Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The hour is beckoning and the assignments must be finished. Not just completed but be done with honesty, integrity and the letters of dignity, character and respect for mankind's goals and aspirations. Your dreams and life, Officer Cook, have been fondly recalled for generation after generation. As your resolve and convictions were always the clearest and the most wise of all public servants your age. It was your youthful maturity that guided Dade County and its folks through some tense and darkest of moments. Your foundations and their cornerstones have been saluted for their important stake in the future of our world one that would have been brighter for your family and peers if you were still alive today. One must treasure the moment and take the appropriate actions of humility that will instill faith and gladness into our very peaceful of communities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

The daily rituals must be followed and ascribed to if the public is to be kept safe and secure. Never a hesitation as to your desire and dedication, Officer Cook. It was dear to your family's heart and to those colleagues who served with loyalty and resourcefulness next to you. Your unique soul, Officer Cook, gave Dade County that glimmer of hope through your unending and unwavering grit and gallantry. Our Lord has your humble and reserved character and trustworthy commitments safe and well guarded in heaven as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

With the will to succeed and to survive all the rigors of your job, Officer Cook, you brought gladness and excellence to your family notably to your beloved parents may they both rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. It's your humane and devoted legacy of heroism that shall be so poignantly honored for its due diligence to the citizens of Dade County. Their integrity and dignity were completely tied to yours, Officer Cook, as you were a classy gentleman who never shirked his tasks when serious trouble was stalking the streets where you protected and were most prudent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

What must be obliterated is the obvious evil that continues to pester our very well being. Dade County was given superior assurances that things would be safe and sound. Your life and career, Officer Cook, most honest, dignified and quite the very humble man, heroic who searched and seized violence providing goodwill, faith and a bounty of hope for humanity. We always remember the past as the present and future men and women serve with the various values and nobility that you made your responsibilities to undertake with resolve and effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

To capture and to contain, your virtue and unselfish courage, Officer Cook,signaled a new hope for Dade County as you brought in the much essential serenity and security so that safe travels could be had by all society. Never more heroic and always a man of your word of truth and trust to so humbly honored. You are to be recognized for your intuitive vision and the scruples needed to battle this confounding enemy of mother nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

When it comes down to getting prepared and determined to fight crime, your good name, Officer Cook, lended its uncompromising credence to the folks of Dade County. Always well rounded in humbleness and blessed with wisdom and honor, the respect for integrity and dignity helped you during your missions on behalf of mankind to be revered for eternity. A man of integrity and pride fulfilling his dreams and aspirations with clarity and acumen to be part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

Honor and humility are never allowed to hibernate during heinousness. When Dade County had issues and various circumstances that needed solving and resolving, your sincere and dignified heart, Officer Cook, came to aid and to save lives. Ever so valuable, your versatility and virtue are forever heroically saluted as will your character be embraced in God's eternal home forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

Well grounded in grit, gumption and gallantry, the humbly heroic honesty,integrity and revered dignity, Officer Cook, assisted you greatly in preserving life and property in and around Dade County. With deserving devotion, faithful loyalty and a bountiful basket of bravery, boldness and confident belief, the jobs could be completed with the wisdom, vision and clarity of mind. Serenity and peace could be achieved as you, Officer Cook, continued your labors of love and respect in an outstanding manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

A mind is only good when the heart pumps and beats well. Your decisions and dedication to your career, life and profession, Officer Cook, only further reinforced the facts of why Dade County relied upon your perpetual instincts of acumen and intelligence to see them through their journeys of humane integrity and dignity. All that an alert twenty-five year old man possessed to carry out those battles of bravery where heroic responsibility was not taken lightly. Now almost forty-one years after you gave your heart and soul, Officer Cook, that so called measuring stick of commitment, values and conviction remain steadfastly alive and well in your family. Desire and not indignity fortified your trails of truth and trust, justice was humbly served. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

Not that February is almost over and March will soon be upon us, the clocks will be turning forward one hour. Spring is there and tomorrow in Miami the weather will be cooler. A nice change, Officer Cook and it will always be tragic you cannot be here to see such events, happiness within your beloved family though they know your mortal soul of humility and respect, decency and dignity floats forever above them. Dade County had their harmony and unity restored by your qualified character and quintessential resolving demeanor. The best of the best. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

True and trustworthy blue blood coursed through your veins, Officer Cook. Always a polite and courteous young man who was eager to learn and share his information that would create a living bond of bravery and honor between yourself and all your fellow officers. You are sacrifice everyday in one way, shape or form. You gave your spirited soul, Officer Cook, for the essentiality of Dade County to thrive and to live on. We honor your desire and destinies where your unselfish character and crusades of dignity and integrity breath life into all beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society is deeply indebted your your unrelenting heroism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

The approaches of some seem to deliver and what ferries a loyal and determined individual is their humble balance of honesty, dignity and the uncompromising integrity which you diligently maintained, Officer Cook. One sweet and special hero whose fortitude saved Dade County and its people that day and everyday from worse damage being inflicted upon them. You will forever be graciously honored and etched upon your family's hearts and those of your comrades who partnered with a very resourceful young man and a trusted gentleman of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

Leaders lead. Those motivated humbly and honorably can give directions even in crises. You gave Dade County and its people, Officer Cook, superior service, respect and character all by having integrity and dignity to stay the courses of ferocity all during adverse times. Always heroically saluted and duly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2020

Voting for our leaders is an opportunity, while venting in frustration over this nastiness that still pervades our world is a God given right of those whom you loyally served as your goals and morals, Officer Cook, always seemed to be on target and you always understood your humbly challenging responsibilities to those residing in and around the large areas of Dade County. Nothing in policing is ever routine these days especially with an unrelenting onslaught of terror and God knows what else. You worked as diligently and as cautiously as possible always prescribing to the highest standards and letters of the law. Honesty, respect for integrity and dignity shall always carry the backpacks of one's glowing perseverance and prudent trails of tenacity. Yours, Officer Cook, have been most heroically transferred to more pristinely pastures where you can walk your eternal beat without harm or anything else disturbing your trustworthy soul of intelligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

With a pure heart and a venerable soul of humbleness and faithfulness, did you, Officer Cook, patrol the boundaries of Dade County. A man so blessed and humane whose legendary heroism stands as a marker for all men and women of honor, integrity and the virtues of dignity to follow in. Your solemn journeys and their thoughtful missions have always been answered and paid homage to for being forthcoming and fruitful. It will always be about the never ending supply of serenity and safe passages for mankind to pursue their ideals, dreams and aspirations. While you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it will bring back a host of memories for your family as they carry on with your spirited ventures while being honest and polite as you were to the public at large. You served with purpose and a cause for mankind to reach beyond their expectations and realize one day why violence must stop. You were too young, Officer Cook, to have been lost though your unselfish sacrifice will be fondly observed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

The shrieks and sounds of those scared by this unending violence were graced by your enriching and most humbly engaging presence, Officer Cook. It was where stability, serenity and heroism flowed from those pipelines of hopeful prosperity and the innovations of intuitive honor, incorporated integrity and most devoted dignity. They handled all situations you undertook on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was respected and most treasured for its responsibilities and resilient measures to govern us by. Only someone so loyal and trusted, truthful and most well mannered who took his onus quite seriously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

Those people grateful for life can be thankful for your career and life pursuits, Officer Cook. Though, you chose a dangerous profession, you can be surely saluted and so poignantly remembered for protecting the streets of Dade County where nefarious actions of one man took you from your loved ones. Reprehensible and certainly vile, your humble and heroic heart and golden soul will be blessed and nurtured by God's hands of loving kindness and grace. The honor, integrity and stable dignity prevented more sure harm by this man who ultimately was shot and killed by your colleague, Lt. Donald Blocker. I'm sure he retired and went on to accomplish as you did, Officer Cook, humble things for humanity. You'll always be notably missed and one day your loved ones will meet up with your glowing spirit in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

When honesty and virtue are on the lines of sight, all men and women public servants of acumen, awareness and astuteness must snap to attention focusing on all the details of their various tasks. You always maintained a ready and able position, Officer Cook, to aid Dade County and their folks when danger lurked. You helped to keep and restore the calmness that our community yearned for. Character, bravery and your top notch heroism all were integrity personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

The eyes and ears of any community rely upon the instincts of a humble man's intuitive honesty, intelligent spirit and most dignified heart. Your integrity, Officer Cook, was always focused in heroically making peace and brokering goodwill, faith and hope with mankind. Humanity misses your humility and gentle nature with your smile. The character and commitment to spare Dade County and its citizens more adverse evil surely won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2020

Whatever keeps ailing society hopefully one day a cure can be found. It is of the utmost importance. The very same for unsightly evil and just wanton ruination to a community such as Dade County were your tireless efforts, Officer Cook ,tried their parts to restore calm and order. You surely were a truthful and most trustworthy gentleman whose respect and ingenuity never waned. Dignity and integrity are not abominations as they are essential elements to the continuing peace process. Your badge and uniform of pride and excellence revealed that fact. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

A budget is one matter. Nothing can subtract from honor, reverence and the additions of integrity and dignity. Officer Cook, you were a humble and respectful young man girded in strength with the heart and soul of a lion. One who gave Dade County and its citizens his life and blood for a more secure area. You can be certain your soul of humility and decency will forever be cherished. You championed the causes and were exceedingly mindful of others privacy. A great and most revered name gallantly remembered for its crusades of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

Boldness never budges and neither shall honor. It cannot waver nor be derelict in its functions. You showed proper restraint at all times, Officer Cook, as a man so diligent and dignified in all your burdens where integrity, commitment to character and trust all came into play. Solving crime is not a game for for unlocking our liberties and freedoms, Officer Cook, here in Dade County may your sweet and humane soul of vigilance rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

The lines in the sand are drawn and now it is time to move in and put an end to this confounding disturbance. That is precisely what evil and torment present to a community as Dade County is. Your days and years, Officer Cook, were well planned and well prepared. Nothing is ever simple. And yet you are fondly and heroically saluted and honored for just that dignity and integrity make humble character shine on as yours does forever in Our Master's heavenly quarters. You took care of your mother when you needed you the most, when Karen needed you and the entire community that keeps us your watch and shows its respects to your soul of distinction and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

The bikers and runners honor you, Officer Cook and so many other devoted, dedicated and determined heroes who gave their lives of loyalty and valor to shield Dade County from evil. Adversity advancing upon us and your undying and unselfish life and career bore this out. You deliver dignity, brought integrity to all your assignments and never will be out of mind or sight. Heroism clearly mature and solid beyond the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones consolidated and cemented down for a brighter future. By proper speech and resourceful hands and legs did you pursue peace while searching for terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

Gallantry is just that one beam of sanctity. It's where honesty, integrity and dignity meet up with character at the end of the trail. Dade County was and always will be the venue of esteem and heroic actions accomplished by your humble self, Officer Cook, on behalf of those whom you served and tried to steer violence away from. The locations of heaven are where you forever eternally patrol those serenely pearly gates. Nothing will harm you ever again and evil should not have taken your young life and respect away by one man's hands of heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2020

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