Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Virtue is never given in vain.With a decadent of morals it's no wonder humanity is somewhat declining these days. All this wanton violence makes everyone including public servants vulnerable to a large degree. Their actions must all be for the sake of heaven to serve and to preserve the sacred qualities of life. Turmoil goes round and round and where it stops no one knows. They all knew you,Officer Cook, all citizens on your watch and I want to strongly believe with all my heart that they respected yourself labors of character and trust, truthfully. No bull. No running away when evil needed to be handled smoothly and swiftly. A peacemaker through and through, a professional in very nuance of what a treasured man is and is to be diligently saluted for valor and vision combined with strength of heart and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2020

America has been both bombarded and most beleaguered by all this perpetual violence. A sacred oath and affirmation is not going to silence evil for very long. Unfortunately, it's a long and winding process where the roads never seem to end. Police officers just attempt to fix and correct what they must. Society has a burden beyond escape. Your responsibilities on behalf of Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, was to act as always with honor,reverence and sincerity in all your focuses on integrity,character and dignity. It cultivates and motivates as duel partners for any reliable manor woman who serves and protects our esteem and peace. A hero whose soul was fondly rooted in greatness and humbleness never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2020

As honorable and as decent a human being as you were, Officer Cook, you never belittled another human being only you would try to build their confidence from within your caring and humble heart of solemn honor and loyal dignity from humane heroism. Dade County can live freely and be more united precisely because of heroes like yourself. Poised and passionate, practical and prudent. All displayed prominently on your badge and uniform of character and caring. Humanity surely is missing out on your virtues and vigilant humility. Heaven is that sacred spot for your missions to begin eternally patrolling those golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2020

Terror, torment and turmoil cannot be a terminal illness for which society has no profound cure. All any law abiding servant can do is to perform at the top of their given abilities and instincts of integrity and all the resources of dignity. They were done each day, Officer Cook, to make Dade County supreme once more. A young man just doing his basic duties when your life was taken by another man's rocket launches of violence over domestic issues with his girlfriend. You just tried to calm him and to get him to surrender peacefully. All your loving character,crusading commitments to pride and trusted and the truest of convictions exemplifying why you remain cherished and beloved and respected by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2020

Flirting with futility can only mean one must put more emphasis on honesty,integrity and the humility that dignity brings. Your searches for peace and unity for all Dade County, Officer Cook,were most heroic and humanely warm and congenial. A born leader of character and the sincerest of commitments who will always be remembered for his actions of esteem and resolve. Can never forget that smiling face with your legacy in a proud uniform of courage and a badge of bravery behind the American flag. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2020

Consideration, care and kindness should be exhibited by all mankind. Society does not need gall and violence to display its ugliness. As we have just started the year 2020 you would think our ideals,values and honesty would be akin to truth,trust and justice the American way. Not hatred, bigotry and prejudice all elements of evil which engulf our world without opportunity for dignity and integrity of character to flow within our regions. Dade County where you served vigorously, Officer Cook, was a challenge you were up against. You took responsibility with valor and vigilance surrounding your every sacred movement. Heroism honored and duly embraced by all those who protected our community along side of you. Our skies above are where engagement and enhancement are now an eternal onus placed on our angels of valor of which you were, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Principles and scruples are those valuable virtues that took flight every moment of your life and career of leadership, devotion and motivation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

One can surmise certain circumstances based upon the principles of logic. Today, logic and reason seem to fly out of the window landing flat on their backs. You were a smart man, heroic man and even more so one honest individual who handled his duties and objectives with outstanding character, courage and humane diligence. All those pursuits, Officer Cook, for the sake of peace and prosperity for Dade County, so widely respected and greatly admired shall never be forgotten. Fate deals our heroes of destiny those tragic hands of evil where no ordinary person goes. Your goal was to become a police officer, all willingly agreed upon where Our Lord navigated your trails of pristine resolve and proficiency like no other. With fate and destiny now for eternity guarding those sacred gates, may you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Trust and truth are a path every righteous person must go down to defeat the reprehensible actions of disgrace that disfigure humanity's hands of humbleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

To deduce and to come up with a game plan to defeat this adversarial enemy of humanity is the operation of all who serve. But,humility,honor and respect must trail one's tenacious integrity and dignity as it pursues this corruption of happiness and peace within our gates. Within the homes of Dade County there you were present and responsible, Officer Cook. Heroism is not a rouse nor a disguise it is humbleness embellishing character and commitments to pride and excellence. All of your life and public service career, Officer Cook,you strived for happiness,you relished your tasks and roles even as perilous as they were. Trouble takes no naps. Those resolute and brave must pass under those canopies of conceit and whatever else lies beneath them. Always solemnly remembered and duly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To dedicate and to eradicate is the goal of those faithful who flock to venues where conduct must be held in high regard.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

With all the wars, strife, adversity,grief and bloodshed this society has endured you would think something positive has happened. Perhaps not. All the kneeling and sweet talk and still nothing but violence and perhaps worse. But always your special soul and vivid virtue, Officer Cook, heroically and honestly making inroads around Dade County. Its people could take heart, they could take note that respect and humbleness rode side by side as you preserved life and protected the unity and liberties of one and all. History will be honest in its accounting of your life cherished and distinguished, Officer Cook. The streets were where class and decency attempted to make humanity stand and prosper free of distress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

Composure and comportment are part of courage's shelters to support an honored man life of service and heroic professionalism. You gave Dade County your all out effort and efficiency, Officer Cook. This will be included as a vital part of your legacy of humility and commitment. The decency and desire to rid evil from our midst and restore a sense of calming security. Obviously, there was no sense even to this day why a troubled man would shoot three officers could have been five including those citizens he sho also. You gave your life, Officer Cook, answering the very last call even though you were not required to go to that scene. Everyone looks back. Why? Oh why? Our Maker needed your moxie and savvy patrolling His pearly gates of boldness. Nothing will harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

Those wagons need to be circled. All this wickedness and evil when does it end forever? Everytime someone dies at the hands of police it seems if they are of an African American race problems seem to abound. Why? Just seems to crop up. Good mem and women of all races, creeds and the honest intentions have to develop a plan a recipe for some sort of successful outcome. Dade County had men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, with the greatest humility and virtue, blessed with heart and character, dignity and integrity to provide safe havens for mankind. It was just terrible that you lost your life and career sacrificed to make civilization strong once again. All the sweat and toil, respect and reverence stenciled on your badge and uniform, Our Creator has bestowed his rewards upon your soul my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

Terror and violence must be handled tactfully. You just can't charge right in unless of course you know you can eradicate the problem and be done with things. So many problems, issues and dilemmas that all public servants must battle while handling adversity. You dealt with everything, Officer Cook and Dade County now and then will always be where your heroism and honor shined through. A man with a straight arrow acumen, clear cut vision and wisdom reflective of a man very mature. A civil gentleman whose resolve and serenity lied within his badge and uniform. Humility and its sanctity remain within the legacy of its angels of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

If one has a mind, a heart and soul can you tell me why two educated lawyers would throw an object into a police car destroying it while protesting? I guess some never learn their lessons. You were immersed in your passions, Officer Cook, to honorably serve and protect the tranquility and spirit of Dade County and its masses. For maintaining excellent scruples, valid virtue and humble, humane and heroic dignity and integrity, character and truth trusted to overcome evil my Our Lord shelter your soul, Officer Cook, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. This whole mess has to stop. Protest in peace are proper. Violence while expressing ourselves is forbidden. Keep looking down upon us, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2020

Our country lately seems to be living on top of a keg of dynamite. One false move,one slight shift left or right and boom. Better to be a normal individual just absorbed in one's daily affairs. You took your profession seriously, Officer Cook, even with a big smile. Always acting calmly and matter of factly. Dignity and integrity direct to the point and with honest character and very esteemed loyalty Dade County was in excellent shape. The hands and heart of trust and truthfulness by a faithful gentleman of secure confidence and a humble soul of ethics. Commitments and convictions are encircling us at every turn and moment as we continue our passions and travels. Yours, Officer Cook, should have been allowed to march on. Our Creator needed your sweet soul in His eternal house of bravery more. Thankfully your family carries your humane and spirited legacy forward everyday of their lives. Their "Uncle Bo" won't be forgotten! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Violence seems to relish its vile and vindictive behavior making a mockery of mankind. All the dreams, plans, goals and preparations in jeopardy as this unwanted chaos expands its horrific horizons. Your level of comprehension, Officer Cook,was always top flight and top notch. Dade County and its folks never had an issues with you other than Mr.Pearsall. It was just plain disturbing all his distasteful, disrespectful and most disgraceful actions towards you, Officer Cook and your honorable and heroic colleagues. Your honor and dignity when partnered with your undying integrity made your unquestionable very apparent and quite noticeable. Our safety, security all were brokered by your unending efforts to patrol and protect your community,our homes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One rotten apple can spoil the day for others to soak up those brilliant rays of sunshine and hopeful goodwill. An angel not forgotten!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Wanton acts are the cannonball of callousness. When they are shot into the air you had better beware. America is supposed to be the land of the free, home of the brave and equal opportunity for all human beings to live free and open lives of joy. Lately, the weapons of violence rage on. The killings and marches, the protests have to end soon though we understand people have to be able to speak the truth freely without being persecuted and punished. Officer Cook, you and the twenty-four thousand other heroes and heroines would be rolling in your graves seeing all this obstructive mayhem. You led by example and shielded Dade County by virtue of your vigilance and versatility. Dependable dignity, humble integrity and very open and welcoming character and sterling commitments to experience and excellence together with a medley of morals and mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

The trapeze of terror its wires are demanding. Optimism can be up one day and down the next. But, with those women and men dedicated to honesty and integrity of character and decency of dignity the rigors could be slightly lessened a bit. You always showed a true allegiance to Dade County, Officer Cook and to the people you looked after. When safe trails and secure pathways were in danger you jumped in to lend a helping hand. That evil day your soul and heart were truly directed to where Our Lord needed you the most. A hero taken all too soon. More missions and journeys were called for, yet, your biggest one was God summoning you back to heaven, your destinies complete as you now walk that proverbial beat where your fruition and ferocity may shine on forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

The lines in the sand have been drawn. Now it is the time to take down adversity, racism and whatever violence and selfish evil threatens society's goodwill, hope and faithful climbs upward. Your manner and honesty, Officer Cook, were all heroic, all dignified and with respected integrity, your unassuming character went directly after peace while chasing the trails of trouble. The citizens have respected you and paid you many moments of honor, your memory won't be let down nor disgraced as you meant everything to your adoring family and esteemed department. Onus going the extra mile for some semblance of quiet and liberty for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

The truth about trust is that its textures are humble and honorable.It must not be made to look bad and must be respected in all its entirety. Only the most safest of approaches, Officer Cook, Dade County's hero of heart and character. With stellar commitments and practical endeavor the jobs could be done smartly and proficiently. Respect and truth are trusts secrets to performing in an excellent manner. You led others by virtue of your leadership, determination and sincerest of motivation. You can be sure to be paid honors and solemn salutes of boldness and bravery that responsible public servants always display. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Our visions of brightness have been clouded by heinous darkness. Dulled and sullied by a sensation of sinister evil. Rioting, looting, protests and robbery all the mayhem that follows the vicious murder of a man seemingly marked for evil perpetrated against him by the police. A good and decently honest man, your good nature, devout goodwill and blessed heroism, Officer Cook, lead Dade County through some awfully trying moments. Integrity and ingenuity must embrace dignity and character if respect for humility and sacred actions is to be championed for the proper reasons. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Senseless violence just shrivels up mankind. It places bigger burdens upon law enforcement to seize the opportunities to destroy and rid our world of those calamities. Officer Cook, your peaceful missions here in Dade County were everything that honorability represents. Heroism at the highest level. values and vision as sound as dignity and integrity with your always present humility squarely wrapped around our hope and goodwill. Your esteemed nature and mature heart won't be forgotten as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Social injustice and racism are not just bumps on the road. It's the fortitude and admiration fo rthose citizens who take a legal stand which practicing free speech. The constitution calls for this and yet for one man's life being brutally taken other lives too have been lost in this battle. It all baffles the mind but during your heated wars over evil, Officer Cook, you never lost sight of the people or your honesty. Dignity, integrity and respect for humanity did not get lost in translation. Serenity and unity for distributed for mankind to avail themselves of. Truth, trust and freedom cannot ever get tangled up with treachery and vile misconduct. Always appreciated and saluted for sacred and noble causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Rebellion which is running rampant throughout society must reverse its courages of callousness if serenity is ever going to walk tall ,proud and humble. The most rational of human beings can see the writing on the wall and those pictures of honesty, integrity and dignity are being usurped and interrupted without justification. Dade County was heroic served and provided for by you, Officer Cook. Always a smile but always loyal and most faithful to your fellow officers. They and your family will not forget you and your outstanding and most humanely righteous character that now walks that proverbial beat guarding God's sacred castles of wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

Epidemics never seem to abate and neither do pandemics. And now with all this unrelenting racism which America must face we have to dwell, share,pledge and pray that this evil just goes away. You had a thirst to learn, Officer Cook, you had a hero's heart mounted on top of honor, integrity and your soul of dignity and excellent character. All the caring and concern for Dade County and its people. Makes you stop and wonder what society would be like today if your advice were readily available to all who would lend a helping ear? That sad and awful day you listened on your police radio and made a decision to go to a scene of domestic issues. More serious than that. Character, truth and trust were not going to deter you from assisting your fellow officers and the citizens who you served proudly and loyally. Humility walking eternity with righteousness are you patrol God's sacred gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, is the proof of why you were that really kind and warm human being. a devoted and dedicated man of principles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

Security brings a calming piece of mind. It's stability in nature's own special way. The grace of God shines down upon His land embracing humanity with that humble tap on the shoulders. your humility, honor and wisdom helped you protect Dade County, Officer Cook. Now and forever a hero of the highest class of reverence, decency and dignity all covered by Our Maker's blankets of loving kindness, bravery to act when troubled was incited. We've got to pray for more peace and tranquil times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The wise pursue right, the wicked run to commit chaos and whatever calamities they can lower on society. The boom has struck. Now is the time to right our compasses and get them synchronized in the proper directions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

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