Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A gem of a gentleman, kind, loyal and humbly heroic. You were everything, Officer Cook, that your parents, family and mankind could have asked for. Dade County received excellent protection, the finest from a most dignified man of faith, unwavering integrity and character that was flawless. God has many angels with these traits patrolling His streets above. We salute your wisdom, virtue and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2022

A man, a gentleman, an honest and humble hero always remembered and saluted for sacrificing for the people of Dade County. Your loving family and loyal comrades, Officer Cook, have forevermore kept you in their hearts and minds always even as your memories stay crystal clear within their souls. As your humane soul and spirit one that was dignified, had class and character attached to your solemn badge of sanctity where all your earthly missions were directed by the Lord Himself. Serenity and safety were learned, preached and practiced daily. Forty-three years is a lot of time, minutes, hours, days and weeks to pass but surely we all pay you the tribute you earned by being stoic and loyal to the causes of tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals, values, scruples and purposes are are Our Creator's set destinies for mankind to endeavor to achieve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2022

Our Creator destined your missions and journeys, Officer Cook, for serving Dade County as a public service professional, a duly humble and heroic policeman. Never forgotten and always so solid, stellar and honorable with dignity, integrity and character following your trails of truth and trust, always loyal, esteemed and a man of God dedicated and devoted to virtue, commitment and reverence for humanity. With a tireless heart and soul, your unwavering and unselfish life and career of humbleness will forever remain blessed and rewarded as a heroic angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2022

We at times go through life afraid of new challenges. Well those heroes and heroines who take on danger, evil, wickedness and peril go about their daily patrols of their communities seeking to resurrect peace and liberty. You tackled the tough times, Officer Cook and revitalized Dade County and its folks. Such an unassuming, consummate gentleman of faith, devotion and the humbleness of being digniified and having the facets ofvirtue, honesty and integrity close to your sides. You won't be forgotten only saluted by your family, peers and a host of friends for being a man of class, decency and character, so true andso so trusted. Resolve and sanctity going by the book throughout your life missions tragically cut short by violence from a terrible human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, conviction and a heart and soul of angelic proportions now forever soaring high above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2022

Journeys of righteousness rewarded by God's tender and compassionate wings of mercy. Youare an angel forever to be honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for aiding and preserving the core of humility, integrity and dignity of Dade County citizens. You were unselfish, unwavering and tireless in your sincerest of endeavors where excellent character, loyal commitment and convictions true and trustworthy saved your fellow officers and the public under attack from a rotten and evil man who robbed you my neighbor, friend and hero of your life and humbly blessed career headed for more accomplishments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2022

With the new year nearly upon us you'll forevermore be remembered and saluted, Officer cook, for honor, character, integrity and dignity all heroic and always a blessing and humbly protecting the good residents of Dade County where your treasured name shall be inscribed. A legacy of humility, heart and unselfish devotion to the righteous causes of peace. Your missions and journeys of faithfulness, hope and goodwill were suddenly transported to heaven where you walk your perfect patrol over the streets of sanctity and nobility above. Virtue, trust and trust shaped your entire life and public service career that enriched, enhanced and enlightened us for generations to come. You wished you could be here to witness all that you founded and created with your God given intuition, ingenuity and intelligence all diligent and all vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2022

God rewards His cherished flock of angels, heroes and heroines of the supreme honor, decency and a character which reveals their true commitments to excel in a very hazardous profession they choose to pursue willingly without recourse or regret. Dade County and public service flowed in your bloodstream, Officer Cook and obviously our safety, prosperity and security came about through your unwavering and enriching life of humility. Your treks and trails were paved with golden creativity and left an impression that forever will stay cemented within in our hearts and minds. Your family has missed you sincerely and very much all these decades later as they celebrate the holidays with beautiful memories on their minds. A life that was mourned for its aptitude and such a man of class and esteem, loyalty to be shared and paid its humane homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity and dignity all soaring higher each moment brightening our darkest of hours.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2022

Sorry Officer Cook, misspelled success and you had plenty of humbleness, heroic honor and heart that would have proven must valuable. Dade County had a man of devotion, dedication and faith patrolling its streets with acumen, virtue and uncanny wisdom to support your character,maturity and unselfish dignity, integrity and reverence which you displayed toward your family, department and mankind to be solemnly saluted forevermore. A gentleman with class, trust and truth always in your being, such a tragic loss to society and your treasured family. Resr in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God witnessed your missions, trails and pathways in life and during your distinguished career cut short because of one angry, evil and spiteful man acting without any honor and humility in his heart and soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2022

Sucees is what you honorably accomplish with character, integrity and dignity underscoring your purposes and trails. For you, Officer Cook, Dade County was where your heroic life started and tragically ended all because of Mr.Pearsall and his evil. He nearly killed your colleagues that day and if not for your savvy, virtue and humility, a humble heart and revered soul the outcome would certainly have been different. We salute you and shall never forget you and your family of fellow officers loyal and esteemed all respected just as your family who carries the torch of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True trust and goodwill soar in heaven as angels of Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2022

The springboards to heart and humility are honor, dignity and integrity. You had the entire package, Officer Cook, so heroic and dearly beoved by your adoring family, friends and esteemed comrades. Dade County was very blessed and well protected by your wisdom, sanctity and virtue. Remembered, saluted and solemnly etched within walls and streets where your sacrifice and service meant everything to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2022

Your vigilance and due diligence, Officer Cook, were exactly what Dade County needing to survive and thrive. God took your special and sweet heroic heart and soul back to heaven having completed your faithful, honorable and most humbly blessed and dignified missions here in earth. You should not have died that day, your sacrifice of humility, virtue and sacred accountability shall forever be remembered and solemnly saluted for its unique courage and character such a highly respected, polite and thoughtfully faithful gentleman carrying out his duties to serve and protect the public allowing us the citizens the senses of stability and serenity. Trust, truth and tenacity all intuitive, genuine and without any hesitation all values and ideals, your legacy serves as the springboard for others men and women who serve to learn and to lead others through peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2022

Police seek no glory when out on patrol. Protecting the peace and the public is their solemn and heroic obligation that was willingly agreed upon. You chose of free will, tobecome a public servant, Officer Cook, and being a man of your word, bond and honor, you demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt your dignity, commitment and integrity everyday. A gentleman humble and beloved by everyone and surely remembered for blessing Dade County and its citizens with ingenuity, humility and a caring heart and soul that now soar high up in heaven along with your spirit of wisdom, virtue and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust, truth and tenacity led your trails and paths of perseverance and unselfish humbleness, loyalty and esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2022

Your duty, onus and responsibility, Officer Cook, was to heroically and honorably protect Dade County which you did so superbly and such an outstanding gentleman of integrity, dignity and character whose reverence never was sidetracked. Humanity and humility belonged in your heart, soul and spirit of wisdom, virtue and versatility that patrolled with alcarity and visibility. Never more pride and scruples demonstrated on a daliy basis and your family, peers and friends will always salute your loyal and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2022

Resolute and resilient, you were the humble and heroically blessed young man of honor, diligence and dignity, Officer Cook, who shed your courage and ideals to make Dade County a more serener area to prosper. Our safety and peace came about sadly through your ultimate sacrifice which has created a semblance of law and order for society to carry out its purposes in life and aspirations as you were a loyal and faithful servant full of heart and soul. We never forgot you and duly salute your maturity, virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2022

Dedication is not hesitation. It's devotion and the senses of honesty, integrity and dignity that led your trails of truth and trust, Officer Cook,heroically and humbly through Dade County. Your life and career ended on a very somber day that your family, colleagues and friends will never ever forget. A sacrifice of valor, vision and virtue given by a wise and mature man of thoughtful class,character and commitment to uplift and uphold the law and order so basic and essential to our freedoms, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2022

Whether it's a turkey, ham or pizza being cared, sliced or cut, your unwavering, unselfish and tireless heart and soul, Officer Cook, has forever carved its legacy into the hearts and minds of every Dade County officer, citizen and your family of loyalty,embellishment and distinction for all that you accomplished during your relatively short life. Twenty-five years to make an important impression within humanity's wings of valor and virtue. Your devotion and dedication demonstrated true diligence and trusted vigilance where hope, faith and goodwill would never swerve off the paths of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2022

Meant to say, Officer Cook, the word carved. Your stellar reputation, character, honesty and heart embellished what Dade County, your comrades and loving family knew about you, so refined and polite. Just wished that day Mr. Pearsall would have obeyed your commands and that of your fellow officers and just surrendered before all hell and chaos broke loose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect and sincerity brought some semblance of harmony that has lasted today many decades after you gave your young life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2022

Whether it's a turkey, ham or pizza being cared, sliced or cut, your unwavering, unselfish and tireless heart and soul, Officer Cook, has forever carved its legacy into the hearts and minds of every Dade County officer, citizen and your family of loyalty,embellishment and distinction for all that you accomplished during your relatively short life. Twenty-five years to make an important impression within humanity's wings of valor and virtue. Your devotion and dedication demonstrated true diligence and trusted vigilance where hope, faith and goodwill would never swerve off the paths of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2022

I was just reading a story written by former Miami Herald columnist, Edna Buchanan. You, Officer Cook, Officer DiGenova and Officer Edgerton along with your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln are forever heroes. Mr. Pearsall got his punishment for what he did to you my neighbor,friend and hero. A man of stoic values with a sterling reputation as a great human being and an excellent public servant who gave his heart and soul, your life to make Dade County and its folks more serene and safer. Your character, commitments and convictions are very much missed as does your adoring family miss you and will treasure your memory forever as they continue your trails and paths of true justice as you lived up to your sacred oath where vision, virtue and wisdom were uplifted and enriched everyday. Rest in peace Officer Cook. The world will never be the same without you and your beautiful smiling and handsome face.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2022

A savior of the people and a warrior for his department imparting all the intellect, intuition and ingenuity to his very fellow officers, it says a lot about you, Officer Cook. A gentleman and a true hero who lived and gave his life and career for his family, community and a plethora of peers who admired your honesty, dignity and integrity all polished and refined. Like a diamond everything was solid as was your courage and heart every time you went out to patrol Dade County. Our harmony and liberty all running through the very streams of true allegiance, fortitude never forgetting the trust and humbly blessed heart and soul of virtue and goodwill you maintained constantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2022

Honesty, integrity and dignity shall be the statues of law and order that truth and trustworthiness must rest their virtue, wisdom and vision upon . Your resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, heroically protected to the utmost the citizens of Dade County where your blessed, enriching and esteemed name shall forever be solemnly saluted and so fittingly be honored forevermore. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero it will be the your gratitude and tenacity that were your humble character, loyal commitment to excellence and pride and the intuitiveness of your hopeful and faithful convictions, journeys and missions undertaken to deliver our very tranquility and the essence of security and safe havens for all. Happiness,peace and prosperity to your family as they get ready to celebrate the holidays carrying forth your well lived and well thought out legacy of justice you willingly pursued on our very behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2022

Humility, heart and soul are integrity, character and dignity's compassion of courage, caring and consideration of which, Officer Cook, you served and protected the loyal people of Dade County with all your heroic might. Today, over forty-three years later we salute with open arms your desire, virtue, wisdom and unwavering and unselfish decency, dedication and devotion as a truthful and as a most esteemed and trusted warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect, resourcefulness and diligence assisted your trails,paths and treks of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 10, 2022

A humbly blessed man of heroism and honor serving Dade County as you performed your sacred tasks, Officer Cook, you surely can't forget. Because when character, commitment, dignity and integrity are sacrificed for mankind our journeys then become clearer and serener by virtue of your wisdom and cherished heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 9, 2022

A humbly blessed man of heroism and honor serving Dade County as you performed your sacred tasks, Officer Cook, you surely can't forget. Because when character, commitment, dignity and integrity are sacrificed for mankind our journeys then become clearer and serener by virtue of your wisdom and cherished heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 9, 2022

The heart beats and the soul does its humane function keeping the spirit and being intact. You were the everpresent savior that had Dade County under your watchful eyes and ears. Such a pleasant and decent young man of honesty, dignity and integrity carrying out your earthly missionsof character, commitment and conviction all with a blessed truth and a trust now and forever rewarded above for being a hero complete with virtue, boldness and wisdom because of your kind and serene personality. They did not come any finer than you and your family, your colleagues of the past still remember you and keep you alive within their minds and hearts for protecting and saving them for such heinous adversity and giving the citizens a fighting chance at harmony and more enightened times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2022

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