Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Solidarity must be profound and honorable. Your thoughtfulness, faithfulness and trustworthiness, Officer Cook, was the heroic staple that glued peace and hope back within the sidewalks of Dade County. Your character, integrity and dignity shine brightly as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly beloved, treasured and admirable by your family and comrades for handling chaos the righteous way.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 12, 2020
Sadness and grief will always be there even though the healing process may take longer. With so much goodwill, grace and gallantry, Officer Cook, did your solemnly begin your patrols of Dade County looking to avoid issues while tackling whatever was placed before you. Everything handled proficiently and proudly because of your heroic dignity and integrity. No one forgets a hero's leadership, dedication and motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 12, 2020
Instigation only incites more violence, something mankind resists. You kept the pressure on the bad guys, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of honor and savvy. Always beloved and cherished, esteemed and loyal to colleagues. A gentleman of authentic respect,integrity and dignity fighting for some balance of harmony and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 12, 2020
The nuts and bolts of honesty and dignity is integrity and character respected for its service to a community. Your beloved status here in Dade County, Officer Cook, shall be heroically remembered and saluted for everything noble inthe words of sanctity and civility. The peace and joy, the smile and convictions truthful,faithful and most trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 12, 2020
The least amount of resistance is certainly preferred during those acidic wars over violence. Such evil and its terror just unlocks those hinges of heinousness and threatens to unravel the goodwill, hope and serenity Dade County was cherishing. You were a respected and an honest man, Officer Cook, heroism was your virtue and you'll skills were so dignified and versatile. Humanity never forgets a servant's integrity,character and attitude. Yours were ahead of the crowd. Our Lord has many diligent individuals as part of His eternal flock. Ferocity and tireless efforts nestled as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
The honest, humble and beautiful souls of the world some have their destinies concluded by Our Lord who needs them back in heaven to serve a very distinctly humane purpose. You were a public servant, Officer Cook, who was taylormade for your exact role providing excellence to Dade County's folks. By your tireless labors of love and esteem did you venture out to bring a renewed sense of tranquility and order to a community where your sacred journeys and deep seeded affections for others remains fondly and solemnly respected,revered and stoically admired. A man with character, a gentleman of class, decency and the desires to uplift our hearts and souls with your truthful and most trusted accomplishments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and unselfish pride were spelled precisely on your badge and uniform of reverence and values.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
The saddest of chapters does not need to be written nor embellished. History cannot keep repeating itself anymore. The wars on violence need fighting until those flames have been permanently extinguished. You put out fires in Dade County, Officer Cook. Evil that was looking to bait and bewilder society and your sincere st of heroic actions saved your colleagues and civilians that awful day and everyday during your six excellent years of preservation. Never forgotten for integrity, dignity and character that reinforced your resolve and resolute mannerisms. Your soul is safer in heaven as you watch over us and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destiny and fate should not have robbed you of life and caused your family to grieve and to suffer greatly. One man was responsible for all this mayhem and calamity! A loss to your department and mankind. Humility and serenity will forever fly higher every moment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
Now is not the time for cat and mouse games with honor and lives at stake. The peril runs high and so must a hero's skin be thick and dignified with humility and the respectful characters of integrity. You sure were a Godsend, Officer Cook, blessed with skills and certain talents to be properly and justly. For having compassion and fortitude may Our Creator reward your sweet soul of virtue and versatility, civility and sacred purposes well located. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
Meatballs and spaghetti are simple comfort foods. Simply put your humbleness,character and honorable determination, Officer Cook, allowed you the hope and enhancement to forever change the landscapes in and around Dade County. An area where you heart and soul went to work to immediately do its due process. Bringing in serenity and safe trails are never easy and your resolve and endeavor gave you a challenge but goodwill to maybe keep residents smartly protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
The venom of violence continues to spill its blood of terror and evil all around our country. Good men and women hard working, dedicated and honored to serve their roles go out and patrol their communities as yo uso faithfully did for Dade County, Officer Cook. With honesty, heroism and all the prope morals and rituals of diligence did you solemnly try and make peace a reality. All heart. All respectful character now walking that vigilant beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
A humbly honest hero undaunted by violence wh oran right into evil's teeth of treachery and terror. You were fearless and fierceless on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. A man and a gentleman of both integrity and ingenuity who had the right intuition that day and everyday. Dignity and humility clear down to your unassuming and unselfish heart that sheltered humanity from peril. Today and every moment you have been honored, saluted and rewarded for your performances that have continued to shine that light of everlasting peace and distinction . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of honor and character. The truth and trustworthiness always rose to the top.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
Glamor is a form of sensationalism. To add a layer of extraneous whatever to one's being. It is always better to be honest, humble and dignified to possess that central core of integrity and character to fight on with these wars over evil and terror. You did maintain a level of superb resolve and heroism here in Dade County, Officer Cook. No matter decades after your ultimate sacrifice that has benefited mankind your heart, soul and being will nobly be saluted for its virtue and vigilance. God has your kind spirit in the skies above where you forever in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A very blessed man who had so much more to give back to society if not for an evil hearted man.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2020
Because of what has been transpiring lately in mankind, we have been placed in a rather dubious situation.Circumstances may change and hopefully for peace and prosperity of humanity. All your honor, humility and good graces, smart decisions helped to protect and save Dade County from more ghastly a fate. That terrible afternoon, Officer Cook, you sacrificed your heart and soul for heroic reasons. All valid and having the full length and widths of integrity and dignity, character, conviction and commitment to excellence. You never give anything less my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. We should cherish every moment as a gift from God and never lose sight of our earthly ambitions and dreams. A young man who dreamed and grew up to become a top flight citizen and an even more productive public servant to be so solemnly saluted for unselfish vision, wisdom and maturity beyond your years. Everything now, Officer Cook,is eternally spent patrolling those gates and walking your pristine beat where no hurt will befall you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
The goals and aspirations of society sometimes become a little scrambled. Common sense, honesty and respect must never over one another. While you diligently patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook, respect and vigilance followed your paths and trails of dignity, integrity and your supremely heroic character. Those pavements where danger and peril tangled together to cause mayhem and chaos were dealt with by yourself ina trusted and humbly treasured manner. Sanctity and nobility never lost sight of your wisdom and visual maturity which implanted harmony and stability back where it rightfully belonged. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
The scoundrels who are heinous and without regard commit such violent crimes and think they can just get away from justice. The truth of the matter is that trust and honor will someday hunt down your terror. Your intensity, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, battled furiously on behalf of Dade County. Your life of missions, journeys and crusades all came with a cause and those purposes from which you dreamed of becoming who you were and still are they are forever sealed within the walls of heaven where heroic angels of humanity soar higher every moment. A life suddenly ended, but, the next eternal chapters are inscribed and etched in stone as your legacy, Officer Cook, remains a constant reminder to all who serve of the ultimate sacrifice which enhanced mankind and civilization with sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sun will rise tomorrow. Your soul of impression and vision will stay brightly lit forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
Devotion relevant to dignity and leadership. Faith stronger than a mule. Mettle as a motivator along with humble and humanely heroic honesty. lessons to be served, instructions to be given wisely. Dade County had your wisdom and novel advice, Officer Cook, to cherish and to respect for generations to come. You served back in the day from 1973 until May 16,1979 when tragic violence curtailed a promising career one left behind with memories and more to accomplish. Your integrity was obviously an instrument to be used and relied upon to promote the goodwill of mankind. Humanity misses you greatly, Officer Cook, as now you are one God's angels so gifted and so fearless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
Terror can't shove us into a corner and then we stay put while its unleashes whatever evil it wants to. If you slip,fall whatever then we rise above and stand up tall and proud. The humble, honorable and heroic all rely on this motto. It's their composed integrity, reverence and dignity that helps to steer them clear of obstacles. But than they must replace these sources of danger with an assurance of whatever liberty and justice is due to those who are civil and behaved. You took your opportunities here in Dade County, Officer Cook and created the most of your accomplishments by virtuous character and sound thinking. Vision and maturity way beyond the scopes of mother nature. Never more passionate and a most compassionate soul of purpose who took pride and ideals and blended gallantry along with them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
When violence goes down for the count and never moves again,we must rise to the top and act the part. Civil. sacred and serenely hopeful as all dignified individuals must. Integrity , honesty and genuine character must shine like a polished diamond. You were the consummate bright spot patrolling Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your passions and feverish ferocity. The hero in your heart, soul and mind won't be forgotten as it saved lives and created newer barriers of boldness and bravery. So determined and resilient. Badge#1664 was respected and gratefully admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
The swoon of serious evil has incorporated its nest of heinousness right where it does not belong. Action must be undertaken swiftly to corral this unnerving adversary. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was predicated upon sterling and stellar performances to heroically and honorably wrest away this enemy of modern mankind. Dade County saw you achieving in good measures to deliver in some semblance of renewal and fruitful harmony. All to be utilized to its fullest as was your dignity, hope and characters of integrity and commitments to excellence in your missions where dangers were lurking. Always grateful and a man who really embellished society and his respect of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
That knee that killed Mr. Floyd at the feet and hands of a very rogue and evil officer sworn to protect and to serve was compared to a boom crane crashing through a building and leveling is structure. Nothing can bring Mr. Floyd back as he was buried yesterday next to his mother. Now you, Officer Cook and your beloved parents are resting in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. It will forever remain your righteous soul steering in serenity and clearance of courage through your caring and honestly humane heart. Never more trust and hope, the truthful embraces of your sincerity right where scruples and ethics all lied. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
America is obviously going through some disturbing and most assuredly difficult times these weeks. Just peruse your local fish wrapper, aka: the local newspaper. You'll see and read of all this unrelenting evil decaying the streets and venues of humanity. Fortunately, you were there in Dade County, to serve, to protect and to instruct the citizens, on conduct that is becoming of a dignified and honorable community. Your heroic legacy and esteem that was treasured and resourceful has always and forever going to be highest in the highest of regards and reverently saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Today, I visited your grave and offered a humble salute and prayer for your soul of character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2020
Everyone walks to the beat of the drums in their own fashion. This country was founded on principles, laws and freedoms we all seemingly take for granted. Even the police who must be aware and honest to a tee sometimes a few bad apples trample upon us making others a little apprehensive. Only awareness and appreciation for you, Officer Cook, an honest Dade County police hero whose legacy ties in integrity,dignity and unselfish character to his commitments of trust, truth and excellence. Only Our Creator has His best staff of angels patrolling His gates of grit, gumption and gallantry. Your life and career meant the world to you and your family and it was wantonly taken without respect or regard from you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth, truth and tenacity in a positive sense must never erode. It's the living staple of unique and wholesome stability binding security and serenity together as one. Your unwavering and unassuming endeavors, Officer Cook, assured this.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2020
America needs God's greatest blessings to get through this adversary known as evil. Violence, heinousness and wickedness are have labels all basically meaning sheer terror. Any violence domestic,robbery or any other crime is termed evil. Officer Cook, you were a consummate professional, a police officer whose skills and acumen were top notch just as your honorable truth and dignified trust and integrity was relevant. Dade County was served by your loyal and cherished respect and humility the kind that elevates a hero's soul of strength and distinction. Heaven has a man who just tried to better mankind through his esteem and good natured personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll never be forgotten for your sensational wisdom, vision and maturity beyond your youthful years of experience. Eventually the protests will abate and society can resume it's normal everyday schedule of serenity and goodwill.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2020
At times society seems like a turnstile where almost anything passes under our eyes, ears and noses. The volume must be tuned up on wickedness and your senses of direction, Officer Cook, lead you throughout Dade County to chase after all this mayhem while displaying a tranquil manner. All integrity, all honesty and certainly all heroic dignity pursuing our happiness and serenity. Those cornerstones and foundations you built up my neighbor, friend and hero shall remain an integral part of your legacy of resolve, respect and total truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2020
Like bees buzzing around, violence is blazing its trails of terror so quickly even the adept are having trouble keeping up. The police are out in force trying to keep cool, calm and collected. Their heads must be honorable and dignified if nothing else. You had the whole assortment, Officer Cook, of integrity, character and ingenuity because you had the versatility that only wisdom, clarity and vision bring. Dade County was preserved with respect and esteem all from a devoted and loving hero who has been forever saluted for his heroic actions of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2020
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