Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The humility of affirming your bonds of honor and boldness travel far and beyond the dignity and integrity you delivered to mankind, Officer Cook. Dade County has tried all these years later after your life and career of heroism not to let your family and peers down . They have struggled at times to keep the peace as well as you did, wickedness just seems to turn the corners where goodwill , faith and hope shall stake their humble locations. A destiny of trust and truth always eminated from your valiant lips. To be revered, respected and admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2020

The evil that encircles our very world must be taken out of service for its urgency is for those who want decent and honest lives of humility and sanctity. You represented all Dade County, Officer Cook, striving to quell heinousness and by displaying mature integrity and dignity so may your revered soul of expression by doubly blessed by Our Lord. A man of character and commitment standing up for our unities. Forever so duly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2020

Honors are welcome so long as one's gentle humility is applied to all facets of life and their chosen profession. Police work is difficult and there is no sugarcoating that fact. They go out into peril and try to succeed at calming and restoring peace and trust among our sacred humanity. You persevered, Officer Cook and led others by examples of values and morals, dignity and the admiration of integrity supporting your very cherished soul and heroic heart. All these years later as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero it will be known throughout mankind that you were a very uniquely resourceful young man who has not be forgotten for your vision, wisdom and maturity beyond the crowd. Dade County would never ever overlook your resolve and fighting crusades to administer some sacred bond of security and serenity in order to pursue lives of truth and happiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2020

A call to the troops and it's all out honesty, heroism and humbleness trying its utmost to eliminate evil and its violence that continues to disturb our society. But, you saved Dade County, its people and your fellow brave colleagues, Officer Cook, sacrificing your life and career of character, diligence and dignity to take integrity right where it rightfully belongs. Our journeys and missions have marched forth because of your unselfish, undying and most of all unwavering respect for the decency of your fellowman. Always remembered solemnly and saluted humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2020

Tranquility and transparency are out in humanity waiting to be embraced as one. Our freedom and unity here in Dade County were gently brought along by you, Officer Cook, our hero and most of all your family and department's warrior of welcome wisdom and vision. Never better clarity and the constant charges of courage and boldness hang together with fortitude and respect for all those who empower dignity and integrity. You were a grand master of good character and morals, Officer Cook, to be etched and honored forever. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

A person whose sole mission is to alarm others into a panic has no place among the good residents of any given venue. You were a superlative hero, Officer Cook, of wisdom, vision and the leadership of honesty, dignity and always steadfast truthful integrity. At the tender age of twenty-five years your career and life was rudely taken from you and yet that did not deter your family and comrades from carrying on with your stoic legacy. The virtuous ventures you began have not been concluded yet. Happiness, peace and hope were your mottos and your uniform and Badge#1664 were there to back those relevant traits of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

Time passes us by before we even realize it. Your life and career, Officer Cook, passed before anyone could offer you a respectful goodbye. Dade County saw tenacity and tremendous effort poured forth by a valiant and vigilant man. Only the best of kindness and consideration supported by the pillars of dignity and integrity's pronounced goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

Glass is fragile but when gallantry and honor are carefully wrapped as one package tend to last longer. The more a public servant maintains their integrity and respects for character and dignity the longer those perilous roads can be kept free of obstacles that may hinder mankind and its journeys for security. By nature you, Officer Cook, were a dedicated and loyal gentleman and Dade County, your peers had no questions regarding your brave and hopeful performances. Never forgotten and poignantly respected forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

Roses are pleasant smelling and so are the scents of common sense backed by honor, integrity and the pursuits of dignity while looking for some semblance of safety and the arrogance of violence. Dade County, Officer Cook, was under your superior eyes and trustworthy heart of humility and heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of conviction and candor. Your lovely charm and charisma is in heaven patrolling those golden and sacred gates of gladness and grit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

So young, heroic and enthusiastic. Dade County was your humble place, Officer Cook, where you dwelled and devoted your endeavors to integrity and dignity to quash evil. A solemn salute for a hero of resolve and outstanding character and excellent commitments to morals and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of honesty and the panels of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2020

Meteor showers come once in a while. Humility the spirit of honor must stayed attuned all the time. Never a moment of any lapse in concentration nor calibers of integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, as you heroically observed the various coming and goings of the citizens your direction was towards. Safe travels,secure shelters all bestowed upon society as an everlasting remembrance of one fierce warrior and a stellar gentleman whose life and career was par excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The ultimate decision you made on May 16, 1979 won't be forgotten only etched upon walls where your soul was greatly admired and deeply appreciated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

Leaders learn and motivate by their own humble and heroically honest steadfast dedication and never ending determination. Dade County was loyally watched over by your esteemed charm and valor, Officer Cook. A humble servant doing the will of Our Creator. Nobly confident and resourceful to a tee. The shame of your loss, Officer Cook,undercut the serenity and security of all mankind preserved by your gracious wisdom and clear vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

The sun will rise and stay aglow because of your sunny disposition, Officer Cook, always with a bright smile, firm handshake and an ever engaging presence. Dade County reveres its heroes and heroines and your life and career filled with success and honor will be remembered for championing dignity, respect and courage within those shadows of integrity. The wise and well mannered gain their salutes and praises by their unassuming grace and humbleness to believe in God and His ways of purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

You can serenade someone after the serenity and humility has been forever placed down before mankind. While toiling in danger and peril, Officer Cook, you always had the best interests of all concerned by your humble and honest heart and soul. Never levity only civility and sanctity for humanity that lives on in your family where you were that glue that kept them together. Dade County is forever indebted to your glorious virtue and products of persistence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

I meant to place the sign before your badge, Officer Cook, it was 1664 not 31664! With a humble smile and always willing to learn more and to share more with your colleagues in Dade County who won't forget your dignity and integrity that was your unassuming and very unselfish character. They provided the best shield against terror and evil. Forever it will be tragically awful that one man alone took your life and nearly those of your fellow and esteemed comrades. Your heart and soul laid down those cornerstones to a brighter future and one better served if you were present to witness all your hard work and fruition faithfully carrying out your legendary missions of goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

Communications may at times quell a commotion. At least talking produces hopefully some positive vehicle to resolution and a stoppage of the serious chaos that affects our venues. You certainly used all your professional acumen, Officer Cook, to honorably and heroically make Dade County safer once more. Badge31664 gave its dignity and reputation of integrity to keep a firm grasp of the peace already within the residents' midst. Always a warrior and a fond hero who shall always be loyally respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

Oaths and affirmations mean more than just some words uttered to appease someone. They are the basic foundations of a man or woman's humbly honest and heroic testimonies to solemnly conduct their affairs with truth and trust as you did for Dade County, Officer Cook. Beneath your badge and uniform stood a proud man, yet a gentleman of great character and firm convictions who set the bar of bravery and boldness higher with maturity and the constitution of courageous endeavor. Safe and serene though a little less since your sacrifice, Officer Cook, that helped to reign in serious trouble in your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

The shred of decency that our society has enjoyed is because of your humble and honestly heroic life, Officer Cook, protecting Dade County with all your strength and heart of character and integrity. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for direction of diligence and a driving dignity to seize evil and to eliminate this rotten element from our very streets where safety and solidarity belong together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2020

The wings of humility welcome those heroines and heroes of wonderfully humane and distinct honor and respect to heaven's nest where integrity, decency and their dignity of values shall rest securely. Your life and career serving and protecting the validity of society here in Dade County, Officer Cook, shall forever be steadfastly maintained. You bonded and brokered new relationships and mended those bridges where respect for character is a key to accomplishment. Never more saluted and poignantly so duly honored for sacrificing your being and wonderful soul for our safe havens. Tomorrow a swe awaken we should offer a small silent prayer for your vigilant soul, Officer Cook, that went out and commanded respect for having the clarity to cleanup those streets and corners where violence roamed free. Thanks to you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

I meant to say, Officer Cook, the integrity in dignity which is quite vital to solving crime and resolving conflicts. Dade County was your community where service was given to all mankind. Honor, bravery and the resources of dignity and integrity to stifle the adverse affects of violence. The men and women who proudly carry your legacy of humbleness, character and amazing commitment forward surely bare a heavy baton where boldness and responsibility lie in the balance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

Uncovering and unravelling the evil is only one key part. Maintaining a calming voice of reason and a proclivity for proficient honor, respect and the integrity indignity is all important. You never took your eyes and ears off of Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, starting each new day with a genuine smile and a friendly greeting. Too bad your character, commitment and convictions were sadly ended by one young man's sad state of mind. His affairs obviously were of no good and for your service and heroism ,Officer Cook, God shall find comfort for your grieving family and loads of support for those who follow pridefully in your legacy. Your humble soul will be blessed for having the perseverance to complete a dangerous undertaking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

Just as a mother and a father look after their young children so too does a gentleman steeped in humility, heroism and honesty look after his charges, those men and women who looked toward you, Officer Cook, to provide them leadership and acumen while defending Dade County from adverse harm. A loyal and totally dedicated team player who will be forever etched into our hearts and minds. Surely, one legacy tough to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

Courage is not conceited. It is the very humble making of a man's life and career of honor and dignity that confides in integrity to make serenity and peace a living reality. Dade County was directed by your gentle soul of wisdom and vision, Officer Cook, to make things sparkle. Nothing so fine as ferocity and unwavering heroic actions that never shall be forgotten. Character and commitment patrolling those sacred and golden streets of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

When the heat gets tuned up, the honesty and humility are burning brightly because Dade County and its people expected and realized, Officer Cook, your diligent work ethics would produce the necessary integrity to ward off wickedness. A hero forever saluted for having character and class sculpted into your unselfish resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2020

The quilt is knit and in it are many fine and exquisite colors. But, what is much more humble, honorable and humane are those peaceful of public servants who display and promote dignity, character and integrity that is most notably respected and greatly admired as heroes and heroines who must somehow go into the frontline facing great adversity and peril to somehow save and shield us from unthinkable violence which you so bravely did, Officer Cook, on behalf of your community of Dade County. To reach out and never squander the chance to make reality a humble element of your efforts that God has blessed and rewarded your soul of purpose and mettle. The good why they die young only Our Creator knows the answers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations dictate desire which devotes its goodwill, faith and direction to all mankind. You will be sincerely saluted, Officer Cook as badge#1664 performed in an outstanding fashion at all times no matter the event or situation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2020

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