Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Never sequester good morals they are the fibers and fabrics of one's own humbly composed and honest life of public service. Yours, Officer Cook, was most heroic and instrumentally dignified and blessed with acumen and integrity to withstand the rigors that are associated with fighting mayhem and bedlam. For having the wisdom and nobility may God grant peace and blessing to your revered soul of truth and trusted resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2020

The knife cutting through the hot butter, when will the penetrations of an enemy so pesky be stopped? Officer Cook, you brought happiness and love to your family as well as a treasured honor, dignity and integrity to your respected and most distinguished character. Dade County has never forgotten your heroism nor your herculean resolve. They have built solid foundations of which goodwill, hope and trust all truthfully live on in your family's hearts. The gates of gallantry were sacred and protected here by a very loyal warrior, they are now eternally watched over by your intrinsic soul of peace and the ableness to achieve what we so simply desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

I have returned. For every word I speak to You I hear your word in return; I feel Your love within my heart whenfor Your Love I yearn. If I should seek to walk with You, You will be at my side; My hand alone can shut Your door or swing it wide open. I strayed so far from You my God, I am bereft, alone; but now I stand in penitence before Your mercy's throne. My hand is ready to grasp Yours and I will hold it fast. Oh lift up me from loneliness, I have returned at last. A most sterling statement regarding your life, Officer Cook, blessed with so much honor, faith and dignity to invigorate your heroic and humble integrity. It was revered and praised as you preserved the quality of lives here in Dade County. And now you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in Our Master's bed of boldness and bravery. Always in and around those corridors where courtesy navigated not where deceit looked to destruct. Always with a smiling face and a glowing heart of affection for family and all mankind. Your days were served with fight and might not fear and anger. Never one to disappear for you stayed and sacrificed your heart to start the reasons why peace,unity and liberty are the very essentials, the essence of living fruitfully. Grace and gallantry never pass for they are called upon to serve a more sacred mission. Good cheer and goodwill even with your absence, Officer Cook, they are still here and brighter than before as your family carried you in their hearts, your legend polished as your shoes and shining as your badge was. You deserved to live but how can anyone question God's solemn will? Yes, again one day the unification will be final and your family next to you and your parents may they too rest in peace. The letter your mother wrote to me penned wit her devout and resilient hands special and dear. A testament of your life so dear. Wisdom, vision and maturity so crisp and concise. Precise and prudent, the citizens have not forgotten you. Heroism never leaves this world, it just transfers to a more perfect world filled with heroic angels near and dear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Children can play safely in sandlots and in sandboxes because of your serene and mature nature. Being serious yet humble and esteemed, a great man, a humane endearing hero to all who knew you either while guarding Dade County or shopping in a store or grocery market. You had a confidence, yet a compassion to completely dignify your life and public service career. Your colleagues all brave and venerable as your virtue was, Officer Cook, have remembered and embraced your memory and ultimate sacrifice, a token of respect never more due a man of durability, desire and decency, its vital humility always with your heart and soul. Forever does your spirit circle the skies above day and night watching over your beloved family, cherished comrades and dearly admired friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With a prayer and salvation violence will be obliterated one day real soon!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Truth and discretion triumph over deceit and dishonor. Disrespect tarnishes the work of all good souls, women and men poised to make a gentle imprint upon mankind. Badge#1664 set out to make a life of dignity, heroic integrity and character become the element of stability and tranquility within each and every vehicle in Dade County. Your nobility, Officer Cook, has shed a light upon those who lived, worked and embraced your solemn smile and professional composure. Never easy to offer a solemn farewell to a most cherished and decorated figure of dreams and enlightenment. They still remember and they all still call. One day whenever the call comes your remaining loved ones when their deeds are deemed as complete will meet up with their beloved son, brother, husband, "Uncle Bo," and treasured great uncle. You and Karen, Officer Cook, as I've said before would have made great parents. Grand parenthood too! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

The envelope is sealed until birth and when it opened for you, Officer Cook, this meant endeavor, efficiency and enhancement were waiting to do their rightful things. The whole world, society and all Dade County were gently enriched and enlivened by your unwavering, unrelenting and boundless honor,integrity and dignity. No script, no play, only total character, commitment and transparency to properly construct foundations and cornerstones from a devoted hero that shall be saluted and solemnly paid respect for having the guts and gumption to stop an evil man from committing more mayhem that awful day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now the envelope is sealed forever completing your holy and purest of earthly missions. May you walk you heavenly patrol without the fear of harm or peril. God does watch over His flock of heroic angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Invoking proper credentials, proud character and humbly heroic courage, your crusades, Officer Cook , meant inspiring Dade County to fight harder,to work and to challenge each other to be better residents. Pride takes heart and soul which is exactly what you gave day in and day out. A life of stellar reputation relating to every person near and far. No matter what time or place. It took a man of solid fabrics of ferocity to fairly, justly and ina truthfully trusted manner confront violence and demonstrate your assertiveness. Why God took you no one may know. Your soul of fruition and journeys of goodwill are all being kept safe for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Wickedness disfigures the front and rear of humanity so much so that it takes many superb men and women of bravery, boldness and honesty to properly reconstruct the outlook of safety and security within a community. Dade County was no different when you tried your hardest, Officer Cook, to bring a cherished smile to the tasks at hand. Incorporating integrity,intuition and ingenuity does require all the maturity and positive know how of wisdom and leadership because of your unselfish vision. You saw a problem and resolved it not waiting for someone else to come along.You are to be commended for circling those wagons of esteem and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

A brook or lake is a quiet venue to look at God's creation and never ending abundance of joy. Your life and career, Officer Cook, made you happy and put you at peace in knowing you were relishing being able to capably carry out a difficult assignment. Policing the neighborhoods is not easy and not to be envied. It's emotionally taxing and draining on one's body and mind. Just the duress and stress alone is not for everyone. Dade County for just about a quarter of your purposeful life was where you spent days and nights, noons too protecting life and limb while displaying character and dignity to weed out evil. A gentleman graceful and valiant to be saluted for resolve and hopeful goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Scripture of the Old or the New Testament's purpose is to unity society and for the people to free choose to follow in God's designed pathways. A faithful and loyal man who was summoned to perform the will of God and never let his family, peers or friends down. Nothing kept you down, Officer Cook,always upbeat and uplifting with morals and humility flowing in your blood. The serenity and stable times in Dade County will forevermore be attributed to your heroic actions of sanctity, vision and the wisdom that civility delivers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Thank God no snowstorms in Miami. Only the occasional thunder or hail storm. When it pours cats and dogs Our Lord is trying to speak to us. That day God steered you, Officer Cook and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln into a hornet's nest of trouble. You answered the call willingly and ably, honor and integrity all standing by the sides of dignity and character. It's just appalling things went wrong and by that I mean Mr.Pearsall for the good of society and the people of Dade County should have thrown down his weapon and come out of his Chevrolet Nova peacefully. The truth and trust speak the convictions of your admiration and dogged dedication not to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Candid, charming and with an eloquent smile all praised forever in heaven!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Everything regarding a hero or heroine's life is totally substantiated. Never lingering doubt, never reservation nor hesitation. Just all out effort poured forth by you, Officer Cook, to heroically makes an impression of integrity and hope for Dade County's today and tomorrow. Honesty and dignity never stained by disrespect only by the blood you gave that day to save the citizens and your colleagues, never in vain just the pain over your loss leaving your beloved family grieving and so many others anguish and tormented by your untimely loss. Character, truth and trust left on the streets where peril and obstacles stood between you and to calm a man into surrendering quietly. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a respected man, an admirable comrade, a versatile and humble servant. The additives are more pronounced as your special soul is rewarded and blessed by Our Maker.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Substance must somehow survive the serious evil that whips around mankind. Your vigors and strength of heart and character, Officer Cook, allowed Dade County the chance to live more serenely. You'll always be a very cherished and treasured man whose honor and vigilance equalled his dignity and integrity. All outstanding, heroic and quite resourceful. Your family will forever hold your soul and spirit in their hearts so long as they live and humbly carry out your legacy of distinction and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2020

Enhanced fear only threatens the goodwill of nature. Enrich one thing, honesty and harmony will come around. It certainly did when you heroically patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook. No man or woman, no comrades or friend will ever forget your spirit of loyalty and esteem, a heart so big and gentle reaching out to the masses of those whom you represented. A day no one, your family nor department shall ever forget. Just grief and anguish for a smile taken too early. Those balloons all flying higher. Your soul of humility and uplifting character engaging the flocks of angels all serving their Master. All humbly and proudly walking their proverbial beats.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity and integrity were the identity of a righteous and most blessed man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

If a penny saved is a penny earned you were worth every bit of your salary. In sports today, Officer Cook, we have athletes who earn millions of dollars some worth the price of admission others nothing more than payroll bandits. Police back in your day were not making the amount that other brave men and women make today and yet they laid everything on the line. Humanely humble honesty. Controlled dignity. Intense integrity. Compose character and class to support decency. You were a vigilant and venerable young man, a gentleman and a professional in your conduct and courage to accentuate tranquility and prosperity for all Dade County. The salutes, respect and loyalty all felt then and now as you remain a vital part of the landscape reserved for legendary crime fighters. Nothing handed to you, Officer Cook, on a silver platter as you earned, reaped all that you sowed. Journeys, missions and undertakings all for a sole purpose, peace and to create goodwill, hope and faith for all humanity. Danger is a given in police work. It's those warriors who dedicate themselves who deserve the accolades of their chosen feats. Responsibilities never taken for granted. Roles, duties and tasks never taken lightly. When life is in jeopardy you acted accordingly, Officer Cook and got results. Heaven has a great man, a pioneer of his generation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

The eyes of a tiger ferociously watching over his beloved community. And no reservations either if you lived on, Officer Cook, your goodness, kindness and gentleness would have even more enhanced Dade County. A man with sterling, stellar and supremely enriching truth, trust and everlasting dignity and integrity running across the very same channels as character and staunch commitments to excellence in your every righteous conviction. Violence when combined with sinister evil leaves, terror, torment and turmoil left to mash and confound mankind with all sorts of mayhem and chaos. You deliberately protected that friendly balance, Officer Cook, heroically, passionately and most assuredly. An angel forever donning those eternal wings of gallantry guarding those pristine gates where grit and gumption patrolled our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

What is knotted as one are loyalty, respect and faithfulness when a crisis occurs. When honesty and bravery are to be obtained, then dignity and integrity must strike a chord at character. Truly a most beloved hero, Officer Cook and a legend of assurance patrolling with passion all Dade County venues. Streets and roads lined with whatever needed to be cleared for safe passage. A serene man humbly doing his role as a part of God's grand plans for harmony and unity for society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

For relationships forged these are friends signed and sealed forever within your heart and family's as well. You made many friends, Officer Cook, a broker and a bold servant loyal to your peers and family during hours of torment. Certainly, Dade County never forgets your patriotic spirit of adventure as well as virtues you had along with unwavering and undying dignity, integrity and desirable character. It's commitment to excellence that will sorely be missed. Trust and truth tenaciously tied to those sacred gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

Your esteemed position required much honesty, integrity and dignity all wrapped around your self-control and pleasantness. A gentleman who could think and react with a humble calmness and soothing voice of comfort surely is highly regarded by his family, department and humanity. We can all take solace in the fact, Officer Cook ,that you heroically brought a sense of stability mellowness and a wise heart to Dade County. and through your cooperative endeavors did you accomplish. Our Maker will forever attest to that. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

The squad cars race to the scene where something is happening. That day you and your partner, Officer Cook, went to a scene in Liberty City, one you attended to thousand of times during your six years of loyal,faithful and truly dedicated service to Dade County. Outcomes are never easy and for some they are extremely tragic. You were consummate, kind and always honest in your dealings with the public at large. Dignity and integrity along with heroic character filled the streets to wage a battle with a troubled and pathetically sad man, a real mad individual bent on destruction. Your life and career my neighbor, friend and hero sacrificed more than any of us could ponder. The skies above are always shining brightly because of your tireless and unselfish soul. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

Limitless and unrelenting, always a smile and a concern for the welfare of Dade County and its civility, Officer Cook. With a hero's welcome and your rings of honesty, integrity and dignity following your heart and soul to heaven were you blessed, praised and rewarded simultaneously for aiding and protecting life and property. Never a lack of respect only a cherished man doing his utmost to restore and to revive after dealing with the stresses and rigors of crime fighting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

The belly of hope, boldness and bravery lie within a man's hidden and most humanely heroic honor. It fashioned your credibility and courage, Officer Cook, in that you were able to properly secure the boundaries of Dade County and its most faithful. The essential elements of character, transparency and trust were located on your persevering badge and uniform of remarkable values. Always firmly saluted. Acumen and astuteness not to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

No one succeeds in carrying out evil. Your unrelenting violence will be stopped for good. A beautiful soul with a humbly honorable heart, your heroism and gallantry, Officer Cook, made Dade County and its folks more resilient, more determined to live freer lives. When one pursues their passions and can witness paydirt down those long and winding roads resolve is realized and your stellar character, dignity and integrity saw to that. The heavens above are for your angel's wings to transport your immortal soul from place to place, from ordinary to the perfection of eternity led by Our Master Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2020

Those who undermine authority are in for a big surprise. A gentleman secure in his convictions who faced reality seriously and most justly every moment. You were humane and civil, poised and valiant , Officer Cook, a hero of truth and trust rising from your uniform of guidance and plausible direction. The people who resided in and around Dade County were greeted by a young man's smile and stoic demeanor. One should never treat respect as vile and vindictive for it surely will bite those who try and trample upon its proud excellence. Character and friendship now sadly taken to heaven to accomplish a very heavenly mission. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

I would say you were a peaceful man, Officer Cook, custom fitted with courage to confront any situation that came your way. Police work summons up all servant's requirements of decency and respect, honor and obedience. It was your outstanding politeness, dignity and integrity framed so that Dade County would be more protected and at ease. For having pinpoint character and the accuracy of acumen and wisdom, so may God in His compassion bless and keep watch over your heroic soul. A heart and spirit that found its niche here in the walls and streets of a sometimes perilous mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2020

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