Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A modulated voice of reason and mettle are the strength and essence of energy, effort and honored character. No doubt respect for you, Officer Cook, was there unfortunately one man did not get that memo. His life was chaos and bedlam multiplied many times. You gave meaning to life through a responsibility toward others and for being dignified and humane, Dade County was better off. Though it really has missed your intuitive mannerisms and virtual respect for leadership and motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of duty and sanctity rewarded and revered by Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Always questions sometimes no plausible answers. Police simply can be stumped when solving issues and resolving conflicts. Try to be yourself, above all respect and politeness goes father down those roads of humbleness than a lack of honor,integrity and dignity just throwing caution to the wind. You never did that , Officer Cook and if most public servants performed that way their careers would be over in a heartbeat. The terror on the streets would be like bees on honey, like a tiger being thrown a piece of meat and ignoring it. Dade County was well served by class, desire and decency all from your caring heart of gold. A heroic sacrifice that has enhanced a more stable community where you are greatly missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Cognisant and considerate, all from a caring heart and calm soul of courage. Your tone of voice and humility, Officer Cook, was a big reason as to why Dade County was well served by an honorable man such as yourself. They the people won't forget the respect and honesty, the piety of perseverance and of course, character, integrity and wisdom's dignity. Your a young man way beyond your years of maturity our mankind won't see another you meaning just that. Capable and with all the natural ability to handle whatever assignments were given to you. A blessed man with a heroic name and indeed a kindred spirit of affection. You were well liked, admired and solemnly respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

The infamous their mugs of disgust continue to meander around society creating unjust and perturbing evil. Violence you heroically tried to ward off everyday, Officer Cook. And for being a hero of esteem and bravery protecting Dade County may your soul of honesty,integrity and dignity rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and efficiency all walking that perfectly humble beat in heaven with other angels who gave their lives and souls.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

A button or thread maybe sewed back. A bullet to a vital organ may not be repaired all the time. Sad, what an ultimate sacrifice costs a beloved family and department of brave and esteemed colleagues. They all pulled for you, Officer Cook, to survive that day of infamy. A moment whenthe lights of honor,dignity and integrity were out because of your untimely loss to Dade County and your loved ones. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. No pill or anything can bring back an angel of Our Lord. Keep watching from above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

Penguins love the cold. So do polar bears. Hot or cold, all dignified public servants must perform their roles no matter the climate. You excelled, Officer Cook,uplifting and spiritng Dade County to newer heights. Heroism was just a model, what followed you all your days was integrity,wisdom and ingenuity in honor and dignity. You'll remain a blessed man forever whose legacy was distinguished,leadership, motivation and respected character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

Bookends can keep things together. And so can dignity and integrity when honesty is placed solely inthe middle. Its boundaries of commitment, character and conviction shine like diamonds. Your career and life, Officer Cook,was humble and charismatic. So brave and bountiful. A beautiful soul uplifted to God's skies above. Dade County had its peace and decency because of your tireless efforts put forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

Soceity,mankind and humanity need all the honest character summoned to answer the calls of duty. Dade County had your visionand wisdom, Officer Cook,heroically packed together t oprovide excellence inall that you accomplished. The heaven are aglow with your smile and fierce dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

To reach is to attempt to touch something. Your honor,dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, reached Dade County heroically and most efficiently. Never more sacntity and nobility coming fromyour labors of character and versatility. Always loyal,faithful and saluted for heroism and unselfishness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

Nothing pedestrian, only full throttle perseverance and humble respect and honor for your position of responsibility for Dade County, Officer Cook. A hero with a character and dignity to be saluted forever. God rewards integrity and punishes evil. Your heroic name won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2020

Police must put their noses to the grindstone. Their resolve, resourcefulness and resilience all get put to the challenges and tests daily during the courses of doing their due diligence. Your insistence, consistence and persistence, Officer Cook, valiantly made Dade County better served and more well off. A hero who existence was the very peaks of dignity,honor and respected integrity all sacrificed to block out this unrelenting wave of wickedness. You won't be forgotten for heroism and never hesitation. The skies have been raining cats and dogs your sweet and intuitive soul of mettle will shine for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

I don't know if as a child you and Nancy ever went to Greynolds Park in North Miami Beach, Florida on NE 22nd Avenue and Miami Gardens Drive, Officer Cook. We went there for my dad's shomrim picnics when my sister Michele and I were younger. The word shomrim means watchman for retired police officers and firefighters. The scenery could be amazing, the mountain in the back,the woods and the water where one can canoe or ride a paddle boat. Another park in Hollywood is TY Park also amazing.Paddle boats, picnic tables and tennis courts. You played tennis and took some pretty amazing pictures of Mother Nature. Your career and life had more vigor and vitality left to pursue happiness and adventure while fighting crime and mayhem in Dade County. Rock hard determination, sturdy honor, the chemistry of convictions to what it means to have integrity, dignity and respectful character. They define the meaning of what is to honor every resting hero who gives their heart and soul to save, serve and protect their brother and sister officers and the ones, the people whom loyalty and trust mean everything. The vehicles of valor, virtue and truth always had their engines running at full speed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No pumpkins, just a pleasing presence capped off with a smile and serious humility enlightening our humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Socked, knocked and rocked, the very same way evil came through the doors, the same way it should be forever put through those doors, vanquished and made to disappear forevermore. The good gals and guys have the guts, the humble glory, the law all supporting them as they defend and wrestle with all their might, mind and heart to defeat this uncompromising adversary. Badge#1664 represented relevant endeavor,thoughtful and thorough honesty, no nonsense dignity and heroic integrity that was the backbone of your zealously staunch character, Officer Cook. Dade County was protected and liberated from advances of torment and turmoil by you and your colleagues, sure minded and self confident law enforcement personnel dedicated to the causes,pursuits and journeys to corral callousness before it got free from the barn. A most deserving man of charm and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.You'll always be missed very much and adored very much!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Families can breathe a sigh of relief when their loved ones survive their shift and make it home safely. For those who lose a loved one sighs turn to sorrow and anguish, the pain in their hearts is very unbearable. Your beloved family suffered greatly, Officer Cook, a loss to them, your department and the entire Dade County community who witnessed your truest of passions, feats of faith, devotion to hope and maintaining goodwill and a steady stream of courage and conviction. If hope does spring eternal, your honor and dignity were those sources of serious contemplation while out scouring the streets trying to plug in perseverance and proficiency throughout your career and life. Always saluted, remembered as a gallant gentleman with a glowing heart of heroism and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Magnetism is charm. Morals are more important. Fighting injustice and evil is not a beauty contest. The first in line or to finish ahead first wins. It's a perpetual effort poured forth by many heroes and heroines whose humility and sense of fair play distinguish themselves during the tensest of times. For all that you accomplished during your life and public service career, Officer Cook, your family comrades and Dade County could not be happier with your actions all dignified and heroically humane. Integrity and ingenuity striving their utmost to ease the tension, the unrest, the disrespect by one man against police authority and leadership capabilities. Sacred and taciturn, they all have been treasured and solemnly honored for sharing their duties and onuses in rebuilding the infrastructure of mankind so cornerstones can stay cemented as one entity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Kids and adults need that exclamation point of excitement. This cannot be hijacked by heinous actions which demean and debase the value of honesty and happiness which is a cherished vehicle of society. Your loving engagement , Officer Cook, brokered newer relationships in and around Dade County. Too dignified avenue to have your integrity and enhancement broken off like a limb by violence. Heroism and truth released from those bonds of immortal of trust and truth by a diabolically wayward man. Your trails and ferocity were pounded like an anvil and justice was sternly served on the man who took your young life and noble friendliness away. So mature beyond your years. Yearning never grows old. A terrible shame you were not allowed to grow old. To reap what you sowed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

A promise is more than a handshake and a token of esteem. It is the bonding and binding bravery and humane honesty that accentuates all dignity, character and integrity. Without any measure of these traits even the best and most highly sophisticated of public servants may get lost in a fog of doubt and regret. Fighting and battling such huge adversaries takes more than awareness and acumen. Honesty the most powerful may not be sheltered as it must be on the sleeves viable and visible which you had, Officer Cook, to heroically challenge evil and to attempt to stop this torrential torment of unspeakable ugliness in Dade County where the residents came to trust your judgment and leadership of others through good and not so good. Goodwill,devotion and hope all excellent and now they have been transferred to heaven to assist your proverbial patrol of those golden streets and perfect pavements. No cracks whatsoever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

The rings of humble, humane and heroic honor are: dignity,integrity and character. And for certain without respect and carefulness they all won't have any meaning valid enough to stop violence and terror from any given community. Your progressions throughout Dade County, Officer Cook, were heralded and determined to head off an influx of unwavering evil. Dire consequences can arise if one is not duly prepared to deal with the rigors and duress of your important position of authority, trust and truth. Better to surely be real and action minded than to be a false servant just going through the motions. Humility, loyalty and faith are not motions, though they protect much better when applied to vision, acumen and wisdom. All of what has made you, Officer Cook, a decorated and saluted hero of undying and unshakable resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Wildfires takes lives just as much as violence from a gun does. Humility, honesty and reverence all from your gentle heart, Officer Cook, helped to quash evil in Dade County. Its folks could breathe a little easier though now that your absent a little less. Hopefully, the loyal and honest soldiers who have succeeded you will follow their leads and cues carefully carrying out your heroic legacy as your family does every moment of their pursuits of happiness and goodwill. Rest In peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wooden nickels are valuable. Virtues and vigilance are those diamonds in the rough.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Blood is a shark's best buddy. Blood from evil is scoundrel's cape to hide behind. The cowards who commit violence and in the process take innocent lives shall be punished. Dade County was well served and prepared by your saving grace, Officer Cook, a hero of the highest level of valor,esteem and loyalty any department could rely upon. So much trust and truthful character, ingenuity in all your stellar commitments to excelling beyond any shadow of reservation. Transparency now and for eternity blessed and humbly rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

If police are to get a handle on crime they cannot ever have controversy riding with them or be a part of the pride they don in performing a sacred and yet seriously dangerous job. Too many things can occur and the good of the people they protect is at stake. Never more endeavor and more foundations of honesty and integrity all located right in the middle of your unwavering and unselfish dignity, Officer Cook, a hero who devoted his life and career to witness harmony in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Add a pinch of perseverance to effort and endurance, you'll receive back excellence in honesty, bravery and the tides of tenacity and dignity. You'll forever be hailed as a hero in Dade County, Officer Cook. For legislating goodwill, hope and kindness among society. All of that is sincerely missed as is your adoring presence and handsome face and brilliant smile. It was about controlling callousness and keeping violence and evil in check. Humanity was gracefully embraced by a truly trusted and treasured man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Courage cannot be outrageously usurped by the likes of vile and and disrespectful individuals. Your main task, Officer Cook, was to see Dade County free and clear of dangerous obstacles to serenity and safe travels. You were an honorable man, a hero of first class integrity, dignity and character never to be forgotten. God's pastures are patrolled by venerable aces of acumen, loyalty and humane faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2020

Confession makes the soul feel better. Courage serves as a hero's mettle and mantra for honesty, integrity and dignity. All perfect ingenuity, intelligence and intuition within your being, Officer Cook. Your absence surely makes your family's heart and esteem grow fonder of you. You were a gentleman literally. Young at heart with a hearty smile and a laugh so distinct. A very faithful and decent public service refined by principles and defined by dedication, tireless and unselfish. Dade County and its streets, roads and corners were paved by perseverance and loyal respect from all who knew you. Today, now forty-one years later after sacrificing your life and soul for security and tranquil times no one has ever forgotten your heroic appeal and downright upbeat personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's about delving in enrichment, enhancement and engaging endearment. The values of an ethical and trustworthy truthful individual. Heaven has got quite an angel guarding those sacred and golden gates. Heroes and heroines all shape the very future foundations and cornerstones. Ferocity and tenacity all doing their role to conquer and eliminate violence from our scene.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

The conduit to a man's courage lies in the honorable and humble volition of his heart. Your heart, Officer Cook, which defended Dade County's folks had truth, it flowed with composed trust and it fit perfectly with character, integrity and dignity which today and that deserves our greatest of thanks for heroism and classic mettle. All the fibers and fabrics that have constructed the vary foundations of humility and total resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is where God's orchestra of outstanding rises to perpetually patrol His pearliest of gates. All gallantry, grit and true warrior like gumption.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2020

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