Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With grease lighting do officers have to respond to all calls when life is teetering by a thin line. One block and mandated to go you went with Reserve Officer Lincoln, your partner that day, Officer Cook, demonstrating and displaying great mettle and a host of humility, honesty, bravery in the very face of fire. All dignity and integrity respecting each other endeavored to get this man to surrender. You surrendered your life of faith, hope and goodwill because this was your chosen profession and your creed of courage went into overdrive. Your beloved family mourned you, Officer Cook and still forever holds your spirit tightly against their chests where one day they will see you again. Redemption will arrive. The truth and trust sacred and careful have allowed your beautiful to be set free to soar while watching those pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

With the requisite dignity, honesty and loyal integrity, Officer Cook, were you able to go out and securely fasten your ferocity around tranquility and freedoms sometimes we as citizens take for granted. You never let us down nor your family or department. The actions of heroism that day speak loudly and proudly regarding your unassuming character, respect for humanity and humility for an esteemed position of truth and trust while maintaining law and order. Violence spills over and lawful authority must answer and determine the courses of measures needed to curb and stop this terrible onslaught of serious trouble. You my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, were a kind and venerable soul whose steadfast reliance upon principles and values will be forever cherished. A spirit that continues to bless your family, peers and friends. Rest in peace. Your gift of life was infectious and in large part is carried on as your legacy by everyone who shared a common bond with such a brave man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

An acrimonious man ended your life and career, Officer Cook, all because of his vile and vicious behavior. The police, the citizens all trying to calm him and just a tragedy beyond description. Dade County had its peace and humanity restored as best they could by your honor, dignity and faith. Integrity, character are never conceited when humbleness and serenity look to climb those branches of boldness. You were an endearing,engaging and enriching young man so passionate and sure of your ability to think on the run and to be candid and truthful in all endeavors of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and cornerstones are never disguises, it was God's loving hands directing your everlasting appeal and wisdom throughout mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

Surely an assiduous public servant, Officer Cook. Complete with the panels of respect and diligence to supervise character and honor as one. Dade County was served and patrolled by the likes of virtue and integrity's best chapters of dignity. Evil and sheer terror that day no one could have expected and you handled it like a professional. Undying,unselfish and in an outstanding way to save your comrades and those civilians injured during this man's anger filled rage. Only fondly remembered and rightly saluted. Homage of humility stay in our hearts yours,Officer Cook, is now in heaven performing the Lord's further eternal tasks at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That quarter of an inch that cost you your life cannot be taken back. What can be blessed and praised is your priceless acumen, wisdom and maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

Never disparage those whose dignity devotes its decency to dedication and determination. Not a good thing to do. It's disrespectful to an honored hero's integrity and class of character. Dade County was observed and preserved by your loving admiration, Officer Cook. Everyone liked and revered you. Your family loves and forever misses you. What a wonderful soul of a man so gallant and full of gumption whose unselfish style worked wonders the majority of your watch. Life and its moments can be fleeting and you never, Officer Cook, took anything for granted, so gifted and resourcefully efficient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

All your virtual volition, Officer Cook,was humbly, humanely and most honorably heroic all geared to gracing Dade County's folks with that sense of goodwill and safe journeys for all. Mankind is gratefully indebted to you for restoring the calm and attempting to take a man of evil into custody. Your colleagues were spared by God's graceful compassion though He needed your gentle and angelic soul and spirit near Him to walk and protect those golden gates from Hid castles of courage. It takes great fortitude and character to make a noble career of policing a community. The signs and signals pointed to a further advancement of those principles. It is just sad and sorrowful that you gave your life and were not allowed to retire and see prosperity and joy from your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Reared in respect the wheels of justice and trust go forward in unison.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

You certainly were not a vociferous man, Officer Cook. The wings of honesty, the breath of dignity and the heart of integrity served their portions of perseverance on behalf of Dade County. Sure, you had a voice, a pleasant and sweet demeanor even when being serious while battling adversity. Domestic discord that flew off the door hinges that tragic day even then your composure and conduct were above reproach. As Chief Bowlin said "if things did not go so wrong that day." The residents were in the best of hands, as only a truthful and trusted hero of resolve could stand face to face defending our freedoms. Yours, Officer Cook, were taken by a scoundrel of an individual with no remorse. He got his punishment and Our Maker has rewarded your sensational character and outstanding successes in life and during your career. Always saluted for bravery and held in the highest of regards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

With a mellifluous voice, Officer Cook , with vintage vigilance and unwavering diligence and a most accomplished sense of fairness and honesty were you able to capably perform your official duties serving Dade County. To stay calm,cool and collected took every ounce of your undying willpower. The citizens were provided excellent protection, tireless energy, and responsibility that Our Creator will and has surely rewarded. Humility and concern a cut above the rest. Nothing mundane or routine, just a gentleman, loyal and faithful doing his job right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are never to be played with. When evil is advancing its adversity, the toil and its tools are to be utilized respectfully.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

You were the consummate public servant of pragmatism, Officer Cook and it showed on your uniform and chest where your badge of dignity and integrity was pinned there with ever glowing respect and distinction. Humility and humbleness are distinct when the intuition and ingenuity of that individual rise heroically to the top. You were highly regarded and treasured to be certain. Though, your life was only twenty-five years on this earth, God has taken a special accounting of your virtues, trust and truthful versatility during trying times. Never giving up, Dade County never gives up. I just hope respect and appreciation are allowed to travel high above to meet up with your heart, spirit and soul coordinating your heavenly patrols. Always your guidance is eternally on those sacred gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

Assertive yet humble. Blessed yet humane. Honorable yet heroic. Dignified yet esteemed. Dade County and its people could never have been in better hands than when you watched over them, Officer Cook. A sincerely nice man who heart and soul were indeed gifted and talented. It took virtually your entire book of acumen, awareness and being astute to try and calm Mr.Pearsall, getting him to surrender was the past that sadly he did not comply and all the trouble for him began then. Officer DiGenova, your comrade and friend entering that Nova trying to disarm him and then being shot point blank in the face where it greatly damaged his brain. He and Officer Edgerton were fortunate to survive that brutality. That bullet you took in the side, Officer Cook, was your unselfish, undying and highly respectful ultimate sacrifice you made on everyone's behalf not to be overlooked,forgotten or shoved aside and believe me you won't sir. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your missions where of character, goodwill and hope for that brighter tomorrow. A future without you, Officer Cook, is a little less brighter hopefully the skies above are always blessed with sunlight and perfect serenity as only God can create. Your compassion and passion were to be fondly revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

Mr. and Mrs. Cook, may you both rest in peace with your beloved and honored heroic son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664. With such distinguished service and adamant protection given to all Dade County and society in general, it is with his dignity, integrity and paths in life and during a career where he oversaw sanctity, civility and some trust moving about the streets where he preserved harmony and the togetherness of mankind. Their missions and journeys all have happened because of you, Officer Cook, sensing problems and finding a solution to restore calm and peace to your community where your cherished name shall rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

No person should ever ever condone violence and callousness. This world relies and depends on the thoughtful instincts of all women and men who cross that line of bravery and honor to serve with dignity and the richness of integrity. Officer Cook, you were raised along with your big sister, Nancy with love and respect for your fellow neighbor.Suffice it to say, the Cook Family was faithful and most humanely devout. Your life and career my neighbor,friend and hero was founded upon the scruples of heroic truth and trust. Means, motive and opportunity all relative in trying a case where justice is demanded. Truth and not lies convicts a suspect. Disregard, disrespect can break a case apart causing one to be able to walk out from under a plight of trouble. A hero always remembers his loyalty and diligence. You conducted yourself, Officer Cook, with nothing but esteem and the highest standards. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

As I was taking my daily walk here in North Miami Beach, Florida this soggy morning, Officer Cook, toward the end of my walk I stopped in front of your old home and offer a salute to you for your humble and heroic service to Dade County. A fine young man so goal oriented and very determined to see the airwaves of peace fill the air and skies we look up to. Serenity, sanctity and the safety we've all come to expect delivered boldly and proudly by a gentleman of resolve, honesty, character and the highest reverence for both integrity and dignity all missed sincerely today and everyday. God has been watching over your precious soul of devotion for more than forty-one years. keep on patrolling His golden streets where you have joined many other angels who have made that unselfish sacrifice to bestow glory and honor to humanity. One's own heart of humility rewarded and blessed with acumen,maturity and the wisdom that vision places in spectacular eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2020

I'm sure your big sister, Nancy, misses all the jokes, laughter and your wonderfully bright smile, Officer Cook. You took pride in your efforts of heroic proportions to further accentuate peace and joy, goodwill, hope and promise for all Dade County. Heroism tried its best to ward off those barking hounds of heinousness. God took an angel of honor, virtue and the hopeful dominion of dignity and integrity tying their knots to ingenuity, intuition and your vast resources of intelligence, wisdom beyond the crowd and great vision, perceiving and anticipating. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

With a most humbly pristine soul, Officer Cook, did you go about your sacred and meaningful journeys of tranquility for Dade County. Mankind and humanity together elated with your unselfish and undying eloquence which made the general public feel more at ease. A gentleman so gallant, so cherished and loyal to his comrades. Never a moment without not pondering excellence and experienced honesty,integrity and dignity digging us out of servere trouble. Your spirit my neighbor, friend and hero shall rest in peace. United we stand if one falls we all fall momentarily but pick ourselves back up. You would want it that way, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

You were that fastidious individual, Officer Cook, whose honesty, integrity and dignity each in their manner helped you to accomplish your roles and tasks of tenacity taking care of Dade County. Fast service, special heart poured unto your labors of versatility and vigilance. The people could never be unhappy only in knowing you kept your solemn word of boldness and promise to be treasured forevermore. Respect,resolve and resourcefulness breed resiliency. May badge#1164 my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, who donned this sacred metal on his chest rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

Nothing pejorative. Only the impeccable honor, integrity, dignity and respect you always afforded everyone, Officer Cook, your family and department's humble and blessed hero. Dade County was certainly well watched when you patrolled the many corners and venues of your community. By the way pejorative means negative and my neighbor,friend and hero was the living and breathing virtue of humility and charm. Officer Cook, your life ended sadly, your family continues their quests of upholding with vigilance your heroic legacy founded by scruples and morals of the highest of standards. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

Time navigates fast as lighting and so too must all diligent officers travel as swift to catch up to violence. Evil that must be eliminated from the pangs of humanity in order to restore that fair sense of truth and trust. From your esteemed and brave chest, Officer Cook, did the jobs get completed and Dade County's folks were able to succeed and live more securer lives of note. Humility, sanctity and civility all walk that tightrope as you protected mankind from the woes of wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everybody pitched in daily to combat the outrages of utter mayhem and bedlam that hits those streets where harmony is a far more better substance than serious calamity and loss of lives. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, enhanced society though you remain greatly missed by your family, friends and humble comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

Even sopping wet, the shelters of serenity must be constructed. Their covers are made by the excellent service and workmanship you performed on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. An honest man hailed as a hero of valor whose character and respect were as solid as your integrity and dignity. You'll not be forgotten for tireless and unselfish sacrifice that has yielded the fruits of your toil. Generations to come will remember and revere your feats of heart and compassion pulling adversity out to the oceans to be cast away for good. Your loyal soul of distinction, Officer Cook, may it rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2020

The mandate is year round and never sleeps soundly. Integrity, dignity and honesty make their sacrifices and pilgrimages around the many various venues searching for silence and safety. Not an easy task and the onuses too many to count. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook,was always accounted for as its looked for its divine guidance every second your watched over the folks of Dade County. Heroism and resolve are earned not given out as a gift. Talent and skills are achieved when good character rises to the top after studious training and candid preparations to take that next step up the ladder to the roads. Our stability and happiness were broached by your boldness and tireless bravery to be remembered, saluted and etched within humanity's cornerstones for generations to come. Those shirts that say,"I Died For You," deliver an important, pertinent and quite poignant message to be heeded carefully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

With a penchant for perseverance and a proficiency for pride and diligence, there was nothing pedestrian regarding your respect and resilient character and forever humble faithfulness to your family and department, Officer Cook. One of the many Dade County police heroes and heroines whose life and career galvanized grateful appeal. It brought honor and humility to the surface of integrity and dignity. Anything and everything dug into a solution for finding harmony and the fairness of dealing with a public that expects and places demands upon the broadest of shoulders of their warriors. Wickedness unloads its chapters of callousness upon our doors and you, Officer Cook, being the hero you have been and deservedly so hailed as came to the rescue. Your life and career ended by a human being lacking any class,manners and honesty. Not one good bone in Mr.Pearsall's being. Your blessed and mindful heart and soul have been rewarded by Our Master for its fortitude and unshakeable ferocity always full speed ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The ground where you sleep soundly is consecrated by your inner convictional principles all from a devout and happy upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

There was an effusion of love, respect, endearment and yet, the sorrow of your untimely loss, Officer Cook, to your wonderful family, welcome comrades and close knit friends. They all witnessed and viewed a very vibrant man of virtue and versatility working in a professional organization of sisters and brothers whose broadest of missions are to band together to eliminate evil from this world. The patterns were there, the assignments difficult and in the entire framework there was always honesty, dignity and the outreaches of integrity. A character first class, top notch and full of energy and that smile taken to God's scenic home of trust and truth. Dade County and its citizens have surely missed badge #1664 and its respected public servant whose noble scruples matched perfectly with humility, civility and the sanctity of your chosen labors of love and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

Being inept is not a part of stoic integrity. Dignity and honesty would be seen limping around while on their patrols of peace while protection and quality of service are mandatory. Your functions, Officer Cook, were to keep Dade County and its people serenely secure while branching out to maintain its beauty and texture. The streets, roads and corners all looked to you and your unrelenting resourcefulness. A gentleman of sacrifice, respect and charm whose life was so wantonly taken from your family and colleagues. A man of meaningful missions, whose sacred cornerstones brought newer definitions to desire, devotion and determination. We salute your instincts and perpetual heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

A volatile man striking down men of versatility, nearly taking their lives while yours, Officer Cook, was heroically and honorably given so that Dade County and its residents could have tranquility and liberty planted happily at their doors. Should not have happened and forever its sadness continues to linger on this day. Dignity,integrity and incredible character and loyal convictions left on the streets where you served and protected with reliability, courtesy and dominant accountability. The brave and well mannered receive their blessings and rewards from Our King of compassion and mercy. May your esteemed heart, spirit and soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your virtues, Officer Cook performed only for the sake of heaven to promote goodwill among mankind. That's the truth and trust of your sacred lips, eyes and ears.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

The upheaval of evil is just disgusting as it levels mankind with all sorts of calamity and callous actions. Your resolute demeanor, Officer Cook, promised those bonds of honored heroics and the respect and admiration of all your family, friends and comrades who teamed with you to make Dade County safer and sounder once more. Cannot overlook your passions and compassions both utilized where their affects could be noticeably felt and shared by one and all. Your certainly built foundations to a brighter future one where your smile would have made that indelible impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2020

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