Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God's pool of perseverance, proficiency and perfection never runs dry. Angels of valor manning those pearly gates of bravery to keep watch forever. A strong and mighty young man, you served your time, Officer Cook, giving Dade County and its folks six years of dogged and determined acumen, awareness and most relevant honor, humility and sure peaceful moments. We pray for you and your family that continues carrying forward your heroic legacy. Esteemed and certainly bold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2019

Attack and keep attacking that seems to be the way to confuse, confront and confound callousness. You never ran, Officer Cook, as you put your whole heart and soul into your labors of love. Dade County and its people were protected solely by you and your peers in order to relish their happiness while honesty,integrity and dignity were lined up next to your heroically humble character and loyal commitment. The constellations sparkle as does your immortal soul of legendary proportions. Forever solemnly and fondly respected for virtues and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2019

Inroads and advances must be established in order to clip those branches of cowards who commit wicked actions against the goodwill, faith and trust of society. Dade County had boundaries and your job and onuses, Officer Cook, were to see to it that serenity, safety and security never left their rightful spots. God did all he could for you instilling integrity, character and honorable dignity in all your missions. They were humanely humble and heroic to be cherished and revered for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2019

One born with honor and bravery, it is only fitting when you give your life and career for peace in your community that respect and dignity is shuttled to a higher level where integrity and character are both blessed and rewarded. Dade County saw your humility and resolve, Officer Cook, everyday and no matter it was sad that your life ended because of this one beastly individual. Humanity salutes your unwavering and unselfish effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2019

Glue keeps things together. It was stated that you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, were exactly that during times of tragedy in your family. You were "Uncle Bo" to most family members and as your mother wrote to me her darling and belovedly brave "Billy." Dade County shall treasure your clear cut respect, resolve and undying resourcefulness forever. Our Lord has honor, integrity, character and definite humane dignity locked away for safekeeping where it will be unharmed and surely remain virtuous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fountains of youth certainly missed and foundations of ferocity gently touching God's everlasting mercy. That cherished letter, Officer Cook, will always stay in my family. It's never out of my sight!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

Energy expended is effort raised to a higher level of surveillance. Seeing your fellow officers and residents of Dade County through until your journeys were deemed as finished. Destiny came calling for your heroic and humane honor, dignity and a plethora of integrity all humble and forever to be etched in our thoughts and your family's hearts especially. That day , Officer Cook, you became an angel whose wings were perfectly fitted for a task so crystal clear. Thank God your maturity and wit were there to deliver that hopeful balance of trust and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

One must first commit and then trust their skills that will hopefully carry their journeys through. Missions and trips all completed earlier than planned, Officer Cook, because God must have needed your sweet soul in His eternal house of distinction. This much is clear when evil and wickedness need someone your heroic honor, devoted dignity and intuitively intelligent integrity sure came in handy. You saved your fellow officers that sad day in Dade County and the residents who have risen from the doldrums all by your energy and breath of your boldness and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

The variables of virtues are that inside of them honesty, integrity and dignity reside and assist all public servants brave and gallant in their long drawn out battle sover terror. Six years, Officer Cook, of humbly determined and critical service and protection to Dade County's own where your heroic name and memory rest within walls of humility. It's humanity, mankind and society that are grateful for your perseverance and unselfish dedication. Never forgotten and keep looking down as one of Our Master's heavenly angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

Shelves are for stocking. Valor is for humility and respect is honor solemnly revered. You are revered, Officer Cook, for being a cherished soul who gave his life and career for his community, Dade County. Its citizens saved by your humble feats of inner strength and a golden heart of special virtue and passion. Commitment and conviction to peace and the character that assembled acume,wisdom and vision beyond the scope of your youthfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

Sheep graze. Wildlife roams. Violence and evil cause more mischief, mayhem and chaos than necessary. Your pursuits of peace and resolve in Dade County, Officer Cook, allowed us to live more freely and fruitfully. All your humble and heroic missions banded honor, dignity and integrity together with your ever faithful trust and truth. Our Lord take those heroes humble character and for eternity meshed them within those pristine fountains of ferocity. Angels who served with distinction and purpose to be fondly saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

Courage, boldness, bravery and honorable respect resting ever so humanely and heroically in God's shelters of perfect serenity. For providing Dade County with peace and stability, Officer Cook, your immortal soul, character and commitment is being forever remembered by your loving family and esteemed and loyal comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2019

Never despair or give up hope, faith, goodwill and humility will see your journeys through. Missions of resourcefulness maintained by your gentle heroic acts of care and concern, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County's folks. Your career, life and values were navigated by God's loving arms of perfect acumen, dignity and humble integrity. Violence and evil shall be tamed one day soon and from the heavens above you'll be able to witness, Officer Cook, Our Creator's stewardship firsthand. Cherished character, staunch achievement and forever sacred trails of peace and their pathways of justice and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Whoever wears or donned a sacred badge and deserving uniform of grace and humbleness shall be humbly honored for heroism. Distinction is earned. Intuition and ingenuity are learned. Dignity and integrity are forms of respect that must be earned and carried out to halt the advances of violence. Your badge and pride, Officer Cook, made you a better officer, it welded your resolution and diligence, it blended and meshed in an outstanding fashion your unassuming character, unselfish commitment to pride and effort, all in the end energy to attempt to quell unrest and tension caused by one individual. Mr.Pearsall, now that you received your punishment, your family and the police realize why you got what you deserved for taking a young man's life from under his family. Officer Cook, your humility shall float gently like a butterfly in God's greenest of pastures and beautiful of spacious gardens forevermore in eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

In a couple of weeks Thanksgiving Day will be upon us. Heroes and heroines shall only be saluted so humbly honored for carving into a mass of mayhem and chaos while risking their dignified souls of integrity. Family gather and give thanks, your family continue sits prayers for your special and most treasured soul of efficiency. Proficient and superbly wonderful in that it shielded all Dade County from one man's evil as it did everyday during your six years of loyal and capable service to society. It's sanctity, reverence and respect for God's goodwill and mercy that shall forever be attached to your spirit. Character and truth carry trust and resolve's responsibilities on their broadest of shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Timing usually is everything in law enforcement. Terror and evil don't hold to these rules and standards of course. You can only perform your missions and go about your sacred journeys as you were trained to do. On behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, you had Our Lord's blessings and forever His eternal rewards for your undying and unwavering commitment to seeing justice faithfully, truthfully and honestly carried out. It was your fervent hope and goodwill that saw your integrity, dignity and heroism through. Badge#1664 brought everlasting resolve, peace and the assurances of another fine day of humility and safe travels for mankind. A sacrifice never to be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The skies shine brightly because of your soul and spirit of courage flying high each second, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Talent alone cannot remove terror and torment. And neither can turmoil be extracted by those methods. You may need a low key approach at times other moments a more subtle manner of dealing with adversity. You kept your bargain, Officer Cook, properly performing your most sacred official duties on Dade County's behalf. Always highly respected and always full of humble honesty, integrity and dignity which at least gives you that ample opportunity to stop something before things go amiss. Foundations and cornerstones are constructed for a reason, that is for humanity to kindly remember its heroes and heroines past and present always giving of themselves.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Whenever I visit your grave, Officer Cook, not only do I place something down on your stone, but, I try and keep the ground around it looking respectful. After all you came from respect and honor where manners, courtesies and politeness were always extended to your guests. The Cook household was where you learned your dignity, integrity and the values of ideal character and commitment. You said something it was your bond. Your affirmation to protect and serve Dade County meant all the world in having sufficient safety, security and serenity. Three words never easy for any heroic and resourceful man or woman to produce. But, on a daily basis round the clock they must be endless and embellished. Heaven's gates have that and of course your virtuous soul walking that pristinely perfect beat year round as we salute your unselfish and unwavering valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

The word trustworthy means honesty to most people. Your high regard for life and property, Officer Cook, is what made you a humble and sacred hero in and around the Dade County community. An area that to this day respects, reveres and so humbly honors your stance in battling evil and absorbing its wicked blows to furnish that shelter of tranquility we are accustomed to. Great man and character, commitment and convictions to everything transparent. The world sorely misses you , Officer Cook, family, colleagues and friends as you gave your life for a purpose and principle of perseverance never to be witnessed again. Our Creator sees your soul and spirit along with nearly twenty-four thousand other souls of distinction and bravery. They keep other officers safe as they too watch over their beloved families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Truth and trust are not tricks of the profession. They are humble reminders that are imbedded in every officers' sleeves and heart. And not be be taken lightly. For those serving in Dade County it meant stepping up your patrol and this was your heroic calling, Officer Cook. To seize the jaws of terror and clap down so that its grip would never hurt any resident. A man of character and charm ,whose versatile wisdom and vision are legendary and forever humane, your memories will be shared and serenely honored by your extended family of peers and by your beloved family members who pursue their lives with as much vigor and diligence as you so honorably did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

The flames stay alive as your soul of honor and heroism, Officer Cook, rotate around our universe. Doing a job you always dreamed of doing made you a happy man as you served all mankind and Dade County with dignity and the the tenacity of certifiable integrity. Violence never dawdles and it surely never picks sides. You have to be dedicated and determined to uproot its branches of evil before far worse harm happens. You'll be faithfully and solemnly saluted for your gallant efforts to put serenity and safe havens back on track forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

The fires have to burn inside all public servants, not some all. Honesty, assurance and dignity must be as well versed as integrity. Yours, Officer Cook, was humbly superior. Humane, heroic and a gentleman filled with humility and character to commit yourself to scruples, values and enhancement. Dade County and its folks received full protection, full resolve and full ferocity. Nothing ever waned nor was absent. Only today, Officer Cook, if your family could visualize personally your smile and charisma. The very humble and devoted are forever being watched by none other than Our Master of mercy Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence must be dug out, uprooted and the seeds to success shall be planted to take hold. Serenity, safety and tranquility shall ever reign down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Your smile and seriousness, Officer Cook, reflected your basic attitude, fortitude and unwavering acumen and awareness you possessed to help Dade County folks. Helpful, honest and courteous in having a balance of integrity, character and dignity all from your heroic actions to help save face from horrible evil all by one man. Violence wrecks lives and wreaks havoc. Humility and esteem faithfully nestled in God's shelters of harmony to be cherished, admired and blessed very much. Indeed, Officer Cook, you were a special human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Deep within your family's hearts, Officer Cook, lies your spirit and faithful devotion. It's a helpful tool for them to be properly directed seeing you had respect and were an honored servant who believed in the ideals and principles to assist you in battling evil here in Dade County. Humanity treasures your efforts, heroism and passions which have laid down those tenets of your tenacity forever to be remembered and looked after. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Public servants who give their lives do so with honor, reverence and most assuredly dignity and character. Integrity respects intuition while wisdom and vision guide us through. What guided you in Dade County, Officer Cook ,was your humility and profound morals and mettle. Your soul brought sense, balance and vitality to those who called. Forevermore will your soul and character, commitment to pride be humbly and duly saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Heroes are peacemakers and they face responsibility with all honesty, dignity and integrity. You never backed down, Officer Cook, from any mission placed before you on behalf of Dade County. Unbiased, unwavering and quite unselfish in your due diligence to duty and whatever the citizens and department asked of their hero and warrior. Humane and civil, caring and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Maker helps those achieve and sta yon the righteous pathways of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

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