Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The shades of serenity were perfectly set down all by your loving embrace and effort, Officer Cook. A gentleman who protected as a warrior and as a hero of humbleness and honor. God's greenest of fields contain your dignity and ever present integrity which was character and commitment personified. Always loyal, cherished and forever revered. The foundations and cornerstones a public servant lays down are to be solemnly saluted for the heroism they possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2019

With the image of your mother and father, Officer Cook, may you all rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With integrity implanted in your loyal and humbly faithful soul did you go on patrols of Dade County looking to interrupt evil and enhance those landscapes of fruition with perennial peace and unending stability. A hero of humility and hope whose service was legendary and headed for more promising times. The heavens are aglow like the christmas trees in your family's homes. God has been your beloveds strength all these decades later after your sacrifice which has remained the virtue of your character and morally outstanding convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2019

A supreme human being that you were, Officer Cook, kind and a gentle soul with honesty and humility bordered by bravery and boldness. The right man to serve and live in Dade County battling for what we deem as correct. The wars rage on and for having the heroic integrity and dignity may Our Master shelter your unwavering soul among His flock of valiant angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2019

First of all happy holidays to the entire Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families. A sad and somber day in that an honorable and humble hero is in heaven instead of being here to celebrate along with everyone. Your heart and soul won't surely be forgotten. Dade County was served and preserved by your undying and unending passions to bring a sense of purpose and security into the community. Forty plus years later, character, commitment to dignity and integrity, the class and decency instilled within your being by your devoted and most beloved parents may they too rest in peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dear to all and certainly determined to end violence and evil on this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2019

Serious and serene. Our days, nights and weekends were secured by your beloved bravery and humbly heroic honesty, Officer Cook. A Dade County mainstay whose legend only affirms our sincerest hopes for goodwill, harmony and humility's brand of never ending resolve. Your unassuming character helped to trackdown torment and turmoil and now because of your absence from family and colleagues our world is a little less safer. Never more charm, class and charisma. A bright light snuffed out way too early. Though the heavens are aglow with honor and a certain unifying dignity. Integrity that composed those channels of dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

Police work at least insures some balance of peace, unity and the right to pursue joy and happiness. Your sense of honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, forever in Dade County's citizens' hearts and minds. Your understanding and undying heroism helped to shape the peaceful preservation of all mankind, humanity and society in general. Sanctity, civility and gallantry all gliding slowly around us keeping those vibes of your unselfish virtue afloat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

The smell of security is much more pleasurable than the pungent odors of terror. No matter, Officer Cook, the situation, circumstance, the heart of a true Dade County hero responded and saved lives. Your peers and civilians are took notice. I just hope those who survived your comrades and citizens are enjoying a warm and happy holiday. Your life is forever remembered for fighting violence and those freedoms are being saluted up above. Never a more gifted and warm human being who gave his all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity and character rest under integrity's humble pillows.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

Life is about taking steps forward not heavenly forbid backward. Dade County was looking for superior preservation and found its nugget in you, Officer Cook. A man built on values and common sense whose passions to commit yourself to honesty and the high intentions of integrity and dignity. Our serenity and safe movements are from your undying words of trust and boldness. Heroic and resolute now found as an angel whose wings humbly bless your soul of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

Daylight and darkness share humanity's missions, whether or not evil tries to enter the fray. It's ascribed in good people, public servants who are heroes and heroines of the humblest of honor and the highest steps of dignity and respect. Of course, Officer Cook, you were truly unique and virtuous in defending Dade County folks. Diligent and determined to see your trials and tribulations through until your day of retirement. It's very tragic that day never arrived as you were paid the highest of reverence for aiding and in assisting, one faithful man devoted to family and your craft forever saluted nobly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

Vision visits those whose wisdom and honor are in sync. The courage and respect to properly construct dignity and integrity which in turn lead to peace of mind for all mankind. Dade County was heroically served and humanely protected by your esteem and loyalty, Officer Cook, character as a clear blue sky except for the very violence which took your young and outstanding career. Always praised, rewarded and blessed, your unselfish soul did yeoman work here in humility and in sacred trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

The puzzles of evil still come at society and it was about honorable heroes like yourself, Officer Cook, humble, esteemed and loyal to your comrades when they needed you the most. Dade County won't forget the truly rich character and commitment to expedite trust and justice as you faithfully did for six years of humane service. It gave serenity and harmony a higher plateau for which to stand upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2019

By pillow and post did you go and look for evil and where there is peace those living in Dade County benefited greatly, Officer Cook. Our hero and of course your family's forever. They raised you and you gave them all respect,truth and trust to patrol for that missing security. Integrity and dignity just rubbed off on other loyal and passionate souls who shared in the onuses of protection. Heroism and resolve assembled by your loving esteem, Officer Cook and acutely absent today forever guarded in the blue skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All pride and always persevering.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

Bravery, honesty and heroism need no extra baggage to lug around. The one who toils at their profession will be blessed and ultimately rewarded for service and preservation. Yours, good nature and goodwill, Officer Cook, delivered and inscribed tranquility and safe harbors in Dade Count y for society to continue marching onward. Your name and badge represented that humble foundation of concern, care and the morals of character. Never more missed and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

Under your sacred grave, Officer Cook, lies a humble and God fearing individual with a lion's heart and a serene soul of peace. A hero forever enshrined in the legacy of all Dade County where people pay respect to the past and never forget why they sacrificed. Integrity only enhances dignity and uplifts your soul of immortality. You brought love and pride to your beloved parents may all of you rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. One day a reunification will occur and then they will understand what you meant to them. Christmas can never be the same without that beautiful smiling face. It's the light that keeps heaven aglow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

You can conjure up all the pleasant memories of your life and resolute career, Officer Cook and humility, honesty and integrity always will be that loyal force at the top. The cream of courage and vision giving unselfish support to dignity and integrity. Respect and reverence never lost in the transparency. Dade County will address your heroism forevermore and paid homage to the sanctity of how you kept the streets clear of harm providing serenity and unity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

Direction dictates one's life paths. Yours, Officer Cook, was developed and well planned since you were a young man. You heroically left your family, comrades and friends way too early because of another man's violent trails. Terror is like a pitbull never letting up. For your honor and bravery Dade County was served and remains loyal to your legacy not to forget your commitment to character and morals. Dignity and integrity well built can only result in optimistic outcomes. At twenty-five your career and life should not have concluded as Our Lord must have required your resourceful spirit in heaven to serve a more perfect purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

Born to run. Bred to be brave and humble. Nothing but honesty and respect for mankind and their dignity and integrity came from your immortal soul, Officer Cook. Dade County and their folks were solidly protected and served during your heroic tenure. Tenacity and ferocity were the ingredients that brought sounds of serenity and peace to our community that salutes your incisive decisions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2019

Research helps uncover so many newer facts. Solutions to most problems may seem a bit difficult and yet if one pours the effort in the circumstances can be handled. Your goodwill and faith, Officer Cook, led a resurgence in Dade County and now your hero demeanor won't ever go down without a salute and honors of homage being paid to your soul of safe trips. Your integrity and dignity helped to keep us sheltered from harm, you are one of Our Master's many angels of valor whose countless deeds of serenity and nobility won't be put away and never remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching over your loved ones, friends and colleagues of truth and trust. Yours never wavered and never dodged peril.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

2020 will be soon around the corner. A man full of life and the joyful spirit of life should be alive and well celebrating your family happenings. Officer Cook, your life was taken so viciously and so wantonly. Dade County where you lived and were most heroic won't be overlooked. Neither will your honesty, integrity and strength of your unassuming dignity which goes to your character and commitment. Resolve and resourcefulness made your efficiency much more endearing. Always a most faithful and dedicated gentleman to be poignantly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

One transports their tenacity throughout a particular region to bring about changes in serenity and the sanctity of life. The challenges of life were dutifully handled during your career, Officer Cook and it brought everything that Our Lord implanted within your concerned and very giving heart and soul.A mind to think, lungs used to take in air, safety and security delivered admirably and most responsibly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County does not and shall not those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to lay down cornerstones of enhancement for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy of your soul, Officer Cook, always follows the treks and trails of your peers and devoted family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

Unity is the vehicle to freedom and liberty and it cannot be tinkered with ever. Forever your dreams and aspirations, Officer Cook, have served to become our inspirations. Dade County was your community where your heroism and honesty protected our tranquility. It was the lessons of humility and sanctity which lie under the cross of your grave to be saluted for integrity and wholesome character. You will always be so revered, admired and respected for undying acumen and awareness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

Death separates, it does not divide. Your soul, Officer Cook, will reunite with all your loved ones many decades from now when their earthly missions are yours are deemed as finished. To take one man's humility and courage from under their honor, dignity and integrity is quite inhumane. You remain a hero for all Dade County and it will be about your unwavering character, humble convictions and remarkable resolve. It helps mettle and morals function very excellently indeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

Today the skies are a little bleary and yet your honor and bravery, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. Dade County was saved more harm and because of your dignified and heroically humble actions can we forever function and travel down more peaceful roads. Serenity in society is the very work of esteemed and loyal sisters and brothers fighting violence with all their souls and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your unselfish character and commitment succeeded in brokering goodwill and a devotion like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2019

Gregarious, yet humbly stoic. Gallant and humanely heroic. All your grand character and commitment to values, Officer Cook, offered you the hopes and inspirations to successfully defend Dade County. The hero of honor and dignity whose bright soul of integrity spoke calmly and matter of factly. That day, Officer Cook, May 16,1979 will not be overshadowed, forgotten nor overlooked for your normal pursuits of peace and happiness while trying to stay the course going after a troubled man whose terror unleashed its vicious bone sof brazen and cowardly actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

Delivery and style don't win points. What makes or breaks one's life and career and the safety of the public they serve are a person's diligence , dignity and honorable integrity. You had all those characteristics, Officer Cook,to see your missions and journeys of serenity through until violence's face took you from your beloved family and colleagues. A great man, a hero with a fighting spirit of undaunted unselfishness laying it all down for Dade County. Heaven is that perfect domain where heroes and heroines who have sacrificed their values for ingenuity and humility to keep other esteemed and brave women and men above board in their central duties. You'll always be greatly missed, Officer Cook and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2019

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