Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Persuasive with perseverance shoots the flames of resolve and honesty higher and higher. Secured and safe by your unwavering and most humbly dignified actions of integrity and humane heroic effort. Thankfully the citizens though one was shot she survived and your comrades who were seriously wounded all survived because of you, Officer Cook and Dade County owes you debt of gratitude. Forevermore may God bless the day your parents gave birth to you and the day police work was par tof your yearning and jargon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2019

Destiny may not be deserted. fate hangs in the balance where honor and bravery navigate. The areas of Dade County where you humbly, heroically and solemnly patrolled, Officer Cook, have been enhanced by your charisma, concern, integrity and careful character. Peace sometimes takes longer to obtain and your sacrifice on behalf of society won't surely be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2019

The trials and tribulations are deliberate. What must be forceful and faithfully carried out is justice, swift, true and firmly implanted. You were given to your department, Officer Cook, and though your life and six year career was cut terribly short by wanton violence, your dreams and visions do live on as does your spirit of affection and respect. No mistake, Officer Cook, you are a hero who delivered the by-products of humility by honor, devoted dignity and an intense integrity which supported your unwavering and humanely unselfish character that saw peace through your last breath, the strength imparted from your caring heart now soaring as an angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

People may utter the strangest of things, but, when truth, trust and honor may be undermined by unbearable trouble, police must stand their ground and step in to stop whatever they can stop. You acted professionally everyday, every moment, Officer Cook and will be saluted, respected and revered for your heroic efforts on behalf of Dade County, your community,mankind and humanity in total. Excellent character, purposeful commitment and humbly stated convictions to be remembered forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity and dignity shield their servants of security and serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

The consumer is entitled to a good product. Police are expected to be loyal and honorable while staying dignified and with integrity during intense moments of mayhem. Dade County had those unfortunately, Officer Cook and the humble and heroic man you were tried your utmost to serve and to save the public from harm. One man of anger and one really nice young man firm and fair doing his job to bring tranquil times to a community that continues honoring your bravery and character. Esteemed and faithful, always with clear cut vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

Articulation must percolate among mankind. Where society's aims and goals of freedom can be achieved if peace and trust exist among one another. Dade County lives on because of you, Officer Cook, unafraid to tackle bigger issues and by having decency and character which made your commitments to pride and excellence stand tall. Foundations of heroism built to last forever where generations can relish your past life and career carried on the welcome wings of desire and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

Success is only realized when the gage of honor, humility and character are raised another notch. Never more awareness,acumen and wisdom from your adored soul of service and sanctity, Officer Cook. Dade County was properly provided a safe haven for peace and stability because of your undying and unselfish work patterns. It's the reason why men and women of integrity and dignity construct those future bridges to happiness and contentment. A hero sadly gone too soon but never forgotten for ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

Even in dangerous and perilous times, an officer's calmness must be displayed as much as their humility and honesty. Nothing vain or vague about having some real semblance of dignity and integrity, it proudly acknowledges one's true meanings of efficiency and loyal determination. Always the best efforts, Officer Cook, were put forward to serve and preserve the integrity of Dade County. Its folks were mighty humbled to have badge#1664 and its gentleman of gallantry sweeping the venues looking for harmony while scouring for callousness and wanton violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

Justice should prevail while violence is forever derailed by devoted and honored public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook. Dade County really needed your integrity,dignity and character fighting those tough and dirty battles against evil. Today your heroic legacy stands as an inspiration for humanity to pattern itself after. Humility and sacred actions freed a community from one man's rages. You saved the day sacrificing your soul of endeavor to better mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, I visited your grave as your upcoming sixty-sixth birthday would have been celebrated Saturday. A real man of boldness and valor executing trust and truth in a loving manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2019

Serious trouble screams out. Its sounds are ones that make a heart beat faster. Dade County that day and everyday needed your sure certain and confident motivation, Officer Cook, to see it through crisis. Your courage and integrity were first rate and top notch. Dignity and character that stood toe to toe and face to face during adversarial moments. Our blessings and prosperity came at your expense, Officer Cook, the ultimate sacrifice made to further our futures of which you should have been granted to live and cherish. Nonetheless you remain treasured and most notably heroic all of which is sincerely remembered. Buildings set up by your resolve and resilience. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

Tenacity's trends must never be tamed. being unselfish, undying and unwavering can conquer anything so long as one's honor and humility are on par with their character, dignity and integrity. Yours, Officer Cook, was heroic forevermore. You patrolled the corners, streets, roads and avenues of Dade County delivering the assurances of stability and serenity. Responsibility and leadership are interwoven as one and your determination, dedication and devotion were always instrumental to your humble endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment to rituals, virtue never more apparent. The skies above have your soul of expression, Officer Cook, to be honorably saluted for bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

In most businesses the shops stay open for a certain time. Because of protecting and serving mankind policing neighborhoods is a round the clock operation that must be adhered to strictly by the book of rules and regulations. It's a seemingly never ending battle, a journey you made, Officer Cook, to better preserve the integrity of Dade County's landscape where its people expected and received experienced and quality service daily. The hopes you shared are forever the inspirations your spirit left behind for your adoring family to pursue as they carry on with your most humane and uniquely humble legacy. Your peers and friends along with your family salute and admire your unrelenting excellent character the one that established and brokered relationships humanity won't ever forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

God's perfection is magnified by the thousands as it shields from anymore harm all of His flock of guardian angels. Your ferocity and fire, Officer Cook, were your passions to serve and unify all Dade County, its citizens that knew you have saluted, respected and humbly admired your heroically honorable actions. For devotion and dedication, may your humane soul of dignity and integrity be amply blessed and rewarded for its resolve, all the battles your waged with your esteemed comrades. They surely won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

The words of truth we speak, the acts of heroism we take, they all assisted Dade County and their residents live more tranquil lives. Your trust and tenacity, Officer Cook, honored mankind with its stoic reverence. The faithfulness of your integrity and dignity displayed its truest of character that fateful day and everyday when evil stirred its pot of trouble up. You'll always be saluted and most humbly saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

Your department, Officer Cook, was certainly glad to have your humbleness and honor aboard. For your spirit and heart heroically worked as one, it rescued Dade County from such problems that violence caused. You will be forever remembered for decent character, sterling commitment and convictions of resolve and perseverance like no other. The world is less safe because of your absence. Heaven has sadly been your eternal home for over forty years as God has been protecting your soul of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2019

Giving praise is worth all the humility in the world whenever a hero does their job. Your role, Officer Cook, was to secure and aid Dade County from harm. Violence took a sacred soul of a man whose honesty, dignity and integrity was as stellar as your character. Heroic, bold and resolute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Loyalty, faithful and goodwill sometimes go under the radar when one makes that ultimate sacrifice. Badge#1664 will be so honored and humbly saluted forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2019

The body comprised of a heart, a soul and a brain. It's honor, integrity and dignity that represent the clarity of vision and wisdom. You sure were mature beyond the crowd and your years, Officer Cook and so heroically humble to lead Dade County and its citizens with your colleagues' help. Evil and wickedness should never have led to your untimely line of duty death and though your character and commitment to pride and outstanding leadership skills won't be misplaced nor overlooked, just keep looking down upon your family and peers of truth and trust who continue fighting the battles against terror's beastly image. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

Whoever creeps around thinking they are escaping justice are all wrong. One day they will be captured, tried and convicted. Fairness and firmness will be sincerely felt by mankind. Your honest humility and unassuming good nature, Officer Cook, preserved Dade County and its people starting more than forty years ago. Dignity driving integrity, wisdom and vision navigating all avenues and roads side by side one another. The best of the best. The tests were taken and passed by a superior and adored public servant, Officer Cook. Too bad at age twenty-five and after six years of resourceful employment did heinousness rip the hearts from your family. A loving brother, husband and uncle, a great and grand uncle gone from ever seeing those three great-nieces and great-nephew. If you ever read these posts Gina, Trevor and family I do hope you are all well and enjoying a holiday season to remember. Sorry to have read of your grandmother's passing. A grand lady, Mrs. Cook, kind, loving, adored and quite devout to The Lord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let your mother Nancy know that I wrote her a letter a while back and hope she and Cecil are well. Sincerely, Rabbi Davis her North Miami Beach, Florida neighbor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

Say what you mean and keep your word of truth and trust protecting mankind from mayhem. A bond of bravery, heroics, Officer Cook, you forged by being courteous and considerate toward society. One whose very violence took your life from under you and your cherished family not to be forgotten. Dade County and its folks live on by sharing, respecting and imparting your humane legacy of growth and character to all other finely talented men and women. The skies above, God's celestial palaces shine with brightness and brilliance from all His devoted and faithful angels . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

Sleeping late is nice on one's off day. When duty calls you must respond with clarity and vision. Your wisdom and dignity, Officer Cook, honored mankind and humanity as it was Dade County's elixir to excellence and perseverance. The sun will come up tomorrow and it's very sad you cannot enjoy those with Karen all because of one's man's evil plots against police officers. Definitely, a soul lost too soon, but a hero of humility to guide us through the darkest of times from the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

Issues should not cloud a person's fierce dedication and most humble and steadfast determination to make right. Dade County was carried on your broadest of shoulders, Officer Cook, a smile and genuine character that has uplifted your honor and integrity. To stand your ground never giving in to violence says a lot. Now some forty plus years later may your sweet soul of serenity rest in heroic peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

Gallantry doesn't just glide in. Bravery and honesty are formed from a healthy upbringing. Nurtured and never without politeness, your life and career in Dade County, Officer Cook, was the basis for some of your toughest battles fighting off relentless disturbances. Domestics are always difficult and because of your heroism and integrity, the dignity of your character lives on in your loved ones. How they live and carry on with their daily affairs is that shining example not be be overlooked. Solemnly saluted for being that go to public servant in times of crisis and strife. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

A mind and body that functioned so well that Dade County was provided maximum security forevermore. All the humble and heroic resources of resolve, resilience and honor coupled with tenacity and dignity, it created the perfect bond of boldness, bravery and goodwill. Officer Cook, you were and always will be your family's breath of giving, their legendary leader who motivated others through danger and terror never to be forgotten. Character and commitment to excelling that have enlightened God's shelters of angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2019

That proverbial golden carpet has been rolled out in heaven to await God's receiving your soul. A heart and mind that was as a tack and with humble honesty, humility and integrity surely God allowed success to flow in your veins, Officer Cook. Dade County and its citizens have remembered your heroism and humane marches toward evil never shying away. The world and your family misses you very much but has continued carrying the torch of hope and goodwill you modeled your life after. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2019

Space is grand for exploring. The communities are there for taking terror and violence off the streets. Dade County was your community, Officer Cook and your compassion, care and concern never departed from your humble and heroic badge and uniform. A hero and savior whose legacy remains honored saluted and gallantly remembered. Character and conviction that always was esteemed, treasured and loyal to the tee. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2019

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