Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The switches to battling crime cannot just be flipped on. The mechanics of morals and mettle must strive to find their linkages to honor and truth as your trusted dignity was always, Officer Cook. The citizens placed their hopes and goodwill squarely on your shoulders to carry Dade County's humility. You never let your family or department down . Again, the situation that awful day of May 16, 1979 won't be forgotten. You gave your heroic life and career to conquer terror. This man was obviously severely deranged, but that was no excuse to kill you taking away a precious diamond. Society and your family pursue your legacy with exactly the same character and commitments to excellence and harmony, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 did a splendid job of resourcing and respecting mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

Making strides in unity and sanctity is not potluck. Luck is a charm, but honor and humility are born within one's heart of heroism and soul of character and commitment. Refreshing and resilient, that's what Dade County and its citizens received from a noble and humane man of class and decency, Officer Cook. Hundred years from today your humane and loyal servant so faithful to Our Lord. He watches over His special flock of virtue and humility for their service to society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

Evil is not saint for its virtue is vicious. The damage and wickedness so violent, humanity just shutters upon thinking of what's next? Dade County was bestowed a grand and pristine public servant in you, Officer Cook, most heralded and heroic, strong and honest, your durability was just right for preserving lives and property where always a man's dignity and integrity belong. Forever hailed as a warrior and a gentleman so endearing and cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

The pious who make the sacrifices are accordingly given their heavenly praises. Blessings and rewards in bounty. God saw a great and humble young man, yourself, Officer Cook, diligent and dedicated working ever so hard to make stability and harmony in Dade County much more than an afterthought. For generation upon generation your good name and goodwill will gather and so too your dignified gallantry, the integrity of intelligence of which your very virtuous maturity will be so poignantly honored forever. Civility lends its credence to nobility while sacredness strolls upon those golden streets above, Officer Cook, where you walk forever your proverbial beat without anymore undue harm or hurt. Things of course should have ended differently that day to one day enable you to retire peacefully and humbly with Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

Adversity never lets those devoted deviate from their righteous paths. You were, Officer Cook, a man on a mission of humility and honesty all supplemented by dignity and integrity the proper traits of all heroes and heroines. Dade County incorporated your greatest of assets of wisdom, clarity and resourcefulness to gain its residents some much essential security and peaceful trails. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

Everything that needs embellishing how been stated, noted and honorably given by you, Officer Cook, to make Dade County, safer, sounder and more serenely secure. Your life and career of responsibility and resolve , all fearless and heroic were accomplished by a man with a wise and visionary heart and spirit. Always well thought of as your legacy continues in your family's pursuits of life and joy, sad you cannot be here to witness those cornerstones you laid down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

When heinousness breaks loose it's like a blizzard when the snow seems to never abate. Your worthiness and bravery, Officer Cook, constituted the reasons why Dade County and its folks were so well served. Honor, dignity and integrity all from your unwavering and unselfish character and the esteemed heroism that will be forevermore saluted and duly sanctified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2020

I meant to say you were so mature, Officer Cook and complete with humbleness that kept your honor and passion flowing within your bloodlines. Gosh just what a pitiful tragedy your loss to your family, department and to society as a whole. A life and career primed and ready to defeat evil and to reinvigorate within Dade County and it people earthly resolve and character so refined just as your adored dignity and integrity, foundations forevermore tied to our very futures. As Officer Piloto reflected about you, Officer Cook, it is a shame you could not by a part of that change. certain areas in your time were referred to as dives. You dove right into the very teeth of adversity never shying away. That's what heroes are built for to construct courage and commitment from the threads of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peace is God's skies above where angels soar freely without hurt or restraints. God took your beautiful heart, soul and spirit where it can now have the greatest eternal affect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

The truth of both salt and pepper is that they mix well just as your unassuming and very high standards of honor and bravery. Respect for your fellowman, Officer Cook, was a high priority as was your undaunted character that spared Dade County a worse fate than what had already happened to your wonderfully cherished soul of distinction. It made that clear and indelible impression upon a society that was just calling for a semblance of peace and stability. Sometimes the flood gates just open wide and in an instant intuition and genius flows through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You so mature and complete with humility that kept your honor and passion on an even keel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

The bait is set on the trap and now all that must enter are those committing such disrespectful evil. Violence is not normal anywhere and won't be tolerated. Because of your tenacity and ferocity, Officer Cook, Dade County own could rest a bit easier. For possessing and maintaining regular character and revered integrity may God praise your undying dignity as it kept fighting against such a large enemy. Heroism is not gift wrapped nor freely passed out as candy is. You my neighbor, friend and hero deserve every honor that comes your direction as you changed the goodwill our society genuinely wants. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

Put the coals in the fire and stoke them. That was the fire burning in your belly, Officer Cook, to accomplish and to succeed humanely and humbly in all your heroic endeavors to transform Dade County for tension to calm. By nature I believe you were very down to earth , pleasant and easy going and yet when action was called for integrity and the respects for character and dignity responded to those circumstances that needed your sacred truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be angel forevermore in Our King's palaces of resolve and vigilance personified.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

Vim is not vain and not conducted on a wim. A welcome sight were you, Officer Cook, here in a community where you were raised and educated. As I said I wished I had you as a school buddy. Your integrity and dignity responded to roles where peril was real and your measures on May 16, 1979, saved not only your comrades, they protected the citizens as well. Hope and heroism were not to be defied. They were as valuable as your serenity and soul of compassion, always relied to conduct your business proficiently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

Greed and lust are just some of the components that can lead to adverse evil. Violence and wickedness were handled very expeditiously and most professionally by your humane heart, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people have afforded you salutes of valor and vision, all that was the conclusive proof of your perseverance and never relenting heroism. Shelters of serenity and freedom started decades ago and have long since continued down those trails of your unselfish trust and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

The source of your heroic strength, Officer Cook, rested in your honorable heart and soul. It provided a basis of dignity and integrity to all Dade County. The many who are grateful salute you, Officer Cook, for superb control and dedicated leadership handed down to other men and women. Never forgotten for outstanding convictions and desirable commitments to pride and scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2020

Serious crime deserves the swiftest of actions and yours, Officer Cook, were totally justified in that your efforts paved the way for some tranquility and unity to filter into Dade County. The nicest of human beings and the fact that I'm really sorry I never met you but I do from time to time to visit your sacred burial spot where integrity and dignity rests in peace with your soul my neighbor, friend and hero. Ingenuity and intuition don't just battle and fight for life they are the very platforms for fundamental truth and trust that justice demands.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

The newborns are vital to their parents and so too are those heroes and heroines so loved by their families. When God takes their beautiful souls to heaven the goodbyes last forever. They are forever sealed within our hearts and minds, their legacies all sparkling clear as yours is, Officer Cook, humility, respect and honor never forgotten. When a man or woman puts integrity, character and dignity in harm's way to shield the public we remember their wisdom and clarity of gallantry and loyalty taped together as one. Dade County has paid their reverence to you, Officer Cook, your resiliency will live on in your relatives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Mechanisms of morals and mettle may never be disengaged for evil endeavors to thwart the best laid of plan society relishes. Pursuits of joy, good health, peace and happiness are the basic liberties which humanity enjoys. You worked and toiled feverishly on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook, always acquitting yourself with tireless honor, humane dignity and heroic integrity of character which can never be understated. Values and virtue from your heart and mighty soul that enhanced serenity and enrichment throughout our community and the place you called home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Pour your heart out and sooner than later God will answer your request. The folks here in Dade County needed your vital services, Officer Cook and you came and answered your calls as all heroes of decorum and devotion must. Honored and beloved, when a man of dignity and humbleness ventures out to save and serve with peaceful intentions we must pay homage to their reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Public servants are the architects and engineers who design all the plans to cease the unlawful operations of evil. You poured your heroic soul and treasured heart, Officer Cook, into Dade County's visions of the future. One that would have been made brighter if your family knew you were physically here to see your hard fought battles reach a fruition. Nonetheless heaven is where angels brave and modest soar every moment. It's dignity , character and integrity jettisoned to a higher calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Permission is granted by Our Lord to see that His Earth is safe and secure. Your truthful and trustworthy journeys, Officer Cook, all honorable and heroic made that distinct difference for Dade County. So much humility and devotion blended well with your unwavering and unassuming dignity all vital as part of one who is forever cherished as a gentleman of integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Being passive cannot evil ward off violence. One must be honorable and persistent in their charges as you were, Officer Cook, with Dade County. Vital integrity, wisdom to be dignified and clean and unselfish character to stand up to truthful and desired commitments to heroism, pride and excelling in all your daily assignments. You'll always be greatly admired and though of with sincerity and sanctity for patrolling those streets and venues where any danger lurked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2020

Never a bounty just a plethora of esteem and honor that was dedicated to managing tranquility and liberty here in Dade County. Your department and community, Officer Cook, where your greatest of assets was sternly put to the test each day. Violence created that black eye that took your golden soul and giving heart away from your beloved family all too soon. So pathetically tragic, Officer Cook. Your smile and engaging personality now and forever home next to your beloved parents where you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. A valiant man who fought for law and order justice and character for all concerned citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

Everyday is a new beginning of sorts. But, first and most important your unwavering, undying and firmly unselfish honesty, heroic integrity and the eyes of dignity within your heart and uniform professionally donned badge to stop crime in Dade County,Officer Cook. Heaven has your sweet and loyal soul of bravery among its angels of boldness and trust. If perfection there is truth in the afterlife as we know then I'm sure your spirit and soul have been and will always for eternity be very humbly blessed. A supreme sacrifice to uplift the faithful who depended upon your variety of God given talents and just trustworthy virtue. Vigilance and diligence never absent when times called for dire action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today and forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

You were a just man of courage and loyalty in your every convictions and purposes for which you lived, Officer Cook. Mankind and society benefited from your heroically honored presence. Dade County and its folks were greatly enhanced by your unselfish dignity and the smartness of your humane integrity. A hero never to be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character spells charisma, heart, acumen, resolve, awareness, courtesy, tenacious and the effort to realize the seriousness of the responsibilities and burdens ahead of you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

A grain of salt is just that. A gracious gentleman of valor and gallantry is to be greatly admired. You were well respected and revered by everyone including your adoring family, Officer Cook. The residents of Dade County could not have been more giving. You cared and were always concerned for their well being placed on your humble shoulders. The character, the integrity and the wisdom of dignity spoke the truth and trust of humanity which all misses your smile and serene mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 7, 2020

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