while yours, Officer Cook, keeps soaring in heaven looking after your loved ones. Character is better concealed and this is precisely why you remain cherished among mankind. A crisp uniform worn exactly as one honored man who carried his virtues vigilantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society has missed your smile and engaging personality.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

Sadness robs the happiness of families who lose their beloved members of honor and bravery to violence and evil. Your family must draw upon your strength of honesty, heart and character, Officer Cook, to continue pursuing their journeys, your legacy shine son in their beings for what you meant to the residents of Dade County. Their hero of humility and for sealing some sense of serenity within their castles may Our Master instills His blessings of reverence within your respected spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

It's fairness and resolve that makes trust and truth inseparable. Dignity without integrity is like never seeing the tunnels of honesty. Things then just get cloudier and dimmer. You were always a ray of hope and goodwill on behalf of mankind, Officer cook. A most humbly blessed and revered public servant who made Dade County better once more. Things mattered when you watched over your family, peers and community where your heroism is still very much spoken about and respected. Gallant and prideful. Mindful yet cautiously hopeful. You were and always will be that shining inspiration to your family and those who befriended a wonderful gentleman and an even more crusading warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character forever eternally resting while you patrol those pearly gates. God watches His most faithful flock of heroines and heroes never letting them out of sight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

It's those removals and extractions that are sometimes difficult to figure out. Evil and wickedness are surely never welcome to any community striving for a healthy dose and semblance of peace, stability and the ever present tranquil unity. Liberty and freedom may not be usurped and neither may a lack of morals, character derail or sidetrack any duly competent officer. Dade County may not be as large as new York nonetheless its folks are entitled to the most soundest and considerate of protection. Defending one's own territory is never easy. A puzzle where all the pieces and pegs must fir the proper spaces. Your job, Officer Cook, was to shape and construct the very foundations where dignity and integrity would better enhance the pursuits of mankind. A heroic man full of constant morals and a high level of understanding his roles and responsibilities. Always fondly honored and etched into your family and colleagues' hearts and minds forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

No bias. All business. Humble and blessed with humility and sanctity to tackle those venues where terror lurked. That hits the nail on the head and your heroically honorable efforts, Officer Cook, saved the people and your esteemed and gallant comrades. The evil man that took your life got his punishment doled out in the end it was and always will be a shame and sadness that one with character, class and secure thoughts was taken so young. You were a blessing to Dade County, so vital and tenacious, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was worn proudly and most of all with trust and truth never leaving your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Friendships and goodwill are those cornerstones and foundations that cannot ever be ripped apart by wanton evil and vicious violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

What seems impossible to most individuals is not to some whose constitutions are solid in honesty, integrity and the visions of dignity. They all must acquit themselves if peace and security are to forever unseat violence and evil. You did your job very well, Officer Cook, you were surely one of our many heroes who believed in equality and fairness for all. The people of Dade County were certainly never disappointed only I'm sure they wished more could have been provided to spare your young life. Youth is experienced only once so one must grab that opportunity when it arrives and make the most of their values, character and unrelenting commitments to both excellence and pride which you loyally did for six years of faithful service and for twenty-five years of vital virtue and humble intellect. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

Shelters and havens provide the basis for a peaceful and a more serene life. You brought intuition, wisdom and honored integrity and dignity into your professional undertakings, Officer Cook. No task, chore or role was ever not given the best of goodwill, hope and endeavor. Dade County will forever be grateful for your heroism and character, so profound and yet so humble. Humanity, mankind and society salutes and pay their due respects to your unwavering, undying and unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, I just got home from visiting your grave and offering a little prayer for your beloved soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

When transgression threatens serenity and safety all police must act prudently and honorably. As you always conducted your professional affairs, Officer Cook, with high morals and dignity that covered those sheets of integrity. Dade County was served by the hands of a humble and humanely sound hero. Your family, colleagues and friends have all solemnly remembered your resolve, trails of justice and truth, all because of mettle and the fabrics of ferocity when duty beckoned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2019

Perseverance just pricks the surface. Resolve slides further down those channels of courage and character looking to unclog a minefield of callousness. Dade County lined with pristine pavements was where your patrol car went around searching for that conduit of stability and tranquility. You'll never be forgotten, OfficerCook, for excellent performance, dignity and honor humbly esteemed and integrity integrated within those walls of welcome relief. Serenity, security and safety are all a part of an officer's challenges and bold missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never reluctant. Always resolute and most capable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

The wailing of the bagpipes are the welcoming sounds of Our Maker's calling home his most honest, humane and humbly heroic public servants of efficiency. Lest we forget the everlasting battles that their gallant souls of dignity, respect and integrity forged for peace and the principles of harmony and unity for all humanity. A sacrifice on behalf of Dade County that you undertook, Officer Cook, to represent our welfare and as a treasured and determined warrior may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day the noises will die down and complete tranquility will walk down those really welcome trails of truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

High intensity. A magnitude of stress. Duress under fire. Violence, evil, wickedness and terror all leave that tragically distinguished mark of seemingly never ending mayhem. All looking to destroy and to humiliate a community and its peaceful respect and hopeful decent paths of perseverance. Officer Cook, your exploits here in Dade County were trustworthy, true and fair. Faithful and devoted to those whom your loyalty mattered the most. Character, conviction and transparency that now transcends the skies above where all heroines and heroes called back home one final time to begin soaring as valiant angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The humble are righteous.The wicked think they can run and hide, to their dismay they cannot.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

No one glides along in policing an area. It is all honor, focus on ferocity and duly dignified integrity, all possessed by yourself, Officer Cook, a Dade County mainstay, humble hero and legend who enhanced security and safe harbors for one and all. Your committed character were endorsed by your comrades bold, brave and humane as yourself, Officer Cook. The cream always rises to the top. Adored, admired and most beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

The block is long and filled with friends gallor. Your block , Officer Cook, was friendly and nice, quiet and honorable. Sad on my block NE 6th avenue I did not have too many friends and being of the Jewish faith a neighbor had the unmitigated audacity to call us "dirty Jews." Sure makes you think and we stopped playing with their sons. You were humble, heroic, decent and dignified all because of character and your stellar commitments to pride and excellence uplifting the faithful spirits of all Dade County and civilization. Humility taken to the highest point, the zenith of your career. Not the brand of television. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wished your family and I could have known each other. A wonderful gentleman gallant and resolute.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

Every chosen trade, profession and yearning have their very own tools so unique to combating this mischief, mayhem and utter violence. Of course a badge of bravery and boldness, honesty and character all of which you maintained and kept finely polished during your career, Officer Cook, at least offered you the hope and faithful goodwill to bring class and decency to all Dade County citizens. Never forgotten for having the charm, smile and charisma, that is forever eternally accentuated in heaven where other angels, your fellow brothers and sisters who have made that ultimate sacrifice to better serve society. Safe trails and peaceful voyages from one pearly gate to the next. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

A unilateral community comes together to assist its bravest and most venerable of crime fighters when stability and tranquility are in danger. They put peril before themselves confronting those who commit acts of recklessness. Your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, was exactly what transformed Dade County into a safer venue for all mankind. Fair, firm and humbly entrusted with a task so tall and demanding. Certainly, God has rewarded your loyal and bountiful soul of humility as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

With all your gusto and honor, Officer Cook, you went out on a daily journey in Dade County to secure harmony and liberty. No one expected you to lose your precious young life fighting with all your heroic might and mettle to defeat evil. Dignity and integrity surely hold sway over themselves and for having humanely pleasant character may Our Creator bless your resourceful and immortal soul of reverence and respect. That's what you accomplished in your twenty-five years of vitality, diligence and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2019

Nothing suspicious, no hesitation, no qualms regarding your rituals of resolve, resiliency and righteous resourcefulness. All speed ahead with nothing but the highest mature honor, dignity and its humble respect and heroism in integrity with character finely tuned. Everyone you came across, Officer Cook, can attest to these facts. Dade County under your most humane eyes with living insecurity,safety and the facets of humility that defended us from violence and pure unending evil. It stopped that fateful day, just a human tragedy your life and career,badge#1664 gave his acumen, concern and all heart to try and quell a most selfish and disturbed man. Valor vindicates and yours, my neighbor, friend and hero is to be etched and memorialized for mettle and scruples that all public servants decent and brave must have and take proper care of. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

Vocalization, conversation, communication, they are all essential components of conquering callousness and cold blooded heinousness. Your life of duty and honor, Officer Cook, resealed the faith , hope and goodwill of integrity and dignity within those roads, streets and corners of all Dade County. mankind can take heart and take careful notes of a man who was a heroic legend in his community where your blessed and most revered soul of identity is still respected and roundly saluted. Your parents now with you in heaven, Officer Cook, had their darling pride and joyful son who delivered the goods of greatness, gladness and gallantry to wisdom, vision and ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

The Lord's word is the praise and glory and when His servants protect life and property their words and mostly their actions must be honorable, dignified and have a humble semblance of integrity tied to their travels. yours, Officer Cook, here in Dade County were always blessed as you have been all these decades later. Goodwill, faith and devotion followed your tenacity and ferocity where one's heroic character and humble convictions lied. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for bravery and producing outstanding resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

Aim high and your dreams will somehow succeed. They did, Officer Cook. They surely and certainly did. You achieved a lifetime of promise during your twenty-five short years of well bred boldness, ingenuity and the precepts that principles of honesty, integrity and dignity bring to those battles over adversity. Dade County was placed in a very vulnerable position and by virtue of your undying and unending actions everyday but in particular on May 16, 1979, when you saved your comrades and the citizens, may your humble and proficient soul of distinction and serenity be blessed in abundance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

Culture creates that unified bond of peace and respite. It's just sad it created a large void within your beloved family, Officer Cook. Losing you too soon, an honored and esteemed gentleman of dignity and integrity whose character was always first class and as your maturity always ahead of the crowd. Dade County lives humane lives because its stability and harmony were enlivened by your heroism, Officer Cook. God's heavens are embraced by the loving souls of angels true and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

Just because the days are getting shorter doesn't mean crime is decreasing. Police have to be more on guard and more honest than ever. Always a very well mannered and well disciplined public servant, Officer Cook, the purveyor of peace and perseverance on behalf of all Dade County. The residents received the finest character, commitment and dignity that integrity could bestow upon a very heroic young man. Fruition is never simple. Resolve never rests. Enhancement stays forever sheltered as we can pursue our desires and aspirations all by your unwavering and very unselfish humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2019

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