Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Corruption and callousness causes the caves of comfort to collapse. Your undivided and heroically courage, Officer Cook, offered a better plan, far better for Dade County's folks. Safety and wholesome harmony while unity rested upon your humane dignity and integrity. Solid partners of one's respectful character and commitments of humility sanctity. A loyal and faithful man who forever will be treasured for his attempts to quiet down a man bent on evil. Violence we all recognize can do many nasty and tragic things to humanity, your resolve and efforts, Officer Cook, are those very cornerstones laid down for other brave soldiers to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

Laying it all on the line is the only thing all humble, heroic and honest personnel of the law enforcement communities do for us on a daily basis. Dade County was your venue, that warzone so to speak, Officer Cook, where your courtesies and courage matched up excellently with unassuming dignity and steadfast stellar integrity. The battles, wars, fights all still rage until one day when this adverse and evil foe is caged and put out to pasture. Our hopes and dreams relied upon your virtual resolve, respectful character and unwavering commitments never to run, shirk or dodge burdens of responsibility where resiliency and dedication are shown to be most effective. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is essential to show support and honor, to praise those men and women of acumen and awareness whose astuteness was the real deal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

The mammoth blast of boldness, humility, honor and respect surely circulates loudly around Dade County, Officer Cook, even though you left behind your loved ones and colleagues many decades ago. God's cerebral quarters are filled with authentic and marvelous angels of bravery whose characters, convictions and smiles all fill those waves of warmth high atop the skies above. When loyalty, hope and goodwill are trampled upon police sisters and brothers solidified in their composure must act to stop this uprising of unreal violence that once it takes off can be most difficult to stop. You performed and held your own, Officer Cook, accounting and acquitting yourself humanely well. The fires rage on and humble and honorable servants attempt to head off these sinister advances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

Reaping serenity and relishing protection Dade County had a total man, first rate officer patrolling their community where tranquility and unity blended well. Your entire life and career, Officer Cook, though relatively short because of violence was the virtual epitome of common sense, vision and the crowning humble and heroic wisdom that all honesty, integrity and dignity bring to their tables of tenacity while you were facing terror face to face that day. May 16,1979 was tragic and senselessly sad because of one man's lack of remorse, character and absence of any scruples or morals. One hero taken away from his loved ones and remains brave, esteemed and most beloved among his close knit family and class of peers all truthful, trusted and versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. History records the virtues and vigilance of all heroes and heroines. God's ledger books keep tabs close tabs on all angels of valor and clarity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

The eagles fly with a boldness about their journeys. You orchestrated your missions in and around Dade County, Officer Cook ,with the highest degree of composure and honor, a brave heart and soul of respect and integrity dignifying why humanity needs more concerned servants such as yourself. Class and decency all molded and all polished from a pure desire to shakeout those webs of wickedness and unwelcome evil. You paid the ultimate caring for your comrades and those citizens whom your loyalty meant something to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels fly high and soar like eagles because of their measured tones of tenacity trailing their every exact movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

Instinctual and perpetual, always looking for that serene rainbow over the dark clouds of evil, Officer Cook. Surely a gentleman richly steeped in honesty, integrity and dignity's characters will remain a vital source of heroism and humility forevermore. Eternity has those angels secure and serenely heroic in their concerted endeavors to shield and to save their communities. Dade County won't forget your response that day, Officer Cook, nor the rest of your six valued and important years of service. Twenty-five years of light and adventure to watch over society as those who have taken over your watch perform the way your heart knew how to accomplish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

When under siege never panic as there must be a plan of action to figure out your next move. Clever and cunning are wonderful so long as charm and charisma are not conceited. Nothing about you, Officer Cook, was contrived, just truthful and very sincere. I just wish my family could have met you and your loved ones. You distinctly served the residents of Dade County with a pure heart and a sacred soul of precise morals and courageous passions. Never forgotten and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

With sterling leadership, stellar motivation and dedication of devotion and directional determination, Dade County's people were very well served by you, Officer Cook. Heroes and heroines are judged by how they live their lives and perform their jobs when a crisis hits home. That being said your humility, sanctity and civility all were nobly accepted as a man of honesty would bring to his positions of perseverance and passion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

Your sacrifice at the altar of public service on behalf of Dade County surely and certainly won't be forgotten, Officer Cook. You left behind a grieving family to mourn you and a host of loyal and honorable comrades to carry on with your legacy of unselfish integrity, dignity and the reverence that is due to one's outstanding character, commitments to values and the excellence of your trusted and truly humble convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

Just be yourself and let honor and humility support your composure and courage. You'll find dignity, integrity and respectable character all around your patrols as they all were for you,Officer Cook, a Dade County hero forevermore esteemed, loyal and faithful. Being a devout man who truly cared about mankind and his family Our Creator has that special angelic blessing and reward that was waiting for your soul of peace and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2020

One must be amped up with resolve and sheer resourcefulness in order to get at the heart of the matter. It's those ramps where traffic can be at a standstill that one's honor, integrity and dignity shall pass through while they gamefully protect their community. Dade County was your home, Officer Cook, a hero whose legendary life promoted and delivered the authentic serenity and security that was essential to the public's basic movements. Gallantry, humility shielded you my neighbor, friend and hero until your last ounce of strength echoed from your heart and lips. Always humbly trustworthy, sincere and fair. Rest in peace. The heavenly court has allowed your reward and blessings to both rise and soar over your esteemed family and loyalest of comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

Flattery can be a sign of sincerity. Surely better than slander. The lips and mouth of a devout servant who rose to the occasion to succeed where others may not have. Officer Cook, your pious and honest life, a most dignified career and profession where respect, commitment and integrity all enter that fray in attempting to fracture the limbs of serious trouble here in Dade County have been fondly paid homage to. Salutes of valor and virtue, vigilance and due diligence from a heart warming young man gone way too soon. Your paths and trails of versatility were long and winding as were your journeys now jettisoned to God's warmest of shelters, havens reserved for distinct and proper human beings whose souls forever radiate warmth and lights not to be extinguished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those branches of goodwill and inspiration have branched out into many leaves in which its seeds are many. Representative of the many under your humane and heroic direction, motivation and steady leadership.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

Reflexes come in handy most times when wanton evil strikes at the very heart of any community. But, we the citizens must remember it must endure forever just as honesty, dignity and integrity. The patience and poise of professionals is out there to ponder as is their humble and heroically sincere character. Yours, Officer Cook, was most proficient, efficient and consistent when resiliency was called for. Its onus had to be handled gently and with a firm hand of resourcefulness. All resolve from a treasured young man dedicated to serving the folks of Dade County whom humanity cherished. Loyalty and faith certainly followed behind your angel wings may neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

I meant to say, Officer Cook, you never looked for a reward or credit. Serving the people of Dade County was the humane thank you for your heroism and dignity. Integrity and honesty that have followed your trails to Our Lord's home of perfect wisdom, vision and clarity. Nothing more clear and serene as heaven is. The values,morals and ideals to last for generations to remember fondly,faithfully all from the caring inspirational heart of a truthful and a most trusted public servant doing his best to alleviate terro, torment and turmoil from our venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

A warm smile that radiated affection. A calming voice that delivered logic and reason. A big heart filled with compassion and tenacity. From your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, all demeanor and devotion right down to integrity, dignity and the character of what being honorable is all about. Dade County I'm sure misses you as does your family, sincerest of peers and congenial of friends. They all saw a humble man who need looked for reward, just the notion of doing an excellent job while serving his community. A great loss to your loved ones, Officer Cook, mankind and humbleness now bestowed upon your sacred soul and its spirit of adventure. The photographs you took must have been awesome and no doubt those beautiful pictures of heaven are exquisite and perfect. Just wished as everyone does that your life somehow could have continued forward. One man's proliferation punctuated a somber day here in Dade County when a cherished angel and a gallant warrior was lost due to his heinousness against you and your fellow officers just doing their normal everyday job where peril and blessing cross paths. Your soul has always been blessed as you watch over your loving family as now and forever you are with your beloved parents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Excellent character never ends. God has a firm hold over this. He is hugging and cradling you to keep you warm and safe.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

Gold, silver and copper are elements all with a value. And all with a never ending respect, character and esteem, Officer Cook, were your most humanely heroic integrity, dignity and honesty well worth your valued service here in Dade County. No plugged wooden nickels, just all out battles to disrupt and to take violence off the streets and out of circulation. Your pulse persistently found those markers and channels for which your hopes and aspirations lied. Heaven's angels are those women and men duly legit and humbly accomplished while doing and carrying out their undying responsibilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

You surely were a most heroic bastion, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County, protecting and providing quality service to a region and a community looking forward to days and weeks of restful bliss and safety. The motivation and leadership all stemming from your most unselfish dignity, character and integral honesty all driven upward by integrity and wholesome reverence for mankind to take its steps of resiliency while your pride and humility have been remembered and so duly saluted for bravery and virtues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

It's affirmed, confirmed and eternally inscribed upon your gravestone, Officer Cook, the humble, heroic and honorable gentleman and police officer you were. Tributes poured in from all over. When a public servant who was most respected and beloved was robbed of his humility and dignity, then integrity and character must summon their endeavors to support the legacy of reason and convictions all of which were founded upon the principles of wisdom and excellent vision. Dade County will never be the same without ever seeing your smiling face of valor and charisma again. Our Master has your serene soul of distinction preserved for safekeeping, nothing will confront,confound or cause bodily harm to your again. Always tragic what happened that day! You defended the residents and the honor and hearts of your esteemed colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

When those gun salutes go off, it's time to bade a hero forever a fond goodbye for now. A hero's hope, goodwill and directional faithfulness spread in and around Dade County, Officer Cook. Your sincerest of effort, honesty and a thriving integrity and dignity that allowed your upstanding character to corral callousness and evil being perpetrated upon those citizens whom you loyally and sacredly protected with all your passionate heart of warmth and charm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2020

Credit to consideration, concern, care and courtesy to your wonderfully devout and humanely honorable parents, Officer Cook, may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Dade County was policed from top to bottom because of your engaging personality and bright smile all very sincerely missed today and every second. Integrity, dignity, respect and resolve your family has had all these years after your heroic sacrifice to carry out your legacy of humility bound by the corners of courage and pride worn solemnly on your sleeves of trusted and truthful justice which in turn accentuated security, serenity and a never ending future for those desiring happiness, peaceful times and good health. The plans of those who have succeeded you must not be obscured nor interrupted in the least by violence, hatred and terror to our land.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

Heaven help us if dignity, integrity and respect for mankind's honor and humility becomes extinct. It can never become that way! Your goals and earthly directions, Officer Cook, were proudly, practically and most proficiently steered by The Man Himself. He no needs bows or hints of any kind. His daily watch over us is constant and never contrived. For a man born with truth, trust and tenacity, Officer Cook, your days, weeks, months and years of vitality and virtue were certainly praised and blessed. Acumen, awareness and astuteness are not earned immediately, they must be garnered the very same way, honesty, integrity and character are earned which was how you functioned in life and because of your unwavering, unrelenting, unselfish and undying actions we can leave our homes and castles a little safer though less since you were taken decades ago. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, with a prowess and pride all within your persevering heart of gold and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

The belt holds one's pants up. Girded in gallantry, grit and gumption, Our Maker has your sweet soul , Officer Cook, protected for safekeeping where your honesty, integrity and dignity, their respect, reverence and character to be forevermore honored for eternity as they delivered the impact of resounding peace and freedom for all folks living in and around the corridors of Dade County. Heroism, humility and humanity cannot let go of those grips of your appealing mannerisms all geared toward one goal, one mission with several trails of trust and pathways of truths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sincerest of intentions, hope, faith and goodwill helped to alleviate those alleys where those inclined to commit would endeavor to run and escape from punishment. God reveres those who loyally serve Him. Your humane rewards, Officer Cook, are an ever constant reminder for those who pursue righteousness and not travel to commit terror and other terrible actions that disrespect the reasons why we were created to begin with. A cause contains an affect. We had better pray and use our minds wisely!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

That proverbial phrase the apple does not fall far from the tree was surely the essence of your entire life and law enforcement career, Officer Cook. A hero through and true who served his community of Dade County and its residents with noble, humane and heroic distinction and blessed with a sacred heart and peaceful purposes in mind. A true humbleness, a trusted integrity and character with a commitment that had all the refreshing air to go after harmony while trying to eradicate evil and wanton violence. One person can cause the biggest of ruckuses and if Mr. Pearsall could have taken responsibility and utilized his brain's resources more things might have turned out differently for all concerned that awful day of May 16, 1979 when you made, Officer Cook, the ultimate sacrifice to be fondly and without a doubt solemnly remembered and wisely saluted for unselfish bravery when accountability came your direction. Always a hero and always a treasured family member, esteemed comrade and dearest friend who engaged and encouraged. This is your inspirations and are very heartfelt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

Innovative and intuitive, your ingenuity and intelligence, Officer Cook, will always be respected. Seeing that you were a dignified and honest servant God I'm sure has His blessings and rewards for doing an outstanding job in serving your community. The enhancement and enrichment of Dade County has always been duly noted for its civility and noble deeds. A sacred oath taken loyally with trusted and truthful lips of humility and humanely devoted ethics and morals to be etched forever in your family, colleagues and friends hearts and minds. Diligence never deserted your badge or uniform worn equally well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

If a public servant is honorable and dignified his or her acumen and common sense will not lead them astray. Integrity and character are mutual components of one's humble heroism and should never be forgotten. They won't Officer Cook, they won't. You sacrificed your heart and soul to benefit Dade County's people and the enormous energy expended will remain cherished and dignified. Foundations are built on solid grounds that will forever leave that mark of your legendary feats of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2020

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