Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The sights and sounds of peace for Dade County and your community, Officer Cook, were ably and capably placed on your broadest of shoulders. The feeling of harmony and its dignity so poignantly carried out within the standards and regulations of your department forevermore. Integrity, honor and loyalty never forgotten and only etched deeply within the souls and hearts of your family, comrades and close friends of which there were many because of unwavering truth, trust and hope that exuded from your fearless being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day by day your spirit and its soul do soar higher than ever. As you continue walking your beat above please keep watching over us and your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Silence can be too much to bear, the harsh reality of a young life lost and taken heinously too soon. There was more devotion, dedication and determination left on those horizons to greet your smile everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

Heroics is not just a history lesson. Resolve. Resiliency and resourcefulness are not just remote. They are not reinvented. What they were and always will be, Officer Cook, are the stories of your life and honored and humble public service career reaching out to people here in Dade County. Coexisting in safety, security and a semblance of serenity , your character and commitment to morals and mettle saw humility and sanctity dealt to a base of folks just needing some compassion and trust. God now has all of your traits and your truthful soul back home alongside of your beloved parents to be cradled in His palms of pristine vision and perfectly clear and concise wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

A genuine peacekeeper who Dade County and its citizens relied on to serve and protect the public's goodwill and hope, your bright eyes, Officer Cook, keep on shining quite clearly in God's fortresses of valor and tradition. The scopes of honesty, integrity and character continue to be most blessed by virtue of your stamina and acumen. All positively accentuated on liberty and the pursuits of freedom and joy. Heroism that gets saluted at all moments as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

With a big old bright smile that could capture an audience, your flights of ferocity over Dade County, Officer Cook, most memorable, honorable and respectable assisted in allowing peace and quality of life to be obtained freely by one and all. Never again and that's the sad part of never seeing you with family, peers and friends who all watched a brave young gentleman of such refined character make a humble commitment to virtues and ideals. Our society looks to live under the shelters of harmony but when something so sacred is usurped and trampled upon someone must act with respect and swiftness. Your heroic actions, Officer Cook, tried to conclude one nasty man's rage and now Our Creator has uplifted your spirit to a higher plateau where heroic angels fly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

Bridges of boldness may never come down. Boldness and humility build those very cornerstones of a man's servitude and his fortitude to tenacity. Fearless and dignified, Dade County was placed in a test and you, Officer Cook, acted with heroism and resolve to try and settle a nasty domestic incident between a man and his girlfriend. At least honesty and integrity sure attempted to deflate his deranged mind and only God knows why He needed to take your loyal soul back to heaven. A perfect compliment of courage and character combined with conviction and commitment to quality. Saluted and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

Faith preserves goodwill and hope that a peaceful society will one day be forever lasting. Only your bravery and honor, Officer Cook, helped glue unity and dignity into the hearts and souls of Dade County and its residents. For being a humble hero who ascribed to virtues and vision may your soul of serenity and humanity rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character endears in the heavens above and for truly being a truthful man of God and a mature young man will the angels hover over us watching our journeys and missions take flight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

Kind and resourceful. Fair and honest. You were a good man, Officer Cook, a hero of Dade County whose pedigrees of perseverance and proficiency were right there to aid in the causes of justice firmly doled out. Your young life had more to share and care about, Our Master needed your sweet and poignant soul more to walk that heavenly beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

No matter the tragedy when one man or woman falls any entire nation of public servants does too. Your missions and hopes, Officer Cook, accounted for Dade County's grace. gallantry and humility doubly rewarded and blessed by Our Chief Warrior Himself. Your humble honor, dignity and integrity rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's palms of perfection as an angel forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

The bells of bravery and boldness sound loudest for you, Officer Cook, all heart and dedicated soul who rescued Dade County from peril that day and every moment of your life and watch. heroism and honor led your grit and gumption down those paths of integrity and the commitment to excellent character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

Trustworthy and deliberate, all the measures of mettle and morals accentuated, Officer Cook, in your hunt for tranquility here in Dade County. No man or woman, heroic enough to battle evil shall be overlooked, only respected for honesty, integrity and dignity's letters of devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

Resolve and peace by your heroically honorable embraces, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people were loyally protected by character, a clear mind and a dignity heart of integrity. Always missed and heavenly rewarded for effort and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

Happy is the man who reveres his folks. Your humble and most heroic soul, Officer Cook, has been blessed and eternally nurtured for its dignity and integrity. Your character has too been saluted for serving Dade County with esteem and desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2019

Integrity assures one thing, that honor and dignity will be present and all accounted for when crucial times demand such measures. Your career and youth never wavered, Officer Cook. Heroic and humane all sent throughout Dade County to upset the wheels of wickedness and never a shirk. Compassionate and caring, your faithfulness and loyalty are humbleness bestowed upon an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

Most honorable individuals have a unique sense of respect, reverence and a most refreshing candor. It's clear, Officer Cook, you had a smile, charm and a persona to match humbly with your all out effort, integrity and dignity. The wars continue today as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and we will keep tabs on those who continue to demonstrate true heroic character in all their days. You started a foundation of hope, goodwill and a spirit so passionate, we the people at least ought to offer you a salute for bravery and boldness under pressure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

Age and skill don't compete with each other. A man of solid character, honesty and dignity all in all battling for a clear conscience and for his community in Dade County. A life of richness and loyalty, Officer Cook, never overlooked and always there to assist others through peril and worse. Heroes receive their rewards and blessings upon their immortal souls from Our Lord. One day all those journeys and missions you undertook willingly as your profession will be greeted one by one from family members who all yearn to see you again,Officer Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, my neighbors and friends may you all rest in peace along with your most beloved, cherished and heroic son.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

A crumb of bread that feeds a duck, a spark of fire that can destroy an entire region. Ferocity from terror unleashes a load of violence and even the good and primed servants cannot always tame. But, yet, your honesty, respect for mankind and integrity provided the glimpse of hope and goodwill for all Dade County. Humane and truthful, always cherished and poignantly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction are God's only versions of clear transparency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

Chaos is that missile that strikes with a crash and thud. Evil coming down when one least expects it. Except for your resourceful life and career, Officer Cook, preventing more undue hurt to Dade County citizens. Character constructed wisely. Heroism and honor painted brilliantly across the landscapes where your personification of pride and perseverance never let up. Now and forever an angel of resolve patrolling God scenic pastures of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

Decorum, decency and dignity stokes the flames of honor, humility and integrity. Never a doubt regarding your life and career, Officer Cook, proper and fitting for a Dade County hero of humanity and completely trustworthy character. Violence is just seemingly an everyday occurance and it's simply sad to witness brave and valiant public servants being cut down by this monstrosity of mayhem. Society already has enough challenges and your respected legacy, Officer Cook, won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2019

Adversity is supposed to make one's resolve tougher. A community coming together in the wake of tragedy and bringing honor, decorum and dignity to their heroes and heroines. Dade County and its people have honored their fallen public servants of which you were, Officer Cook, one of the many warriors of integrity and the highest character and its reverence. Our stability, harmony and liberty was brokered by your deeds and actions of heroism and a certain unwavering resolve to see your missions as completed. Our Maker for forty plus years has your adored and cherished soul sheltered for protection where no more harm, pain or suffering will ever come its way. Sad you cannot be present at your family functions, they know you are watching with your parents in heaven where those pearly gates shine brightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

Dates of tragedy are just sad for families to have to remember, but, we remember and consecrate their lives of heroic honesty and positive influence. Dade County will forever be indebted to you, Officer Cook, kind of a magnet of values and articulation of the basics in acumen, wisdom and maturity. You continue to receive the highest honors and paid homage for unending resolve and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of his bond toiling for faith and the hopes of joy which you should have been permitted to live and witness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

The road to the academy is rocky indeed. It's filled with all sorts of things that all public servants to be must be aware of. A team of unity and honor working for Dade County and the common goal of clearing evil away in favor of serenity and inspiration. That is your legacy of heroism and character, Officer Cook, brave and potent. Always respected, treasured and a man of humble stature and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

Too many weapons on the streets and all the attention paid to fighting crime and evil where does it end? When you started out, Officer Cook, obviously it was a different time navigating the corridors of Dade County preserving lives and property. Prosperity is only realized when truth and trust are meshed fairly and squarely. Your hope and goodwill all humility and sacredly heroic mattered. A uniform and badge worn with clarity and assurances that tranquility and respect would be the genesis of better relationships that were cultured under your eyes and ears. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

It is the sincerest hope of growing old. Some do and some don't unfortunately. Police work do not have guarantees, yet they do offer humility and honesty that is kept aglow by unwavering and very unselfish men and women who willingly risk their lives to stamp out serious troubles in their chosen communities. You worked in Dade County, Officer Cook, so that harmony rather than hurt may come our way. Now because of your character and sacrifice do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your friendship, Officer Cook, would have impacted my life greatly I'm sure. Our Creator saw your journeys as complete and took your soul and spirit back to a place of perfection where those proverbial walks will be watched over. The gates are ajar to welcome other heroines and heroes who too made that ultimate sacrifice. Pearly and pristine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

God protects His flock of tenacity from any further harm. Now and forever as you rest in peace, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero, it will be about the insightful integrity, dedication to dignity and always hovering in honesty. Dade County and its folks were very surely happy you patrolled their area where you will continue to be humbly, humanely and transparently saluted for visionary wisdom and acumen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

Faults are not because of ferocity and surely must be eliminated while out on patrol battling the awful affects of wickedness. Here in Dade County residents were kept safer because of a caring servant, yourself, Officer Cook. brave and bold, dignified and honored. Integrity and commitment can never steer one from the pathways of piousness. You were a resourceful and respected gentleman of heroism whose legacy will be eternally cherished and saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2019

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