Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The Creator is the cause of the existence of all that exists, upon Him is contingent the perpetuation of their existence and through Him are they sustained. By your sheer humbly heroic feats of ferocity and honor, Officer Cook, were the folks of Dade County protected and able to live more safer lives. That holds true today as your humility,civility and sacred life is perpetuated in heaven. Your soul is forever aglow. Violence tragically is still out in the streets being fought by brave and dignified to hope and goodwill. Your character forever is being praised and rewarded for its sacrifice undying, relentless and with much effort poured forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

An individual does not so much as bruise his finger on Earth, unless it's ordained from Our Lord. As it is written: "The steps of man are given direction by the Lord. For whatever reason what was ordained was for God to take your heart, body and spirit home to eternity on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, a devout and loyal public servant of Dade County's citizens. Honesty, dignity and the classes of integrity were brought out to the streets and amplified by your unselfish pursuits of acumen, astuteness and awareness. Total respect for humanity, total reverence for mankind's humility which enabled your trails of fierceness to flow going forward. Always deeply missed as you gently touched the hearts of your family, acquaintances and steadfast comrades of valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You served with distinction and heroism to be sincerely honored, saluted and forever treasured for carrying the purposes and principles of life and your career on your broadest of shoulders, foiling evil and blending vision,wisdom and clarity as one entity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Every living individual will render Your praise, like myself this day; the father to the children, shall make known Your truth. Your family make known your prowess and heroically honest potential, Officer Cook. Maximized to have the greatest affect on the welfare and security of all Dade County. Mankind dreams. You my neighbor, friend and hero actually accomplished so very much within a relatively short lifespan sadly because of evil that robbed your beloved family of seeing your smile and charismatic character and creativity everyday. All intellectually stimulating and logically compelling. Courage straight from your treasured heart and a soul of purity and hopeful goodwill gushing over. Just excellence and outstanding endeavor that have catopulated your legacy of which both foundations and cornerstones were humbly constructed for a safer and more serener future one better off with your presence, Officer Cook, so for now until your family reunites your smile and charm stay safe in heaven as your walk your pristine and prefect beat of boldness. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Magnify a mature young man beyond his years with an uncanny ability to be versatile and dependable, you have all the makings of an excellent policeman. And less than five minutes can mean the difference between living or not. You were heroically focused, Officer Cook, on rescuing Dade County, its residents and your esteemed colleagues from Mr. Pearsall's wrath witnessed by many others. And tragically your dignity,honor and integrity was ripped apart by his vile and vengeful being. He had a child I believe what can we think about how the that child will grow up? Forever remembered for embracing mankind with love and pleasantries. Courtesy and politeness you and your big sister, Nancy were taught by your loving parents may you all rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character. Class and decency! The skies are pouring down with a plethora of perseverance and prudent truth and trust from your enlightened soul and heart of humility. Humbleness working its hardest toiling for justice for society. To be at peace and have no more strife, those are the goals,ambitions, missions and journeys other brave officers have set a course for to accomplish bravely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

A periscope helps one find something atop the water. A microscope magnifies an object. Honesty, humility, dignity and integrity make character and respect more than superficial. Your reverence and maturity, Officer Cook, was certainly one of a kind. It's too bad and really horrible Dade County can't see your smiling face and handsome soul anymore. One heart, one brain and one treasured spirit all truthfully trusted. Loyal and ever endearing to your comrades you will never be overlooked nor forgotten. Badge#1664 consummated peace, quality of life and enriching efficiency forever to be celebrated and fully saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

When terror or domestic tension races down a street any woman or man worth their badges and uniforms cannot be crawling toward this rampant enemy. The speed of which you navigate can determine the fates of all living there where protection comes validated. Dade County was served by your unwavering and unselfish dignity, loyalty and unquestionable faithfulness, Officer Cook. Honored as a hero forevermore and one gentleman whose dignity and virtue shall be encircling us for eternity. Too sad and terrible you are not here today to be with your beloved Karen, Nancy, your big sister and to see all your nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. From your perch high atop God's saintly blue skies as one of His many angels can you witness the tranquility and desire you laid down your life and career for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Do not disguise dignity for fallacy, fiction and fraud will never take ferocity down those heroic and honorable pathways. One can only hope and pray all public servants are loyal to the challenges and tests that are ahead of them. You were a professional through and true, Officer Cook. Intensely honest, humble in integrity and a positive thinker with more than a granule of gallantry. Integrity and character never leaving your side of respect and remarkable instincts as you secured and saved the people of Dade County making you a hero whose soul of esteem and valor perpetuates God's heavenly courts of wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Less is sometimes seen as better. More pride, hope and faithful goodwill can surely reduce the surges of serious violence. And when coupled with a young man's honesty, dignity and integrity, your efforts put forth, Officer Cook, only made the citizens of Dade County feel at ease. Resolve and remove those obstacles of stability and sanctity, the cornerstones to a safer society through your labors to be cherished and so saluted everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Never assume or presume anything. Always be on high alert and have excellent convictions in all your pursuits. Dade County was under your most heroically humble, honest and dignified watchful eyes, Officer Cook. A man of vision and integrity with character and respect for humanity. Our freedom and happiness all because of your undying bravery and tireless tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Every officer's watch is premature when ended by violence, accident, etcetera. Dade County was your battlegrounds for everything that could defeat terror and evil, Officer Cook. All that was available to use that day and every moment was used, integrity,honesty and character, dignity diggning in deeper to get at the roots of evil. Saluted and humbly etched inour thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave maximum effort never more diligence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

Next Saturday as I do everyday I'll be thinking more of you, Officer Cook, an ever ready hero of honor and leadership on behalf of Dade County. Never a more polished and poised professional with a persevering soul and heart of humility and guidance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity that slumbers serenely with integrity in God's channels of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

A master craftsman, a professional servant most of all, Officer Cook, an honored and humane hero of Dade County. You provided safe havens for society to travel to and with it came unselfish integrity,character and dignity in dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

While a spider spins its web, evil unleashes its various degrees of wickedness all of which you tried your utmost to stop, Officer Cook, to further the peace and enhancement of Dade County through honesty,integrity and the resolve in dignity. A hero revered for resilient pathways to safer days ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

Callous is senseless. But, courtesy is going that extra mile for safety and liberty for all mankind. You had spread virtue and goodwill within all Dade County to be noted and duly honored. A hero of resolve and respect trusted and truthful in his humble dignity and integrity. Your family and peers honor your sterling legacy founded onprinciples and values forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

Boldness,bravery and honor are the bridges to character, dignity and integrity. Your sole purpose, Officer Cook, was to humbly,humanely and to sacredly protect Dade County with all your heroic heroism in your heart. Never forgotten and always most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2020

One day the tables of terror willed by turned by those who serve tenaciously. You were that kind of officer, Officer Cook. First a polite gentleman and then a top class servant full of endeavor and success in all your heroic actions. Honor, integrity and dignity only are part of character, commitment and respect of which you earned humanely. Dade County was proud and humble because of your career and well lived life. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Mother's Day is tomorrow and may you and your mom, Officer Cook,enjoy together with your dad many eternal blessings and rewards for uplifting bravery, honest leadership and faithful devotion to both integrity and dignity. The world sorely misses all of you heroes together. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Character and trust made truth stand humble.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

We wine and dine all while you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero, Officer Cook. Your brightness and brilliance crystalized Dade County with blessings of serenity and stability. Peace and honor rested gloriously against the oaks of your outstanding dignity and integrity. Always fondly saluted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

The end of physical life is the start of an eternal journey filled with heroic light, dignity and the honor of integrity. God uses extra wattage bulbs to keep his heavens aglow with your soul, Officer Cook and the many other angels of Dade County who saved and protected with humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

A love for the outdoors and a grand man who served the causes of peace and fulfillment. Never more remembered for common sense and wisdom. Officer Cook, your heroism shall remain cherished throughout Dade County. Honesty, bravery and the heart of integrity and dignity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Nimble and unending. Your honest heroism, Officer Cook, saved Dade County plenty that day. All effort, character, dignity and everlasting integrity. You are to be humbly saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2020

Sunrise to be that honorable lion. Sunset to wind down the day, get some rest and start anew tomorrow. Sadly, Officer Cook, your life and career of dignity and integrity serving Dade County ended all too soon. And yet your heroic character and loyal dedication always followed you around your community. The days, months and years are flying by, a soul of compassion and a heart of humility are sorely missed. Heaven has excellence for eternity in its sacred fruited plains, perfect and calm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

A punishment should be a way to correct a wrong. To bless and praise goodness is fine so long as truth and honest intentions are forever demonstrated. Your dignified life and career of integrity, character and virtue, Officer Cook, was humbly and humanely heroic to the fullest extent. A blessing and a heavenly gift to your beloved parents and sister, Nancy. They all loved you and cried when you were taken from them. It's never easy to lay to rest a child before their time. Destinies and fates just seem intertwined with God's eternal plans for His angels. Respectful, resourceful, faithful all devout in wisdom, maturity and understanding vision and the scopes of their onuses while serving on this Earth. All freely, willingly accepted without any reservations, hesitations or doubts. Your soul is free to climb the highest point, Officer Cook. With your undying and unselfish character, truth and trust no doubt it will and it will be etched and saluted prominently forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, as you rest in peace together with your beloved, darling and most heroic son, I'm always going to be sad that I never met any of you. Real great people and gosh honest terrific neighbors. My parents would have loved knowing you all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Wreaths are for wonderful people. Flags are to remember humility, honor and a heroic spirit of both heart and soul. Never a day goes by when your family, Dade County and your department cherishes you, Officer Cook, their and hero. Protecting the public requires skill and certain virtues not found in every human being. But, your soul of foundation and fruition had the validity to seek peace and laid down the cornerstones of a happier and safer future. A future that you should have been allowed to live and see. Things and areas have changed hopefully for a positive notion. But, remember, sanctity, civility and nobility are to share in the responsibilities to society. Challenges make change. Chances are taken when called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made the ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, nothing small about that. Life is just part of a larger portrait unfurled by Our Greatest Peacemaker Himself. You are that shining light and brightest of valiant angels. You were a consummate gentleman of respect and enriching enhancement to be shared among others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

Surely a force to be reckoned with, violence and evil leave a community ravaged by their appearances untimely and vicious. No matter time, day or conditions, Officer Cook, you heroically went out honorably to search for the tranquility while calming down others whose emotions boiled over. A humble servant who ha dignity and respect for humanity which moisses your smiling presence just as Dade County's folks do. The character and truth showed proudly as did your entire life bound for more if not for the wreckful terror launched by Mr.Pearsall. Always fondly remembered and saluted for going above and beyond duty's calls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2020

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