Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your life and career, Officer Cook, were filled with happiness, peace, hope and faithful devotion. To whatever you sent your mind to accomplish you surely did for Dade County. Honor, dignity and integrity for dedication, desire and character always supreme. Those battles though heated gave the citizens the respect and commitment they needed. Your heroic life won't be forgotten only solemnly paid homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

Indifference, insolence and intolerance can leave understanding and comprehension fighting at those crossroads for some logical and plausible explanation. Violence and wickedness must be solved and competently ended and abated forevermore. If society is going to be able to swim upstream those oars must be firmly underwater paddling us to newer heights. You rowed, steered whatever you needed to do to stop crime and protect Dade County folks which you did and accomplished your roles and assignments very well, Officer Cook. Loyal, trusted and devoutly faithful to the charges needed to conquer. We cannot be allowed to just sink or swim. The durability and versatility of your honesty, reverence and respect for all mankind, the ingenuity of your unassuming dignity and integrity was what saved life and brought your unwavering character and convictions to a more humane and heroic crescendo. A soul and a spirit that saw an opportunity to make humanity better served to function without reluctance only relevance and a fighting resolve as all public servants must have and perform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

With a renewed sense of profound efficiency, your career and professional life of esteem and honor, Officer Cook, has been the punctuation of trusted and truthful proficiency. Dade County was always in the most calmest, safest and securest of hands. The diligence and courage humbly brought together a token of more than respect and resiliency. Vigilance shall always conquer the uneven rhythm of unrelenting violence which you tried your utmost to break through. That terrible day of May 16,1979, the citizens of Dade County in the Liberty City section were probably enjoying a peaceful hour when after two pm a nasty domestic dispute between a couple escalated out of hand. It took every ounce of your heart's dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, to get this man to surrender. The outcome when two of your colleagues were shot and nearly killed and yourself just going to their aid and the civilians' aid you were tragically killed doing your duty. Pathetically sad and unreal. Why? At the tender age of twenty-five all character, a man born with pride and unselfish values taken so suddenly. Heaven welcomed your soul with open arms, Officer Cook, as it is what all who sacrifice do for their fellow comrades. Now an angel of humility, civility and everlasting versatility who took the yoke of responsibility quite seriously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

Vegetables are healthy for you. And so are a man's belief in honesty and heroic dignity and the concepts of integrity. Character can make or break a career and assist in shaking loose those layers of unrelenting terror which is precisely what you succeeded in doing for Dade County's people, Officer Cook. Cherished and treasured, respected and regmented. Nothing like being a brave and trustworthy soul of heart and mind. Giving back to society to further those sacred trails of safe havens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Desire is the springboard to decency and dedication. A totally devoted and faithful man delivering on his humble affirmation of acumen and awareness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

A steaming plate of serenity and safety will fill those bellies looking for boldness, bravery, belief and never betrayal. Only the richness of honor, integrity and the sincerest of dignity leaping from your heroically humble heart, Officer Cook. A mainstay and a legend forever who inspired and transcribed those verses and notes of nobility, civility, sanctity and virtue. It all comes from one's soul of intuition and intelligent missions supporting our safest of navigations. Dade County is and will always be your solemn home, Officer Cook, where you grew up and lived and where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, though it is officially North Miami, Florida your peaceful and final venue of eternal serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

The sunniest of days and the darkest of hours were all welcomed as you brought back a semblance of harmony, hope and reverence to all Dade County, Officer Cook. The folks enjoyed a renaissance of refreshing resolve and faithful goodwill. God bless your heroic honor, heart and soul of journeys that defined scruples, values and the mettle needed to succeed which of course you did always. Never afraid and always loyal. Your special life and career of vigilance has forever enhanced the entire landscape of our world. Remembered and greatly admired for respecting mankind's kingdom. Now as an angel etched forever in walls no one will forget your versatility and durability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's glory resides deep within your spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

Tenacity has that trickled down affect upon society if one's own humble ferocity has that fiery charge. It sure did, Officer Cook, as you directed other colleagues through thick and thin, danger and peril lurking in Dade County. A grateful community that has saluted your wisdom and visionary honor, integrity and those panels of dignity persisting and maintaining proper respect and calm amongst the people. For generations to come your hope, aspirations and dreams now have become heroic inspiration that serves as a guide to living our lives as peacefully and as humanely as you did, Officer Cook. You are gone in the physical sense, the flames in your soul as red hot and aglow with unselfish resolve and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

Humility here. Respect and admiration there and now forever for whatever you accomplished on behalf of the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook. Professionalism with pride and prudence. The creation of new bonds and bridges built by your treasured love and esteem for mankind. Integrity, honor and dignity those three pillows and posts forever laid down for a both safer and sounder future. A little less since you sadly departed this world because of one man's unforgivable outrage against you and your comrades. They shall be blessed as well as you and your very valiant soul of sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

Humility and honesty are striking and in particular when they come from a young man's heart and soul of passion, compassion and courage. The poignant convictions to end this mass bloodshed in humanity we call violence and evil.It corrupts those who remain dignified and humble in integrity. Your forthright character and loyal commitments to excellence protecting Dade County, Officer Cook, signaled a new chapter. The verses are heroically on your gravestone whoever reads them shall let the truth and trustworthiness be known. A great man taken before his time leaving a huge hole in your family's hearts but never out of mind or sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

The communication and camaraderie of both a community and its police officers must be such in that integrity, honesty and the dignity of character's respect for mankind must never leave its roots. Dade County was where you blossomed, Officer Cook, into a finely mannered and highly honored man of ingenuity and mettle. When honor and humility are embarrassed it's just a little tougher to get that necessary handle on violence. Your passions my neighbor, friend and hero all heroic and now part of a golden legacy of your self-worth as a human being. God gives and takes. Your soul, Officer Cook, is being given all the resources that heaven has to offer angels of grit and gumption who made that ultimate for stability and security to be everlasting. The particles of peace and perseverance never eroded during your time. Just keep looking down on your family, friends and now those servants men and women who attempt to kayo evil. That baton sure seems heavy, but, with your spirit observing hopefully the onuses will lessen a bit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

There is a new and sometimes deadly virus called coronavirus or Covid-19. It is spreading fear and panic throughout the world and society. People are being quarantined to prevent the outbreak. During your watch, life and otherwise a very honorable and heroic career, Officer Cook, despite tense filled times you remained as calm as possible while distributing peace and the affects of its gentleness upon Dade County. Safe and tranquil trails followed you as you were a most dignified and highly esteemed gentleman of valor and character. Conviction, truth and trust all from your humane lips and heart of healing and the goodwill of hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never pandamonium in heaven's peaceful channels. God has your soul, Officer Cook, sheltered forever where nothing will ever harm you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2020

A genius is supposed to be that humble and revered individual who plans and prepares properly for the current events. Everyday is a new beginning of sorts and your installation as Dade County's hero, warrior and honored savior, Officer Cook, gave you the authority always correctly utilized to instill more than a flame of justice into the hearts of those whom you served. A tweak here. A tad there. Some tenacity stabilizing a community where your heroic memory is further perpetuated within the hearts and minds of your sincerely cherished family members. You are never far that eternal trip you are on will be culminated one day when all are reunited with your virtuous soul of distinction. Violence shall always be condemned. Your courage embraced for it enriched and enhanced the multitudes. Society can never be any more grateful and indebted to you my neighbor, friend and hero. A proud man with his parents forevermore! Rest in peace. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your darling and beloved son, "Billy," had a passion for life and a certain humbleness in his golden and caring heart. Now as one of the many angels in the gardens of gallantry he'll always have our backs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

The commencement exercises are over and now the responsibilities and burdens begin anew. Nothing ever small just your mighty heroic heart, Officer Cook, honorable and brave. Diligence and dignity have continued their upward flights in heaven as your soul so tenacious and bounded with integrity, Officer Cook, flies skyward. You can be sure Dade County was given first class and top notch service by a man whose missions and journeys bestowed faith, goodwill and hope back into humanity. You are to be reverently saluted and robustly respected for resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency like no other. The cream of character, commitment and truth always rises to the top. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

To look back and think that first saturday was going to be your first weekend day off. A sad day to ponder that your wife, mother and sister had to bury your beautiful heart and soul for its honor, integrity and respect of dignity you afforded all Dade County folks. Those bells and bagpipes all ringing and wailing over your terrible loss to mankind, Officer Cook, a day no one will forget ever what Badge#1664 accomplished in a relatively short twenty-five years of creation and ingenuity. Inventive and persuasive at times can head off sure trouble. Yet, that day at NW 12th avenue and NW 77th court no one knew what one violent man had up his sleeves of serious vindictiveness against police officers. Large words for a man larger than life who smiled, laughed and made you feel at ease. You were all that, Officer Cook, a mountain of a legend symbolic and resolute to succeed at bringing more than a token of tranquility into your community that today respects and has saluted your diligence. Heroism forever honored! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

The green shamrocks of St. Patrick's Day are soon here. It's is where in the St.Patrick's II section of Dade North Memorial Park where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero and legend. You were a young man full of maturity and polished professionalism no doubt who led other comrades through those streets and neighborhoods in Dade County where at times something ghastly was waiting for your response. You and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln came that fateful day all with your humble uniforms of honor and mettle to shake loose that rotten evil that took a most dignified man of integrity and unwavering character. Soon forty-one years will be fast approaching and all the what ifs? Virtue and vigilance all validated your pristine reputation as a trusted and most humbly truthful public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The chariots in heaven shine with angels taking them from point A to point B.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

A prince of a man who was poised and one who persevered to pursue the values of peace and nobility throughout his life and career preserving the integrity and honorable dignity of Dade County's people. Heroic and bold just begin to relate your story, Officer Cook, of a wonderful and loyal friend to so many others here in this society. Mankind was and always shall be indebted to your kindness and courage that tied serenity and security as one. I just wish as your family and comrades hoped that God would have allowed you to live out your life in happiness,hope and faithful goodwill with Karen to enjoy a peaceful retirement. That now and for eternity is up in those deep blue skies where angels unite as one to stand and patrol as one unit those humble pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

One places their head on a pillow and sleeps. One places their life in danger to save face and the existence of a given community. The resources are not always there and yet one must compose themselves in an orderly manner never giving up their sight and wisdom for honor, integrity and dignity's usages during those heated moments. Dade County relied upon your sterling instincts, Officer Cook, heroically to see those journeys through. Our Creator needed your special and wonderful soul back in heaven more help patrol those sacred and golden gates of valor. An angel gently soaring around his family and colleagues looking down making sure they are being kept protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

It's best to be compassionate, yet honorable and humanely heroic. Applauds and accolades will follow later. Your humbleness, Officer Cook, will forever be graciously appreciated here in Dade County as its citizens expected excellent service and received it back from a gentleman of virtuous integrity and stellar character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

When engaged to law enforcement it's all hands on deck. Whenever that call comes in one must be ready to go and secure that measure of harmony and cerebral times. You kept Dade County safe, Officer Cook, because of your affinity for honesty and dignity. Integrity and character are those units of a man's respect for humanity and you surely will be saluted for having the proper values, ideals and unselfish scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2020

Being civil is a sign of respect. Ignorance blurs the true vision of what trust and truth are about. Any region, any community must have a trust in their public servants. Police have to be accepted for who they are and certainly , Officer Cook, here in Dade County you were the consummate man honest and loyal to all. We were uplifted by your compassion and having that special passion to properly resolve conflict. Dignity and integrity are the flagbearers who must march forward in unison.Safe havens were provided by your heroism and upbeat convictions. Never better transparency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

Police sometimes must deal with insults. Though, it is the honorable results that count the most. Pride must be put aside to deal gently and humbly with any issue that crops up. You dealt with life and its issues, Officer Cook, fairly well. Dade County's people were largely aware of your heroic presence and for the most part seemed to have respected your values and morals. Every man and woman must shelter any issues that can interfere with the tasks at hand. Never a day without remembering your life and diligence to a community you and your family called home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your cherished legacy stands for achievement and all the vision necessary to bring about a change for the better.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

Gangs can be like a gaggle of ducklings. They can follow their leader or stray from the group and cause all sorts of societal problems too difficult to reign in. Dade County got your fine and expert leadership, Officer Cook, brave and bold, honorable and a hero of all character and heart. The serenity and safety is a little less and yet those who took over your watch are just trying to perform the way you did. With execution and precision the same as your perseverance and intuitions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

When you reported to work, Officer Cook, tenacity and ferocity rolled in with your heart and soul. Dade County wa smore than adequately provided for and their peace and unity have now and forever become our inspirations. Your heroic actions all honest and all character were delivered in the finest of integrity and dignity to attempt to stop this sinister act of one man. One selfish person who nearly killed your comrades and civilians. He took an angel esteemed and resolute, a man who took leadership and onuses to newer levels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

If every servant carries their own weight the burdens of humanity will be decreased making tranquility more of a positive. You worked and sweated, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County, a hero of humility and reverence always respecting the role you dreamed of becoming. Integrity, dignity and decency wrapped around the virtues of character and civility. That's what is missed today and so is your engaging and treasured personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

Valor, vigilance and virtue all robust in their resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency. Nothing but a gentleman, a young man whose honor and heroism saved Dade County from far worse destruction by one man. Your career and life, Officer Cook, brought peace and goodwill to all mankind and never better character and clutch commitments to both pride and excellence. You will be so humanely saluted for endeavor and efficiency all by way of your maturity, wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2020

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