Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When those who are tired and hungry suffer somebody must pitch into assist them. You aided Dade County, Officer Cook, with eveready honesty and dignity from your caring heart of integrity. Character and heroism guarded for eternity in God's highest of castles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2020

The captain of the ship cannot let their rudder or compasses lead them astray at any time. Dade County was well navigated by yourself, Officer Cook, a solid citizen of courage, hope and faith. Nothing but goodwill and character accentuated your heroic honesty, dignity and integrity. Those residing there had your full attention and capacities of skill and respect battling evil for the sake of serenity to pitch its tents of stability and unison among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Care and morals work well when combined with courageous honor, integrity and dignity. They provided you, Officer Cook, the basis to upend crime and evil here in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A true gentleman with grit and gumption whose gallantry now transcends our sunny skies.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Personality is great so long as one's heart and mind are in the right place. It always was, Officer Cook and Dade County was the area where your honesty, humility and heroic dignity stayed those trails of your integral ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Boldness and bravery just a block away. Now and forevermore dignity, respect and loyalty all in heaven, Officer Cook, with your unassuming honesty, integrity and all humble character of a beloved hero. Dade County misses you, Officer Cook and your smiling charm and deeply humane charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Respect runs alongside honor in a hopeful sense and your perspectives, Officer Cook, allowed you to serve Dade County and its folks with nothing but trusted and truthful integrity and dignity to help avery a major crisis. saluted and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Rest assured your legacy and heroic honesty, Officer Cook, is being upheld here in Dade County. A venue where you lived and protected the citizens marked by respect and a love for mankind's dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

With a presence of heart and a humble sid of honor, character and respect, you fortified Dade County with your unselfish pursuits of happiness and stability, Officer Cook, while maintaining a heroic profile that saw your valor help eradicate violence and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2020

Essential and always willing to push through those doors where something was not just right. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook,where your tireless virtue, unselfish honesty,reverence and dignity wa senlisted a tjust the appropriate time. The moment when integrity and character answered the calls of duty never knowing what fates were behind the doors. Now and always remembered as a hero and as a man of vision and wisdom that seized opportunity to make lives matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

A treasured young man enriched by honor,dignity and a sense of integrity who always could be counted on when things got testy and tense. Your unwavering heroism, Officer Cook, never to be overlooked was what Dade County needed to handle the very esential chores of courage and determination. Your soul has and will always be poignantly saluted for unending resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

Intoxicating is what evil is. Never to be tolerated your tenacity, Officer Cook, helped to dispel the caliber of this monster that was ruining your community of Dade County. With a gentle heart and soul, with a kind word and dignity to be hailed as a hero forever we won't fforget a manof intuition and class, integrity and character that continues to be paid homage for running right into danger to bring peace to us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

No time to waste when violence is killing the integrity of mankind. Society cannot just sit back and wait for intolerable attacks mounted by those who are inclined to destroy the fabric of dignity. Your heroic honor, Officer Cook,persevered in Dade County andmade all folks take note of your unassuming and unselfish concentration on eliminating such an adversary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

Serious and serene, you were a secure young and heroic man, Officer Cook, who protected the inner and outer boundaries of Dade County with all your might and character. God has your humble and most beloved dignity channeled forever in those gates of gladness and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

Policing a community is a plural effort. Your humble appeal and virtual acumen, Officer Cook, were all honor and heroism in that Dade County was most watched over by your dignified heart and soul of integrity. The very cherished character and loyal commitments to end this ugly evil one that took you fromyour loved ones and peers of esteem and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2020

A dent and a ding are far better than worse damage that evil inflicts. But for that matter any undue harm to citizens must be avoided and that is why your role, Officer Cook, in Dade County validated your heroic honor, humbleness and the style by which your ethical dignity and respected integrity carried your faithful journeys. They justified the truth and trust the people had for a man of heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

The hopes and dreams were realized. The reality of your heroic and honorable loss, Officer Cook, is forever been fondly felt here in Dade County where you observed and protected its people. Reliable dignity, integrity that was widely respected within your ranks where character and commitment are as important as humility and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

Peril is no time to fool around and play. All business and totally professional, Officer Cook. A genuine effort poured into your labors of inspiration and ingenuity. Honesty and dignity are blessed and rewarded as is your humble commitment and staunch character. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

Badge#1664 looked for no pity, you, Officer Cook,searched through and through here in Dade County to present a semblance of safety while keeping dignified and honest in all your fruitful endeavors on behalf of society. Integrity and your unending values and mettle all the instruments of your heroism to be proudly recognized forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

Experience has proven to be the greatest resource any public servant can possess. Dade County had your undying and unwavering resources of faith,hope,trust and goodwill spread far and wide, Officer Cook. A hero of dignity and admiration to be fully saluted for honesty and integrity that led character right to where peril looked to usurp serenity. Forever remembered for gallantry and a resilient fighting resolve like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

To see justice carried out humbly, honorably and heroically says it all for a man built on bravery and all the devotion and decency that dignity,character and integrity strive to follow each other in. Dade County was where your travels, Officer Cook, took your heart and very sacred soul. To protect our visions and wisdom yours my neighbor,friend and hero had to be righteously laid down inan unselfish and unrelenting manner. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2020

Grace and goodwill were best spread out here in Dade County by your all out unselfish honor and respect for life, Officer Cook. A humanely heroic legend of a trusted gentleman whose scopes of justice were as big as your kind and considerate heart. Dignity and integrity navigated the venues with character and decency all following down those trails of truth and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2020

We read and react as best we can. Police have those extra special senses to act and when honor, dignity and integrity are all accounted for then peace and stability may come forward. Dade County was well served by you, OfficerCook, their hero,your family's warrior in arms and aman with an engaging sense of charm and commitment to values,ideals and morals. We remember your smile and warm sense of enrichment that has been going forward inthose blue skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2020

I 'll pray your loved ones are safe and peaceful during these very trying times. Society was preserved by your unassuming and unselfish humbleness, honesty and reverence for dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. Where no ordinary person would venture your vigilance and virtue were out on the streets serving a God given purpose and never was humility lost inyour heroic actions ever! Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2020

An act of kindness and a prayer ot two may help the woes of our world today. Your faith and devoutness, Officer Cook, helped to shield Dade County from crime and because of one man acting selfish and diabolical your young life and career of enhancement and hope was ended. A hero lost too soon. Integrity and respect taken to guard those pearly gates of valor where perfection is never missing. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2020

It has been documented that your dignity,devotion and determination, spared all Dade County far worse evil thanthat tragic day you gave your life for humanity, Officer Cook. Honesty and integrity along with solid character and truth are the exact elements to try and destroy violence fromour midst. A hero to be saluted for his resolve and unselfish actions to protect the citizens and his fellow comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2020

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