Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The word trustworthy means honesty to most people. Your high regard for life and property, Officer Cook, is what made you a humble and sacred hero in and around the Dade County community. An area that to this day respects, reveres and so humbly honors your stance in battling evil and absorbing its wicked blows to furnish that shelter of tranquility we are accustomed to. Great man and character, commitment and convictions to everything transparent. The world sorely misses you , Officer Cook, family, colleagues and friends as you gave your life for a purpose and principle of perseverance never to be witnessed again. Our Creator sees your soul and spirit along with nearly twenty-four thousand other souls of distinction and bravery. They keep other officers safe as they too watch over their beloved families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

Truth and trust are not tricks of the profession. They are humble reminders that are imbedded in every officers' sleeves and heart. And not be be taken lightly. For those serving in Dade County it meant stepping up your patrol and this was your heroic calling, Officer Cook. To seize the jaws of terror and clap down so that its grip would never hurt any resident. A man of character and charm ,whose versatile wisdom and vision are legendary and forever humane, your memories will be shared and serenely honored by your extended family of peers and by your beloved family members who pursue their lives with as much vigor and diligence as you so honorably did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

The flames stay alive as your soul of honor and heroism, Officer Cook, rotate around our universe. Doing a job you always dreamed of doing made you a happy man as you served all mankind and Dade County with dignity and the the tenacity of certifiable integrity. Violence never dawdles and it surely never picks sides. You have to be dedicated and determined to uproot its branches of evil before far worse harm happens. You'll be faithfully and solemnly saluted for your gallant efforts to put serenity and safe havens back on track forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2019

The fires have to burn inside all public servants, not some all. Honesty, assurance and dignity must be as well versed as integrity. Yours, Officer Cook, was humbly superior. Humane, heroic and a gentleman filled with humility and character to commit yourself to scruples, values and enhancement. Dade County and its folks received full protection, full resolve and full ferocity. Nothing ever waned nor was absent. Only today, Officer Cook, if your family could visualize personally your smile and charisma. The very humble and devoted are forever being watched by none other than Our Master of mercy Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence must be dug out, uprooted and the seeds to success shall be planted to take hold. Serenity, safety and tranquility shall ever reign down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Your smile and seriousness, Officer Cook, reflected your basic attitude, fortitude and unwavering acumen and awareness you possessed to help Dade County folks. Helpful, honest and courteous in having a balance of integrity, character and dignity all from your heroic actions to help save face from horrible evil all by one man. Violence wrecks lives and wreaks havoc. Humility and esteem faithfully nestled in God's shelters of harmony to be cherished, admired and blessed very much. Indeed, Officer Cook, you were a special human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Deep within your family's hearts, Officer Cook, lies your spirit and faithful devotion. It's a helpful tool for them to be properly directed seeing you had respect and were an honored servant who believed in the ideals and principles to assist you in battling evil here in Dade County. Humanity treasures your efforts, heroism and passions which have laid down those tenets of your tenacity forever to be remembered and looked after. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Public servants who give their lives do so with honor, reverence and most assuredly dignity and character. Integrity respects intuition while wisdom and vision guide us through. What guided you in Dade County, Officer Cook ,was your humility and profound morals and mettle. Your soul brought sense, balance and vitality to those who called. Forevermore will your soul and character, commitment to pride be humbly and duly saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Heroes are peacemakers and they face responsibility with all honesty, dignity and integrity. You never backed down, Officer Cook, from any mission placed before you on behalf of Dade County. Unbiased, unwavering and quite unselfish in your due diligence to duty and whatever the citizens and department asked of their hero and warrior. Humane and civil, caring and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Maker helps those achieve and sta yon the righteous pathways of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Terror and evil interrupt the peaceful flow of goodwill, faith and hope any community wants. Your family and comrades, Officer Cook, wanted you here right now not in heaven. Our Creator obviously had other more important plans for an honorable hero, distinguished for dignity and bravery through the usage of integrity and excellent character. Dade County was spared more evil that day you arrived on that scene with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln. The best of everything central to combating violence and more. Resolve. Resiliency. Trust and truth in being fair and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

The bold don't take the high road and run from evil. You don't rave over bravery. You take your humble and heroic honor and place your heart where it really belongs. Yours, Officer Cook, full of integrity and dignity tried to keep violence at bay here in Dade County. Always with humility and character no one will forget you, Officer Cook, for imparting wisdom and vision while searching for a direction of safe trails. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is that eternal resting venue where perfection and God's best flock of servants soar.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2019

Police should never be overmatched, short changed and short handed while dealing with monsters of evil. You however, Officer Cook ,were a man of courage and instincts. It's where decency here in Dade County along with your sacred word changed things. The atmosphere needed shaping up and fixing, you tried to perform admirably. Character and security given to a grateful area just wanting resolve and never unrest. God has your heroic spirit high atop our world to oversee your colleagues bravely trying to handle their posts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity, ingenuity and dignity always should be loyally blessed and humanely rewarded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

Hallowed and sacred, the walls inside of God's fortress are for those heroes and heroines who provided peace and stability while maintaining honor and respect for dignity and wisdom. Your consummate care, Officer Cook, shielded all Dade County from harm. Too bad a wonderful life and career was ended by a violent man. Heroism and humbleness always top flight as was your respect for sanctity and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We pray for your soul to bring the light at the end of the tunnel concluding this onslaught of outrageous terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

Today is halloween. Everyone going out let 's stay safe and thankful to Our Lord. Evil decays our very walls where welcome peace and joy are expected to pass through. A great man, a humble leader and esteemed friend of honesty and integrity pursuing his lifelong passions with as much character and dignity as your family ever understood, Officer Cook. They knew your desires and dreams as a boy were to serve. Dade County reaped greatness because of your versatility and virtuous behavior. Never problems or doubts just all out tenacity and gentle kindness to everyone. Cornerstones built to last. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

Peers and perception, your close knit friends and comrades, Officer Cook, shared a wealth of time together with you their brother in arms. so very tragic your life was cut down by one man's evil uprooting integrity, dignity and respect that you had for mankind. Society ails today and so does Dade County and their citizens over your loss. You have been reunited with your saintly and most humbly reverent mother, Mrs.Julia Cook. The heavens have you, Officer Cook, your dad, Charles and mom. Sorry I never had the warmest of pleasures to meet your folks. I always have that letter your mother wrote to me five days after her ninety-fifth birthday. Class, decency, devotion and dedication forevermore honored by Our Creator. His palms hold you all until that day of the ultimate redemption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Cook's and your extended family have humility, scruples and values indeed furthering their ventures of virtues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

The Dade County community has changed so much since you left this Earth sadly, Officer Cook. you continue to be very deeply missed by family, peers and extended friends. Though, honor, respect, dignity and integrity always to be paid honor for saving and serving the public trust. One never can go wrong when commitment, faith and goodwill are tied entirely to a man's solid character. Yours, Officer Cook, will heroically be remembered for its marvelous reliability. Our safe journeys are because of your unwavering and undying passion to right an area filled with tensions. On May 16, 1979, truth and humility came front and center. Great wisdom, vigilant vision and a battler's resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

I don't think in police work there is an ebb and flow. Things occur, crises happen, callousness runs rampant. All in a day 's work and for Dade County this was your life and career of morals and honesty. Officer Cook. Bringing dignity and integrity to the top where your heroic character and commitment elevated the heights of humanity. A very humble and humane young man enhancing and endeavoring all by having certain principles which are being constantly saluted as your cherished soul hovers day and night above us and your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2019

Continuing with your agenda, Officer Cook, takes some effort and certainly a whole plethora of honesty and perseverance. Dade County and those citizens have kept on paying it forward honoring your symbols of valor and vigilance. Those streets were tough and rugged and that is where uniquely humble and humane individuals begin those drives of desire and class. All designed to pave the way for peace and security. God never lets His flock falter nor stumble. And yet we remember you, Officer Cook, through tragedy and peril you were your family's hero and warrior! Advice is meant to be heeded. You gave plenty of character and meticulous knowledge to all others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

Clocks tick. Time moves fast. Excellent servants know when to get a moving to stop evil. Never a wasted motion or breath, Officer Cook. All your experience and effort tapped into your resources of honor, dignity and integrity to head off violence. Dade County's residents were blessed indeed with a special gift , a versatile and virtuous young man full of compassion and courtesy. Character and charm, yes, resolve and unselfish foundations laid down humbly and heroically. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Eternity never stands still. God waits for those who gallantly cross those thresholds to finally meet Him.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

Tears are still being shed for you, Officer Cook. God's loving embrace has gently touched your cheeks the ones with that perfect smile. For loyally protecting Dade County may your honesty, respect and integrity rest in peace with you my neighbor, friend and hero. The word we live in needs more commitment to character and morals. With your unending heroic actions our stability and harmony can be realized. Understanding you should have been allowed to see things through and to enjoy the fruits of retirement. Sadness, anger, grief and sorrow won't return you to your beloved Karen, though she knows you life and career were about taking on difficult tasks to get us through. Sacrifices make the survivors reach down to further their loved ones' legacies. Hope, faith and goodwill never die and never run on empty tanks either.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

Where callousness threatens to erode society, courage and honor must be functioning as one unit. Unity, liberty and their safe passageways demand all the resourcefulness of character and dignity. And never more integrity, Officer Cook, morally and correctly placed by Dade County's side. It's been surely missed all these decades later, but your treasured heroism and humbleness remains saluted and etched in your family and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

The heavens have many distantly different uniforms of heroes and heroines who gave their lives for their communities to be safer. Your community, Officer Cook, Dade County had stellar and sterling resolve, honesty and integrity that constituted your undying care and concern for your fellowman. Forty plus years alter your intelligence, ingenuity and the fortitude of your intuitions have been solemnly honored and forever sealed within walls of humility and heroism. Badge#1664 gave so much to aid and rescue others from terrible violence and so how can we be thankful for prosperity and some semblance of peace? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

Proverbially speaking you were a great and humbly heroic man, Officer Cook. Honest and decent, dignified and humanely wise beyond your years. Dade County and its citizens have never forgotten you and your integrity, the character that made your commitment rise to the top. Forever have we known our stability, peace and freedom because of your unselfish and unwavering conviction to fight off evil. You'll be forever saluted for bravery and boldness. Like an artist, the pictures on the streets needed a little sprucing up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2019

Officers never stand on a soapbox. It's their respect and admiration for heroic honesty,bravery and the class of decency and dignity which they place their integrity into. Your levelof maturity and concentration, Officer Cook, allowed you resachdeeper into serving Dade County. A man,a gentleman and an even more responsible hero whos every treasured soul remains duly honored for its esteem and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Prayer and peace make the world function a bit more humanely. With heroes such as yourself, Officer Cook, Dade County's folks were well supplied with eveything from integrity, character and charm. Violence needs dignified servants standing toe to toe to defend our unity and liberties which are a source of life and vitality. Your virtues and vigilance has been faithfully remembered and tied directly to your legacy never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

Learning and loving, your life and career, Officer Cook, was honorably spent enriching, endearing and enhancing the overall landscapes of Dade County. A hero full of humbleness whose goal was to make safety and tranquility a way of life as per your sacred bond to protect. A grateful community respects and pays homage to dignity and
the very nature of your virtuous integrity that endeavored to keep violence at a distance. Never more resourceful and always concerned for the welfare of your family and neighborhood where you resided. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2019

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