Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Forever a heroic angel of honor, heart and humility. They all served and solemnly protected the residents of Dade County. This was your path in life, Officer Cook, to rebuild, restore and to resurface the very streets where violence and evil wreaked havoc. Such a dignified man of character, principles and intuitive integrity right where your heart and soul belonged. Your loyalty and esteem shall be forevermore honored and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect, trust and truth stood as your torch of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2023

Your diligence, devotion and steadfast dedication, Officer Cook, has and will forever be duly remembered, noted and saluted for its virtual integrity, dignity and always enhancing honesty that the folks of Dade County always relied upon.You remain very missed in the hearts and minds of your esteemed and beloved family members who carry humility and sanctity close to them. You were the inspiring and reverent gentleman up uplifting and now a heroic angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2023

A man whose legacy lives forevermore inhis family's hearts and souls of humility, pride and honor. Yes, Officer Cook, you are a hero of dignity and integrity well beloved, adored and genuinely revered by your department and the entire police world. Dade County would not have its blankets and sheets of serenity and harmony if not for your true and trustworthy professional accomplishments during your six years of toil, sweat, peril and steadfast dedication unwavering, tireless and unselfish to be humbly and humanely saluted for virtue, wisdom and stellar commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2023

Dade County was humbly, honorably and most heroically protected by your loving good name, grace and loyal esteem, Officer Cook. A young man born with integrity, ingenuity and intuition, all from dignity, reverence and outstanding character, commitment and the truest of trusted convictions all with wisdom, virtue and clarity following you on your earthliest of patrols, missions of hope, faith and dedication and journeys undertaken without fear, duress and hesitation. Your blessed name is an angel who now and for eternity watches over his entire family, comrades of the past and those presently preserving our peace and inner serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You certainly were consummate, unselfish and completely humble doing the job, performing a perilous profession with no trepidation. Just fast moving tenacity and unwavering resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2023

Everyday you grab life and make the most of its opportunities. Because you never know when God's going to come calling. So honorable, heroic and yet stoic in the very face of serious confrontation with a madman. Officer Cook, your dignity, integrity and character all served the citizens of Dade County with class, decency and loyal courage personified and there will not be a day ever that you will not be saluted and fondly remembered for your passions and pursuits, the trails and pathways paved by esteemed and unselfish wisdom and virtue all noble, sacred and extremely versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man whose reputation preceded him and for being a gentleman of gallantry, pride and excellence in commitment you forever be paid humble homage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2023

Serenity and safety are supposed to grab hold of Mother Nature's gentle wings of humility and perfection. You seized the humble, honorable and distinct opportunity, Officer Cook, to become a hero, a public servant whose life and career was everything endearing, uplifting and enriching. Dade County and its people won't ever forget you and neither will your esteemed and loyal family and comrades who patrolled and battled adversity with so much character, conviction and dignity that was truly trusted as was your unselfish integrity and morals. All enhancing and always saluted for heroism, heart and the warmth of your treasured soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2023

Constant honesty, determined dignity, incorporated integrity and crusading character all built your bridges, trails and paths during your life and career, Officer Cook, all heroically loyal, esteemed and blessed in abundance by Our very Creator who watched over you as you patrolled, protected and preserved the quality of life here in Dade County. A man of devotion, virtue and humbly inspired wisdom leading others down those roads of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness dedicating more than a chapter of conviction, commitment and diligence for humanity to bask in. Always saluted and fondly remembered for your stoic humility, heart and soul all unwavering, tireless and unselfishly uplifting the spirits of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2023

Hideous, horrible and heinousness what happened to a man of God, a faithful, heroic and honest gentleman who served and protected Dade County all his might. Officer Cook, you were such a constant in courage, virtue and the branches of everything humble in the sacred words of dignity, integrity and outstanding character never to be forgotten only saluted for making the ultimate sacrifice to benefit your community's safety, havens of tranquility and the tracks of true trust and inspiring wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2023

Dade County has changed in so many ways since your sacrifice, Officer Cook. Honor, humility, heart and character that captivated and motivated other officers will never change. God's warrior, your family's solemn angel will always be revered, remembered and saluted for having integrity, dignity and a purely driven desire to succeed in a profession marked by everyday peril. When life is on the line good women and men rise above the challenges that face and confront them as you performed forevermore outstandingly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble, loyal, unwavering, unselfish and tireless never better. Just a tragic day and you'll always be there to watch over your family as they carry on your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2023

A heroic angel flying higher over us each second your honored and cherished soul and spirit, Officer Cook, watch over your family, colleagues and friends. It was your life and career of class, dignity and integrity that patrolled Dade County never relenting in this war over violence. You were so humble, gifted and young with everything to live on for and to have that taken so callously, heinously and rudely that is what is tragic. You'll always be saluted for wisdom. virtue and a blessed heart of humbleness and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2023

You rendered aid, Officer Cook and reinvigorated Dade County's hopes, goodwill and was an and forever is an inspiration to all including your family and peers who have never forgot their most honored and heroic fellow brother public servant. Our tranquility and serenity were delivered by a gentleman, a young man of desire, dedication and resourcefulness that was resilient, versatile and most tenacious. You possessed dignity, integrity and character all outstanding flowing deep within the crevices of your unwavering, tireless and unselfish heart and soul of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2023

God's heavenly podium has all its humble and heroically honored heroes and heroines all by their sides as they walk their eternal patrols. It's where perfection, truth and faithfulness make up the essence of their storied lives and careers of perseverance, dignity and loyal character wrapped in integrity that only wisdom, vision and virtue could comprehend. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where your important presence and humility so sincere and heart warming could be located. You'll never be forgotten for your actions that day on May 16, 1979 and everyday single day of your twenty-five years of positive work ethics and morals so succinctly versatile and sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor,, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2023

You place your notes and books on a lectern. You, Officer Cook, placed your heart and soul in God's hands of perfection and humbleness. Dade County was where its people were soundly protected by your integrity, honor and enhanced dignity. Our serenity and stability are because of your unwavering, tireless and unselfish character, commitment and conviction all true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute virtue, versatility and wisdom so humane, loyal and esteemed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2023

A dynamic personality and a most humbly heroic and dignified gentleman protecting Dade County's citizens with all his heart and blessed spirit of virtue, wisdom and versatility. All meaningful and all sincerely sacred, Officer cook and no one will forget you, your integrity and honorable character which garnered respect from mankind and your esteemed brothers and sisters of the law enforcement nation. So dearly beloved, cherished and poised to preserve the quality of life, we salute you and for all who have taken over your watch may they remain safe and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2023

The thinking and resourcefulness of a resilient young man. A hero through and through with a heart and soul of tireless and unselfish devotion serving Dade County with all your might. Officer Cook, integrity, dignity, respect and character marked your earthly missions of honor and humble esteem. A loyal public servant advancing peace and liberty forevermore. We will never forget you and will solemnly salute your wisdom, bravery and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and truth go farther down the trails and paths of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2022

A fierce warrior always fearless and very heroic. Yes you were, Officer Cook, honest, dignified and a man with integrity and respectful character that patrolled Dade County with unbelievable passion and an unselfish heart and soul to be fondly and humanely saluted. One gallant young man with humility and serenity coursing through your veins. Your family, colleagues and friends with never forget you a gentleman with vision, versatility and wisdom. It was and shall forevermore be wisdom and virtue leading your most precious earthly missions and timely journeys of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2022

Dedication, determination and devotion are all obligations of public servants. You so loyal , resourceful and honorably heroic, Officer Cook, in your cherished and esteemed service to Dade County folks. A cheery young man gifted in many talents and skills. Integrity, dignity and reverent character allowed you to pursue your humble aspirations. You built sincerity within the hearts and souls of humility. Forever saluted and fondly remembered as a solemn citizen who was a man of commitment, conviction and scruples all truth and trust that followed you, Officer Cook, down the trails of tenacity and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2022

You were the consummate apple of your parents' eyes, Officer Cook. You were surely and certainly brave, honest, dignified and a servant full of integrity who gave Dade Countyand its residents every ounce of your unselfish heart, soul and tireless energy. They will never forget you and your upstanding and elevating character one that was humble, loyal and heroic. A foundation built uponthepillars of trust, truth and virtue to be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2022

Another new year and our world just prays for peace on earth as you, Officer Cook, your esteemed family's beloved heroic angel watches over us. You have been doing that for over forty-three years just really tragic your life ended by one evil man's violence against you and your fellow officers that fateful day. Dade County was served, protected and provided excellence in every field and facet of integrity, dignity and honest character, refined and replete with virtue, wisdom, respect and morals. Your comrades have saluted you and vowed never to forget you and the life and career you exemplified. Generations from today will undestand hopefully what you meant in heart and soul, desire and dedication, the fortitude of a loyal, truthful and trusted individual, a gentleman of class,clarity and courage who tackled peril and wickedness head on never afraid. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2022

Society still gets peppered by violence which has to be ended forever. All any excellent public service official can do is be dignified, open and honest of which you were heroic and a man built around the wheels of integrity. Dade County was where your exploits came to the rescue of other citizens and of course your fellow officers who were exceedingly grateful to you. Our hopes, dreams and serenity all came about because of your tireless and unrelenting heart and soul so wise, so beloved and always a gentleman of true class, virtue and valor. Badge#1664 was reverence, diligence and proper conduct and character, Officer Cook, you faithfully demonstrated at every corner and street. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2022

Attuned and ready, that you were, Officer Cook and always so loyal, dependable and honest in all your earthly professional endeavors. Dade County and your beloved family have surely missed you, your sweet smile and handsome face all these decades later. A sacrifice of dignity, respect and integrity given to your community to make it safer from crime and other assorted evil. You won't be forgotten for your virtue, wisdom and vision, the class and desire that constructed foundations for other angels brave and humble. That was enhanced and uplifted by your heart and soul of unwavering, unselfish and tireless versatility noble, sacred and blessed compassionately by Our Creator who holds your spirit close to Him. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2022

Test tubes are where experiments may be found. The streets, roads and corners are tests and where those who serve with honesty, reliability and dignity all must be atuned to the dangers that may lie ahead. It's where peace, liberty can become reality or heaven forbid violence can sprout up from something small. Any dilemma, issue, situation or circumstance can be that lightning rod that can uproot the most essential of peace, stability and integrity for that area or region. Dade County was where you began your earthly journeys and missions of humility, honor and integrity, Officer Cook, a hero who knew his neighborhood and went out on patrol with passion and care to upright an a area filled with tensions during your watch. Such a tragedy to have lost your life just be trying to calm a young man bent on evil. There was so much more left to accomplish, God needed your sweet nd virtual heart and spirit in His skies above to look down on your family who never forgot their hero, "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, trust and truth were taken from a loyal and stoic man of faith and wisdom. Maturity beyond the crowd.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2022

You nurtured this earth, Officer Cook, with heroic honor, heart and humility to be revered forever and saluted for having solemn dignity, character and integrity. The only way you functioned was by rules and regulations, a man of God proud to serve and protect just horribly taken before your time. Dade County, your adoring family and comrades who celebrate Christmas today do so with heavy hearts pounding with sorrow and grief. Though your diligent legacy upholding heroism and your very compassionate heart does beat in others who never forgot a true and trusted friend and fellow brother officer enriched by morals and values. Such sanctity, wisdom and virtue all etched forevermore in your angelic spirit hovering every moment above in heaven watching over them. Serenity, safety and security come at times by way of the ultimate sacrifice, yours, Officer Cook, remains a vivid reminder of what preparation and training mean for all who stay vigilant as you always did as a loyal and devout gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2022

It was Mr.Pearsall's girlfriend who lived with three generations of her relatives. You lived with honor, integrity and dignity and with outstanding character, commitment and conviction, Dade County was fortified with unwavering tenacity and such amazing diligence, the reasons as to why we have serenity and security today. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to the Tidwell and Wilkerson Families. Uncle Bo will forevermore be saluted and paid the highest tributes for being so courageous and sincerely loyal and esteemed with wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys undertaken for your life and public service career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2022

Sorry, Officer Cook, I meant to say as per an article I read it Mr.Pearsall's girlfriend of wife who lived with three generations of her family members and she tried that fateful and tragic day to escape his ruthless clutches when he took your life andnearly those of your colleagues and friends, Officers Di Genova and Edgerton, all solid heroes as well as you. A man who enriched, enhanced and captivated humanity with your eagerness, virtue and heart and soul of blessed humbleness and resourceful that . saved Dade County, Integrity, honesty and dignity that uplifted your respectful character and outstanding commitments to pride and excellence that your legacy stands upon. Now as a heavenly angel may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The chaos and bedlam that gripped the community that day shall forever be sadly remembered. You sir are to be saluted for your unwavering, unselfish and tireless actions of bravery and versatility, all sacred and very noble.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2022

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