Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The life of every hero is captured and frozen in time for all to read about. Their efforts, their energy and hearts are now eternally aglow keeping God's wonderfully virtual home pristine. The angels are those warm souls who soar higher every second. It was their actions of resolve and efficiency that earned them a heavenly seat of honesty, integrity and ingenuity in Our maker's den of diligence, one you humbly earned, Officer Cook, for having fortitude,character and a committed soul to make terror and evil extinct in Dade County. Courtesies, manners and politeness all taught and exercised in your loving home by your beloved parents. May you all rest in peace my neighbors,friends and hero, Officer Cook, Badge#1664. Always humble, always gifted, giving and caring in your own unselfish fashion. Always the people first!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

Gossip can't settle a thing. All it is is cheap talk and no actions. When arrows of wanton bedlam are shot at us we must respond and never crawl under a bed. Violence and evil want us to hide and run, but, excellent men and women all brave and heroic never dodge their responsibility. You always went to scenes and their circumstances, Officer Cook, humbly confident in solving a crisis. Dade County was your territory where tenacity and valor were partners of your distinguished honor, dignity and integrity. All composed of class and decency, resourceful and remarkable. Never forgotten and forever saluted for goodness, goodwill and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

Conclusions should be based upon one's own honesty, integrity and dignity. Not candor, charm and charisma. And yet for a happy man, Officer Cook, your handsome presence in front of the flag with a big old smile sends a certain message. You relished and enjoyed your life, though too short. You personally were able to achieve the one goal and that was to become an excellent public servant serving and protecting the mostly good people of Dade County. Our peace of mind, our joy our freedoms of movement we have to take notice. These were your same values and ideals. If God had allowed you to retire and spend the remainder of your life in dignity and integrity with Karen, than surely no telling what character, respect and humility would have meant to a society now bereft of your candid advice. From the skies above the light of your humanely heroic soul shines down a hint for your family and others to follow in. Some roads are narrow with a little endeavor those trails will widen a bit. Sanity and sanctity have begun their toil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

Nowadays what is happening in society with the Covid 19 virus can only bring about an outpouring of hope and faith. Officer Cook, your life,career and ultimate sacrifice for Dade County brought that similar outpouring, yet the cries of grief over a life gone too soon. The loss of a fine young man, a hero of sturdy spirit who was faithfully devout to his family and friends. Character and respect can bring a measure of condolence, but callous actions of those inclined to commit violence can make a community worse off. With time let us pray the wounds have begun to close and yet your kindred spirit, dignity and integrity which delivered serenity and humble liberty shall never go undone. We pray and your soar as a humble angel watching over those who carry your legacy and have succeeded you patrolling Dade County with the very graceful vigor and vitality that you masterfully maintained throughout your life and dutiful career of principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

Sometimes one needs to be wily to catch the wickedness of an evil minded individual. You , Officer Cook, were a poignant source of wit, wisdom to be humbly and heroically honored and saluted forever. Dade County, your family and peers were all robbed of your inspiring and most notably gifted presence and smiling personality. It was all trust and truth which filled the sleeves of your character and unselfish courage from within your heart of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vision, valor and virtue all together in heaven among Our Lord's esteemed flock of angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

Restore your respect. Revive your character. Rekindle your passion. Sad, Officer Cook, Mr. Pearsall's character was the epitome of disrespect and disgrace. He took your life and nearly those of your solemn and heroic comrades. You'll continue to remain forever a Dade County hero here and in heaven. And for possessing morals, ideals and virtues God is certainly blessing your humble honesty, integrity and dignity. Of course your respect was first class if a person gone awry can restore their respect, correct certain character flaws and relight their passions then down the road a hint of some modest success maybe achieved. Your family keeps moving forward as you would want them to as you keep shining your soul's spirit downward upon their very hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

So efficient was your official professionalism, Officer Cook. Officers must be reliable and able to handle all duty. Dade County was loyally served and incorporated with nothing but honest, heroic and respect measures of integrity and the scales of dignity. They all must balance out at day's end. Everything must be on the streets and utilized to bring up uprising to a conclusion and unity to its forefront. Humility and feats of strength and endurance have all been recognized and rewarded, Officer Cook. Your soul my neighbor, friend and hero can rest in peace. A life lived and a career carved out of solid foundations of resolve, endeavor and energy from your most stoically passionate heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

A man with a sympathetic heart has mercy and compassion. All the right codes of conduct for an upscale and most uplifting servant of God. So dependable and officiant, your outstanding performance, Officer Cook, most honest and heroic let Dade County and its people live in tranquility and safety a bit less today because of your untimely loss. One still grieved and mourned as today is the anniversary when your eternal open welcome was engraved upon society not to forget or just glance at. One can skim the surface of a decent man's respect and convincing character, dignity instilled at all points and integrity integrated smartly. You followed protocol and kept peace and calm because of basic tenets of faith , hope,truth and trust you believed in. Virtue and vigilance are the yardsticks of a person's youth not to be taken for granted or toyed with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

For all we know our love will grow that what the Man says. From above God's purple fruited plains do you, Officer Cook,a Dade County honored police hero, my neighbor and friend rest in peace. Dignity and integrity earned in the streets accompanies your sweet soul of virtue and vision to your sacred and final resting venue. It can not be tarnished nor disrespected for its earthly missions were mankind's dreams. Where no earthly being ventured, you, Officer Cook, were willing to make that ultimate sacrifice of humility to spearhead humanity's destinies. Like a flower that withers by day, it springs into life at night. A mortal human being gifted and talented who allowed his wisdom and morals to flow like a river. Your fellow colleagues have the watch please look out for them and rest in perfect harmony from your fortress above us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

Like a hamster crawling on its wheels, honesty, integrity and dignity must never have their tires of tenacity flattened by the vile personalities of furious evil. Such violence exposes society to all sorts of terror and further complicates the peaceful existence of which mankind craves. You protected and served, Officer Cook,as a heroic friend and fellow brother to so many other fine and dedicated public servants. Dade County forever is indebted to your resourcefulness and revenue of respect and enhancement. Our Creator never stops enriching His flock of angels, heroes and heroines to all humanity which misses them greatly as do their loving families. One day, Officer Cook,when the time arises all who adored and loved you will finally be able to put their arms around you and give you a big bearhug. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To see that vivid smile, handsome face and the tears of joy flowing happily through the skies above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

A morsel today and some more mettle tomorrow. Today is here. Tomorrow not right now. The future maybe bright it assuredly is not present yet. Forty-seven years ago, Officer Cook, your heroic and honored police career began its ascent. It started with promise and six years later ended tragically with an ultimate sacrifice you imparted upon the welfare of Dade County residents. So much virtue, validity and versatility imprinted on your sleeve of honor and respect, a badge shining with integrity and character. A commitment esteemed and gentle. It was a hot day that awful day, Officer Cook, when God beckoned your soul back to His castles of courage where angels with wings of welcome warmth circle day and night looking over us and their families left behind to mourn and grieve their untimely deaths. Mankind is lessened in humility and respect. Society seems a bit less sacred. Humanity loses that glow and composure. Those pillars where you slumber humbly are fitted for just that pristine purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The chains of truth and trust must not be broken. Bonds are far too important to lose.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

Your heroic and honored trials, journeys, missions and voyages around Dade County, Officer Cook, have been tabulated and accounted for in God's most humble and reliable house of perfection. No eraser is necessary as the ledger books are calculated justly. So too by your truth and trust dignifying integrity,character and noble respect for all society. Humanity misses you, Officer Cook, as does your family as they vigilantly carry your legacy of esteem and loyalty forward to treasure forevermore. God's books are bordered with bravery, boldness and never with needless brazenry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the consummate servant,sincerest of wise men whose noble soul rests splendidly with your spirit of affection and awareness. One day evil will permanently be obliterated. It must!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

The mountains are tough enough to climb. No meandering just take a straight path one step at a time. One day of honor brings a ray of sunshine. The next day some hope brings a tad more of integrity and dignity. On the surface your patrols serving and protecting Dade County were viewed as bright and positive. God steers His people down those channels of courage and conviction. Somehow Our Lord needed an angel and deemed your journeys through mankind as finished,sanctity set down,foundations constructed wisely. Now your eternal tasks, Officer Cook, are to guard those virtuous gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

It was not with an iron fist, not with a ball and chain and certainly not with a whip. It was done with class accentuated with faith, hope and honorable goodwill introduced to all Dade County, Officer Cook. A man with composure whose calming appeal served you much better. You cannot be mean all the time nor act as a brute. But,you always acted accordingly and with measured tones of ferocity and resolve. Dignity and integrity must melt through and blend with your assured respectful character. You made that proficient deep impact and imparted words of welcome wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

If you pursue my statutes and cleave to my words then I shall bless your land with food and rain. For keeping adherence to God's ways, Officer Cook,your distinguished and heroically honored name will rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was under desperate times that fateful afternoon of May 16, 1979 and you did your part answering a domestic call which you probably answered a thousand other times. Only if Mr.Pearsall listened to dignity and integrity from the character of a caring heart. The brain signals the heart and rest of our bodies. For having loyalty and devotion, Officer Cook, your angel wings shall fly high. The top of the line truth and trust, vision and wisdom floating skyward . Your soul that keeps heaven perpetually lit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

May your blessed and revered name, Officer Cook, be solemnly remembered for a blessing. A boldness and heroism like no other. Desire and tenacity all running in unison after violence while pursuing peace and its trusted transparency. Likeable and a man filled with commonsense, you accentuated everything noble with humanity. Mankind reflects and take vivid note of your sacred affirmation to make serenity and liberty a preference to all living in Dade County. A smile and handshake and a humble greeting for a most faithful servant now walking forever as an angel of bravery beyond duty's calls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

Today, Officer Cook, is forty-one years since you sacrificed your life on behalf of Dade County. No day a family should ever have to look forward to. The happier times,the most cherished of moments. Yet, heroism and honor sprung forth into action to stop an evil man from harming other citizens and your brave and loyal comrades, Officer Cook. The community and the world have taken notice, taken account of your unselfish acumen, dignity and the versatility of loyal integrity. God has an angel of vision,maturity and wisdom encircling us and your beloved family at all times as those who have taken over your watch do. Direction dictates paths of perseverance and prudent sanctity. All perfect, civil and noble in the skies above where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020

Dirt is an inanimate object. So when a body which is the vessel for holiness is returned to the earth where it came we surely take note not to forget. And you are not forgotten, Officer Cook, as an honored hero of Dade County who set the bar of bravery, integrity and dignity higher for others to follow in. Violence stole your virtue and versatility, no doubt as durable and dependable as you were, your family, friends and comrades will forever respect and salute your valor while chasing peace and trying to overcome the obstacles of evil and wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

A system is in place where standards, rules and regulations are expected to be followed if lives of both officers and the citizens are to be saved. The anguish that torment and turmoil leave in a community is just appalling. Dade County thrives upon good public servants not struggling, but searching for some balance of security and unity. Inhumane is indecent. Your fruitful career and happy life, Officer Cook, has been remembered for its stellar and heroic honesty, integrity and dignity. Chronic callousness cannot be tolerated and your trails of truth and justice were why you were trusted with leading other colleagues of esteem and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and commitment are not just jargon, for they are the convictions of every heart and soul of public service.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

Maliciousness is just mind boggling. The serenity of the air just torn apart by ruination that rips at our hearts and minds. Good days, peace and good health should always follow our honest of trails. The paths to perseverance and respect gained by your youthful experience, Officer Cook, a hero here in Dade County whose ventures were deemed venerable and most versatile. God never forgets His souls of distinction, devotion and faithfulness while rewarding their undying, unwavering and unselfish sacrifices to further advance the principles of why society exists. Sanctity,civility and nobility all very cherished and heart warming. Your warmth and charm, Officer Cook, now spread out far and wide in eternity where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We won't forget you and badge#1664. Respected and revered forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

The list sadly goes on and the heroes and heroines abound as God's starring angels of valor. The greatest test of a hero is for sure their honesty, integrity and composed dignity which you humbly maintained as a sterling servant, Officer Cook. Dade County was defended by your labors of love and your aspirations are forever inspirations for all who wear a crisp uniform characteristic of tenacity and resiliency. The best virtue to have is humane confidence in all your abilities and tie that together with heart caring humility so sacred, so fundamental. Tomorrow is not just another day, it's the day after solemn duty and a heroic life lived so well, Officer Cook, Our Creator summoned your sweet soul, loyal and endless to His heavenly tribunal where you have been blessed and etched upon the cornerstones of courage and the very basic foundations of self taught discipline. They carried the fight to violence. Take heed, the good guys and gals are coming to get you and put you behind bars where you belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

Squirrels climb quickly up trees with the nuts they find. Scoundrels are those evil enough to commit all sorts of crime and continued bedlam throughout a community. You preserved life and property in Dade County for six loyal and most humbly faithful years of service. Dedicated and determined, your name, Officer Cook, shall never be forgotten. Never take for granted a servant's honor, dignity and graceful smile, integrity and humility all concealed within your caring heart of gold. Serenity and destiny came calling and at 3:05 pm on May 16,1979, the doctors and staff did all they could to save you, Officer Cook, at North Shore Hospital. A grand man of candor and charm, whose charisma and personality are enhancing those golden roads above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Evil climbs and its must be dropped to earth at once and made obsolete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

There are no freebies here. There is a method we know behind the madness and yet you were a solemn man, Officer Cook, built on bravery, boldness and heroic honesty. No man or woman who protects with character,dignity and integrity should not be given a salute for humility and resolve. Dade County and its folks received the lion's share of serious effort and energy from your heart. A decent man whose integral ingenuity,intuition and intelligence maximized all that you exposed to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

Blessings are recited daily.Praises are offered. The world exists because of creation and God's compassion and mercy. You were brought into the world, Officer Cook, to honorably serve as a public servant. Versatile and most dignified. Integrity and commitment to carry out a most difficult assignment. Stop terror and control crime. Dade County thanks you and of course your family as their warrior in shining armor. You'll always be held in high regard for safeguarding your community where you keep on being paid loyal homage. God gave you my neighbor, friend and hero the warmest of greetings when he welcomed your immortal soul to your eternal home. Rest in peace. Character and truth spelled out your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

When those engines start humming perseverance and professionalism start up in high gear. Gallant and esteemed, beloved and adored by your family, Officer Cook, the honorable soul who served Dade County and its residents will be solemnly saluted forevermore. Where peace and unity are so required for earthly to continue there you were, Officer Cook, vital and most humanely diligent. You were a consummate blessing to your family and professional peers of truth and trust whose name and spirit will be praised by God and not overlooked. The battles rage on but, from heaven you can oversee with Our Creator's help all those participating in emancipating us from violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2020

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