Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Generosity galvanizes a community while violence and torment can cause polarization that can pollute and make peace quite toxic. Your trails and paths, Officer Cook, were lined with honest and heroic distinction to make fighting evil more efficient. Never a moment or time or worrying about you. You took on the responsibility of leadership based on the facts of your dignified life and career choice of respect, resolution and unassuming adherence to the highest level of professional conduct becoming a Dade County law enforcement person. You'll surely never be forgotten, overlooked or anything that would disrespect nor tarnish your stellar and stoic reputation to persevere where others may not have accomplished. God takes care of your sweet soul of direction and foundation as it watches over your family and community. To carry forth a hero's exemplary work ethics is never easy. Bravery and honor all take discipline. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity and character top notch. Heaven is that locale where perfection travels wherever its proverbial proficiency is called for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Before the roof top blows it's best to make sure the foundation is nailed in place. Long before you made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, there was that steady stream of honor and respect flowing down the rivers of fighting resolve to make peace, unity and liberty a more senseful notion wisdom that you solemnly possessed. Never more mindful and focused on all your heroic chores and challenges as they tapped into your heart of caring and giving back. God gives and God takes yet we must stay on course and as your family is aware of keep your memories flowing forward, it's what you would have wanted as you are firmly and warmly enriched within their hearts and minds. Your soul did its years of toil and training for this day when you set forth to become a police officer and an excellent one at that endearing and uniquely remembered for valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Condolences last for a lifetime. Grieving lasts for as long as a family feeds the essential needs to mourn for their brave and honored loved one. Your family and department, Officer Cook, mourned and paid their respects to your family giving you the highest honors a police hero could have. Integrity,character and dignity were all paid a hero's farewell that Saturday May 19, 1979 at the Cathedral of Saint Mary's in Miami near where you gave your twenty-five years, six spent toiling for evil and feverishly searching for a grain, or morsel of mettle and stabilizing harmony. Nothing comes easy. Nothing is mundane. Nothing is routine. Resolve, resiliency and reverence all come with an ultimate goal, the sacrifice you made won't be forgotten Officer Cook. Your family, colleagues and friends promised your soul and family that much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Violence is that bed of nails no one looks forward to lying down in. Never ending evil that must be put down immediately and without fail. You were successful during your life and police career, Officer Cook, because of precision honesty, pinpoint dignity and integrity always so refined and down to earth. A smile is a simple thing, saving and protecting Dade County took nerves of steel to juggle all your responsibilities. Accountability, reliability, durability and versatility all because of your proper manners and principles you lived by and carried through each second of your heroic watch. One always to be revered and etched upon the hearts of your family, comrades and close knit group of friends. Everybody decent and first class like tenacity and unrelenting bravery and boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. badge#1664 will forever live on in spirit never tarnished only shined and polished so Our Lord can properly bestow His blessings and rewards upon your immortal soul of distinction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Sanctity, serenity, security and safety all take sacrifice and a caring heart of gold. Honesty is shined and polished. Dignity is shaped and engrained. Integrity is articulated and incorporated into one's humble pursuits and labors of love. Dade County was your zone, Officer Cook, where zeal and zest went toe to toe with danger and peril. No doubt your humility and humbly respectful character was dispatched many times over to a scene where your calming manner and voice of wisdom,reason,vision and concern stirred its wave of resolve around looking for a solution. The hero in you, Officer Cook, shall never be forgotten, for you were fearless and determined. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

The brotherhood of society is served noticeably better when proper etiquette, manners and morals nestle together to form a strong punch for honor, integrity and dignity to work their way through. God directed and steered your drives of desire,devotion and decency around Dade County, Officer Cook and forty-one years later your unselfish and tireless sacrifices to enrich mankind have not been broken nor overlooked. Heroism is not some lightweight to be thrown around the corner, it is a human tool to be purposefully developed and utilized to lessen evil and its affects. Your years and life both as a private citizen and as a public servant for Dade County, Officer Cook, have all been counted,tabulated and responsibly accounted for. Instrumental truth and assertive trust all gained some steam as you approached situations and circumstances where esteemed character and loyal convictions were called upon to act. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A spirited young man hailed and heralded as a warrior forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Flattery is not a part of the fraternity. Ferocity and excellent instincts of honesty, integrity and dignity surely assist one's battles over violence. Such shameless crime committed against the goodwill,faith and hope that all humanity will certainly cherish. Dade County treasured you, Officer Cook, a hero with a resolution to see things through. Your earthly missions of character, respect and enhancement have all been duly saluted as Our Maker has taken your journeys fruitful and sincere to His castles of courage high a top our world. Eternity is where angels of valor walk those pearly beats patrolling His sacred gates of gallantry and humane gumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Objectivity must be employed when investigating any crime, the importance of honor, truth and trust while obtaining justice for all mankind is essential. And you were a fair and dignified public servant, Officer Cook. Dade County's population relied upon your every basic instinct to pull them through the toughest of times where tension and unrest filled the air. Serenity and a sense of harmony filtered in because you cared and were a benevolent gentleman. The class of character and dedication driving through the walls of wickedness to broker better relationships. Your heroism built a legacy where its finest foundations have been placed down forever to be shared and explored. Information always top notch and humility always to be treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

Agility is a great tool to have. A resource more valued than ever when one needs to fight evil and its adversities of violence, terror and torment. Your capacities, Officer Cook,to be vigilant and so versatile were why you were so heroically virtuous in Dade County. A mainstay whose humbly sole purpose was to calm and restore peace while handling the dangerous assignments,tasks and roles with evil. Justice must be quick and stern, it must also involve truthfulness, trust and public's acceptance. Your character, dignity and intellectual integrity have been so saluted and honored, Officer Cook, for digging in. Now Our Creator has allowed your venerable soul to soar higher with your perfectly fitted angels wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved more, Officer Cook, you brought courage and hope to many. God if only you could have retired after serving with humane authority,leadership and determined motivation. God steers our fates, destinies and even happiest of voyages. Always solemnly remembered!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

One man's turpitude robbed society of your attitude of wisdom and maturity, a fortitude of ferocity wrapped around tenacity and honesty. His violence that day in Dade County, such wanton treachery set off a chain of events so catastrophic that even you, Officer Cook and your colleagues had a most difficult time dealing with. Your very last call, your very last ounce of energy left out on the streets for all to witness. One brave young man's fight over utter adversity, such galling events. But, your character, dignity and integrity all respected and sacred giving their live for us to remain focused on living our everyday lives. Achievement, accomplishment and guided successes all directed by Our Lord alone who steered your pathways in life until He took you and your humane soul home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The pain, grief, anguish and hurt, your family, comrades friends and the entire nation felt utter shock over such barbaric and disrespectful actions by Mr.Pearsall who got his punishment and is rotting in purgatory. The heat there sir gets turned up plenty for what you did to Officer Cook,a fine man, his parents and sister's loved one just trying to calm you down and get you to give up before worse problems happened which they did. Your blessed name, Officer Cook, is the epitome of virtue and efficient endeavor never less. Keep looking down on us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

You were a very prodigious man, Officer Cook. Destiny and a love of mankind united yourself and your heart with the awesome responsibilities that come with serving the public. With a sacred trust and lips so true, you began your heroic climbs in Dade County serving a community you called home. An area where you were educated and married to a wonderful woman in Karen. Everything looking great, a happy home, a smile, family that still and forever loves you, adores you and misses you just so terribly. But, they can remember their"Uncle Bo," as a dignified man, a gentleman with a soft soul and integrity flowing from your bloodlines. Always and only the highest degree of respect for humanity, now that's humility, nobility all communicating. Never again sadly will we see you, you are heaven's gift and God absolutely watches over His heroes and heroines 24-7. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A ledger of accomplishment that God opens with mercy and blesses those who perform the purposes of His goodwill and faith.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

You can be terse in a humble and constructive pattern. Your life was dictated by love and respect from your own home, Officer Cook, where manners, politeness and courtesy was taught not drilled into your brain. Your devout and beloved mother and father, may they both rest in peace raised both you and your big sister, Nancy, with an honored system that took in dignity, character and all the integrity that ingenuity,intuition and intelligence can ratchet up. You were a solid man, a gifted public servant who gained the support and trust of an entire community. The gates of heaven opened warmly and most compassionately to receive your adored and resourceful soul of esteem that day and forevermore. No sacrifice goes without a reflection and certainly your good name, heroic and resolute shall remain respected for others to read about. To share pertinent information that will assist them during their battles with adversity. Dade County proudly honors your memory and legacy, Officer Cook. God bless you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

Candles flicker. The light of your refined and most humbly respected soul of heroism will never go out Officer Cook. Everyday of your life and career was embellished and enhanced based on your devout and just beliefs. Mankind lives on because of you and your textures of honor, integrity and dignity. All distributed within the inner walls and streets of Dade County,loyally, trusted and in a truthful manner to bring something we all crave, peace, stability and the warm welcome relief of civility. All public servants cast their nets out looking for violence to eliminate from society and that somber afternoon near the end of your shift you encountered a pure villain, vile and totally disrespectful . Yet according to the law you did all you could to make him surrender. That did not occur, the rest of history will rightfully reveal a man cherished by his family, revered by his colleagues and one to make his friends smile, laugh and remember your personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

Humility is hardly heard, not a peep or even an echo. It should be held from within one's heart of honesty and vigilance. You delivered the goods of goodwill and gallantry straight to Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. Held in esteem for compassion, devotion and steady dedication. Police work extrapolates honesty and wisdom, yours, Officer Cook, was respect, character and maturity way beyond your young life. What a crying tragedy. A beautiful soul taken much too soon with journeys surely ahead. A part of your legacy is entrenched within the happiness, good health and peaceful lives of your loved ones. They have not forgotten and for that matter neither shall we the regular citizen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

Practical and most pragmatic. Proficiency and pride are two distinctly separate things. Of course, Officer Cook, your honorable heroics helped to save face in Dade County not only on May 16, 1979, everyday day of your humble life and career of valor was dignity and integrity poured into the sweat and toil of unselfish tenacity. You were faced with a most serious issue and your outstanding actions won't be forgotten. Belief in character, concealed in commitment to excelling and never failing, surely your worthy convictions have been most rewarded and blessed by God who fits His angels wings perfectly around His flock who serves and makes the ultimate and undying sacrifice to build cornerstones around the structures of mankind forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

A very acerbic man took your life and nearly those of your faithful comrades, Officer Cook. He was embroiled in a very nasty domestic dispute with his girlfriend and you answered that call in Liberty City that day, fateful and terrible for your family. You were not required to answer that call, duty and stability beckoned you and Reserve Officer Lincoln. All your heart of honor, resolve and respect was centered in your labors of integrity and dignity to support the pillows of perseverance on behalf of Dade County. Humanity treasures those who sacrifice to further the hope and esteemed goodwill of mankind. Always diligently saluted and paid poignant homage for humbleness so wise. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2020

One is evil.Two is violence. Three is wickedness. Four was your loyalty and devotion to duty, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of honor, dignity and integrity who worked nonstop to combat these elements all detrimental to society's aims at peace and stability. No liberty and no joy. A gentleman gifted with insight and intelligence to battle a foe larger than most can comprehend. Its veins are vile and its branches are far reaching. For excellence and pride my neighbor, friend and hero may Our King bless the gates you walk your solemn proverbial eternal beat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

To delineate your dignity, devotion and humble decency, Officer Cook, it surely was humane and heroically been honored and still forever will be. It brought sunlight to Dade County amid the rumblings of violence all of a part of your central duties to disband. Our heavenly peace and noble unity were supported by your unselfish character and very tireless energy from your strong heart. A heart and pulse that beat as one. In the skies above where humility, resolve and sanctity rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it will always be badge#1664 well respected, well read, excellent vision and a welcome form of wisdom by a most mature gentleman of reverence and respect for mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Your line of duty death, Officer Cook, was all at the hands of an insolent individual, a man bent on destroying a community you worked for and lived in. These insidious actions by Mr.Pearsall who instigated more harm than good and set off a fireworks of all sorts of serious dilemmas for your department. You answered a call though not required to attend and you went and tried to restore calm all by your heart of honor and gentle integrity and humble dignity. All forever heroism touched by God's compassion and mercy. Your wings of character are now in eternity, Officer Cook, as an intrinsic part of His nest of never endless hardwork and steadfast determination to serenity and civility run happily through Dade County. You did everything you could, a man living out his last seconds on this Earth with a shot that tragically ended a happy life, a wonderful marriage to Karen, your beloved wife and the smile your family saw on your face, the jokes and laughter. All watching from above as they carry on with your legacy just one way with honesty and humility from their hearts all proud of their, "Uncle Bo." Badge#1664 served,protected and was of simple virtue, versatility and diligence. God's vigilance will hopefully see us through our days and months, through our destinies all blessed with sunshine and your brave soul my neighbor,friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Police are not impervious to getting hurt no one wants them hurt or worse the loss of a life. Yet, they risk their lives everyday to shield and to guard a community from the insane actions of a few loose cannons, the callous and those who commit and support wanton violence that disrupts the flow of progress and peace within a venue. Your tasks and roles, Officer Cook, were to witness and steer Dade County as clear and free of perilous impediments. Your life and career so graceful humble and honorably heroic. Never more integrity and dignity concentrated in all your thoughtful endeavors of truth, trust and tenacity. When the heat gets turned up a notch it's time for all dedicated servants to ramp up their resolve, responsibility and resourcefulness all of yours has been cherished and treasured and remain a part of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

No matter where one hails from proper grammar is most essential. Some people still interject slang within the structure of their sentences. Lexicon and jargon between them proper speech should be extolled. Well, your virtue and visionary life and career, Officer Cook, spearheaded goodwill amongst the serenity and liberty you attempted to formulate daily in Dade County. The never ending battles all relentless and fought with feverish ferocity one surefire method to overcome adversarial evil. Today though many decades after your sacrifice, your wisdom, maturity and respectful character and amazing commitments are shared and heroically remembered now that badge#1664 is part of a long bond of bravery and trusted boldness in serving and in preserving the capacity of life so sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sentences must coordinate and the proper contractual verbs must be exercised when writing up reports. God can certainly steer a piece of paper with a report of many pages and a pen to do the same filling in of a report of any incident. Take care Officer Cook and keep looking down over your family and their earthly journeys of tranquility and enjoyment of which you were deprived of both by one sinister man. A gutless and heartless coward who produced just God awful trouble with you and your comrades of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Visability is the ability to see clearly down the road. When calls and dispatches are given officers respond to locations where decency and determination connect up to integrity, dignity and honesty. The linkages are many and with your resources, Officer Cook,valued and heroic, tranquility and unity was seen as on the horizon. You'll not be forgotten, the perseverance, the missions and their fruitful cornerstones are all today a very integral part of Dade County's landscape and your deserved legacy of ingenuity and maturity. To complete the cycle God when He deems one's successes as finished takes their lofty souls to a higher place where nothing by love,enrichment and sunlight warms them forevermore with no harmor fuss.Badge#1664 served with assurance and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

When get dispatches regarding problems,issues, dilemmas and serious conflicts they are all imminent. And where trouble lies, danger as well. You worked hard, trained hard and dedicated your life and soul, to conquer life's problems with your good natured heart and respect. A willful man unleashed his anger and truculence against you and your fellow officers that day. Honesty, integrity and dignity sprung forth among character, commitment and total convictions to make Dade County securer once more. The principles, the passion with which you addressed your life and career of heroic values can be summed up this way: if you dream and will it to be then Our Maker has in His power to bestow humility upon your heart. Your parents and sister loved you, Officer Cook, the letter you mother wrote me may she rest in peace along with your dad and you my neighbor,friend and hero, said you were her darling son. So sincere and true to her. After your father passed you always made a point to stop and check upon her welfare and whatever she required for peace of mind, stability and comfort. You honored and respected your faithful and revered parents. Woe to us for now we look to heaven where your virtual soul of intelligence lies forever crowned and praised for its distinct service to mankind and humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Now with what is transpiring with this novel Covid19 virus and people being asked to practice social distancing you still cannot believe the closeness of those partygoers at pools or bars. I guess they want their fun at the risk of others contracting this virus. Police have died from this and yet our nation does not seem to have found a way to handle this pandemic. Domestic calls are still challenging I guess certain officers like yourself, Officer Cook , had a way of calming down people who were aggressive or who became agitated. Officer DiGenova who worked with you and was nearly shot and killed the day you died said you were good at domestics. You were a righteous individual. A consummate professional, loyal and faithful to your sisters and brothers. A man solid in foundations of honor,integrity and dignity. Wickedness, terror had a serious man dealing with them and trying to make harmony a living and breathing staple of life for Dade County. Our Master has your character and cherished respect at His podium day and night for your soul and its wings to patrol His sacred gates where angels flock. Valor gathers. Virtue is vigilant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Every single public servant in our land I'm sure feels a pressure to produce peace, happiness and safety for all concerned citizens. Dade County is and was no different. The law is the law and is expected to be enforced by every sworn personnel and the people are obliged to listen and pay careful attention to any directives given to them. Your voice, Officer Cook , had that capacity to validate your chosen causes in life.To search for violence and to serve the goodwill of those indeed humbled by you. Dignity and integrity all maintain their bridges and foundations that you set down for others to follow in. If they are able to take that baton of valor it will be with your undivided blessings. Your soul may safely observe them carrying out your legacy just as your beloved family members humanely do each day. Always highly regarded and saluted for ideals and scruples so essential to society caring and functioning. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

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