Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Enigmatic and insincere will not ever make up the differences in anyone's lack of humility and honesty. Fortunately, Officer Cook, you had the sincerest of dedication, determination and devotion to duties that called you to those particular scenes. Dade County nearly forty-one years later is much different than when you patrolled its roads, corners and various streets looking to remove the utter odor of violence from among them and both replenishing and replacing them with tranquility, safe passages and unity for all society. A man of character, a hero who shall be given homage and dignity for coming to aid and protect life and property in and around a community that had revered your memory as your soul of humanity soars higher each and everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

A part of a hero's family, comrades and friends depart with them when heaven calls one back home. You had much more to live for, Officer Cook, a valiant individual and a true gentleman who defended the honor, integrity and dignities of Dade County's own. By your willingness and freedom of choice did you become a stellar and staunch law enforcement professional whose pride and excellence lied in your feats of ferocity and expeditions of experience and know how. A true and loyal friend to all I can see why Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your darling, heroic and most beloved "Billy," was revered, admired and greatly respected by all mankind, society and humanity. Humility is not just a gift handed out , rather it is received by one whose life and career of credence lends itself to the everyday challenges that place at times peril and its obstacles of wickedness before its troops who engage such a brutal force, a monster who has no sympathy, empathy or whatever compassion is there to be had. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with your most wonderfully beloved parents in God's loving palms cradled with courage, care and kindness and devout character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

The curve of learning is a tough road ahead for most, for some diligence and patience are honor and dignity's humility. Heroism and integrity that you , Officer Cook, solemnly, poignantly and sacredly demonstrated guarding Dade County shall never be forgotten. Decades later your smile, solemn affirmation, trust and relevance my neighbor, friend and hero of constitution and character continues revolving around your family, department and the community where you grew up to become a serenely humane warrior. Badge#1664 and yourself, Officer Cook should rest in peace as others dedicate themselves to weeding out evil and planting the seeds of sweetness and joy for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

To set free a menace of vast proportions on mankind would be akin to mass murder, mass mayhem, a collective chaos unleashed against the majority of citizens who live proper lives while enjoying freedom of movement and all the liberties given to humanity. To pursue those Dade County called upon your expertise, Officer Cook, to shelter those infirmed, to provide safe havens for hope, serenity and goodwill to lead the charges. The battles and wars still rage on today with your heroic honesty, integrity and wisdom of dignity all observing from God's heavens where His precise vision will guide your soul on pathways to protect others desiring some assurance. Character, commitment to excellence and pride along with trusted and most sincerely truthful convictions highlighted your watch, life and breath of boldness and instilling bravery in all public servants who worked with you, one authentic man of acumen and consideration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Talent and skill alone only begin their genesis so long as endeavor and proficiency are constantly poured unto your loyal labors of esteem,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

That heavenly summons comes and with it comes a price of the ultimate honesty, humility and respect for both dignity and integrity. Officer Cook, you were humble and quite gallant while on your tours of responsibility leading, dedicating and in motivating other officers through the risks and rigors of enforcing and enriching. Life is a virtual examination every second and for your character, commitments and convictions of twenty-five wonderful yet short years, you accomplished and exhibited grace and valor under fire. That hot sun and streets where you gave your life protecting Dade County, your blood was not given in vain. And although you were not required to go to that frightening scene with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, patience, perseverance and loyalty were and have been eternally saluted and enhanced in the glory of Our Creator's thrones of tenacity where all heroes and heroines walk that perfect and proverbial beat never to be harmed again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

A bulldog is as tough as nails. Police officers need a tough interior and humbly honest exterior. Forceful when necessary and fair at all moments. That's precisely what made you the kind of dignified hero that Dade County called upon to defeat violence, Officer Cook. You backed up and supported your wounded colleagues that day and everyday showing grit and compassion. No one ever thought you would lose your life that day as difficult as it was. Yet, you displayed a courage and a resiliency as all who wear a badge and a uniform must. Terror cannot be left to tarnish, ruin or diminish the realms of humanity for which we continue our daily journeys in health,peace and prosperity. Heaven has a truly modest angel whose heroic life, yours, Officer Cook, surely is most legendary and won't be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

The plagues that torment society are what causes good men and women to devote their lives of spirit and professionalism to serve. You served Dade County with an unselfish honor and virtual dignity and integrity. An intelligent gentleman who inspired through his most faithful trips around a community that forever salutes humility and heroism. The skies are brighter because of your versatility and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

Your loving folks may they rest in peace, Officer Cook, along with you my neighbor, friend and hero brought you and Nancy into a world filled with endearment and purpose. You fulfilled God's will defending and protecting Dade County against the guises of gutless evil. If you have a problem seek help don't take it out against your spouse, girlfriend and certain not law enforcement. Praise the Lord for one splendid and diligent hero of honesty and resolve. Sure character which enhanced the reverence of your wisdom and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

Devoutness is the trust and truth of one's faith. One's undying loyalties to all calls of duty. And certainly you never ran nor shirked onus, Officer Cook, a forever Dade County hero of honor, respect and integrity. For keeping safety and harmony stitched together, may Our King grant salvation and perpetual peace upon your dignified soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2020

Those tails of talent, those kites of kindness are all flying perfectly in heaven, Officer Cook. Your unwavering, undying,unending and unselfish character, honesty and perfect acumen for respect and relevance have all been kept alive within your family. They are beloved just as yourself, you were adored and the darling son of your parents who raised both you and your big sister, Nancy with class and respect. Your beloved wife, Karen, who like yourself was a woman of valor who lived with an angel and a humble hero everyday of your marriage. Life and its moments can be fleeting and certainly short and brief and yet the lights of your soul have never flickered once. A career and a life well lived and well resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was duly protected and served by your abounding courtesies and graceful fortitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

Virtue is a trait all should rely upon. But, sadly valor and esteem are missing from honor and respect. Our country, our place of happiness is less safe because of your absence, Officer Cook, one that makes hearts beat faster and souls that have grown fonder by your unwavering and unselfish dignity, loyalty to fellow officers and the unrelenting resiliency poured into your desires and dreams. Dade County and its citizens still strive for that quality of harmony, unity that follows close behind. Our Maker's plains of perfect harmony where angelic heroes and heroines souls revered, blessed and undisturbed patrolling those sacred gates of gallantry forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

Having your thoughts trained on your targets where tenacity and affection touched the hearts of Dade County. A man with a golden heart and precious soul preserving the serenity and security of life. So special and your virtuously humane. Officer Cook, the warrior mentality poured through your veins, it was God directing your charges right into unthinkable troubles that fateful day when you sacrificed your spirit to create a semblance of dignity and integrity. Versatile character, durable commitment and trusted convictions. Never forgotten and forever treasured upon the soil you walked as a beloved public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

Dictation is not always so clear. A good listener does what God created in our ears, one of our very important senses besides sight and smell. Determined and devoted surely Dade County and its fine people will always cherish your memory, Officer Cook. A most humble and heroic man who deserved to live on today. Your impression and character will continue inspiring the masses who fight on with fierce honor and bravery stored in their own integral dignity. Foundations constructed most wisely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

We control our destinies under God's divine providence and leadership pf perfect wisdom and vision. Sounds simple? Our obligations, onuses , burdens and responsibilities are to endeavor to honestly fulfill the will of heaven. Dade County was the venue, Officer Cook, where your heroic loyalty and integrity belonged with your helpful and cherished dignity and outstanding virtual character. A life lost too soon that while it cannot be brought back, your pathways, trails, missions and journeys of long ago can be carried on in a legendary sense. Your family while they pursue peace, health and happiness can charter the courses of your courage in an unending manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

Decency is born from dignity and respect. Integrity and having honorable character is most essential to battling the foes of ferocity who look to destroy the peaceful and safe havens of communities. Dade County was where you gave your life of heroism , Officer Cook, to put more than a patchwork of perseverance and resolve back on those streets where your dedication is still and always remembered and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2020

Futility can create a frenzy like no other. Dade County has had its times of adversity and trouble and when it did you, Officer Cook, came along to put an end to this rage of violence. Your soul was pure and your heart of honesty and heroism was most humble. A gold and sacred heart of deserving respect for mankind, society and humanity in general. Nothing worse than having your peace of mind, integrity and characters of decency, dignity and morals taken suddenly by a troubled man. An individual who usurped authority and leadership to spread his brand of callousness throughout your community, a place you called home, grew up and got married to a wonderful woman in Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

You try and chop one evil head of wickedness away and seemingly other heads float to the top. Your vital and most vigilant crusades on Dade County's request, Officer Cook, left goodwill, peace and resolve where their cornerstones and foundations can leave that heroic impression. Gallant and full of gumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity, dignity and reverence all encircling us forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

By trustworthiness and unselfish tenacity did you conduct your professional affairs, Officer Cook, masterfully, skillfully and fruitfully on behalf of the people of Dade County. Loyal, esteemed and brave beyond any shadow of doubt. The shadows of Mr. Pearsall were vile vindictive and venomous to say the least. You were a resourceful man humble and honest, dignified and respectful. All heroes and heroines remain a vital part of their families and are never out of heart, mind or sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

Good character combined with loyal commitment equals convictions that shall lead to resolutions. The faith of a fine young man , a legend here in Dade County who was blessed and talented, he gave his life and heart for peace. Surely, Officer Cook, your unassuming dignity and integrity rest soundly under God's greenest of pastures. Humility and fight all walking perfecting protecting those pearly gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

No one can predict the future. It's now and today that we must live for. Truth and trust might just be able to break the back of this pandemic, this virus not seen that is taking lives daily. Everyday or night you went out on patrol, Officer Cook, to calm and to restore faith and hope to the citizens of Dade County. Your heroic honesty, respectful character and integrity to lead others was put to the test and all were accomplished successfully. Just tragic that Our Lord deemed your journeys as complete and of course there were angels to welcome you home to heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

Dignity and integrity have that heavenly scent that surrounds those angels whose heroism and honor reaches out far and wide. The days are getting longer and as your anniversary of your death approaches, Officer Cook, the what ifs still linger within your loyal and cherished family members. Dade County was safeguarded with tenderness and tenacity all unselfish and tireless never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

Evil and violence punctuate ardent movements around venues. All good public servants must pounce upon those who prey on the less fortunate. Your career and life, Officer Cook, lived in Dade County, protected Dade County, endeared, enriched and surely enhanced those looking for harmony and it came from your heroically honorable and dignified heart and soul of humble integrity. The lessons are there as your soul walks that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A pyramid of persistence, proficiency and a plethora of certain resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2020

Eyes working in unison. Arms to reach out and pull someone from danger. Ears to hear any sign of trouble. Legs to run right square into adversity. They all contributed to our liberties and freedoms in and around Dade County, Officer Cook. A man who climbed those mountains with humility, sanctity and respect to get after the sources of serious issues. Endangering the public even by one person is terrible let alone by numerous individuals. You were an amazing servant, faithful, cherished and loyal to your community,country and those family members who were there to see your badge pinned onto your chest of unwavering and tireless courage. All are missed tremendously! God so many beautiful heroic angels whose resolve was most versatile and quite durable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2020

A humble man reserved in humility, dignified in honesty, emblazoned with integrity which all steered your character and charismatic heroism, Officer Cook, straight through the Dade County area where your life and career began to take its shape. So much esteem, trust and truth, all from your kind and humane soul and reverent heart of gold. Safety, security and serenity all directed away from violence which took a beautiful gentleman from his family, friends and professional comrades. Stolen under a blazing hot sun that tragically awful day of May 16, 1979 while on patrol just doing your duties and due diligence and about to end your shift. Just terrible and mind boggling! Though you'll be fondly and solemnly remembered for never hesitating valor and the virtue of your sincerest of commitments to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2020

Welcome intuition makes for competent ingenuity. All the fabrics and morals of good conduct and excellence in weeding out wickedness here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man who handled his heroism just as you did everyday of your life. Humbleness yields humility and sanctity wields its rich sources of enhancement and loyal endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2020

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