Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A grain of salt is just that. A gracious gentleman of valor and gallantry is to be greatly admired. You were well respected and revered by everyone including your adoring family, Officer Cook. The residents of Dade County could not have been more giving. You cared and were always concerned for their well being placed on your humble shoulders. The character, the integrity and the wisdom of dignity spoke the truth and trust of humanity which all misses your smile and serene mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

The belief in grieving is that there is a God above who watches over those souls, solemn and peaceful who have taken their places in the sacred skies above. You rest there my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, because of your heroic honesty, forthright of dignity and intellect that backed your integrity as you patrolled every corner and crevice for harmony. Never forgotten and always saluted and treasured for being there to place serenity where it mattered. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

The trauma of a tragedy never to escape your beloved family and those esteemed and heroic comrades who fought evil in Dade County with the very same humility, respect and honor as you did for mankind, Officer Cook. A man of dignity and integrity whose very soul of sanctity patrols those golden pavements where perfection never lacks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

A just human being with a humane and sacred heart and soul of heroism that worked his hardest always to
preserve and save life in Dade County where you grew up. Officer Cook, Badge #1664 the one you humbly wore for six years of dedicated service will forever be remembered. Resolve and respect for integrity's dignity, your career and life were directed by Our Lord who never let you down. Though, if you had those side panels we don't know if the outcome back then would have been different. Everything done to save you, Officer Cook, was done there where you were shot and at the hospital. A hero so beloved and greatly admired by his family, close friends and professional colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A uniform of precise construction that has created those esteemed bonds of boldness to be shared and cherished. Our Master must have needed your serenely special soul of resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

Motion keeps us felling alive. Momentum continues today as our heroes and heroines of the past rest in peace for their undying and unselfish sacrifices to benefit mankind. Your kindness and courtesy, Officer Cook, was morally proper as was your uncompromising honor, integrity and the wisdom of dignity. Humanity won't surely forget your ethical manner and conduct totally loyal to the causes of justice and tranquility through being truthful and trusted. Dade County had that feeling of security whenever you took to the streets to patrol and navigate to conquer violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and convictions only for the best of mankind as were your scruples and ideals of ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

Missions on society's behalf must be humbly honorable, dignified and heroic also with the integrity of one's own character. You sought truth and trust here in Dade County, Officer Cook and never once wavered nor deviated from your chosen paths. Our harmony and yearning for silence from evil was your unassuming chore, an arduous task filled with many obstacles at times that can test the patience of most people. Police must stay
on their trails of ferocity and never lack the vigilance of discipline. Always solemnly saluted for gallantry and the gumption to save lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

Our desires were the purposes for which you journeyed for us, Officer Cook. Dade County and its folks were your home and breeding grounds where honesty, integrity and loyal respect for dignity were instilled within both you and Nancy's hearts. I'm sure your big sister misses you as does your family. Nancy the letter I wrote to you, I still reside in North Miami Beach, Florida and if you visit would love to meet you and your husband. My wife Holly and I lived for a year around the corner from your parents' home. One Friday night we were walking and saw your husband. We should have introduced ourselves. As you may or may not know I was in your home there a couple of times and sobbed like a baby. Your brother may he rest in peace must of had a humble and heroic influence as my dad was a policeman in New York City from 1928 until he retired i n 1966. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, a man of morals and ideals rest in peace. You 'll be faithfully remembered forevermore! I had met your daughter Gina, her husband and the three kids at the time as I heard from Amy Lawson who lived in the house that she had another baby, Legacy. Officer Cook's legacy stands for perpetual pride and excellence in both his life well lived and a profession well administered to. Serenity, safety and security sometimes require extra special attention to details. Your darling brother gave his total heart and soul for his community never any shadow of doubt nor hesitation. Unselfish, unwavering and undying.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

Earth to earth and dust to dust, your beautiful soul and heart of honor and humility has long been returned to Our Creator. All these decades later after your sacrifice on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, you've continued to be so solemnly honored for dignity and character, integrity which went on their missions of mankind's faith, hope and goodwill. God's good graces do shine down upon your family as well as your treasured and most resolute soul of expression and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence took a special and diligent man from living out his life and dreams with his beloved Karen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

A humble smile. A most honorably heroic heart. The sense of direction that a humane and loyal public servant always presented Dade County and its citizens with. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were dedicated and devoted to fighting, battling and defending our liberties from all this evil that continues to hound society. The best of charismatic character and staunch commitment to pride, proficiency and perseverance always to be sacredly saluted for bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2020

Terror, turmoil and torment are each terrible in their own right. Never easy and there are no two ways to get around these evil elements of society without public servants owning up to their humility, honesty in dealing with adversity and the respect for a dynamic duo of dignity and integrity which made your unassuming character, Officer Cook, more pronounced and more polished. Humbly speaking you already were and with commitment and conviction, your trustworthiness and truth shall forever be saluted for helping to extricate Dade County and its folks from unsafe havens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's flock of heroes and heroines are greeted everyday of their eternal lives with His grace, mercy and compassion shining down upon their souls and ours too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

God's winner circle is replete with angels fearless and humble. Their esteemed honesty, respect and integrity have taken dignity and heroism to a higher level. His flocks of ferocity are born from great scruples, principles and the wisdom surrounding their valor and flawless virtue. Yours, Officer Cook, helped to sustain Dade County and its people through some darkest of times. Violence, evil and peril lurked and you my neighbor, friend and hero attempted to interrupt its journeys of doom. A savior and a warrior catapulted to a hero's greeting where perfection in the afterlife is never any better. One day, Officer Cook, your other family members will be embraced with your warm and engaging smile and jolly laugh. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

Grieving for a beloved family member who sacrificed his life, yours, Officer Cook, to provide a texture of tenacity in your endeavors to make Dade County safe and tranquil, your family carries on with your humble and honored legacy of distinction, dignity and all heroic integrity. Mr. Pearsall put your family through a hell no one should have to ever experience. And to the family's of your colleagues shot and nearly killed by his heinousness everyone sure hopes both officers, Keith DiGenova and Robert Edgerton are doing as well as can be expected. In Officer Di Genova's case he has gone through torment and just a sad day for your department, Officer Cook, as you were their respected, treasured and greatly admired comrade. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God watches over your humane soul while you watch over your extended loved ones with your parents help from heaven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

Perseverance and resolve are those golden letters which link honesty, bravery and respect to the sacred words of dignity and integrity. Officer Cook , your entire body and soul contained these symbols of serenity, safety and security for all Dade County, mankind and society. Your beloved and heroic goodwill, faith and hopeful dedication lead you on your spirited journeys and missions surely welcome by those whom you protected diligently and with devotion of character, trust and truth commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

If only I knew you and your parents personally, Officer Cook. Your father passed nearly forty-four years ago and your mother who passed almost a year ago March 7, 2019. Hard to imagine one year is nearly here. She and Karen along with Nancy had to bury you for the honorable heroic sacrifice you made to bestow tranquility and liberty upon the corridors of Dade County. Surely, a life to be uniquely cherished and most admired. God you have a humble angel encircling his family and peers each day take care of his immortal soul forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That letter will always link you and I together forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

Yesterday was past. Today is a gift to be respected and cherished. Tomorrow is not yet present. What shall be treasured forever, Officer Cook, is your special and uniquely sweet heart and soul. No levity only piety and reverence for your undying and unselfish service and preservation given to Dade County and humanity in general. It requires a humbly and heroically skilled individual to represent the citizens and your grace and valor was what God gave to you. Your made your parents may they rest in peace proud as you did with your sister and beloved Karen. Cornerstones are constructed for a reason and no man or woman who gives should be overlooked for their participation in the peace process. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

A stellar life of enrichment, enhancement and engagement, Officer Cook, all performed under the eyes of Our Maker. Honor, integrity and dignity are not always found in everyone's souls, yet your kind and compassionate heart of concern,caring and consideration reached out heroically and humanely to spread the vibes of virtue and vigilance which has remained forever lasting. You built those bridges of character, commitment to excellence and pride in Dade County and will be cherished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

Heaven is that glorious afterlife where God's love and graceful kindness abounds as do the souls of those gentle, heroic and honorable men and women who sacrificed their lives for serenity and unity to remain as one. You gave the ultimate accomplishment on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook and your blessed name and heart of integrity, wisdom and dignity shall not be forgotten. You forged the bonds of bravery through your tireless efforts of efficiency and resolve to make our lives more secure. A little less now that you are in heaven resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

The spirit of Our Lord resided with you, Officer Cook and in your parents'home for your whole life. When you married Karen it was brought there to your new home where honesty, dignity and the devotion to integrity rested humbly. Your service to Dade County was the crowning fruition to a life of heroism and character deliver to mankind by a resourceful and most faithful gentleman of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The supreme sacrifice so sacred and fundamental it still saddens me that an evil man took your young and most humanely promising life and career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2020

Dignity, dedication and steadfast determination must not deteriorate. They all must be utilized and honored for their mindsets. Your outlook, Officer Cook, was always positive never a down man. You brought goodwill and the prayers of all to your roles, tasks and assignments within the corridors of Dade County. A fellowship of brothers and sisters doing yeoman like work to extricate evil from our midst. For demonstrating heroism and the touches of gentle security may Our Creator honor your spirit, soul and heart. All concerned and all giving back to sanctity what mankind needs to receive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

The truth and trust of society must not erode. It may never be usurped nor tarnished in any way, shape or form. Complete hope, faith and the tents of goodwill need to be tied together to formulate a peaceful environment. There may be some good days and some bad ones, the kicker is to remain stable and steady in your performances of honesty, integrity and the virtues of dignified character. Always humble, humane and most heroic, Officer Cook, as you somehow protected Dade County from adverse harm. You my neighbor, friend and hero should not have been hurt much less taken from your adoring family and esteemed colleagues. All of what you accomplished has been dutifully blessed in God's peaceful of houses. A legacy instilled and implanted with virtue and common sense. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

Dade County is a haven where the residents expect and demand excellence from their public servants. Peace is certainly preferred over terror and unruliness. You, Officer Cook, devoted your entire heroic life and chosen career to battling adversity. Acumen and your undying wisdom and vision combined with your ethical respect and character built a forever foundation within your golden heart of patented integrity and patient dignity. The consummate and loyal comrade so treasured by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

What should shine? The badge and shoes worn by a devoted and faithfully reliable servant, Your humble self, Officer Cook, pursuing harmony and freedom of expression by all given these rights. Violence should not have ended your life of humility, your career of the highest of professional conduct nor the dignity and integrity that raised those bars of bravery to a higher sphere. Respect, reverence and resolve all demand the excellence that each ushers into humanity. Solemn and sacred render mankind's world a more peaceful and hopeful venue by which to thrive each and everyday. Badge#1664 was well equipped with versatility and a most supreme vigilant virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

Above all be yourself and be honest. Integrity and dignity wrap their sacred belts around those faithful and reliable women and men who serve and protect every single community in this world. Dade County, Officer Cook, supports and salutes your unselfish pillar of character and heroic commitment to its people. Those who compose and comport themselves will reap and receive the ultimate blessings of boldness and rewards of righteousness from Our Master Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

Never surly and always sincere and honorably heroic. It made all the lives of Dade County matter the most when evil came crashing through that door. You were as dignified man, Officer Cook, with morals and respect for character and integrity that brought along our movements in a more tranquil fashion. Your family that continues saluting your legacy lives by your spirit and a heart that was most resolute and sweetly resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2020

The transmissions of truth and trust form a tenacious team when dueling with the likes of terror, turmoil and torment. Society surely needs no more bumps in the roads or hiccups of consequences. Your faith and devout heart, Officer Cook, signed on to represent the people of Dade County more than adequately. All the well learned and well placed awareness, astuteness and acumen pinpointed to precise spots where safety and serenity would be a happy medium. Your integrity, dignity and honor all heroic have been rewarded and blessed as has your unassuming and unselfish character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2020

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