Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Truth and trust only can aid in terminating terror. You were a terrific young man, Officer Cook,blessed with acumen, astuteness and awareness. Dade County was well blessed by your well versed honor and dignity all humbled by more than character and integrity. A hero who has been fondly honored and who led by example enriching mankind for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2020

Leadership takes great humility and motivation. Your excellence in accomplishment , Officer Cook, has surely been forever remembered. Stoic and loyal to your peers, Dade County never had a better soul protecting our values and tranquility. Honesty, dignity and reverence for integrity are at times hard to manage. You humanely did, Officer Cook and now God will forever bless your soul of direction and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2020

Preparation takes great effort and skill. Your supurb talents and character, Officer Cook,created the essense of peace and freedom for all Dade County residents. Humble honor. Heroic dignity and integrity all generating salutes of homage for your inspiring resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2020

Peace and goodwill forevermore. Your charm and charisma, Oficer Cook, instilled a ray of light in Dade County never to be extinguished. The fortitude of honor, integrity and dignity shall live on in the very hearts of your family. A hero forevermore! A blessed and thankful young man taken so shamefully. Where is the respect for police today? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

Relish your good fortune the very foundations that mankind sets aside for each one of us. Unitied and dignified, your honorable pursuits in life, Officer Cook, have now afforded you salutes of heroic action onbehalf of all Dade County. A sweet and intuitive gentleman, handsome and most beloved. Goodwill, respect and character all being praised, rewarded and doubly blessed. A heart and soul treasured and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Dignity, integrity and honesty always steady, Officer Cook and that is precisely why Dade County is safer, stronger and more unified today than ever. You'll be hailed our hero for eternity as God watches over your valiant and virtuous soul of dependence and relevance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

If things could have happened differently that day, Officer Cook, no telling what your life and career going down those trails of tenacity would have looked like. An honest man of hope and heroism coupling his wisdom and courage side by side one another to make Dade County and its citizens feel secure. Dignity and integrity always top notch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

A war that does not want to easily vanish. Violence spreads so much bad will and harm it's sometimes just very hard to cease its advances. You pledged an oath, Officer Cook and backed up your solemn words of honor and heroic humility. Saluted for character and commitment to excellence inmaking safety happen here in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

Despite this ravage of illness in our land, our spirits should be high for it was great men and women heroes ahd heroines who like you,Officer Cook,made their comunities more dignified and peaceful. Dade County shall not forget your honesty and character, the integrity and respect to lead others through danger. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Genuine and cherished forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

Despite this ravage of illness in our land, our spirits should be high for it was great men and women heroes ahd heroiens who like you,Officer Cook,made their comunities more dignified and peaceful. Dade County shall not forget your honesty and character, the integrity and respect to lead others through danger. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Genuine and cherished forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2020

A cog helps a wheel turn. One wrong move or one rogue officer can make an entire department look bad or even get someone killed during one's duties to serve and to protect the public interest. You mastered your mettle and morals quite well, Officer Cook and the same for your heroic honesty, ingenuity and integrity. All important dignity that led others through torment, turmoil and who knows whatever else was lurking. A hearty salute to you, Officer Cook, a model of character, commitment to proficiency and the just truth and trust from your most worthy heart and soul of humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

Police are those essential wheels to honesty, integrity and dignity that they turn at every point to make peace a virtual reality. The vision and valor, Officer Cook, you displayed on behalf of Dade County cannot be replaced nor overlooked. A visionary whose work ethics and pride matched your demeanor and dedication to all responses of duty and responsibility. There are no times when officers can ever slack off. The tough get charging when the violence starts digging in or hovering overhead. You will be heroically honored and gallantly saluted, Officer Cook, for all your earthly efforts put forth on behalf of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

You scanned and searched for a measure of unity and stability in Dade County, Officer Cook. A well organized man of honor, integrity and total concentration on respect of character and dignity. As you uplifted all citizens whom you served with principles and ideals let it be known you were a first rate warrior and always a first class gentleman who commanded respect for your position of humility and esteem. Comrades, friends and of course you family all loved you and you'll not be forgotten for perseverance and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

As a forever honored hero in Dade County, Officer Cook, it shall always be known you were kind and unassuming, unselfish and most dignified with integrity to match up against adversaries such as violence. What you gave your heart and soul for has built cornerstones and foundations to last for every generation. Valiant and vibrant, virtuous and most vigilant. The good women and men shall triumph against wickedness one day real soon. With your soul and spirit of hope, faith and goodwill steering others though misery and heartache the accomplishments are humanely there to be handled with sincerity, decency and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vignettes are those future visions of which you, Officer Cook, should have been permitted to witness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

Always fully ready to go out and fight against the likes of evil. Always an honorable man with positive to accentuate your movements in and around Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroic and honored. Respectful and wise. Only the loyalty of a sacred public servant genuine and gallant throughout your life and career. We could never repay your service or the fact that sadly you are now one of Our Lord's many humble angels circling day and night as your soar higher each second while patrolling those pearly gates. Perfect and most precise. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

Seldom was heard a discouraging word and the clouds are not cloudy all day. That day you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, it was hot and sunny. Trust, truth, honor and dignity left on the streets with your heroic heart and soul of cheerful character and disposition deposited within that bank of integrity, bravery and boldness. Forever will your memory and resolve, Officer Cook, be remembered and diligently saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2020

The holy souls of heroes and heroines belong forever to Our Maker who placed them in this world honorably and in a dignified manner to battle those adversaries of evil and wickedness. Your career and life serving Dade County, Officer Cook, was all integrity and bold character never to be more respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and their cornerstones secured for a sounder and more tranquil future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2020

To see is to really believe. To utilize one's mind is to begin to comprehend the gravity of the circumstance. Thankfully you came along everyday, Officer Cook, to protect the concepts of clarity and conviction here in Dade County. A man full of wit and charm, perception and perseverance all totally enriched by revered by sound character, heroic honor, and the devotion to dignity and integrity incorporating themselves during violence's times. Surely and certainly fondly and humanely remembered for outstanding effort and the bravery that was always trusted and truthful. Peace and stability from your unending heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2020

True to form with a pure heart and soul, Officer Cook, you heroically and humbly put Dade County's honor upon your shoulders of courage enhancing the virtues of both dignity and integrity. The character as clear as day won't be forgotten nor put on shelves to gather dust as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An immortal man with a spirit that continues to stay aglow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2020

I meant to say, Officer Cook, without further hinderance. Heroism shall not ever be dishonored, disrespected nor tarnished. It is the standard by which all women and men who ever serve and protect shall follow in. Dade County had most righteous and solemn public servants gracious and grateful to answer those calls of duty as you always faithfully did on their behalf, Officer Cook. You are to be honorably and humbly saluted and praised for your blessed efforts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

Testaments can be tearful. So can terror and torment when its turmoil gets freed to act heinously. Thank goodness Dade County had your abundant honor and reverence, Officer Cook. All eye sand ears paying close attention to detail. Dignity can never be sidetracked by actions contrary to mankind. The situations and circumstances all call for dire means. Your integrity and wholesome character channeled newer hope and humility into those reservoirs where surely resolve and whatever else was essential to fight on through all this trouble and chaos. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The goodbyes offered to your soul , Officer Cook, were just a start. God has you protected forevermore where you can walk that proverbial beat while further hinderance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

Character and gallantry are not just grabbed. They must be earned just as the public trust, it too must be humbly earned and share d among other brave colleagues. In the Central Division, Officer Cook, you had all the respect and honor pouring in from comrades, decency and dignity for a heroic job well done. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you reaped what you founded, those cornerstones have been structured as has your integrity and noble commitments to only excel. Your folks surely can be proud of you, Officer Cook, their darling and most fundamentally sound son of loyalty and admiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

Science can better provide a glimpse into our futures. And did your heroic and sacred grit and gumption to help eliminate evil and treachery from the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a more resourceful gentleman of ingenuity and integrity patrolling his community where your character and action spoke louder than just talk. At least, Officer Cook, your dignity and alertness will forever be respected and etched into your family and peers memories. Your instilled boldness and bravery within each corner never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

We put aside our disagreements for the construction of kindness and goodwill. Your sincerest of faith and humbleness, Officer Cook, assisted greatly in your earthly pursuits of joy and tranquility for all mankind. Officers must rally around each other in order to corner this adversary of serious trouble. The scope of respect and resiliency given to you, Officer Cook, here in Dade County only reinforced your trust and truth while honorably carrying out your most dignified duties. Heroism and resolve were integrity steadfastly maintained within our unselfishly unwavering character. All principles and every bit of energy from your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

Violence creates the endless terror that made your watch a little tougher, Officer Cook and yet through it all you continued to persevere. Integrity and character cannot be shelved and neither can honesty nor dignity. They all together fortified your humility and heroically challenging days. Dade County constituted your trails and pathways in life and career, Officer Cook, the effort was always put forth never shirking onus for anything else. A solemn and sacred trust and truth to impart wisdom,vision and loyalty within other comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2020

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