Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The outline for a most resourceful hero is the fact of their open honesty, dedicated dignity and intensely unending integrity. They take the battles to evil and violence. No doubt Officer Cook, your heroic name rests soundly in those heavens above where perfection shall always prevail. A servant worth being saluted for character, respect and trust. Your badge and uniform spelled out the letters of peace and prosperity on behalf of Dade County. You deserved to live, Officer Cook, God took your beautiful heart and soul back home to be with your father, Charles, may you both rest in peace and your mother too, Mrs. Julia Cook. A devout and most truthfully faithful family. North Miami Beach,Fl surely misses allof you and your engaging smile and serious work ethics.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

Twenty-five is still a young age. A ripe time when life and happiness should abound with joy and good health. Sustenance, serenity and wisdom all tapped from your unwavering,undying and always tireless devotion to serving Dade County with respect, loyalty and the greatest of heroic admiration, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 made its voyages, took its missions and responsibilities very seriously. Your blessed name, heart and soul will be saluted and revered in earnest forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

If the shoes fit right then humility and honor will be in the right location. If something is tight and amiss then honesty, integrity and dignity may not be squarely where they belong. You were an essential part of Dade County, Officer Cook, your home and where you worked and patrolled to give life a new meaning. Hard to say, we might assume if you were alive and well retirement for you and Karen would have been ideal. She married a man, a gentleman of grand character, a lovely smile, hope and goodwill all from a positive upbringing. It should not have ended so heinously. Humanity had greater love for you and your life and career had more journeys to take. Horizons never so narrow. Trails paved so richly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

Every waking moment of a devoted public servant's life and career is about a sense of urgency. Quashing those fires of evil that give violence its branding mark to disfigure society's appeal and cause. Your role and goal, Officer Cook, was to make Dade County and its folks safer and more secure. Those blankets of gallantry and character fit exactly as Our Lord made them. Now in heaven my neighbor, friend and hero can your soul soar higher with God's expertly fitted wings of glory. An angel doing his eternal job to make certain his loved ones, peers and acquaintances are safe by day and quiet at nightfall.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

With an anvil for truth and justice, the flagship of your unwavering life and career, Officer Cook, was protected by a thick layer of learned honesty,integrity and a sea of dignity. You could not go wrong. It's a shame and a travesty the man who took your life did relate to this theory, it's more fact. Character so humble, transparency so humane, society felt the affects of your sacred purposes for which you forged good relationships among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever a heroic legend in Dade County and around the world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

The mothership of your morals, mettle and meaningful life and career, Officer Cook, was the heroically honored ferocity you expended to defeat evil, to stop wayward violence to expose heinous and callous actions and to obliterate them so that Dade County would be secure once more. Always dignified andpoised with a relentless passion to serve and to protect, it's Our Creator who has your unselfish character, commitment and trusted of convictions may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

With a colony of courage, care, concern and consideration there should not have been as much consternation, Officer Cook, as you were the consummate honorable and adored heroic of your family and all Dade County. You were a blessed young name conceived with a good name, loyal and faithful to your comrades at arms who like yourself were brave and all possessed character and excellent commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. serenity and security take all the maturity, wisdom and vision to replicate on a daily basis. If you stay on those virtuous trails success will rediscover itself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2020

In police work I don't personally believe anything is routine and simple. I had a saying working nights delicately brutal or action packed. In five minutes one call can be a standoff involving a whole day at a scene to try and rectify communications and to coerce one to surrender before things multiply out of kilter. Sadly, on May 16,1979, While serving the residents of Dade County the final minutes of your day turned deadly and because of Mr.Pearsall and his rage your life and career ended terribly. Dignity, integrity, character and commitment called to God's heavenly chambers of courage where your blessed name and soul my neighbor, friend and hero is resting in peace. Diabolical to say the least and to Officers Lincoln, DiGenova , Edgerton and Detective Blocker their comrade, you , Officer Cook are forever saluted and hailed as a hero. The highest rights given to a humanely humble gentleman girded in strength and blessed by God's divine glory.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

No time to waste when evil is out and about doing its ugly part. Society can't wait for some semblance of justice, truth and trust to take its bite at wiping violence off the pavements. Dade County was a respected area where you concentrated your best efforts, Officer Cook, all heroism and honesty built into the bridges of mankind. Dignity,integrity and goodwill must reach out and take advantage of when their moments arrive. You'll always be revered, admired and greatly treasured. God knows His angels. He sees heroism and purpose every waking second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

One cannot stop caring about a fallen officer. We cannot sit back and let nature play itself out. Your rich life and promising career, Officer Cook, assisted in eliminating the foul odors of wickedness and for this sacrifice Dade County's folks could not be happier. Your pride crisply worn everyday you served, every moment of honor and integrity, every second you breathed dignity, character and commitment were around the bend waiting to seize the opportunity to resolve and to restore law and order. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

With an ear for hearing and an eye for seeing two organs instrumental in working in tandem to blockout terror and evil. Mayhem in Dade County that awful day caused by one man acting alone, Officer Cook. One heroic young man whose vision and virtues were on par with honor, dignity and respect for integrity. Our tranquility and purpose proceeded while yours sadly ended because of his violent nature. You'll always be remembered as a devoted soul with a considerate heart of giving back. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

Elephants stampede over their grounds. Evil rages like wildfire out of control. All any common sense person trained to accomplish those arduous tasks can do is stayed level headed and focused on honesty, integrity and the ingenuity that dignity relies upon. Dade County was your zone, Officer Cook, where your zest and zeal meant as much to successes as did your character, valiant as ever and dignity so trusted and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

Violent actions usually result in a loss of life. Police risk theirs daily to stamp out this cowardness that jeopardizes humanity's pursuits of save havens. You formulated your plans of action, Officer Cook, implanting peace and secure streets for Dade County residents. Always cool, calm and collected intimes of crisis, a, man filled with engaging heart and a soul of integrity, honor and dignity's passions. Never forgotten and saluted for humanely sacred purposes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

Gladness and grit, all the methods utilized in solving adversity. Of course, your honesty, reverence and dignity, Officer Cook, all made goodwill a forever by-product of Dade County and its citizens could not be more grateful to you their hero and your family's. Today, as everyone in some way moves forward your memory, life and career cannot be overlooked for its humility and respect served mankind with class and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2020

Enjoyment casts envy aside. Ability breaks new barriers as did your perpetual honesty, refined dignity and educated integrity, Officer Cook. Dade County was the community where your respect and admiration were showcased to give that lift to humanity. But then violence interrupted a proud life and mindful career nestled with transparency, trust and overwhelming resolve. A commitment of heroism and sacred actions to spread the wings of warmth and serenity around us forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character that has walked that courageous beat now and for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

The winds of Our Lord uplift your sacred oath, to a heroically higher plateau, Officer Cook. One reserved strictly for heroes, heroines who have demonstrated their complete faith and honorable trust in the legal system. There maybe a storm brewing, your good name my neighbor, friend and hero will be humbly and duly saluted forevermore. Dade County depended upon your versatility and openness to jettison evil away. A very proud man devoted and able to lead others through danger and disputes,strife and tensions. Your family has remembered and appreciated your life and career of passion and prudence. "Uncle Bo" is always in their hearts,minds and prayers. Heaven has your beautiful smiling face to forever enjoy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

When the box is lowered into the liner then the vault cover is secured and earth now covers the grave of a hero. Honor,dignity, integrity being returned along with the soul to Our Creator who gives us life to cherish. A bold and treasured life indeed, Officer Cook. All heroism. all respect and reverence and all humility covering the soil of your sacred service on behalf of harmony, trust and the completely righteous truth that came from your lips of fairness, complete compassion and a very consummate professional right down to your esteemed and loyal heart. There are other heroes buried where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Patrolling property and its locations, we can be certain you will forever be poignantly honored, Officer Cook, for heroic actions of dignity, vision and integrity. They stapled some semblance of tranquility within our venues. A life cut too short yet validated by virtues and diligence. The eyes and ears of earnest true warriors making that distinct impact. The skies above are full of admiration, reverence and oaths taken willingly to serve and if necessary to make the ultimate hero's sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your trails, Officer Cook will forever stay on track as we battle aggression and insanity of those wantonly committing evil. Dade County will never forget you!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

There is nothing recorded or tape delayed when defending hearts and souls. Lives at risk are defended twenty-four seven 365 or 366 days a year by resilient, honored and dignified women and men of integrity, virtue and respectful character and sterling commitments to pride and bravery in all their trusted and truest of heroic convictions to seeing justice expedited skillfully and not as matter of fact. Facts are always relevant as is caring and concernable consideration of which you maintained, Officer Cook, on a steadfast basis to right a wrong liberating society from its ailments conjured up by dishonest and disrespectful individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If you have what it takes you can sign on the dotted line willingly and of free disposition. All afforded the highest honors, Officer Cook, you kept peace moving forward as your family marches on with your legacy attached to their hearts of love and courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Oxygen, hydrogen and helium are elements of the periodic table. Honor, integrity, character and dignity all live and breathe so long as those protecting us carry them solely on their uniforms and badges of humility and heroism. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook, where you lived and breathed to serve and save us from extinction. From ignominious peril, from life altering wickedness. You can never be forgotten for your trails and treks of esteem and effort. God blesses and praises men and women of respect and valor. It's their boldness that has made that clear and crystal statement violence won't be tolerated any further. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day in and day out all heart, all respect and all virtue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Trepidation is not tenacity. Being shy or even a bit afraid won't ever cut the mustard of service and preservation. An area must rely upon all good personnel to hunker down together during violence's evil trails.Its advances are the kind that make mankind cringe with fear. Fear can never grip our days and nights where silence and stability are the staples of life and its pleasurable moments. They were yours, too, Officer Cook, a Dade County legend whose heroism tweaked your family and department's hearts. Your integrity ,vision and dignity are all honorably missed every second. Your family commits to carrying out your heroic life all the excitement and zeal that you dedicated your soul and character to represent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your ferocity, Officer Cook, has paved and broken new grounds for those now serving their communities. Loyalty and ethical conduct must be employed at all times to fight and battle to defeat this brutal monster. A most puzzling nemesis.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

I meant to say , Officer Cook, a man or woman's honest heroism allows us the rights and liberties so long as we uphold the law to move about freely. No force or show may detour our peaceful pursuits,journeys and missions in life. Yet, there are no assurances and even insurance can only cover one for a certain period of time. Your days, weeks,months and years, Officer Cook, were lived to the fullest extent humbly, dignified and most humanely. It was and always was about Dade County where you patrolled and were most vigilant. Never any absence of thought,only the intelligent young man all geared to gallantry and gumption. Voyages now heavenly where your soul will not be ever again in dire straits. It should never have been and you'll be remembered solemnly as a hero of resolution and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If fighting crime one was guaranteed not to be hurt or God forbid killed doing your job, violence and evil would never insulate their heinousness upon humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

A man of woman's honorable heroism allows us the right and freedoms to relish and treasure happiness. Yours, Officer Cook, were willfully violated and taken from your gentle heart and soul of dignity and integrity. It shall be forever the people of Dade County paying homage to you and to the humane courage which you served by and lived your remarkable life by. For family, friends and most of all bravery comrades you'll live in their minds and hearts for eternity as you serve your Creator. Our hopes and dreams are inspirations because of your undying and unselfish aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue validated your trustworthy pursuits of harmony which going after evil. Its carnage devastates the desires and devotion of mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Resourcefulness and resolve, not ridicule and rancor. A man marvelous in talents, gifted with sure honesty, integrity and dignity, your life and career Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County was gracefully accentuated and the people alway shad their peace, safety and security. Always a loyal, dedicated and a most trusted and faithful hero of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect garners esteem,bravery and nobility deserve salutes of enrichment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

Soup is that staple food that can lend itself to giving nourishment. Morals and values lend themselves during these trying times and when the heat gets turned up, excellent servants respond with valor and gusto. Never a delay just fairness, truth and trust from man of ideas and intelligence. Dignity and integrity following trails of justice to where situations could be solved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you'll be hailed a hero of the finest personality forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2020

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