Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Consumed by passion and thoughtful convictions and conceived in courage, no levity just learning the ropes of real everlasting resolve and being a heroically resourceful man. Dade County was not a door prize and your days were all spent searching for some vision of Godly hope and harmony for one another. To have been taken so violently is one matter at least, Officer Cook,your honor, respect dignity and integrity went with your soul to heaven to humbly walk that beat of perfection.Such inhumanity and indignation against a man just trying to perform his burdens of bravery and boldness. The purposes and causes were present and all accounted for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

From halls to hills, from mountains to sandlots terror and evil travel far and wide spreading such unsightly commotion. Police navigate too far and wide to put out the flames of such ugliness. Dade County was your hot spot, Officer Cook, where heroic dignity,integrity and honorable virtue was extended far and wide. A man and a gentleman placing his heart and soul in danger's paths to persevere over these indignations. Such actions have no place in humanity which misses you greatly everyday. God is king and judge and your sweet soul is being praised and rewarded for tenacity and gumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

A life lost cannot be brought back. It's not like an appliance where if it can't be repaired you throw it out and but a new one. The sanctity of life and one's humble purposes lie within the honored heart of that individual. Your most heroic heart, Officer Cook, went to work and ably performed its tasks on behalf of the folks of Dade County. Integrity and respect all sprinkled in the mix of morals and mettle to keep society freely moving forward. Those foundations you humbly sacrificed your life for, Officer Cook, will be met with humane salutes for valor and virtue. Never more dignified and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

Civil unrest and tension causes relaxation to tork. Nothing jumps at the heart like violence. All this because of one very mean and wayward officer. His usage of excessive force went far beyond the law. he should be punished for first degree murder. No public servant should be treated like a lamb. Certainly walking away scott free would be akin to a slap on the wrist. Your fortitude and honorable ways, Officer Cook, represented new life for Dade County and its people. The smile of dignity, integrity and fine character being filled within your humble patrols. We could not thank you enough, Officer Cook, even in a thousand lifetimes. Respect and reverence climbing those golden ladders of God's sacred fortress.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr.Pearsall was a callous man. Officer Chauvie was too a callous man and his responsibilities breached respect and goodwill to service justly and truthfully.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

Good luck charms and medallions are nice so long as honor and humility are worn indignity and in integrity at all times. Your fine and outstanding character and respect for society, Officer Cook, will never go undone. A man born with values, scruples and principles trying to collect a staple of harmony for Dade County. Always solemnly, fondly and humanely saluted for heroism and the sacred purposes for which loyalty went that extra mile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

It's really unfortunate our world seems to be a preponderance of pandemics and protesting. Innocent lives lost. A virus transmitted through air if that is right. To breathe fresh air is to live and to stay living our hearts must pump the blood around our bodies meaning our lungs too must stay functional. Goodwill,hope and safety were carefully driven our way here in Dade County by you, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was all heart, all humbly heroic and ever so endearing and dignified. Your family and comrades can certainly praise Our Lord He instilled integrity, incentives of ingenuity,intuition and intelligence within your unassuming and unwavering character. saying goodbye to a most revered and beloved family member and public servant is never easy. The transition to heaven is made possible by the many heroic angels who welcome with open arms those who bravery and boldness shared the streets with honor and decorum. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day this pandemic will end. Untrustworthy and dishonest rogue servants will be taken off their posts and punished accordingly. Happiness,peace and good health's prosperity is all we want. Our journeys must never abate as they must go on without interruption or evil hanging their wicked wings around society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Complicity confounds, confronts and confuses the complexity of a community demanding tranquility and unity. Police who commit unlawful acts of violence against citizens for no apparent reason should be punished and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You were a good man, Officer Cook and a gently honest Dade County hero. So hard working,loyal,faithful and devoted to your duties protecting and serving the interests of the public. All departments and the general public wants is accountability, responsibility,civility and a little sacredness. Noble actions that you displayed on May 16,1979 and everyday for that matter of information should not go overlooked. We don't forget the fallen who gave their cherished souls of dignity and integrity to stem the tide of terror and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Indignant is not integrity, ingenuity and surely never intelligence. It is the scopes of one's unlawful character disrupting the peaceful pursuits of mankind. It can be vicious and unrelenting. You never stopped looking for truth and security, Officer Cook, your brave and heroically humane heart and mind would never allow you an instant to take your mind off your obligations towards society. Dade County will certainly remember you and has still kept up paying you back for unselfish efforts of prudence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity climbs high as your sweet and special soul continues its rounds throughout heaven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Those men and women who dirty their uniforms and tarnish their badges with dishonor and disgrace will have to pay the price. Justice too has a checks and balance system designed to treat everyone fairly. And firmly as well. Truth, trust and integrity all hang in the balance. The scales of serenity were always fair and unbiased when Dade County was preserved by your humble heart and soul, Officer Cook. A man whose heroic life and storied career have been honored, saluted and etched for eternity within the walls of your loved ones and colleagues to fondly admire. A gentleman so revered and yet taken away too early with more pride and humility to offer the citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

When is honor is disrespected, those protesting are flouting justice and just making a mockery of things. You molded and motivated many other comrades, Officer Cook, who served Dade County. And they were shown the ropes of resolve with compassion,yet your passion of perseverance and complete respect. Authority never out of hand and the quick est of reasonable decisions which in turn may save lives. Unique and virtuous. Honor, integrity and diligence to dignity and duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

While free speech is a first amendment amenity, but, it does not allow for evil to be spread throughout burning and vandalizing police vehicles. The legal system must run its fair and judicial course. But truth, trust and faith have their certain rights that we all have in the words of due process of the law. Dade County had your smile, Officer Cook, they really had a hero of hope and friendship, an undying and tireless endeavor to further nurture serenity and stability within those branches of your boldness and unselfish humbleness. The skies above have an angel of ferocity encircling over his family and peers as you keep walking your sacred and golden beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Police must behave just as those they protect. The book has the same cover front and back. Honor, dignity and respect are all integrity's signal for character and nowadays violence and evil demand the swiftest of actions. Yours, Officer Cook, were brave and bold, determined to weed out crime in Dade County. Commitment and convictions are all a part of a public servant's heart and compassion, respect for humanity must be universal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Bridges are to walk or ride over. Goodwill and joy are to be shared and revered as much as honesty, integrity and dignity. They worked so well together as you toiled on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroic and fondly remembered for patrolling a community you relished serving in. Our Master has your respect and character duly walking that perfect beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A loyal commander tends to his or her flock directing with humility and admiration for sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Conformity in today's mankind is hard to figure out. With all the protests over an African American man death in Minneapolis, Minnesota the other day disrespect, disgrace and dishonor seems to be blowing in the wind. Mr. Floyd did not deserve to die the way he did. Hopefully, the officer responsible and other officers will face the music and receive justice and punishments. Your life and career, Officer Cook, serving Dade County was heroism and honor representing truth and trust, loyalty and valor binding character and goodwill solidly within those cornerstones you faithfully laid down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2020

Continuity keeps the cogs of courage and decency moving forward in an honest direction. Your savvy courage, humble dignity and all heroic integrity, Officer Cook, spared Dade County and its citizens more suffering. After a one man wrecking train unleashed his violence against you and your peers almost anything else was possible. Except, for your undivided attention and accurate responsibility to try and head him off before more bedlam befell you. Your heart and soul, Officer Cook,were most desirable and dedicated to seeing justice done right. Humanity won't forget your civil actions,sincerest of ideals and certainly your stoic character during these violent moments. Sad they were you last, you won't be forgotten for your sacrifice sacred and poignant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police need to take heed and most of stay safe by being careful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

The depraved commit crime and their evil is a spider's web of unending wickedness. The terrible actions perpetrated that sad day in Dade County and against yourself, Officer Cook,your fellow officers and the people shot and wounded was just disgusting and wanton. No class no manners no morals no heart. Your heart and very soul were honest,dignified and full of unselfish integrity. The very kind of character bestowed upon a humble and humanely wonderful human being. Your family and department have solemnly and fondly remembered their loved one and earthly colleague, trusted and truthful until your last ounce of strength. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights are forever lit by way of your resourceful spirit and resilient mannerisms of mettle.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

The cowards are conceited in disrespect. The brave angels are constructed in humility, honesty and dignity. All the resourceful character, the staunch convictions and the most ethical of commitments to virtue, principles and valuable scruples that assisted you, Officer Cook,in your heroic defense of Dade County. Society,mankind and humanity can take solace and comfort in knowing you shared and were the consummate loyalist to your partners and colleagues from within the Central Division. All the admiration, esteemed dedication and devout determination to see peace and harmony through. A wonderful life and a career too bound for more. Our Creator decided He needed your versatile soul at His sides to patrol above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Adversity builds character. Character and commitment build strength. Honor and integrity build the beginning of dignity. Dade County with its array of venues,corners and buildings was forever enhanced by your love and esteemed admiration for loyal and competent professional service, Officer Cook. Treasured and respectful, a mind that was wise beyond its years and a heart and eyes so visionary. Evil painted you and your comrades of bravery into a corner that day and the ending was not what your family wanted to hear. sadly, they and your community and comrades lost a most deserving officer recognized for vitality, versatility and bringing virtuous serenity to a neighborhood where you were summoned to God's arms of compassion. To be held and cradled with bundles of angelic love for your ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

A stack of pancakes in syrup and butter sure tastes great. A better taste is honor,integrity and dignity serving up its pitches to defeat mayhem,chaos and colossal misfortune on those sometimes dangerous roads. Your job was made a bit more uneasy, Officer Cook, that somber and awful day when evil ripped your family's hearts out of their chests. Yours was taken by a man just so cowardly and gutless,no respect or character. Dade County has not overlooked nor forgotten its hero of humility whose reservoirs of faith and hope still funnel their ways into society. A meal such as what I started my reflection with may provide one with endurance and ample nourishment for a while, the rest is in the mind and body. The skies above do have a top notch servant willing to do whatever it took to get things done right the first time around. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day and night you were reverent, highly admired and fiercely loyal to the community. A promise never broken only those hearts and souls who lost a greatly gallant man of God whose devoted his learning and might to spreading the golden message.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

A durable public servant is more reliable than a disrespected man or woman who does not hold honor humbly. Thank God in the eyes of all your family, professional colleagues and esteemed friends, Officer Cook, you were cherished, loyal and held in high regards. Every individual born into this world has the same chances of success as anybody else. Since you were a young man your dreams, desires and aspirational goals were to become a policeman. Dade County was the place where the genesis of your career, dignified and heroic took shape. Your life should not have been concluded by one's direct assaults against authority. God, your family and comrades have humbly saluted your careful character, concerned commitment to pride and excellence and noble convictions all geared toward righting a ship that needed uplifting. Whatever cell of peace and good grace we have is attributed to you, Officer Cook, forever a savior and a hero whose good soul was uplifted to heaven to serve an even more important role. To walk your proverbial beat watching over His sacred and pearly gates filled with heavenly angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and visibility can do more than just battle adversity. Your fights,wars and battles were diligent and most vigilant and never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Gossip is like a panhandler yearning for attention. Its lies and deceit threaten to blow holes in our society. It disturbs the peace process and further erodes goodwill,faith and hope that mankind seeks in their security. You were the consummate safety shield and blanket to all citizens in Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a higher degree of dignity and never more integrity and distinguished honesty on your radar screens of justice, resolve and respect. You gave your life and career my neighbor, friend and hero paying the ultimate price there is to have a reasonable validity as to why we treasure tranquility and its affections. God's domain awaits those brave and bold so gallant to see through their missions of resourcefulness accomplished. You were vibrant, young and still had plenty of tread left on those wheels of welcome tenacity. Rest in peace. One day I have got to get hold of Officers Piloto and Jackson who knew you and worked with you. Officer David Graveline who you worked with I believe he left or retired from policing and works out west on Serius radio. He used to work at the old WCIX channel 6 station on Brickell Avenue in Miami down the block from the old WGBS 710 AM radio station.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

A generation of grateful folks will certainly remember your honorable loyalty, dignified virtue and impressionable integrity, dignity and character all respect being paid to you, Officer Cook. Heroic actions undertaken to preserve the quality of life and to enhance the operational safety and security of Dade County. Memories last forever as does one's revered and esteemed morals and mettle. Physically you are in heaven where your beloved and admired soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You took advantage of opportunities when circumstances presented themselves to make a better for you and Karen and to continue looking after your adored mother,Mrs.Julia Cook,bless her heart and may you and Mr. Cook rest in glorious peace. What a son you both raised ! A real tragedy a violent man took him away from you and his beloved family and brave peers of truth and trust. He was your "Billy" so strong and valiant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

A heartwarming life of humility only displays the loyalty you demonstrated to Dade County, Officer Cook, our friend, our hero, our gentleman of integrity and dignity. It was with total dedication and respectful character that collated peace and stability within a region where your sacrifice has stood all these decades later as a cornerstone of faith,fruition and where ferocity belonged in heroism. Violence and turmoil demand humble resolve, the received their more than fair share of serious trust and truth validated and bonded together as their unification. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's glorious arms of compassion open wide to welcome heroines and heroes whose destinies have been justly and vitally rewarded and blessed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

A good man with a good name is worth more than any bobbles or money. Your blessed and heroically cherished name, Officer Cook,lives on forever in the hearts and minds of all Dade County. Serving your department with focused dependability and the elastics of effort,energy and efficiency you are sure to be etched poignantly in your family's hearts where your respect and resilience has long stood the tests of time. Time keeps on moving forward, it never goes back only to revere the warmest of a life and spirit departing this world all too soon because of evil. Bravery and trust to be truthfully remembered. Character to be celebrated and enhanced forever. We enlighten one another with some renewed piece of harmony and stability, humility that came from your sacred heart, Officer Cook. A badge and uniform worn with humble pride and recognition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everyday you would want your family to go forth with their lives of honor and grace as you so solemnly did overcoming whatever lies in front of them. Heaven and your soul will help clear the pathways to proceed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

Round and round the carousel goes and where it stops nobody knows. Truth, trust and faith all,honest, all dignity, virtual integrity. Your soul and heart, Officer Cook, were always affixed in the right directions of Dade County to make known that heroic difference which you imparted upon humanity. Heroes and heroines don't just pop up in the thin air. There is a reason plausible and proof positive of their value and versatility. You are to be commended for your undying,unselfish and most humanely unwavering efforts to remove the obstacles that violence places in society making happiness and safe havens more real. Uplifting and upbeat, we won't forget you, Officer Cook,as you brought the residents their everlasting calm and cool. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2020

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