Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your spirit and soul, Officer Cook, shine very brightly in God's heavenly abode. It was your heroic actions, faith and the honor reserved for such dignified men and woman of integrity and character that kept Dade County serene and secure. You are missed very much by your family, department and friends but remain in their thoughts, hearts and prayers. An angel who gravitated from one point to another doing what you made a solemn oath to achieve. Evil robbed a young man of virtue, wisdom and inspiration that was the sincerest of truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2023

Your steady leadership, your fearless actions of humble and honorable heroism, Officer Cook, were the building blocks of what should have been a long career and a life that deserved many decades more of your generosity, kindness and heartfelt dignity, integrity and reverent character that patrolled and secured the residents of Dade County where prosperity and perseverance were called for. In the name of Our Creator your trust, truth and faithfulness shined like a polished diamond and it was found within your unselfish soul and tireless work ethics where serenity and maturity passed gently by one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Admiration, loyalty and a gentleman treasured by his family, comrades and friends forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2023

Each public servant man or woman who serves their community, God arranges their honored life of heroism, heart, soul, integrity and dignity accordingly. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were sacredly blessed and now as angel in heaven you are reaping your divine reward for protecting the good people of Dade County where stability and peace of mind and freedom of movement are now always guaranteed. But nonetheless badge#1664 was about virtue, wisdom and respect your deserved by being versatile and brave displaying why you chose a profession though marked by peril you accomplished your earthly missions of faith, hope, goodwill and dedication with a positive character, a zeal for yearning and a thirst for more knowledge that would further build upon your legacy cherished and unselfish. A tireless young man, a gentleman with a giant heart of kindness, compassion and sincerity. Trust and truth further abide in Our Master's fortress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2023

Reserved and down to earth, your warm and gentle heart, Officer Cook, supported your heroic and true life and career where trust, dignity, honesty and integrity must be valued and worn accordingly. That meant Dade County and its citizens received unselfish and tireless character and loyal commitments from a public servant filled with morals, virtue and wisdom above the norm. We salute you and won't ever forget your career and life bound up in humility and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2023

Determination, dedication and versatility carried your sacred life and spirit, Officer Cook, heroically throughout Dade County where dignity, character and honest integrity made all the difference. An impression of respect, vigilance and diligence that has remained humble and esteemed today and forevermore. Serenity, liberty and a plethora of humility from your unselfish and undying heart and soul that enhanced and enriched the masses. Never forgotten and always saluted for valor, virtue and for pursuing your chosen profession without regret nor hesitation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A mission and journey of hope, faith and goodwill resourcefully accomplished though your family misses you terribly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2023

Heart, heroism and humbleness all blessed and heavenly rewarded for dignity, integrity and humane honor. You had a blessed family, Officer Cook, in and outside of your profession for certain. You join the angels of virtue, wisdom, truth and trust all walking your glorious beats above where violence and evil will never harm you again. But again so terrible to go before your time. Dade County and its people received the most finest compassion, passion and all consummate character patrolling its streets searching for serenity and safe havens. We salute you and won't ever forget your unselfish and tireless gratitude, tenacity and fearless pursuits everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2023

Heaven's glory has your sweet soul and heroically kind heart, Officer Cook. A young man bound for further greatness who passion, dignity and integrity were sadly and tragically ended by another man's violence against you and your fellow officers protecting us here in Dade County. Serenity and humility go with the words of truth and trust all donned perfectly within your badge of valor and virtue. An angel flying high watching over his family, comrades and many friends, such an unselfish and tireless public servant accomplishing his most faithful of missions with more than a glimmer of hope, goodwill and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2023

Our peace, our safe havens, our security, Officer Cook, came at an ultimate sacrifice. Your life and career was given up heroically, honorably and with dignified character to guard Dade County's citizens from callousness and evil. Badge#1664 was worn with heart and humility, virtue touching the wings of humanity which salutes you and has never forgotten you. Your legacy of wisdom and trust has been kept alive in God's humble den where His angels of bravery congregate to watch over us and their esteemed families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll forever be a true blessing to your loved ones, friends and colleagues who worked side by side with you to conquer this world's violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2023

Manners, morals and meaningful purpose provide a humble glimpse into a valuable life and public service career. You carved a reason for your service on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. A notable hero, legend and a most loyal and beloved angel who now walks your heavenly beat above filled with accentuated dignity, integrity, character and respect forevermore intact. Violence, heinousness and senseless hatred took rather robbed your family, community and devoted peers of one sensational young man filled with more earthly journeys ahead. Today, almost forty-four years later you are still high in high regard and saluted for virtue, wisdom and vision scouring the streets in an effort to create liberty and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2023

Officer Cook, so well mannered, so polite and heroically humble and honest, Dade County was your community where you preserved the integrity and dignity of the landscape where serenity and freedom are most essential to our way of living. The sacrifice of your character, commitment and trustworthy and truest of convictions remains the barometer by which other brave souls must continue the fight. Always cherished, loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2023

Heart, character and humility are located within a hero's soul of virtue and wisdom. Yours, Officer Cook, gave Dade County and its citizens six pears of dignified loyalty and rock solid integrity because of your unwavering and unselfish spirit so blessed now and for eternity by Our Creator. You are to be saluted for direction, dedication and pure desire all driven by your earthly efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust have built the trails and lanes of yearning for our brave souls to follow through.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2023

Police have lives outside of their professions. The toughness, perseverance and the humble assurance of honesty must be kept intact just as integrity, dignity and reverent character must be demonstrated daily. You gave your heart, soul and goodwill all heroically for the sake of safety and peace for all Dade County, Officer Cook. Place a capital letter by scruples and morals because of your tireless efforts and unwavering unselfishness we and your loved ones can live going forward knowing your cherished legacy grows by leaps and bounds as you walk your sacred beat in heaven. A perfect mission with Our Creator watching over His trust and true angel of virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2023

A life worth living is one encased in humble honor, humane and loyal heroism, dignity and integrity that displayed your outstanding and professional character, commitments and conviction, Officer Cook. Dade County was your community and ours to share in the serenity, safe trails and much secured paths of righteousness, hope and faithfulness because of your caring and compassionate heart and soul, Officer Cook. Such a sincerely dedicated public servant who made the ultimate sacrifice and who had virtue, valor and viligence attached to your uniform and badge of sanctity, versatility and wisdom to be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman whose legend grows tall each moment that you were sadly taken away from your loving family and comrades to heaven towatch over them from above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2023

You designed your life and career of heart, character and heroism, Officer Cook, by honorably patrolling the streets and corners of Dade County being so humbly devoted and dedicated in all your endeavors. When integrity, dignity and reverence are trampled upon it is up to the diligent and vigilant men and women to take affirmative action to quash these advances. Your life of faith, goodwill and resourcefulness will forevermore be treasured as your loving and adored family carries on with your legacy of virtue, wisdom and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2023

The brave, bold and loyal are the most heroic of honored angels who surround us every second. For their sacrifces have given us a new lease on life and carrying forward their legacies stamped and sealed with more love, respect, dignity and integrity. That you surely had, Officer Cook, all your life and for your public service career defending us here in Dade County. Our freedoms,liberties and harmony all came at a terrible cost, you giving up your life because of a baseless, shameful and disgusting man of evil nothing good. Character and fortitude made your trials, trails and paths more than truthful and humbly trustworthy. Your family and colleagues miss you a whole lot andcontinue their lives of hope, faithfulness and goodwill as you would want them to. you are to be sacredly, solemnly and nobly saluted for effort, virtue and the branches of wisdom, vision and maturity that built your solid cornerstones of success and accomplishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2023

Officer Cook, you did turn things from bad to better whenever your community and department needed your most reliable resources of reciliency, resolve and heroic honor. Dade County felt every breath of integrity, character and dignity patrolling its streets where harmony, tranquility and liberty are never to be tokenly taken for granted. Fierce dedication, the highest level of desire and decency were aspirations that became a reality that was so valuable. You are to be saluted for valor, virtue and the wise passions of your unwavering and unselfish heart that labored flawlessly on our behalf. Serenity and security were bricks placed down for future generations to take notice of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2023

Your dedication and heroic honor, faith and goodwill, helped to turn the tide of terror and evil here in Dade County. Just wished nothing would have happened that day that took you from your family, department and many friends around our land. For having character, dignity and humble integrity may God bless and keep bringing rewards to your soul and spirit that were sacrificed for our very safety, peace and intuition. The foundations were laid down for others to follow in. Truth and trust conquer wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2023

So much love and humility poured into your labors of passion and esteem, Officer Cook, such a tragic shame evil took away a beautiful heart and soul from a man so polished as a fine diamond. And the streets and people of Dade County were blessed with a genuinely true and respected public servant who demonstrated the goodwill, hope and faith of having honesty, dignity and integrity truly bless your humble trails and paths of constantly excellent character, staunch commitment and scruples so valued and trusted. Where virtue and wisdom went so too did maturity and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel of heroic loyalty guarding Our Maker's heavenly gates of gallantry and sacred versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2023

If serenity could ever be bottled up it surely would be a prized resource. But, you, Officer Cook, were certainly an honored and heroically valued family member and loyal public servant to your comrades and the citizens of Dade County who received more than a token of effort. You'll always be fondly remembered for displaying integrity, passion and humble dignity all from excellent character and caring commitment. A man of ingenuity, intuition and intellgence who vigilance and virtue were all scrupulous tools of your professional tenacity and acumen. We salute your bravery and will never forget you and the life and career you exemplified in all its sacred paths and trails so truthfully trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2023

Such a sweet young man, a gentleman with an earnest heart and soul that achieved more in twenty-years than most who live decades longer. It was such a terrbile tragedy, a blow to your family and department, Officer Cook, that took you from this world. Violence, evil and pure heinousness robbed everyone of an honest, dignified and decenctly hard working public servant who served Dade County with unwavering and unselfish character, commitment and a constitution built for more. You left a legacy of heroism to be solemnly saluted for its humbly blessed virtue, wisdom and vision. Badge#1664 was respect, courtesy and a humane fortitude of good manners, scruples and morals that those who took over your watch, Officer Cook, should maintain and perform so well as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2023

Everyone has to leap over hurdles in their lives. Police certainly have to be brave, honest, loyal and dedicated to their callings, a willingness to serve and to protect the public's basic needs. Dade County was where your life, career and dignity, Officer Cook, far exceeded everything demanded in a professional so concerned, thoughtful and most resilient. A gentleman born with politeness, virtue and the humble chapels of character, heart, integrity andhumility always solemnly remembered and saluted for his acumen and awareness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2023

Heavens have angels who are the real heroes and heroines. No questions, no what if. Their integrity, dignity, respect and honesty is all dignified and spread out within their cherished communities. Here in Dade County your support, virtue and esteem has been felt all these decades after you gave the ultimate sacrifice in order to humbly, humanely and truthfully fulfill your aspirations. Badge#1664 was about desire, devotion, decency and diligence that will forever be sacredly saluted for its tireless, unselfish and unwavering wisdom, vision and clearness. Our serenity was because of your heart and soul always so loyal and dedicated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2023

The wheels of honor, integrity and dignity all worked excellently, Officer Cook, a public servant, decent, loyal and heroically humble as you gave your all to protect the people of Dade County. A man who won't be forgotten for his professional acumen and virtue all in the Lord's humbly perfect name of grace and compassion. Because you were raised with upstanding character and very refined morals that directed your everyday earthly journeys and missions of hope, faith and sincerely humane goodwill and esteem that continue reaping their heroic blessings and rewards from God above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanctity, trust and truth go a long way down the paths of righteousness and the trails of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2023

A life that was worth living, so terrible, Officer Cook, yours came to a sudden end. The very violence, evil and heinousness you were charged with uprooting cost you your life and career. All those moments where today you family gathers to celebrate a happy time, they keep you forever in their hearts and minds. A very humble and dedicated public servant who gave the citizens of Dade County every ample space of wisdom, hope and dignity to be saluted along with your outstanding and unselfish character and integrity that constucted the windows of resolve, virtue and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 was trust, truth and fairness mixed together with a plethora of endeavor and perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2023

Those heroes and heroines faithfully devoted, dedicated and determined to carry on their earthly missions and crusades of harmony and safety comprehend their professional exploits. Dade County was the location of your wisdom, boldness and honorable integrity, Officer Cook. No one, your family, colleagues and friends will ever forget you and the ultimate sacrifice you made that tragic day of May 16,1979. A day when dignity, character, respect and your unselfish heart and soul stood angelically tall in protecting the citizens of whom you undertook a solemn and sacred affirmation to serve. We all salute you and recognize the bridges, roads and streets all paved by your truthful and trustworthy perseverance and proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations have cornerstones and you left behind a wonderful family to pass your torch of heroism down to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2023

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