Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Talent is not gallantry alone. Dreams and ideas become realities only when truly trusted resourcefulness is carefully attended to by conventional courtesy and the dignity that composes humble integrity. Your unassuming and heroic character, Officer Cook, was just that symbol that there was no compromising to create a peaceful environment. Remembered for restoring and resurrecting faith, hope and reliance on goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero long since saluted for bravery and unbendable boldness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

To illicit fear surely would be akin to letting the bull out of the pen to cause unconstituted evil, a ruination difficult to get back normal. Your honesty, reverence and respect for authority, Officer Cook, made you a more well conditioned leadership and innovative motivator of others entering law enforcement. The days of old and Dade County had your scrupulous maintenance around them certainly made for better days ahead. Terror and wickedness was just that and heroism such as yours, my neighbor,friend and hero was flawless and undying in your searches for some senses of serenity for humanity. Character and a glance of your gallantry only gave us a glimpse of what could have become if god had allotted you more years to come. Solemnly remembered and duly saluted for vision and its trustworthy responsibilities. Rest in peace. Truth is rewarded. Torment is punished. May all of God's flock of angels sleep in comfort and slumber under those gates where gallantry strolled for a passionate purpose.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

Consequences have implications. Calamity causes complications for any duly noted man or woman of esteem and valor serving a community for a valid purpose. I'm looking at a ruler now, Officer Cook and one inch cost you your venerable life. Vitality and its richness, dignity and the cores of character and respect for society. Humility and honor bestowed upon a heroic legend of Dade County, who fought the battles to make known our serenity and safe shelters here and wherever. You can be certain , Officer Cook,my neighbor, friend and hero that Our master in His virtuous perfection will shine light forever aglow upon your heart and soul. Instruments incorporated into quieting violence and turmoil. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

Your honored and heroic life and career, Officer Cook, was affixed, accentuated and punctuated by versatility, vigilance and virtue. It carried your pursuits and patrols around Dade County until your watch unfortunately ended too early by a violent man. A horrible and heinous act perpetrated against you and your comrades while you all were working and sweating for a cause reason. Harmony and tranquility at times must be tempered, but nothing should detour a fine young man built on diligence and dependability. The results of your maturity,integrity and dignity all were accomplished in a sanctified manner not to be forgotten, only saluted and treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

Quick thinking sure saved lives that day when you sacrificed yours, Officer Cook, honorably and humbly for Dade County. Its people cherished you and your family in that they knew you wanted this. Integrity,dignity and character are not scripted. They were tied and knotted upon your uniform and chest where your badge of instinctual motion was pinned. Shenanigans at times of serious cause those ships of hope and goodwill to sink miserably into the depths of depression. Sadness and grief consumed a family of faith and character and all the esteem and respect goes out to your family, Officer Cook, a man of mettle, morals and deeply valued roots of principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

Dense and thick headed like a swine won't conquer anything. Only courage, bravery and honesty's quiet tones of truth and trust will make any dent into evil. You faced great danger daily, Officer Cook, this was what you always dreamed of becoming and your beloved family supported every inch of your integrity, ingenuity and loyal intuitions. Our Lord blessed you with humbly and heroically superior talents to wrest wickedness away from those consorting to commit just that in Dade County threatening its peaceful days, afternoons and nights. Now and for eternity does your wonderful soul and spirit ascend those ladders of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

After the first coat of honor and courage were applied, the primers of integrity and respectful character and dignity were properly placed down in Dade County for all to view, Officer Cook. A hero of affection, esteem and loyalty going about your everyday professional affairs to give those desiring stability and peace a little welcome relief. Resolve and resiliency always of the highest grade nothing less. And nothing worse than an innocent life of a most revered public servant ending because of Mr. Pearsall. A man with hate and revenge taped to his heart. Sad for everyone. Your family Officer Cook, misses you so much yet they know they will see you again someday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

There can be no thread of tenacity where the thimble contains no honor and humbleness. The roads to resolve and bravery, Officer Cook, were patrolled by your experienced integrity, character and dignity. Surely,every hero has their day and for serving Dade County was an extra spirit of vitality and a veracious appetite of acumen,awareness and wisdom may God bless your immortal soul of unwavering and unselfish commitment to pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

Gates of heavenly peace are where completely humble, honest and heroic of angels serve the Almighty. The highest degree of dignity and determination all leveled toward lowering evil's ladder of terror and torment. Your welcomed respect and integrity, Officer Cook, transported the citizens of Dade County to newer heights where your heroism surely won't be forgotten. How can excellent character, a treasured heart and truthful lips be scorned by a villainous man who took your life of objective, purpose and harmony? You'll be forever remembered, fondly saluted and gracefully paid homage for expressing a necessity. That was an essential actions of effort now being rewarded in the Most Highest of locations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

A bulldog mentality stays with one devoted and honorable. Deceit and lack of respect can never construct a thing, but, it was heroic and fast action, Officer Cook, that shielded the residents of Dade County and your esteemed and loyally valiant peers of intellect and ingenuity. A perspective not be be forgotten nor overlooked. God has your unassuming dignity, integrity and most articulate character, amazing convictions and classiest of commitments stored forever in His walls of perfect and warmth. They greet all heroes and heroines who now take their earthly missions, journeys of goodwill and voyages of vigilance to heaven for an eternal task so humble, humane and passionate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

Photographing and hunting were for relaxation, Officer Cook, they too were your passions. Your police life was your chosen endeavor and the people of Dade County were not one bit disappointed in your ethics of employment nor your undying honestness. For integrity and dignity to blow with the winds, respect, reverence, resolve and resilient resourcefulness must go along with the flows of fire and ferocity. They heroically did for six years and for twenty-five years of intelligent and relevant wisdom, vision and clarity hope and peace were glowing again in those fireplaces of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A warm heart and soul glowing forevermore in peace circling us constantly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

The prince of passion and the king of wisdom and kindness. They all set the wheels of your heroic actions, Officer Cook, in gear. Girded in strength and instilled in hope, it was honesty and decency that lead integrity and dignity through the streets of Dade county looking for some small and humble freedom for mankind. You were the consummate individual, Officer Cook, with firmness and fairness etched upon granite and marble so that your loved ones, comrades and the entire world know of your indisputable unselfish morals and highly professional conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

Devotion and desire must faithfully keep digging deeper to find those roots of evil and to resolve these violent conflicts. Confrontation is not simple. Confounding and confusing even to the most humblest and honored of heroes. You were a very blessed man, Officer Cook, who loved and treasured his family, one that sadly misses you and your engaging smile and personality. Your traits of dignity and integrity march forward everyday in the hearts and souls of your beloved family. Dade County and its people have remembered your intuitive maturity and trusted tenets of goodwill and hope. They all are alive and kicking. Hopefully wickedness can be kicked where it forever belongs. Society, humanity and mankind struggle at times to grace humility, God has forever shined His countenance upon your prestigious soul of nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

Love lives on. Honesty and bravery, reverence and loyalty too continue making strides. A humble life tragically cut short by evil. Your essence, Officer Cook, was the living and truth epitome of what a brave man is all about. Dade County found that out daily with a semblance of order and outstanding performance in violence's ugly face. You saved the citizens while assisting and rescuing your colleagues from this utter ignominious act of vile and disrespectful individual. Your commitment and true character is resting in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Angel wings fitted perfectly for your eternal missions ahead!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

Associate with honesty and respect humility. It's the way the world revolves around the chaos that causes constant troubles. Dade County relied upon your heroism, Officer Cook, with heart, soul and guts full of integrity, dignity and character did you champion courage and willful conviction. Our harmony and liberties came about through your tireless dedication and faithfully trustworthy devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2020

No one wants to die. No one wants to. Yet, we have twenty-four thousand brave women and men unafraid to tackle problems and issues where resolutions must be firmed up. All of them filled with humility and a sacred foundation within their hearts and souls of virtue. Your deeds, noble and outstanding, Officer Cook, rescued Dade County and their folks from undue harm and terror carried on by a most troubled and diabolical man. Your feats of hope and goodwill all sheltered by a heroic acumen not often seen in ordinary people. But, badge#1664 respected and was loyally determined to uncut evil and spread the branches of peace throughout your community where you continue being honored and most revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

You cannot be bold and brazen together. Kind of like having no respect or dignity. It is found in the humble integrity and honesty you maintained throughout your life and service for Dade County that will be saluted forever, Officer Cook. Colleagues and your adoring family remember your laugh, your smile and upbeat and congenial persona all greatly missed today and always. Resolve and efficiency summoned by Our Lord, one journey that untimed as it was cannot be missed. Your accomplishments kept your community safe and secure though a little less since violence took your young life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

Urges should be humbly utilized to straighten out affairs. To weaken the grip of wickedness society relies upon the honesty and integrity of all devoted and faithful of women and men to patrol a community. To look and listen,to stop and observe, to took charge, face onuses humanely and with a certain humility. To steer Dade County free of trouble, your esteem and loyalty, Officer Cook, was always present and accountable. never one to run away from danger you lived your life along with Karen as two angels of valor. She misses you as does your family and courageous comrades. Your bravery was endless and now is walking that proverbial beat guarding the sacred gates of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

The gems are in the honesty, integrity and dignity. The fine diamonds of their cut are lodged in respect, resolve and resourcefulness. As sure as the sun comes up Dade County everyday of your life and career, Officer Cook, was adequately provided for. You took account of circumstances, situations and all scenes where crime and its evil needed stopping. Serenity must not be bungled. The world is like a big jungle, a giant maze where no telling what will transpire. A hero forever steeped in commitment and excellent character true and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

The real heroes are those angels of valor who honorably pursue our safety, serenity and unity for a common purpose. Your valid causes, Officer Cook, helped to sustain the prosperity and dignity of Dade County. And the doubts are never there, your supreme character, composure and courage tried to calm and restore order after a man's vicious paths of chaos endeavored to undermine authority and a gentleman's leadership and sincerest of dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

A man with a quick wit and an engaging smile, a warm personality so endearing and so true to form. Dade County was virtually protected by your confidence and unassuming honor and heroism , Officer Cook. Its citizens have remembered your enriching style and for patrolling with vigilance and vision, may God bless and reward your unselfish dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2020

Years of hard fought tears and toil. Sweat falling off your brow of bravery and boldness, Officer Cook, to see an end to violence and torment in Dade County. The many hours of supreme sacrifice, serenely heroic honesty, devoted dignity and intensely loyal integrity waged in an unselfish, unrelenting and mostly unwavering effort to stop a wayward man. His youth and your youth intertwined going opposite directions. You and your fellow comrades tried your utmost to end his aversion to evil. You did everything right and by the book. God took over and sadly took your beautiful soul and wise heart back to heaven to reunite with your father, Charles, may he rest in peace with your wonderfully faithful mother, Julia, may she rest in peace. What kept your mother alive until the ripe humble age of 103 years were her years working at Sabal Palm Elementary here in North Miami Beach, Florida. Sadly, I unfortunately experienced far too many unpleasant experiences, bullying and harassment there. Yours, Officer Cook, were most pleasant and engaging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Like mother ducks who lead their gaggle of ducklings, respect and honest humility lead their faithful flock of devoted public servants through misery and mayhem. Dade County has many bodies of water and where upon close examination one may find plenty of ducks leading their young. A veteran officer, Officer Cook, you were chosen to lead and to direct other men and women of experience and patience through thick and thin. Danger and obstacles placed in your path cannot detour a persevering young man so loyal and dignified with an earned integrity humbly joined at your side. The fights, battles and wars tragically continue but with you overlooking their battles those tough times may soon lessen. We hope and pray your heroic soul observes and with Our Master's mercy and compassion intervenes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Adjacent to the awareness of one's humble honesty is the acumen that one's dignity does to accentuate their integrity. It's not too hard to understand why a man well respected and full of uplifting character, commitment to excellence and stellar convictions was successful for the most part during his life and police career. Dade County was an area filled with the good and not so good times of strife, tension and racial unrest that can undue the harmony, tranquility and stability of those people looking for some safe havens and unity. Liberty and freedom came from your most heroic heart, Officer Cook, a truly legendary man with a wide smile. But, firm and fair, truthful and resourcefully trustworthy. With gallant resolve and energetic resiliency it's plain to witness why you were able to direct others, motivate them to a higher standard of conduct and to redirect your supremely humane dedication where it surely was to be. All your roles, tasks and assignments were maintained by your solemn movements in and around those sometimes perilous corridors where no matter the dilemma, issue of problem, hope and goodwill were sure to locate their rightful places among society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family and the world of your brave colleagues sincerely misses you, Officer Cook, but they all know your spirit lies soundly within those walls of welcome sanctity and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

Esteem never escaped you, Officer Cook and humility and honor only enhanced your trails of right from wrong. The cowards of the world heaven should only help them. The wicked one day shall be destroyed and the pious only praised. Indeed, you were most fortunate and blessed with loyalty and charm for twenty-five years of life, Officer Cook. Though, too short and one having ended too soon because of an evil man's violence paths. His trails were deranged and disgusting having robbed your family, colleagues and friends of a most meaningful man of heart and mind. All motivation and never an ounce of deviation, Our Lord has your soul my neighbor, friend and hero on an eternal course to protect those other angels and the sacred gates of creativity. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2020

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