Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Honesty from one servant won't conquer, but, it would greatly assist one in coping with the duress from their large tasks at hand. Officer Cook, as a humbled and humane hero of Dade County, it was your richness of spirit,soul and heart that led your missions on behalf of mankind which is deeply indebted to you. Integrity, dignity and sacred character and the sincerity of your commitments to civility and nobility that we shall honor your sacrifice. A God fearing gentleman who graced his parents and sister along with His beloved wife for twenty five years, four and half with Karen, sadly all too short. Tragically retirement was not to be your destiny as fighting evil and violence was what you voluntarily accepted and willingly signed up to try and accomplish. As one of many angels you are now in the position to patrol and watch over us, and you'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

The stations are manned with everlasting public servants who dared to dream and to aspire. A man with honor,faith and hope shall never go unnoticed nor without a salute for providing his community of Dade County some real eyed transparent peace and liberty to go about our everyday journeys of humility and serenity. It was and is forever your heroic inspirations, Officer Cook, that hope will spring eternal. A gentleman with a loving heart and very engaging soul of mercy and trust surviving the rigors until Mr. Pearsall demonstrated a complete lack of respect for authority and honest and humble officers, your comrades whom he wounded and nearly ended their lives and careers. You look down upon your buddies and their families while Our Lord steers your sweet soul around His gates of persistence and gallantry forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

If I am not mistaken today is Palm Sunday, then Thursday is the first day of Passover, followed by Good Friday and then next Sunday is Easter Sunday, Officer Cook. For a devout man you, Officer Cook and your beloved Karen, may she live and be well with her new husband and his family always realized the value and dignity behind religion and ritual observances. You always had God direct your flights of freedom to pursue security while chasing after violence a rogue and rotten element to humanity. Its fundamentals confounding, confront and confuse mankind's passions and choices in life we all at some point make. God gifted you my neighbor, friend and hero with undying loyalty, esteemed integrity and the consummate character that made a distinctly heroic impression in and around the corners, streets and roads of Dade County. So for that matter you planned ahead and prepared yourself for the humbly arduous responsibilities protecting its citizens day after day. And never once batting an eye. Keep soaring as a perfect angel with wings of bravery high above next to your very dear and beloved parents. Rest in peace Officer Cook and to you Mr. and Mrs. Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

There never seems to be a cure all for all the mayhem and mischief in our land, but, at least we have honorable heroes such as yourself, Officer cook, who made inroads with this unfortunate evil and by virtue of your unwavering dignity and integrity during your life and career in Dade County some of the issues and troubles have abated a little though not by much. A little less safer today because of your untimely absence while performing your central duties and by maintaining excellent character during difficult moments. Always warmly, solemnly and very fondly remembered and beloved by your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

Wanton evil is a curse to the purposes for which we move about peacefully in society and must be stopped dead in its tracks at once. The paths paved, the trails set out by your honorable heroics, Officer Cook, brought a newer resolve to the tensions that existed because of needless bloodshed. And that sad day when your family and department lost the humble and humane diamond of dignity and integrity it was and always will be a treasured and cherished man who was taken suddenly, all too soon with more left to fulfill. Your family, friends and those future recruits will have to gently take the baton of bravery you patrolled with character on Dade County streets. Never forgotten and saluted for enhanced effort and a spirit of affection that was the outpouring at your Inspector's funeral where a community and a grateful nation bade you a fond a sacred farewell. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

Quenched by a thirst to learn, to educate and to enhance the versatility of a virtual society, your endeavors in Dade County, Officer Cook, spread a hero's worth of honesty, integrity and dignity within a community where God has continued to bless your sweet and most vigilant soul of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

With a golden heart and a vast intellect filled with the solid resources of resolve, reverence and resiliency, your daily life and career, Officer Cook, was sacred and honorable one that was humbly and heroically dignified as it served and enhanced the landscapes of all Dade County and mankind in general. The safety, serenity and serenity now passed to to other humane and staunchly loyal public servants who must somehow share the burdens of responsibility and respect for a sacred society. You won't be excluded from these essential and duly noted homages of serious sacrifice all unselfish and all unwavering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The very violence that still casts a nasty eye upon humanity will one day be wiped out forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

One who goes about their daily affairs is blessed in humility, for humanity reveres those who set out to conquer callousness and wanton violence. You chartered newer pathways here in Dade County for as your family and department's hero your good name and most blessed soul will always be admired for unwavering, undying and unending bravery. Dignity and integrity are stored in those chests of courage where God keeps His eternal flock of angels protected,sheltered and secured for violence which took their inspirational spirits never to be forgotten as you, Officer Cook, shall never be forgotten. Faithful and devoted never a missed step. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

Going forward is what every hero would want from their families of faith, honor and respect for goodwill. Your family, Officer Cook, has loyally pursued your values, ideals and principles all these years later. Dade County and its citizens saw an esteemed employee enriching, enhancing and endearing himself to safe travels, trails and hopes for a safer future. One not as such because of your pronounced absence. But, sanctity, humility and reverence are all written on your gravestone where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

Centerstage everyday in honesty, respect for dignity, integrity and superior character, you'll be fondly remembered as a Dade County hero of distinction, Officer Cook. Those wildfires of wickedness were put out in humble part to your consideration,concern and caring heart. Sacred and secure, our safe trails were paved by your unselfish actions of valor tha that secured your place in God's celestial forests where angels of ferocity roam freely without being followed by harm and pain. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

We hail heroism and honor as much as we should hail brave folks putting themselves in harm's way to redirect evil and whatever its futility tries to leave upon society. You just tried and performed your jobs and onuses, Officer Cook, just as everyone else did on behalf of Dade County. You were a civil minded individual looking for no rewards, just a little peace and hopeful goodwill in Dade County. Five minutes before you would end your shift a call came in of an officer down and there you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went in dignity and integral character to try and square a situation of a wayward man shooting up Liberty city because of his depression and diabolical mood swings. You paid the ultimate price for our security and will be saluted for gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

The vast majority of folks are decent and polite. No matter the circumstance every woman, man and whoever dares to risk their life must exercise good judgment, be loyal and trustworthy and possess a level of honesty that meets or exceeds expectations. Your mannerisms, Officer Cook, fit the standards of your department and for having that keen awareness may God in His mercy and compassion bless and protect your undivided dignity and integrity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and kindness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

A stick that strikes makes an impression. A sturdy public servant who girded himself with truth and honor made his peers, parents and an entire community of Dade County proud. You protected and preserved the quality of life, Officer Cook, so as to be fondly remembered as a man of the fine and outstanding character that is called upon during intense moments. Never forgotten for having a humbly heroic feature burning within your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2020

Interfaith should bring out the very heart and soul of America. During those very racially solemn moments it's essential to figure out how to co-exist with one another. You did an exceptional job, Officer Cook, supporting and striving to make peace a reality here in Dade County. Where dignity,trust and integrity belong with honor. Your humbly heroic measures spared a more greater loss of life. A sacrifice so humane and sacred God if only why? Why did our Master of mercy take you at such a tender young age? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Be fair, be true and trusting, above all be frank, it will settle any differences that could cloud the issues of honesty, integrity and dignity. When you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook and for that simple matter you lived your life under certain routine values, morals and ideals that made your humble success more virtual. Durable and venerable, your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, stands as a rod of resolve, let us hope the lightning keeps things illuminated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Firm and equitable, never a more prideful gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

With a skillful cunning and intellect, everyone knew Dade County and its people would surely be in outstanding hands. God's gifts to our country and nation all honorable souls of resourcefulness and the greatest of resiliency fighting tooth and nail for serenity and the tranquility all venues and regions clamor for. Very well done, Officer Cook, faithful and devout, trusted and dignified, loyal and likable. Never one to run from danger, you put our lives as your foremost priority. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and humility. The gardens of heaven are moistened by the raindrops from heaven a sure signal you are observing those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Don't be bamboozled by violence, take a stance and endeavor to battle through the mayhem and assorted chaos. You certainly did that quite well, Officer Cook, honorable and highly venerable. A legend among Dade County residents, your friends and peers both present and of the past who have not forgotten your courage and vitality all from your mighty humble and heroic heart. Dignity and integrity are the programs to one's passion and for being compassionate and instilling a calming peace of mind here in your community that has always been revered, respected and greatly admired for giving outstanding service, Officer Cook, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Animals roam the prairie looking to prey upon those creatures that will satisfy their hunger. Evildoers prey upon communities where those vulnerable citizens depend upon the honorable pride of excellent men and women staying on key at their forts of ferocity. The life and heroic career you capably led, Officer Cook, was your true and trusted virtues protecting all Dade County and society in general.Our Master has your upstanding character, outstanding commitments to justice, hope and security sheltered with Him watching over your soul of faithfulness. With uplifting and spirited convictions to quality of ethics, so may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Bravery relies on the heart and soul of honor and respect for humbleness. If humility is not shielded humanely then all the respect can go out like one small flame of hope. The candle flickers and extinguishes with darkness and despair right around the bend. It never ever did when you patrolled your blessed and treasured neighborhood of Dade County, Officer Cook. now and for generations to come your name of heroism will be enshrined in our hearts and minds for dignity,integrity and character all battled beyond their strengths and endurance of effort and hopeful faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

The demons of disaster look to trump the aces of honesty and its acumen. The awareness and respect from you, Officer Cook, were always consummately present in and around Dade County protecting and inquiring of the public's welfare. Only the eyes and ears of one talented and tenacious crime fighter uplifting the spirits of all mankind with gentle wings of humility and clarity. God has accentuated your beloved character and commitment to the skies above to walk your eternal beat. Proverbial and perfect in all His ways without ever a morsel of harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

One thing not allowed from brave and honest heroes and heroines is insecurity not while providing those havens and shelters of stability, harmony and unity. A peaceful man, a gallant gentleman helping to spread the wealth of dignity and integrity from within his own heart, mind and soul of appreciation. Yours, Officer Cook, was committed to righteousness and the proper balance of boldness and beyond. Never forgotten and saluted with gentle kindness and affection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was abundantly blessed by your wisdom and vision all from your superior maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

To climb to the top of the mountain a little humility and honesty will help make those steps a bit easier. No one just starts out that tall as respect and goodwill must be earned by every servant protecting their areas of concern. Dade County is no different in that it is a large region, a zone where peril can strike at any given moment. Your assurance and dignified name, Officer Cook, blessed and nobly heroic did its part and now character and responsibility are tasked to those who remember your humane legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Perseverance and reverence can surely assist in fighting off the instability of evil. A task so tall and wide, it does require the most essential of men and women totally devoted to honesty and whatever else in dignity and integrity is needed. Dade County had your acumen and character day and night whenever you hit those sometimes lonely pavements. A man dedicated to good behavior and a wide range of resolve, Officer Cook, you'll always be held in high esteem for heroic bravery above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

Do not cry for me for my soul of humanity and honored heroism is watching over you in the heavens above. Your whole life and public service career, Officer Cook, were founded on the very principles of dignity,integrity and always a smile on your face. Dade County and its folks cherished your candor and charming charisma while respecting those whom you loyally served. Saluted and so honored for sanctity and noble actions of thought and care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2020

If a pen is mightier than a sword, then honor, humility and respect are all heroes of dignity, character and integrity's most loyalest of commitments. Dade County was served fairly and squarely by a most trusted and truthful warrior in residence. A man with persona and a big old smile, yet serious when dire measures were called into usage. You were a grand man, Officer Cook, so special and uniquely caring for humanity. Mature and humble just skimmed the surface of your enriching and enhancing endeavors that befitted mankind's purposes in life. Those missions and journeys you solemnly carried out are being gallantly perpetuated by those men and women with wings of steel and morals not to be questioned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching as your family members all beloved articulate through life carrying goodwill and hope through the roads along with your heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2020

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