Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Prayer and peace make the world function a bit more humanely. With heroes such as yourself, Officer Cook, Dade County's folks were well supplied with eveything from integrity, character and charm. Violence needs dignified servants standing toe to toe to defend our unity and liberties which are a source of life and vitality. Your virtues and vigilance has been faithfully remembered and tied directly to your legacy never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Learning and loving, your life and career, Officer Cook, was honorably spent enriching, endearing and enhancing the overall landscapes of Dade County. A hero full of humbleness whose goal was to make safety and tranquility a way of life as per your sacred bond to protect. A grateful community respects and pays homage to dignity and
the very nature of your virtuous integrity that endeavored to keep violence at a distance. Never more resourceful and always concerned for the welfare of your family and neighborhood where you resided. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Boldness can at least take away that sting of grief and sorrow if only for a moment. Time moves forward but you will alway sbe highly thought of and solemnly honored, Officer Cook, for your servcie and preservation on behalf of all Dade County. Humanity has been kept relatively safe though a little less since your sacrifice to enhance the harmony and very foundations that you assisted in starting. Only dignity and integrity along with heroism reside by your special soul. Our Maker certainl yhas the fruits of labors and the cream of commitment sheltered forevermore in His humble abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Life is so precious nothing canbe taken for granted. The flower grows, its withers as the grass begins to lose its color. You knew Dade County, Officer Cook, like the palms of your gentle hands. Exactly, a s aman of wisdom, honesty and reverence who battled violence with all your heart and heroic integrity. Dignity and character help our most loyal and esteemed officer shang in during perilous moments. Never forgotten and always revered for resolve and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Outrage and shock whenever a duly honest servant is cut down doing their job. You thankfully, Officer Cook, provided Dade County superior service as yo uwere a hero full of humane dignity and integrity that tried to intercept evil. Never more respected, cherished and a man of character whose convictions were spot on. Every circumstance dictates a pattern of perseverance and your trails brought humility and serenity to a comunity relying uponyour instincts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

The toxicity of terror, turmoil and torment is that torrential downpour of unnerving evil that shakes our world. Society and mankind being one of the same feed off some balance and semblance of tranquility and make no mistake serenity and its security. for our safest of journeys as you watched over Dade County like a hawk, Officer Cook. Where not all men and women travel you were fearless and yet fierce in your unselfish effort to broaden the goodwill of our humanity. But, you were humble and honorable while carrying out your sacred duties where diligence and dignity found their roots in integrity. Everything bad needs curbing and you were one never to usurp nor circumvent rules, standards and regulations. Etched and forever solemnly saluted for valor and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

Seeing that minds are a terrible thing to waste so too is honor and reverence if respect for integrity, character and dignity are clearly absent. Each night , day and afternoon you took to the pavement here in Dade County, Officer Cook, with grit and gumption surrounding your heroism and most humble feats. The heart of a lion that transformed a community into serenity and stability while addressing a man stubborn and callous enough to take your life and career away from you, your family and comrades. Badge#1664 receives its just rewards from Our Maker and Master of this whole world while He shelters your immortal soul from further harm. You'll continue to be saluted Officer Cook, for the experience of serving and preserving the quality of our very lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

I just see your smiling face, Officer Cook, behind Old Glory and I know you were a happy camper. A jovial man who treasured his family, your beloved Karen and everybody who came across your street or touched your soul heroic and honored in every way, shape or form. Dade County was your trust and truth, your pride that will always have a humble affection and reverence for your scruples and ethics. God has blessed your acumen and character which carried your life of noble deeds and kindness extended to all humanity. Too bad you could not be here to share in family occasions. Heaven though is that perfect and pristine lookout point where your valiant soul patrols. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

Violence just roasts a community with never ending evil. All public servants have to stay sharp and aware. Honesty, respect and integrity must be stitched into their uniforms as nothing can be amiss. Dade County and its citizens were well protected by you, Officer Cook and your most heroic heart. One with character.charm and charisma, not only those factors, but, commitment to excellence and responsibility to support your brothers and sisters during perilous moments. Never more saluted and honored for loyalty and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

One nail not banged in, one screw not fastened and generally you'll have a problem somewhere. If peace and calm does not get restored quickly the streets will have mayhem, bedlam and more chaos than you'll ever know. With your quick reactions and thinking that fateful day, Officer Cook, you rescued the people and your colleagues from much worse a fate. Instead your honesty, humility and reliance upon dignity and integrity was sacrificed for Dade County. Your humane and heroic spirit and soul kept aflame by Our Creator while you serve and walk that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

You get straight A's, Officer Cook, for having the courage, composure, care, consideration and compassion for trying to thwart evil in Dade County. The heroism and versatility of your humble gallantry, devotion to dignity and efforts of integrity never wavered in fact they are being carried out by your peers and loved ones who have taken your legacy and character with them during their missions and happiness of which you should have been part of. Never forgotten and always respected and very cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2019

Resolve relieves the tensions a bit. But, it does not completely derail evil and its wickedness. That and more must be dealt with by the many loyal and devoted men and women of the various law enforcement communities. Your memory in Dade County, Officer Cook, is kept alive and well within your family and esteemed comrades. Forty plus years ago, honor distributed, dignity delegated and integrity made incorporated on those dangerous roads and pavements where character and vindication lied. Our Lord has humility and valor tucked away for eternal safekeeping for the serenity, security and safety you brought to your hometown, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

What thumps upon us is terror, torment and turmoil. Violence introducing its evil to mankind. You announced yourself, Officer Cook and in the end honorably discharged all your faithful duties. All those missions of mercy and hope, faith and resolve brought out in a matter of professional character and precision on behalf of Dade County like no other. Humility and integrity to be paid homage as your dignity and resourcefulness carried its greatest weight over your career and solemn life of nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes acquit themselves. The heinous pamper themselves with perversion of trust, truth and justice for humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

Delusion is not simply an illusion. And violence is surely not a mirage. What is humane, heroic and humble? One who gets it and goes far and beyond the reaches and scopes to lash together some honesty, integrity and the kind of dignity to put out those flames of evil. You did this, Officer Cook, very well for six dedicated and sage years of attempting to quell torment. Our peace and framework of of freedom all live on because of your caring and compassionate heart of sacrifice. Dade County's residents were taken care and now in heaven, Officer Cook, perfection res with your treasured soul. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

Hastiness can lead to hardship down those trails of terror. Public servants must act within reason and most accordingly to stifle serious trouble before it hits the pavements. You patrolled wit gallantry, Officer Cook and embraced humanity with all the serene honor and loyalty due your position. It was in Dade County where your peers have solemnly and fondly remembered your life and heroic career of commitment to character and the eyes and ears of respect and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

Diligence and vigilance are the very virtues for which our society thrives upon. Vim, vigor and vitality are the deliberate tools of reverence and the respect you garnered, Officer Cook, for heroically stopping evil here in Dade County. It takes plenty of goodwill , hope, faith and the trust of mankind to exact serenity and secure pathways which you delivered for all. Certainly, humble and well versed on principles of good conduct, manners and politeness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, decency and class to persevere beyond those succinct calls of duty and reliability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

I'm pretty sure you hugged and said goodbye to your beloved Karen before heading out for work on May 16, 1979. Your family wished you could have been humbly given seventy-five more years to pack honesty, integrity and dignity into a humanity where too many puddles of violence remain. A grand man, a great smile and wonderfully endearing charm and character, the eyes of heaven are constantly looking after your pure and wise soul, Officer Cook. It was and always will be Dade County's front and back seats to a more serene and safe future. God is the judge and ultimately decides blessings, rewards and punishments. Your immortal spirit is being blessed for the fibers of ferocity and the fabrics of humility and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

All sweet, honest and heroic people, gone before their family could have a hug or say a goodbye. You were, Officer Cook, the very humane and humble essense of energy and endeavor that endeared you to all Dade County. Its people would not have those enhancements today if not for your humility, character and the dignity that lives in integrity's heart. Always so loyal and well cherished and forevermore not forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2019

No caveats. No qualms or doubts. Never hesitation. You just performed your tasks, Officer Cook, as all police officers must. Alacrity. Clarity. Vision, hope and wisdom beyond your years of experience. Dade County had keen intelligence, the most notable of ingenuity scouring the streets looking for evil while searching for that humble balance of boldness, serenity and journeys, missions and travels tinged by your remarkable tenacity, Officer Cook. You never be forgotten for rescuing those comrades and civilians in distress that day because of one man lurking and looking to unhinge one community of its harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity, integrity and honorable character residing forever in perfection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

A note is just that . To look back positively on a hero's life is saluting their honor, remembering their dignity. lauding humbly their wisdom and integrity.No matter how much character one has if everything else is not fully inplace, then violence and terror shall have that upper hand. You enhanced the landscape in and around Dade County forever, Officer Cook. Your solemn pledge was your bond of diligence, your reverence for respect, admired by everyone may your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

Police walk that perpetual tightrope everyday. And no matter what the call they are dispatched to it's full steam ahead. Honesty never wavers. Dignity never deserts. Integrity never vanishes. Your unwavering and personal character, Officer Cook, always saw Dade County and its residents through safely. Sound and serene, peaceful and stable. Violence and evil knock the roofs off and then you really need an answer. You did and for these heroic actions you will remain forever deeply treasured and solemnly respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God repays things forward and His heroines and heroes all angels of bravery rest together in those greenest of peaceful pastures where virtue and vigilance mattered in this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

The heroism lives on in your honorable spirit, Officer Cook. Its humility, integrity and dignity sparkled whenever you patrolled Dade County's streets and corners. Forevermore, charactre, charm and charisma represented the virtues of our freest of society's. Safe trails and secure navigation all through your udying and unassuming humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

The system still has flaws that must be fixed. Whenever an officer is tragically taken it seems that defense lawyers can get their clients off on self-defense claims which is appalling. Your life and morally honest career, Officer Cook, was bounded by integrity and the dignity which character, commitment to scruples and resolve stands for. Nothing worse than losing a devoted, determined and faithfully dedicated young man performing his basic duties which enabled Dade County and its folks to live more freely and happily. This was your life and it will forever be awful that your happiness, health and prosperity was shattered because of one evil man's violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The gardens of fragrance just grew because of your sweet and kindly soul of interest.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

You see what you see. You feel what you feel. You believe what you believe. Dade County and its citizens saw you day and day out, Officer Cook and witnessed true heroism, honor and courage making an impact in their lives. Your esteemed and humbly dignified colleagues saw exactly that and integrity right off your uniform and badge of pride and excellence. Always warmly remembered and grateful. We salute your inner wisdom, serenity and vision all from your unselfish maturity. Heaven has those angels of virtue, humble and special public servants who now reside in a perfect world. Eternity can never hurt nor harm your immortal soul, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2019

Hail to heroism. Down with violence and evil. It must be downed and one away with. You looked danger and peril right in the eyes, Officer Cook, leveling your best shots at its advances. Thankfully, Dade County and its residents were well cared for and for having distinct and humble dignity and integrity may your soul of comfort rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The ball starts rolling along and now character must find its rightful pathways and trails of justice to begin that honorable pursuit of resolve. You are to be paid homage, Officer Cook and saluted for being the very mature man who went after this beast of a problem. More than that. A terror that victimizes without regard to anything. Observe and keep looking down on your family, comrades and this nation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2019

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