Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The evil committed by one man's heart cannot tarnish the goodwill, hope and humble honesty of other law abiding professionals. You were the consummate hero, Officer Cook, who was widely respected and admired for sharing your integrity and dignity with Dade County to serve and to preserve the quality of their lives of peace and affection. Character that lives in God's perfect of places for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2020

Danger deserves dignity while peril deserves perseverance. It was your undivided trust, truth and a host of honorably discharged duties to see Dade County and its people through rough moments, Officer Cook. A young man heroic and loyal to all the challenges that police work puts in their paths of proficiency. Never forgotten and forever a brave angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2020

I have no doubts that you and Karen, Officer Cook, would have made great parents. Sterling faith, stellar honesty, sturdy integrity and reverent dignity ,marked your projected pathways in life and during a humbly heroic career serving Dade County. Efficiency and endurance all made your trials of tenacity more meaningful. Wise beyond your years of experience, you'll be saluted and etched in everyone's heart and minds. God has only those princes and princesses of valor and trust. Truth and serene angels soaring higher each moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 represented fundamental character, clutch commitment and otherwise noble conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

Callousness and heinousness removes all the good that an honest man of woman stands for. Family permanently affected by a sudden loss of human life which you laid down for Dade County folks to prosper and to cherish, Officer Cook. A hero of intuition and integrity to be solemnly and gratefully honored for a life of vision, wisdom and clarity. Your family leads their lives by patiently carrying on your legacy of heroism. That cannot be tarnished and for ascribing to scruples and ideals may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Its removal is those humane blessings your soul of distinction and mankind reaps daily while walking that proverbial beat. Perfection cannot be less, it's for eternity and for doing an outstanding job of service and protection. A life with a beautiful wife and lovely family members who one day will reunite with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

Faith take sheart, hope involves courage, honor endears itself to those whose moral compassess face dignity and integrity square on. Danger and peril was promptly addressed by you, Officer Cook, right then and never a hint of indignation or doubt. You remain a man on a journey of ingenuity supported by sanctity and humbleness. Dade County's tranquility was about the truth and trust a loyal gentleman of conviction gave to his comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

Our Lord is launching His heavenly blessings of safety and peace to those who honor creation and deliver dignity and integrity during the most violent of times. You brought everlasting hope and goodwill to all Dade County, Officer Cook. Yes, humble and treasured, heroism with effort backing your entire watch. Generations from now can take heart and utilize your blueprints of both bravery and boldness to get things correct once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

Tonight under clear blue skies can one see their beloved heroes spirits shining brightly, as their lives and careers were given for the causes of peace and joy for all. You served Dade County and its citizens, Officer cook, with heroic insight, humble honor and esteemed dignity and loyal integrity. This is your legacy of character and commitment to society never to be forsaken. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

The orchards and groves are all full of ripe fruit. The resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness was always put forth on behalf of Dade County with everything honesty and integrity bring to respect, dignity and character. Yours, Officer Cook, will forever be praised as heroic and indeed serenely humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decades from now you'll continue to be loyally and most faithfully cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

The world deserves a happy new year. Your sweet and heroic soul, Officer Cook, deserves the dignity and respect of all mankind for nobly and honorably serving all Dade County. A classic man of character and charm with an unwavering resolve and humility flowing throughout your body. Always saluted and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2019

I meant to add your beautiful mom, Officer Cook, sadly passed away in Long Beach, California last March 7th at the ripe age of one hundred and three. The right genes, the humble and distinct honor and heroism from a passionate and heroic man. Fate is not to be fiddled with and never are excursions of excellence and endeavor. Dade County was your location where you served mightily and kept evil away. Never more respected and resolute, admired and full of decency and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

No corks popping in heaven and nothing falling from a tower. Only the esteemed labors of love fondly remembered as one of many heroic angels. Yes, Officer Cook, a heroic man to be reverently paid his respects for honoring humanity with your undivided grit and gallant gumption. Those trips and missions meant something and now years many too many your still being held in high regard. You gave so others could live. Mr. Pearsall wherever your soul is rotting today maybe you should have learned before engaging men of character, conviction and peace in violent outbursts of gunfire which ruined a bright and otherwise sunny day that afternoon in Dade County. Liberty City was the venue where Badge#1664 gave his life, Officer Cook, was a graceful and humble man who did not deserve to die. He will always be a hero to his family, community, peers and friends who many shared a happy moment. A sixty-six year old man should still be with his wife and adoring his family even though His wonderful and beautiful passed last March 7th at the ripe and faithfully devout age of one-hundred and three. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

It was devastating that on May 16, 1979, life and everything you could imagine, Officer Cook, came crashing to a sudden and tragic end. Evil taking your sweet soul and wise heart of fruition that nurtured the boundaries through and true here in Dade County. A real treasure of resolve, a hero of humbleness and sanctity patrolling the streets with soul and integrity, character and a fulfillment simply gone before a goodbye could be spoken. Forty years plus and your smile is seen in God's imminent domain. You can look at your picture on the Officers Down Memorial Page back in 1973 when I believe it was taken. So healthy, trusted and tenacious and one nasty man had to louse up the plans for a brighter future, retirement and all the rewards for service and loyalty. But never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

It's not a guess because I read of your desire to become an excellent police officer. From a young man growing up you wanted this to be your profession. And willing you accepted whatever needed to be accomplished for your goals and aspirations to be realized.As a legend and a hero for all society and of course Dade County you already possessed much humility, humble honor and a work ethic and dignity second to none. Violence was met face to face and stopped with your caring heart and secure soul. We honor your memory, Officer Cook, your family pursues their lives with you in their hearts each moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

Being cynical is one thing. Courage and honesty bring only true truth and integrity to the facts of trust and respect for dignity. Holding down those forts of ferocity sometimes requires gigantic effort poured forth. You labored long and hard for Dade County, Officer Cook and will forever remain God's angel of hope and steady goodwill for mankind. Our tranquility came as the means of your transparency. Always from the lips of a devout and righteous individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

As a man of honor,faith and dignity, Officer Cook, luck is just that humble piece of a puzzle. Your instincts better yet brought fairness and justice to those living in Dade County. Herocialy distributed and humanely saluted, it is found in the DNA of all loyal and trustworthy public servants who defend us from corruption and evil. Sad that your life and career ended when life for you and Karen had everything to live for. Humbleness and resourcefulness living in your humble home of character and scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We all fall when one man or woman gives up their life. The department relies upon total participation to get the tasks accomplished properly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

Longevity is Our Lord's messages following His servants as they police and patrol various communities around the country. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was brave and honest as you were here in Dade County leading other women and men through peril. Dignity and integrity led your destinies and journeys of hopeful and heroic peace you laid your life down for. The man who had the character and the outstanding humility to resolve conflict only to be taken at such a tender young age. Serenity and maturity mattered and now what matters most is Our Creator enhancing and blessing your mortal soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2019

A penchant for doing good can only bring more blessings upon mankind. Your life and storied career, Officer Cook, answered any doubts about your feats of ferocity and character of tenacity. The people of Dade County have mourned your loss and saluted heroism and resolve that is legendary and not to be forgotten. Bridges of trust and truth were completed by your mature and caring nature and now in heaven it's being duly praised by all the angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

Now at Our Lord's both sides can you, Officer Cook, honorably, heroically and loyally watch over your fellow comrades who too gave the greatest sacrifice on mankind's behalf. Dade County has your spirit in their hearts and minds for your faithful dignity, integrity and most humbly resourceful character and conviction. Evil and terror tragically pack a dynamite one two punch that must be succinctly put out of commission. Always fondly and solemnly remembered for undying and unselfish endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

The direction of your dedication, Officer Cook, was from your pure and gentle soul of honor and bravery. Never any hesitation regarding character, commitment to excellence and the necessary integrity and dignity used to implant hope and goodwill in Dade County where you remain a legend of loyalty and trust. Truth is bottled up where no harm can ever affect your soul again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

Scissors cut paper. Serious violence must be eliminated one and for all from humanity. God's plans must not be disturbed nor interrupted by unsightly evil which you, Officer Cook, heroically succeeded in fighting off its affects. Diligence and dignity pay forward those dividends when your heart and soul blessed this world and created pride and humbleness for your loved ones to forever admire and etch in their hearts. The journeys, missions and crusades carry on from up above, Officer Cook, your unwavering and now angelic proficiency can work its God given miracles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

Able, capable and most responsible were some of the many traits, Officer Cook, that applied to a hero of Dade County and its folks. Gifted and loyal to whatever you were tasked with accomplishing. All heart and soul , all character and honesty that supported the pillars of perseverance and integrity's dignity. The very own brand of mettle and principles that helped to shape our lives and pursuits of humility and joy. It's just so tragic that you could not retire on your own terms after trying gallantly to stop such an individual that day from his rounds of ruination and your battling resolve will be forever treasured and greatly admired by society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

The lives so dear are those we hold in our hearts forever near. Heaven is that honored and perfect where angels of valor displayed heroic integrity and dignity while fighting off adversity as you did, Officer Cook, humbly and humanely on behalf of all Dade County. Those shelves of serenity and character are now being forever blessed, rewarded and praised as is your revered and respected name and immortal soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2019

Even the most serious of consequences and chaos requires some level of scrutiny. Watching and doing absolutely nothing accomplishes zilch. Fortunately, your life and career serving Dade County meant all honor, dignity and integrity as your family and your beloved Karen prayed for your safe returns home. For most of six loyal and dignified years that occured. May 16, 1979 was a day the entire police world and your family, Officer Cook forever dreaded. A loss of one man of vision, clarity and wisdom, whose charm and smile could lit up anyplace. Grief and sorrow shall be somehow overcome by tranquility and the hopeful goodwill that mankind can recover and return to its ways of fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2019

Whether from the anterior or posterior, crime must be handled ably and bravery by all who commit their decency and honor to fight for a unified purpose, mission and cause. The justifications of which are integrity, dignity and character shall not be set aside while violence is disturbing the civilization of society. The means by which you were heroic and always with full endeavor, Officer Cook, seeing Dade County and its people through the most difficult of circumstances. Your legacy of humbleness represents the security and safe pursuits of all mankind. Saluted and solemnly honored for resourcefulness, reverence, respect and resiliency no matter the time or place. Rest in peace my neighbor , friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2019

Failure is not acceptable. Responsibility is being accountable. Ferocity isd fearless desire one undertakes when they begin their career. your life and career, Officer Cook, was the promise to live heroically and honorably, demonstrate diligence and dignity every moment and possess unwavering integrity along with solid character which is most cherished and revered today and forever for service to Dade County and its humane people. Heroism is not just given its earned and practiced on a daily basis and those who sacrifice, humanity will be deeply indebted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2019

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