Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A grown man who dedicated his life, career and heart to heroic and humbly honest endeavor. The skies today, Officer Cook, are pouring cats and dogs but your soul is completely unharmed by God's work. For now and eternity your honesty, character and reverence for both integrity and dignity is fixate duponwalking that heavenly beat where the sacred gates of valor are watched and always kept open. Accountability and reliability always worn proudly and for heroism devoted and faithful may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

It looks like the cemetery, Officer Cook, is building a newer section. Time surely passes us by. Tomorrow is the sad anniversary of your unselfish and heroically honored sacrifice on behalf of Dade County. If there was a Mt. Rushmore of all heroes and heroines your character, dignity and integrity would be chiseled upon those rocks. Solid respect and total goodwill for society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A genuine and warm human being whose life was taken so needlessly while performing your basic duties to serve and protect our essential harmony.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

Your version of valor, vigilance and virtue, Officer Cook, were so true, precise and crisply heroic. Crystal clear honesty, integrity and due diligence doing its utmost to sanctify the venues in and around Dade County. Dignity deserving of life, destiny came calling for you my neighbor, friend and hero for saving grace, restoring freedom among all inhabitants and for implanting an unforgettable reason why character and trust are all too important in securing and searching for a stability the staple of life so cherished. The bonds of life were not slipped, they were fastened to your beautiful soul and spirit ferried to heaven's gates where many other brave and honored angels were awaiting your arrival, Officer Cook. I look like the cemetery where you rest is building a newer section in the back by NW 141st Street. Rest in peace. All danger,harm and peril have been taken away from your being so that you can now perform those eternal tasks with responsibility and versatility that will always be blessed and most humbly rewarded. The ships sail on, the ports stay open, God's ledger keeps accounts and records everything for His ultimate judgment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

You toiled and sweated, Officer Cook, as a real hero of honor to provide a sustenance for yourself and Karen. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic three essentials and good health. You were the consummate champion of Dade County preserving its integrity, dignity and character. That same value was indeed your heroism where no price was greater than the ultimate you paid on May 16, 1979. A day of horror and outright gall. Just sad and tragic your life of fighting crime and career of morals and ideals was taken so abruptly by one man's insatiable wanton violence against establishment wrecking havoc upon domain and distinction. A humble man working his heart for some semblance of peace and no trouble. Not all is sweet and pleasant. You lead and directed others, Officer Cook, precisely because of your civil manner and calming voice of valor, vision and a wise maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

Once the explosions of terror go off it's tough to stop their indiscriminate trail of harm. All you did, Officer Cook, was to handle professionalism like a true hero and man of gallantry never letting things inflate your brain. You cooly and calmly went about the tasks and business at hand securing Dade County where its people were very happy. sad that humanity lost a terrific gentleman who gathered his dignity and integrity where your respect and character belonged. Never forgotten for laying down your life and mettle for scruples and values to march forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ego and brazenness must be abandoned when one is out patrolling for tranquility , optimism and goodwill. They never belong parked on the streets where a uniform and badge truly shape all officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

Safety, serenity and security are not a one time affair or social calling. They result from the heroic and honorable work of many faithful servants. One of them, yourself, Officer Cook, who succeeded mightily in his efforts despite the situations you were cast in. A responsible man answers those calls never really knowing the outcomes. Dade County received traditional care, tenacity first class and integrity respected worldwide. Our Master has your adored soul and heart protected in His heaven for eternal safekeeping where no harm will keep you from walking your proverbial beat.Boldness is gladness in sacred form. Whatever you dreamed of becoming thank God and your parents for sending you here. Rest in peace my neighbor friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

The anvils need to be pounded louder and faster to alleviate this stress and duress that evil and violence put us through. Dade County was robbed in humility and honor because of you, Officer Cook. Their friend, hero and dignified warrior whose integrity and character need just one way all ahead forward. Today and everyday you continue to be solemnly honored, remembered and saluted for nobility, valor and the civility of which you handled all details to devotion,faith and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

Externalize effort, efficiency and maximum energy utilized.Internalize components of courage, care and consideration while remaining open and honest in all your activities of integrity and dignity. Search for character, commitment to excellence and trust in your truthful convictions. Every box can be double and triple checked for all those traits, Officer Cook. No public servant who lies their life down is ever forgotten. Dade County has not overlooked your class, charmand candor, a smile so wide heaven has that sweet soul of yours where now Our Lord can watch over you, your family and esteemed comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

Today, Officer Cook, I visited your grave and offered a humble prayer for your immortally heroic soul. I cried some that's normal for me. After all what you did for Dade County and its residents forty-one years ago,your courage and dignity ignited the flames of hope and passion. Our serenity and security because of you, a humane and most gracious man consumed with admiration and counselled by his supervisors. An outstanding job done and now your eternal official welcome to God's celestial house where angels patrol in safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity revered and rewarded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2020

When a skirmish breaks out the squeamish can't succeed when its fires of fury race around. You were a brave and honest man, Officer Cook, too young and humbly heroic to be taken by this adverse violence which was your duty to served and to save Dade County from. You did your best and for having a complete repertoire of integrity, dignity and loyal character and staunch commitment to pride may you be blessed and rewarded for humility and soul that cut like a knife through hot butter. God morsels are those breads that are rationed respectfully and reverently among his angels of unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Perks and benefits are for those only interested in just making a huge sustenance. For police back in your time, Officer Cook, the salary was livable, humble as your heart of honor and valor. If I had known you I would have said emphatically you were a true blessing to Dade County's folks. Talent is skill. Courage is conviction. Dignity and integrity are more than intuition and a gut feeling. It's wrenching and totally callous for a police officer to lose their life protecting and be forgotten. You'll not be that way, Officer Cook, heroism and character live on in the scruples and morals your family carries forward. A legacy shining with love and warmth of treasured loyalty and unbiased truth and trust for justice for all. Police work calls upon the resources of one's crevices, one's share d views, honesty and respect hold sway over anything else while one battles,fights and defends the people whom you took an oath to serve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

A prank piques someone's curiosity. Better a novel idea that contains the syllables in the words of solemn dignity,honesty and integrity. With you, Officer Cook, they were a both heroic part of your life and career patrolling Dade County. Its citizens were better served by a most resourceful and diligent servant. Nothing can escape the wonders of a gentleman's harmonious persuasions all in the humanely pious name of heaven. A blessed Godsend indeed. Now if humanity will salute your endearing enhancement of our futures. They would have been brighter for your adoring family and loyal comrades if you were present to account for how your made society more sacred and unified. You remain cherished and always etched in their minds and hearts. It was respectful resourcefulness that captured your community's ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has the accounting of your life and career Our Master has blessed,praised and rewarded your soul of excellent performance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

In every generation there are symbolic testimonials so that miracles will not be forgotten. Never can one deny the existence of the Creator of this world. Sure, you can deny other things not be as loyal and as devout to faith, but as a police officer there can be no division between dignity and integrity. Its honor and reverence must remain intact for as long as public servants heed the calls of trouble, evil and terror too continue their waves of unthinkable damage to a community. You covered Dade County, Officer Cook, with heroic resolve, one drop of rain,one sunny day of hope and salvation glancing off our homes of tranquility and stabilizing times. Humility guarded. Vision so true. Trust and truth the units of uniform proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Desire and decency are sitting up front now and forever in God's most wonderful array of angelic heroes. Multiplication in good character traits must not be divided by corruptive division. The count is forevermore onward!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

The slopes are slippery. The peril persists. Good women and men are all out to patrol to restore our most humblest of harmony and the trust of truth and effort. Energy and all heart, Officer Cook, were given to keep Dade County safe and happy. Happy days would be here if what transpired on May 16, 1979 never took place. Humanity has a great man to remember his honor, integrity and peaceful dignity. The skies above all indeed rewarded with your acumen and stoic command of a situation, Officer Cook. A Godsend and a gifted gentleman of gallantry whose soul watches over Our Creator's lair of angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cheerful character and beautiful and consummate smile taken in a flash. A heartbeat heroically floating to heaven where your earthly missions were deemed as finished. Eternity is for heroes and heroines to sleep soundly without a whim of wickedness assaulting them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Blessed virtue is a serenely blessed heart. The soul of a distinguished man whose soul and humility enriched humanity. By versatile diligence, by uncanny vision and reflexes so refined, Dade County was bestowed with peace and dignity to be certainly treasured. You life and career were the consummate examples of exemplary work habits and sure fire heroism that remains adored and greatly admired. The bridges and venues of your community, Officer Cook, are those very same cornerstones and foundations forever so blessed by your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect is the reservoir to success . Yours, Officer Cook, forever flows within your loved ones.A legacy signed and sealed with love and tears shed. They'll never love their"Uncle Bo" more.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

The terrains can indeed be treacherous. One's own self humility, honesty and undying and unselfish heroic dignity and uncompromising integrity must be attuned to the community's desires and requirements. Yours, Officer Cook, were the finest and most rounded of all and the warrior in you would not surcease. No capitulating and nor hesitation. For having character, style and graceful trust and total truth Our Lord has your heart and soul sheltered forever as one to encircle your beloved family, close friends and brave colleagues who fought tooth and nail which you supporting and lending a welcome hand. Never forgotten and forever a smile saluted for stellar and sterling sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.Dade County was only given first class protection and service from your everlasting hope, goodwill and generous heart of gold.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

With humble virtue and loyal heroism it is with honors afforded you, Officer Cook, that badge#1664 has become the vessel of which your vital versatility, viable vision and vigilant integrity and desired dignity shall be forever remembered. Solemn, serene and faithful to all onuses of duty and sacrifice. One undertaken on behalf of the entire community of Dade County where you grew up,loved life and relished your family. A man born to run, to film and to hunt. Your life and career though too short have always been noted and humbly celebrated. Your class and decency have always been those bookends to boldness, the canopies of your kindness, the tents of your undying tenacity as you gave exact endeavor to extrapolate evil from our midst. You sleep as an angel covered by Our Master's gentle compassion for all as you fly higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

It takes the involvement of all personnel and the citizens of each community to put a dent on crime, evil and violence. Terror, torment and turmoil that should never be seen or heard. Dade County witnessed unrest, strife and racial tensions and certainly on May 16, 1979, it saw domestic dispute in Liberty City, the likes of which one citizen was shot and wounded, three police officers were shot and you were killed, Officer Cook. Defending our unity, liberty and dire efforts to live peacefully. You can be sure your honor, bravery, dignity and integrity were the dominoes that were displayed by your loyal and esteemed soul and heart, loyalty to be solemnly saluted for its stance against serious mayhem and chaos. Your family loves you, Officer Cook, they will always cherish your memory and behold the torch of your legacy as brightly as the sun glows. Its lights will not be extinguished, that's a promise. As you sleep soundly cradled against God's loving and merciful arms, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved to live on and enjoy the fruits of your unselfish labors with Karen. God had other eternal plans and strategic journeys for your humanely sacred spirit and soul of thought and wisdom, maturity beyond your years of the crowd.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

With a crowd of courage, concern and careful skills were you able to complete your important challenges and tests of faith that lied ahead of you, Officer Cook. Dade County was your underlying venue where prosperity and hope relied upon dignity and integrity.Always a loyal and decent man whose life should have never ended because of one person's reprehensible behavior. Your comrade were indeed blessed to have you there to assist them. Respect and virtue, so versatile and viable. Vision and maturity planning and seizing their opportunities to further create mankind's promises of the future. A better one if you were present, Officer Cook, to direct and uplift its compasses of compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

You nourished your neighborhood of Dade County with never ending honor, never forgotten heroism and complete trust in your abilities to relieve violence and replace it with peace and hope. A man so blessed with humility, Officer Cook, your soul and spirit will forever occupy that graceful chair forever near dignity and integrity. Outstanding character that brought happiness, joy and gladness to everyone. When it was sadly taken the sorrow, anguish and grief your family must have felt was unbearable. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, may you rest in peace was one tough and faithful lady, the queen of your family, your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace the king, Nancy and yourself, Officer Cook, the princess and prince of your clan. A clever man with not a bone of disrespect and always well mannered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Exuberance and youth filled your shoes and feet of ferocity and unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook. The streets of Dade County were engaged by a most personable and determined gentleman of valor. Your faith never wavered. Your courage never waffled. Always a happy smile to deliver on your solemn words of character and boldness. Bravery that bridged those gaps where evil looked to pilfer. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, those days of goodwill and serenity shall not be overlooked and neither will your grace and wisdom, vision and transparency to be transferred to God's terraces of truth and perfect harmony.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Your foot and handprints are forever implanted within the soil which you served Our Maker. His blueprints, your honesty,integrity and genuine dignity all made up an important role for which your tasks of tenacity, Officer Cook, are always a staple of Dade County. Heroes sadly fall doing their duties and due diligence, it's our responsibility never to overlook nor forget their sacred lives and bountiful careers. Those who make retirement are blessed and those who lose their lives defending our essential liberties are too duly honored and rewarded. The scales of justice sometimes need a little fixing, but,when you labored for peace, Officer Cook, goodness and truth surrounded your family every second. A hero forever young at heart. Keep observing us and your family as they try and carry on with your trustworthy legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Don't underestimate esteem for loyalty and respect follow inits paths. Your trails, Officer Cook, within the Dade County community were honorable and most humble, heroic and revered as they allowed others to continue your fine and upstanding work ethics. Your trusted character, truthful passions, compassionate nature were all relevant and most appreciated. Paving your perseverance and dignity, it takes a man of genuine integrity and vital ingenuity to make those patrols where freedom and safety relied upon your humanely excellent instincts all missed today but saluted today and every moment for candor, consideration and deserved dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

The principle is in the interest and although we never know why, your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, is being utilized for heroic missions to continue in heaven where you guard those sacred and pearliest gates of gallantry. Serving and protecting was your chosen career and you gave everything in your body, heart and soul to see safe passages come about. Resolve and resiliency never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2020

Because of this pandemic Covid 19 virus, the police memorial last Thursday night at Tropical Park was cancelled nevertheless you and your honored and heroic brothers and sisters, Officer Cook, continue to be poignantly honored and saluted for serving Dade County and its citizens. One can ventilate their frustrations after all your virtue and versatility was snatched away by one mean and cowardly man's vengeance against law enforcement. But, you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero knowing you brought honesty, integrity and character greatly dignified to your official position. A place reserved for the top echelon of energy, effort and proficiency. A love of society, sacred principles and a vitally important sacrifice not to be shelved and forgotten, Officer Cook. Your reputation was of a trustworthy,loyal and arduous public servant dedicated t olaw and stabilizing serenity. Rest in peace. An angel of humility, civility and reliability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2020

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