Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Callous is senseless. But, courtesy is going that extra mile for safety and liberty for all mankind. You had spread virtue and goodwill within all Dade County to be noted and duly honored. A hero of resolve and respect trusted and truthful in his humble dignity and integrity. Your family and peers honor your sterling legacy founded onprinciples and values forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

Boldness,bravery and honor are the bridges to character, dignity and integrity. Your sole purpose, Officer Cook, was to humbly,humanely and to sacredly protect Dade County with all your heroic heroism in your heart. Never forgotten and always most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

One day the tables of terror willed by turned by those who serve tenaciously. You were that kind of officer, Officer Cook. First a polite gentleman and then a top class servant full of endeavor and success in all your heroic actions. Honor, integrity and dignity only are part of character, commitment and respect of which you earned humanely. Dade County was proud and humble because of your career and well lived life. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Mother's Day is tomorrow and may you and your mom, Officer Cook,enjoy together with your dad many eternal blessings and rewards for uplifting bravery, honest leadership and faithful devotion to both integrity and dignity. The world sorely misses all of you heroes together. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Character and trust made truth stand humble.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

We wine and dine all while you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero, Officer Cook. Your brightness and brilliance crystalized Dade County with blessings of serenity and stability. Peace and honor rested gloriously against the oaks of your outstanding dignity and integrity. Always fondly saluted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

The end of physical life is the start of an eternal journey filled with heroic light, dignity and the honor of integrity. God uses extra wattage bulbs to keep his heavens aglow with your soul, Officer Cook and the many other angels of Dade County who saved and protected with humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

A love for the outdoors and a grand man who served the causes of peace and fulfillment. Never more remembered for common sense and wisdom. Officer Cook, your heroism shall remain cherished throughout Dade County. Honesty, bravery and the heart of integrity and dignity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Nimble and unending. Your honest heroism, Officer Cook, saved Dade County plenty that day. All effort, character, dignity and everlasting integrity. You are to be humbly saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Sunrise to be that honorable lion. Sunset to wind down the day, get some rest and start anew tomorrow. Sadly, Officer Cook, your life and career of dignity and integrity serving Dade County ended all too soon. And yet your heroic character and loyal dedication always followed you around your community. The days, months and years are flying by, a soul of compassion and a heart of humility are sorely missed. Heaven has excellence for eternity in its sacred fruited plains, perfect and calm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

A punishment should be a way to correct a wrong. To bless and praise goodness is fine so long as truth and honest intentions are forever demonstrated. Your dignified life and career of integrity, character and virtue, Officer Cook, was humbly and humanely heroic to the fullest extent. A blessing and a heavenly gift to your beloved parents and sister, Nancy. They all loved you and cried when you were taken from them. It's never easy to lay to rest a child before their time. Destinies and fates just seem intertwined with God's eternal plans for His angels. Respectful, resourceful, faithful all devout in wisdom, maturity and understanding vision and the scopes of their onuses while serving on this Earth. All freely, willingly accepted without any reservations, hesitations or doubts. Your soul is free to climb the highest point, Officer Cook. With your undying and unselfish character, truth and trust no doubt it will and it will be etched and saluted prominently forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, as you rest in peace together with your beloved, darling and most heroic son, I'm always going to be sad that I never met any of you. Real great people and gosh honest terrific neighbors. My parents would have loved knowing you all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Wreaths are for wonderful people. Flags are to remember humility, honor and a heroic spirit of both heart and soul. Never a day goes by when your family, Dade County and your department cherishes you, Officer Cook, their and hero. Protecting the public requires skill and certain virtues not found in every human being. But, your soul of foundation and fruition had the validity to seek peace and laid down the cornerstones of a happier and safer future. A future that you should have been allowed to live and see. Things and areas have changed hopefully for a positive notion. But, remember, sanctity, civility and nobility are to share in the responsibilities to society. Challenges make change. Chances are taken when called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made the ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, nothing small about that. Life is just part of a larger portrait unfurled by Our Greatest Peacemaker Himself. You are that shining light and brightest of valiant angels. You were a consummate gentleman of respect and enriching enhancement to be shared among others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Surely a force to be reckoned with, violence and evil leave a community ravaged by their appearances untimely and vicious. No matter time, day or conditions, Officer Cook, you heroically went out honorably to search for the tranquility while calming down others whose emotions boiled over. A humble servant who ha dignity and respect for humanity which moisses your smiling presence just as Dade County's folks do. The character and truth showed proudly as did your entire life bound for more if not for the wreckful terror launched by Mr.Pearsall. Always fondly remembered and saluted for going above and beyond duty's calls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

The trees grow tall. The birds sing. The gentle winds blow. The walkways are free of obstructions. All freedom, liberty and secure trails paved by your unwavering and quite documented dignity, intense integrity and a host of honesty and heroism, Officer Cook. You faced perilous moments. You stood in danger's way as the solemn affirmation you took to serve and protect Dade County and its people meant everything. To be loyal,truthful and most trustworthy, words alone do not get things accomplished. More than a trace of ferocity was donned by you, Officer Cook, a hero and a warrior whose legacy remains stellar, sterling and as stoic today as it did forty-seven years ago when you first began law enforcing. Badge#1664 was morally righteous, uplifted and most polite. Suffice it to say your earthly goodwill and hope is being blessed and watched over as an angel who walks that proverbial and perfect beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, conceived in liberty and justice for all. A sacred purpose validated your patrols.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Stupidity. Ignorance and negligence, police officers must never show, display, demonstrate or perpetrate any of these negative traits. For terror, torment and turmoil might just ramp up their sorry advances. Honesty, Integrity and dignity are never transgressions so long as peace and liberty follow through these doors of direction and respect. All treasured, cherished, loyal and duly full of character, your missions, Officer Cook, heroically undertaken for the health and well being of Dade County have been warmly and humanely greeted when Our Lord called your spirited and sweet soul of tenacity home forever on May 16, 1979. A day your family, friends and close comrades won't forget. Journeys made and voyages vigilant. The watch is now being taken over by all future officers men and women honorable and dedicated to the crafts of courage constructed as humbly as you brokered harmony, Officer Cook. You live on forever in the hearts and minds of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Failure is not an option for if it were all integrity, honesty and dignity would be lost in the battle over violence and you would have civil disobedience within a community. Your unassuming, undying and unselfish heroism, Officer Cook ,has forever been sincerely and solemnly remembered. Etched in your family and colleagues' hearts your desirable resolve, dedicated decency has always been looked back on humanely and most notably. The great character and ensuing commitments to vital excellence and passionate pride will always be a large part of your legacy of which society won't ever forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A most truthful and deserving man entrusted with our protection and safety. An angel above forever revered and greatly respected.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

Dealing with and handling extremely dangerous situations takes the heart and vitality of one's visual and virtuous heart. Eyes and ears to see clearly and to hear promptly when the calls are dispatched. Dade County that sad day, Officer Cook, had your heroic actions along with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln giving your all. A tremendous tenacity fighting through a man's evil desires to take out police of character, honesty and the values of everything correct with integrity and dignity. The praises of Our Lord are being sung loudly and precisely as your soul of humbleness encircles us forever above. The smile and eyes are there yet somehow they all should be here today. The plans of humble women and men are steered by God's hands of perfection and pristine compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

The springboard to accomplishment is utilized by the acumen and decency of one's own heroic heart of dignity and virtue. Your integrity and character, Officer Cook, faithfully leaped at the challenges and important tasks that were ahead. The road was winding, the burdens of responsibility were noble and sacred, it was and forever is what mankind, your peers and family will honor and pay homage to. With unbending versatility, unshakeable perseverance, you my neighbor, friend and hero were all in and imparted nothing but peace,stability and joy for Dade County to be treasured and treated with kindness and humility for such an endearing man. Rest in peace Officer Cook. Forty-one years ago your honor, welfare and scruples were spreading a gamut of gallantry around your neighborhood.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

Hope is the faith of virtue and valor. Honesty is dignity and integrity respecting each other's makeup. Your sincerest efforts poured forth, Officer Cook, rescued Dade County from an adverse man. He needed help, tragically shooting you and taking your life and nearly those of your fellow officers, hero also, was not the way to display respect for leadership, determination and authority. With dedication and desire such as yours, humanity could breathe a bit easier. You'll continue being missed greatly. God you've got a wonderful angel who did his duty with versatility and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

One who is commended is relied upon for their unwavering virtue and wise vision. With your set of skills and humble talents, Officer Cook, did you go and protect society and all Dade County. Its residents relished your resolve and allegiance to all calls of duty and onus. The burdens are heavy and yet your broad and humane shoulders took care of concern and consideration. We look to the skies and vision you as your family's legend to all who comport themselves as such. A badge and uniform mean serenity and resiliency. A great man taken way too young and too soon with more promise to uplift and spirit a kindred of hope, faith and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

Courage and conviction do not need a curtain call. What needs to be permanently planted upon one's heart and own soul are honesty, integrity and dependable integrity. Character that you possessed and maintained throughout your life and career policing Dade County venues, Officer Cook. The hero in your perseverance and cornerstones was never absent and never lacked the virtue of principles and inspirations. Those who take your watch do so with humility and honor nothing greater than saluting your undying and unselfish soul for its callings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

Fruits of a hero's labor must take their roots for somewhere. Those branches of your successful missions on behalf of Dade County's folks, Officer Cook, began in your home. One filled with honorable lips, dignified faith and loads of integrity and solemn character. All humbleness, all humane and all virtuous. So to be fondly memorialized and remembered for esteem and bravery,may Our Creator bless and protect your immortal soul of serenity. Thriftiness is just that and never a motion or serious action wasted. Deliberate and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

The sun can be quite scorching, but than again so can wanton and callousness. A staple of mankind is the freedom one feels from being able to live and work under quiet conditions. Your career and life, Officer Cook, spelled out the signs of courage and valor, honor and intelligence all while being diligent and dependable. God has stored your dignity and integrity in His House of Mercy and affection so your stellar character can forevermore loyally serve Him without harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

The Rabbi or priest stand on the pulpit or altar robbed in honest humility and in every way of compassion and dignity. So too must all good and loyal men and women follow in the guidelines of integrity and character. Violence and terror can only be handled by duly worthwhile and trusted individuals. You were one of them, Officer Cook, a heroic legend in Dade County representing truth and resolve. Your family, comrades and friends all miss you terribly. Your rewarded and most cherished soul is being watched over and blessed by Our Maker who keeps tabs on His flock of brave angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2020

The bread and butter of a public servant's life is their honesty, integrity and heroic dignity. No reservations your resolving dedication, Officer Cook, spurned Dade County to newer roads of freedom. Expression always will be an important facet of life as is a good listener. That you were, Officer Cook, compassionate, consummate and most humbly considerate. If manners, decency, courtesy and politeness could spare or save one's life, yours, Officer Cook, along with so many others would be here today enjoying the fruits of your solemn labors. But, you'll forever remain cherished, bravery and one with a pure heart and soul of purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2020

Heroism is to be humanely and humbly hailed. Violence and evil are to be reviled and eliminated from the concepts of where society places its hope and trust in. Your fervent goodwill, Officer Cook, helped to stifle evil while you were patrolling all Dade County. A most blessed and revering man of missions, journeys and voyages of boldness, valor and honor all pursued justly, truthfully and fruitfully. A most endearing and pleasant soul and heart of endevor and toil, torment and turmoil will never strike you again. sadly, you continue to be greatly missed and deeply admired for tireless tenacity to deliver the pearls of serenity, security and all cornerstones of courage and foundations where your outstanding character, commitments and convictions excelled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2020

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