Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A man with a quick wit and an engaging smile, a warm personality so endearing and so true to form. Dade County was virtually protected by your confidence and unassuming honor and heroism , Officer Cook. Its citizens have remembered your enriching style and for patrolling with vigilance and vision, may God bless and reward your unselfish dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

Years of hard fought tears and toil. Sweat falling off your brow of bravery and boldness, Officer Cook, to see an end to violence and torment in Dade County. The many hours of supreme sacrifice, serenely heroic honesty, devoted dignity and intensely loyal integrity waged in an unselfish, unrelenting and mostly unwavering effort to stop a wayward man. His youth and your youth intertwined going opposite directions. You and your fellow comrades tried your utmost to end his aversion to evil. You did everything right and by the book. God took over and sadly took your beautiful soul and wise heart back to heaven to reunite with your father, Charles, may he rest in peace with your wonderfully faithful mother, Julia, may she rest in peace. What kept your mother alive until the ripe humble age of 103 years were her years working at Sabal Palm Elementary here in North Miami Beach, Florida. Sadly, I unfortunately experienced far too many unpleasant experiences, bullying and harassment there. Yours, Officer Cook, were most pleasant and engaging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Like mother ducks who lead their gaggle of ducklings, respect and honest humility lead their faithful flock of devoted public servants through misery and mayhem. Dade County has many bodies of water and where upon close examination one may find plenty of ducks leading their young. A veteran officer, Officer Cook, you were chosen to lead and to direct other men and women of experience and patience through thick and thin. Danger and obstacles placed in your path cannot detour a persevering young man so loyal and dignified with an earned integrity humbly joined at your side. The fights, battles and wars tragically continue but with you overlooking their battles those tough times may soon lessen. We hope and pray your heroic soul observes and with Our Master's mercy and compassion intervenes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Adjacent to the awareness of one's humble honesty is the acumen that one's dignity does to accentuate their integrity. It's not too hard to understand why a man well respected and full of uplifting character, commitment to excellence and stellar convictions was successful for the most part during his life and police career. Dade County was an area filled with the good and not so good times of strife, tension and racial unrest that can undue the harmony, tranquility and stability of those people looking for some safe havens and unity. Liberty and freedom came from your most heroic heart, Officer Cook, a truly legendary man with a wide smile. But, firm and fair, truthful and resourcefully trustworthy. With gallant resolve and energetic resiliency it's plain to witness why you were able to direct others, motivate them to a higher standard of conduct and to redirect your supremely humane dedication where it surely was to be. All your roles, tasks and assignments were maintained by your solemn movements in and around those sometimes perilous corridors where no matter the dilemma, issue of problem, hope and goodwill were sure to locate their rightful places among society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family and the world of your brave colleagues sincerely misses you, Officer Cook, but they all know your spirit lies soundly within those walls of welcome sanctity and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Esteem never escaped you, Officer Cook and humility and honor only enhanced your trails of right from wrong. The cowards of the world heaven should only help them. The wicked one day shall be destroyed and the pious only praised. Indeed, you were most fortunate and blessed with loyalty and charm for twenty-five years of life, Officer Cook. Though, too short and one having ended too soon because of an evil man's violence paths. His trails were deranged and disgusting having robbed your family, colleagues and friends of a most meaningful man of heart and mind. All motivation and never an ounce of deviation, Our Lord has your soul my neighbor, friend and hero on an eternal course to protect those other angels and the sacred gates of creativity. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

You steered down the road that would take you right into violence's face, Officer Cook. No high road. Just a blueprint of bravery and perseverance primed for a principle mission of your God given abilities. Virtue and vigilance validated your desirable integrity and acumen of awareness and being most astute. Dade County and its folks are in the good hands of those who have taken over your tour of tenacity. May they be safe and keep up the good and hard fought battles. There are no wars, battles or anything vicious and vile in Our Creator's plains of perfection while His valiant angels and their spirits soar higher each moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

You can bank on truth and trust whenever a loyal man or woman pursues their crafts of courage ethically,morally and skillfully. Of course your life and career, Officer Cook, were dependent upon honesty and safety, dignity and integrity all devoted to digging in and rooting out wickedness. The streets, roads and corners no telling what they bring. Badge#1664 has been saluted, respected and heroically cherished for carrying out its resourcefulness rather peaceful and in a sanctified way. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Your life and career, hopes and dreams founded upon the morals of honesty and the healthy reverence for integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, all placed in danger's paths to secure a future of harmony for your community. Recognized as a hero here in Dade County, clearly concern, care and consideration were always first and foremost. Intelligence can unlock those safes where ingenuity and intuition are hidden away. You took to the streets to pour your fondness for mankind, humanity and society in a most humane and humble manner. Superiors and comrades alike respected you and looked up to a great man gone way too early. There was more left to accomplish and for having upstanding character may your soul of gallantry rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

A cornerstone of assurance is brokered for esteem, loyal and a most faithful trust which your life and career, Officer Cook, heroically possessed while passionately serving Dade County's essential needs. Vitality is what a heart and a set of lungs require to function. With such austere versatility and courageous workmanship, those portals of peace and prosperity could be sincerely realized. You continue to be greatly missed my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

When you have at least one good pal surely it's better than not having someone. You were the consummate man, public servant and sincerest of people, Officer Cook, a gentleman with a kind heart and serene soul. Dade County was far better off with your honesty, integrity and know how certainly than an officer without a lick of truth or trusted class and decency. Dignity and resolve that paved those sidewalks for others to follow in your heroic trails of justice and foundation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

With a platoon of dignity, passion and heroic integrity and honor, your life journeys, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and its citizens were faithfully carried out with a troop of trust, truth and all the tenacity put forth to put out the firs of furious evil. Such violence usurps the purposes for which man and woman were created. Every child and individual deserves a chance and by having composure and humility, OfficerCook, stability can rest humbly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Whatever your denomination is is what you choose to believe in. To practice your religion without a hint of bias and prejudice is so very important in today's world of wildness and mayhem. Your displays of dedication and determination, Officer Cook, helped to bring about a new chapter in and for Dade County and mankind is forever grateful. Your family was proud of you always will be, your parents and your big sister, Nancy, your beloved Karen have fondly remembered your honestness, dignified and loyal pursuits of passion to reign in terror and chaos. God has your unassuming and tireless character, truth and trust wrapped around His arms of perfection for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

A vaccination protects one from disease. If honor, integrity and dignity are not present in all heroic and civil minded police officers their challenging responsibilities just got tougher. The roads to resolve, the streets to success are often paved by peril and your fruitful missions in Dade County, Officer Cook, were shielded for the most part by The Man Himself. Our Lord has blessed and preserved your wise and visionary soul and spirit, kept it safe from harm as you tried to merge goodwill and those fences of faith within a community you both grew up in and served with humble distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

Consummate and concealed in courage and commitment, those noble convictions, Officer Cook, circled around the venues of Dade County where you watched over us the people. Labors of love performed outstandingly and with no regret. We don't forget heroism and resolve all flowing out of your dignified and most humbly decent heart of charm. Integrity tapped into those frontal resources where our peace and freedom lied. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

The vacation comes when one is entitled. Though, I'm sure you and Karen did take humble breaks together from your work. A fresh mind and a sound body are much better compliments to win this ultimate war over wickedness and strife in our land. Dade County was preserved by your prudent actions that day, Officer Cook and all other times during your six years of faithfully devoted work coupled with your total heroic honesty and reverence dignity and integrity. A passionate man consumed with serving, courage to be poignantly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

If evil is ever extracted from society the virtues of humanity will remain forever embedded within us. Your feats of praise and heroic actions, Officer Cook, rescued Dade County from a cavernous dilemma. No doubt your supreme honesty and respect for both dignity and integrity glorify the skies above where now and for eternity as an angel you may soar higher. Foundations implanted and instilled within all hearts and minds never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

If one vacates their post of professionalism, the perseverance and endeavor is lost. The three crowns so to speak for all public servants are: honor, dignity and integrity. Thank God you possessed a wonderful stream, Officer Cook, of these important traits.Dade County was guarded by a humble and humanely confident gentleman of gallantry and gumption. Such character and consummate morals will surely be saluted and etched forever in your family and peer's hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

What respect does for honor is contain integrity and dignity within a hero's badge and uniform which in turn motivate character and common sense along the way of one's trails of tenacity. A path and proficiency rich in tradition and the scopes of courage and trustworthiness. Heroism that Dade County won't certainly forget. Your life and career, Officer Cook, should not have ended the way it did by Mr. Pearsall's unending rages against the establishment of which you were a vital cog to loyally serve and to protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

Acumen and honesty may not adjourn. They must be present and accounted for so long as integrity and dignity ride with one hero's humane and pleasant character. Yours, Officer Cook,one that was well established, unselfish and most charismatic. Dade County was brought peace and sanctity all through your life and career for that we can thank your parents for raisng a son bornwith true and convictions all fromyour thoughtful and most resourceful heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2020

The perspiration is endless, the toil exacts a toll, your sacrifice, Officer Cook, was everything in the language of honorable, humble and humanely heroic. By virtue of your highest of standards and your quality of character did you made the relevance of serenity a forever enrichment for Dade County. Its people were bestowed the support and framework of your undying,unwavering and totally unselfish endeavors placed forth to cement goodwill and loving grace upon a population calling out for relief. A bold and brave man whose entire work ethic centered around his family, peers and the general census of a community still honoring your memory and pristine legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and enhancement shall circle us from Our King's quarters of the quintessential serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

Relentless. Tireless. Unselfish. never a seam or thread out of place. Shined shoes and a very shiny badge of expression and honorable intentions. All on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook as you navigated the corners, streets and various venues around a vast community one that forever salutes your heroic endeavors. To stop violence is no small feat, no chore, no role to take for granted. Given your words of assurance and your solemn bonds of bravery did you make peace and serenity enable to move themselves forward. Life for the living goes on and for those gave the ultimate sacrifice for universal protection may their angel wings cause them to soar higher every second. That's what life and humbleness did for the entire Cook family. They did not rest on their laurels and morals alone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To reach for the stars and to facilitate goodwill, hope and faith is a responsibility that never was a burden to you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In a few days those flags of black and blue with white representing our fallen officers will be put down near your grave and of many other men and women who sacrificed to salute and to ponder the what ifs and why?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

We ask for God's divine blessings and guidance for all humanity. Some days life seems like a race even though it is not. Our causes, reasons and purposes are individual each with something hopefully honest and decent about themselves. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was honorable, heroic and everything in the words of character, respect, integrity and dignity. Never a mean word ever uttered. Never a rant that raged. Always,politeness, common courtesy and manners from one who was raised with more than a token of class. Dade County was thoroughly compensated by your patrols of them and protected by the utmost reverence, resolve and affection from one man's caring and faithfully devout heart and soul. They surely won't be overlooked nor forgotten. Truth and trust are the steady rudders that guide those compasses that accentuated your life and career of public service, Officer Cook. Society witnessed a true blue warrior and an engaging smile and personality. Now Our Lord has this in heaven with His angel of wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

Today, Officer Cook, is forty years since my father who too was a police officer in New York City passed away. He is very fondly remembered by his family as you too are by your loving family. The earth was shaken that day of tragedy on May 16, 1979, when your soul was taken to heaven all because of one man's evil dirges to disrespect and disgrace mankind. Your department lost a champion of heart and character, trusted and truthful, poignant and patient, nothing was going to avert you rescuing the citizens and your colleagues who were under fire that terrible day. You and your comrades are and forever heroes. Your heroism remains a vital cog in your family's happiness and peaceful travels. Not a day goes by without remembering a man true to his parents, sister and beloved wife, Karen. The soul of light and courage a spirit of fondness and appreciation always giving back and never asking for something in return. Those palaces where angels of valor sleep soundly are always going to be safe and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

God creates mankind each in their own image. Every individual has a spark of purpose, reason an d passion in their life. Since you were a boy scout as I was too, Officer Cook, you had dreams and aspirations to succeed in all your endeavors. With a humanely balanced demeanor and calmness about you you went to a school, a police academy, trained, practiced in the classroom and in the field until the reality of your rational wisdom and vision was recognized by your superiors and then your career began its fruitions. Hope. Desire and decency running alongside the tracks of integrity and tenacity trying to perform your roles for the residents of Dade County. Ad libbing is not the ideal plan for most public servants as it is found in the fundamentals of one who was certainly heroic and had humility and coolness as part of your repertoire of action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

Perversion can surely puncture the perseverance and perpetual pride one has in their humble heart. Your heart and soul, Officer Cook, dignified honesty's integrity through your own unassuming and tireless character. A trustworthy gentleman on a crusade to crush heinousness and replace it with some heroic tranquility and shelters of security for all mankind to drive through. Your legacy is precisely carried on by your beloved family whose goal is to accommodate society with the same enhancement as you sacrificed your life for. Dade County will eternally salute your memory and never let Badge#1664 be forgotten for principles and most essential scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2020

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