Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The sum of all character, dignity and integrity is humble and heroically humane honor bestowed upon the heart and soul of a brave young man. You were a hero to so many, Officer Cook, your beloved parents, your adored Karen, your cherished sister, Nancy, just esteemed and loyal forevermore. The cornerstones and their very foundations have been built for goodwill, hope and faithfulness to flow forward. Never forgotten and saluted for wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2020

The venues of esteem and endeavor are paved by heroes and heroines brave and battle tested. You were ready for the exposure and the challenge of defending Dade County and its people. Dignity ran up those flagpoles of honor and integrity where now your true and truthful character has been paid homage and saluted for grit, gumption and a certain passion you had for policing the streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Those who honor humanity, Our Creator blesses their souls. Not many are willing to risk their lives for harmony and to those who dignify mankind with integrity, respect and character so may their humane heroism be noted. Yours, Officer Cook, certainly and surely will be. It uplifted the hearts and spirits of all Dade County residents to a higher level of comfort. It's just always going to be most sad the pain, hurt and anguish your family suffered upon hearing the news of your loss. Acumen, wisdom and accomplishment in twenty-five years of service with a smile and professionalism that punctuated your most pronounced journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No man or woman of character and faith shall be relegated to the sidelines. Heaven is that picturesque venue, Officer Cook, where your soul will indeed shine on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

A tear shed is honor, heroism and humility laid down for a scared purpose. The causes of justice are numerous but all women and men must carry on with integrity, character and dignity that the citizens respect. If you cannot compose yourself properly then police work is not for you. What you were destined and cutout to perform, Officer Cook, was being a highly intelligent public servant who could feed his ferocity right into the heart of all Dade County of which mankind greatly admired you for. Service done smartly and properly the first time, being able to direct, motivate and lead others says your desire and dedication were your strengths of which their were humbly many. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Young and bold with a beautiful soul of serenity and warmth. Lovingkindness and most peaceful where you, Officer Cook, may neighbor,friend and hero now and forever rest in peace. You sheltered many from evil, vigilantly preserved the value of life, were a decent and honored hero who more than satisfied the pangs of Dade County's folks who were given top notch first class service and quality of happiness and safe trails for all concerned. May 16, 1979 and forevermore generations will come to read and know the legacy of a proud man with a solemnly humble upbringing. Outstanding performances in the line of duty and a gentleman whose supreme sacrifice has upheld your family's faith , hope and esteemed goodwill you gave back to humanity. Now certainly the lights of your bright soul, Officer Cook, will illuminate us henceforth and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Touch and control, the levers to pull and to push are our greatest of pals. You were a gallant man, Officer Cook, a great comrade to all, a springboard of information to whomever passed your direction. Dade County was where you furthered your endless resolve to combat violence and by being of course decent and honorable,courteous and dignified. Integrity of character, respect for elders and everything true in a man's thought and aspirations, it happened to a wonderful man with an engaging heart, a soul of humility and wit, a sacred spirit now forever floating high observing our coming and going just as your family pursues their dreams, goals and aspirations. You are their inspiration who God saw as an angel so he took you back to heaven where you could reunite with your beloved father, may he too rest in peace and on March 7th of last year He brought your beloved mother may she too rest in peace back to her eternal shelter both of them so loyal, honored and humbly faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

The welfare of society is paramount above all else. Those parameters have been constructed and now must be pristinely preserved as they were by a most admired, adored and beloved hero to his family and department. Dade County was where you supremely placed your life and career, Officer Cook, to honor, dignify and to spruce up with integrity all of God's living creatures. Man does not live by bread alone, he must make excellent usage of the resources given to him. Sacred and hallowed be your blessed name, Officer Cook, a man of ethics, a gentleman whose gallantry and charm have further built those soundest of bonds, bridges to a more exciting future, one to be cherished as you so passionately did all your days, months and years of perpetuating the freedom of will and expression, forming an indelible impression upon your beloved family. They were devoutly religious and so were you as you attended your church and performed your confessions and whatever needed doing. Indeed a well lived and praised life of service and truly trusted and humane convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

The inmates are not running the asylum and the streets are not going to be interrupted with a flow of foul air. Nothing was going to usurp your best of efforts, Officer Cook, while you were in the commission of your honorable and loyal duties to mankind. Dade County experienced tension and unrest, it was your obligation to end this unbalance which put a crimp upon the goodwill, hope and faith of all. Humility, sanctity and serenity still work their charms to undo the evil affects of those inclined to commit wickedness. Humanity surely misses you, your family, friends and department brothers and sisters all do. Heaven is venue reserved for those vehicles of faith and resourcefulness that helped you achieve a means to a successful ending. The completion should have resulted in a happy retirement for you and Karen. She won't forget you , I'm certain she has not even though she remarried some thirty years after your untimely loss to society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Happy holidays Karen if you read these reflections.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Clear winds shall blow. The nastiness of violence shall one day be castoff and never seen again. Unfortunately, your family has missed you, Officer Cook, beyond what words can convey. Yet somehow they continue in your heroic paths as your humble and highly polished legacy of honor and dignity brought integrity and character into all your personal and professional efforts on Dade County's behalf. Remembered and treasured for great ethics, values and the wisdom from having superb ideals, badge#1664 won't be forgotten ever! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

In a perfectly fair world, peace and decency would be the rule of thumb. But nowadays that's not exactly happening because police are needed to patrol communities, venues,parks, regions, corners and streets where unadulterated evil still lies in wait to seize someone. Dade County was always well served and protected by you, Officer Cook, honest and dignified, so unwavering, unselfish and relentless with your humility and fighting resolve. Efficient, resilient and proficient are all remembered solemnly for battling for our happiness,health and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Endeavor must be perpetuated and accentuated. The greater one is in command of themselves, the better chance to combat this terror and torment that threatens to unglue society. Officer Cook, you took a sacred and serene affirmation to guard and to shield Dade County from this foe, nothing stopped you until that awfully tragic day of May 16, 1979, when your honor and dignity was callousness taken from you. All soul and heart with a mind so mature and humane. The hero in you will always be saluted for bravery and for going above responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Neither wind, smoke darkness or sunshine will deter the highest qualities of those composed, caring and concerned servants of the law enforcement communities. Evil is wind, violence shall never reign down upon the public at large and you saw to it, Officer Cook, that Dade County, was secured and safe from those ugly elements that create havoc and mayhem that can affect dignity and integrity. The more character, the humbler the commitments to vigilance and heroism will be. Just keep looking down from up above, Officer Cook, you were a man with a most consummate and giving heart of gold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

Unity may not become unhinged nor integrity impaired in any way or fashion. Your dignity and heroic honesty surely deserved many more years of life left to accomplish whatever you had to pursue, Officer Cook on behalf of Dade County's citizens. God has that hidden master plan for all our character and destinies of desire. He needed your spiritual soul of valor in His castles of courage along with so many other wonderful angels to soar higher each day as cherished and most respected individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2020

If you meddle with someone's fine mettle , you had better beware and lookout for the valiant and humble will come and take you down before you start anymore trouble. Problems and issues are all a part of the daily lives of women and men conditioned to battle and fight those adversaries who look to cause pain, anguish , grief and suffering. You patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook with the very same fetish and panache as you always did and for having a most noted and heroic soul and heart may Our Maker bless and keep your spirit comforted until your loved ones are finally reunited with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

Being mature and learned will certainly assist and further the continuations of those brave souls of reverence and honor who put life and respect ahead of anything else. You weighed all your options and your best answer was, Officer Cook, to go and aid the people and your upstanding peers who were caught in the heirs of one vicious man bent on taking away precious lives. Yours, Officer Cook, as the decades seem to pass quickly will be solemnly honored for instrumental integrity, devoted dignity and character that was held in high esteem. I do hope your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and his family are doing well. happy holidays to the Tidwell, Wilkerson Families too. And to you Chief Jacobs to you and yours a happy holiday. Your friend and classmate, Bill Cook won't be forgotten for his ethics, endeavor and totally stellar values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was in outstanding hands of a humane and motivated leader.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

The furnaces burn furiously. The fires of your ferocity burned passionately, Officer Cook, keeping aglow the hope and goodwill of all Dade County and its fine folks. Yes, you were a very fine man, decent and respectful, a human being equipped with the fabrics and fibers of dignity and integrity, they were your best defense against the likes of wickedness spread far and wide. For being heroic and devoted may Our Creator shine His countenance upon your immortal soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

When the horses of heinousness come galloping through our neighborhoods, the good men and women of law enforcement are present and accounted for to take charge of every detail that dignity, honor and noble integrity represent. Your loving wife sent you off to work everyday praying that you would return home safe and sound. That day of May 16, 1979 when Karen made you breakfast and coffee, Officer Cook, no one knew it would be the last time you were together. God only know why? Why would a man, a Dade County hero of determination and dedication be taken suddenly from his family colleagues and this entire world? Well, God you have surely one courageous man, a spirit of enrichment, a gentleman whose name blessed and rewarded honored his parents and mankind with no disrespect and no mysteries surrounding your excellent morals and mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

Evil, violence and wickedness is crash, bang and boom all rolled together. But to defeat this plague of terror, honesty, dignity,character and integrity surely can pierce the armors of such an enormous adversary. You did Dade County and its people proud, Officer Cook, a hero whose service and resolve tried to rectify the wrongs of a man gone wild. Our tranquility and freedoms all came about through your love of your community and respect foe humanity. It was your living and breathing humbleness that saw your journeys as complete though you still left a legacy to be shared and continued by your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

Gumption, grit and gallantry are not guesswork. They are a vital part of truth and trust instilled within a public servant's heart of honor, humility and heroism as yours, Officer Cook was and will forever be fondly remembered for. Dade County was your territory where you worked hard to formulate a plan of peace and liberty for all mankind. Never forgotten for character and loyal commitments to pride and virtues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2020

The golden ages were a thing of the past. One thing not to be ignored nor confused is your straightforward charm, candor and humble charisma. Right from your gallantly heroic heart of consideration, Officer Cook. Turning Dade County and their people into a more calmer and a serener environment, you certainly were a dignified man of commitment and convictions to stellar character the necessity to be able to protect more efficiently. A warrior with a wonderful personality, refreshing and spirited, cherished and admired for bringing responsibility to the forefront. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

You served, steered and solidly arranged serenity, safety and the trusted and truthful security within the cornerstones of Dade County to be reverently enhanced.enriched and engaged by others who have taken their sacred affirmation. It surely was holy and pure right from your caring and kind heart of gold. A standard that will be difficult to continue but with your soul and God's tenderness and hope the burdens can be accomplished as He blesses your heroism and a fighting resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook Badge#1664 will be honorably so saluted and paid homage for loyalty and undying transparency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

I apologize Officer Cook I meant to say your beloved soul is now and forevermore accompanied around heaven following those of your beloved parents. Not only do they follow you, every honored and heroic officer's does shadow you. Being cared for in God's eternal shelters of sleep and perfection your integrity and respect for Dade County will not be overlooked. Your career served as a springboard for other public servants to gleam, to trust and to tackle with unending tenacity all the problems big and small placed in your plate of progressing through peril and whatever diabolically challenges your reservoirs of thinking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

Muffins comes in different varieties. Patience and effort can only come one way and that is straight from a humble and most noted man's heart of heroism and integrity. Dignity and character that were truly made for saving and an ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County. One made by you, Officer Cook , nearly forty-one years ago. Serenity and service given first class decency and expeditious attention by your unassuming, unselfish medley of morals and mettle meshed with powerful principles, proficiency and unrelenting understanding coming from your tireless training, planning and total preparation for the field where your battles were fought solely to secure the residents and square away a nemesis of nearly giant proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your special and loving soul of compassion is not accompanied around heaven by your parents, Officer Cook, their darling and sweet angel, "Billy," or "Bill" as you were called by them and your pals and peers of gratitude and loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

A speckle of dirt or dust, a torn uniform serving and preserving life in Dade County would not stop you, Officer Cook, nor would a man bent on destroying the open ended honesty and respect for society. You sir my neighbor, friend and hero succeeded beyond anyone's expectations. Terror will never tarnish the badge of goodwill and endearment that you chartered a course to follow on. Those trails have been paved for those next in line to continue your very valid and diligent watch over humanity. The skies are blue and sometimes overcast, yet the lights will never dim because of your special soul of reverence and perseverance observing us going through our daily climbs up those steepest of mountains. The highest of heights now glow with your valor, Officer Cook, rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

The vultures of violence just keep swooping down on us violating our sacred truth and trust. Men and women of tremendous will and spirit fight our battles defending us at every turn. Torment and turmoil would not deter your faithful missions and journeys in Dade County, Officer Cook ,a man set to succeed in replenishing tranquility for all humanity.Honorable humility, solemn dignity and the consummate integrity of your heart and character giving every ounce to thwart this very cunning adversary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2020

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