Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

In times of strife, duress and serious chaos there can not be resignation within the intonation of one's voice. Speaking clearly and concisely are the first order of business.staying as calm as possible while maintaining a most honorable and humble profile. Your manner, Officer Cook, for most of your guiding life and promising six year career as a Metro-Dade police officer was top rated and graded out as humanely successful. From reading and by all accounts your declarations of integrity,decency and dignity conveyed hopeful endearment and a harmony to last forevermore. With your outstanding character and most notably uplifting commitments to truth and trust, you just should be alive and well today, God saw your journeys as finished and brought you and your soul of happiness back to His home to walk a sacred beat filled with perfect resolve and never harm coming your direction ever again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Patterns of positive conduct reflect how society is going to carry on forward in advancing better relationships among one another. Dignity, integrity and honesty usually dictate character becoming a person. As a duly authorized public servant, Officer Cook, your edicts were to soundly and safely protect all Dade County. And certainly there will never be any doubts of how you performed. A sacred and most humbly devout man who reached the zenith of his goals and aspirations by proper planning and by being well trained to assume your awe inspiring onuses on a daily basis. We'll never forget your heroic humility nor your heart and soul of virtue. All mettle and conducive morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

How can we enjoy peace and happiness while evil pursues us? Peaceful protests are allowed by Our Constitution so long as they are just that. Your happy and healthy life was on the upswing when violence swooped in and took you, Officer Cook, a hero from your honorable family and most dignified peers. Your integrity and character shined through as you passionately oversaw the shelters of unity and liberty here in Dade County. Security and serenity all from a most mature servant who never looked for spotlight. God repays His servants and your soul continues being blessed by the light of God's hands. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

While culprits maybe cunning, it was men like yourself, Officer Cook, who was honestly heroic and considerate. The venues of Dade County were preserved by your career passions. All devoted, respected and quite humbly revered. Our safe trails were protected by your austere wisdom,vision and clarity. The symbols of sincerity all were located in your heart of integrity and dignity. As they all participated in framing peace and unity for mankind. The flocks of character, commitment and truth all watched by Our Creator Himself, the most Trusted One. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Callousness is appalling. Valor is enthralling.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

The image of all public servants has got to be positive, profound and polished. This includes honesty, integrity, dignity, character and respect. Mankind, humanity and society are never in a jovial mood to be playing games. And certainly not these days. With all this pestering violence and evil permeating our land where freedom and liberty ought to belong hand in hand. Your served your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, with direct fairness,firmness and faithfulness, the truth and trust all were relevant. When danger and peril lied ahead there you were with Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your last partner to try and solve a domestic circumstance that escalated. Your best efforts and hopes were taken forward to make peace and stability welcome once more. Humility, civility and sanctity never forgotten and now all of them are in heaven as a virtuous part of your angel's wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's raining now as I will go to Naples with my lovely wife, Holly. We deliver food out there to the community on a weekly basis. Just wished we could have met such a humane and esteemed human being!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Even new officers must learn the ropes. They too can be placed right into the meanness of these protests. The streets are rigged with mayhem, bedlam and chaos and even the most experienced of men and women may have a degree of difficulty getting a handle on the situations. Unrest and racial tensions are surely those eyesores that must be healed and forever patched up. Your goodwill, faith and sincere honesty, Officer Cook, have helped all these decades later to keep a fine line of serenity within its venues. Others who have taken over your watch have been told of your humility, abundant courtesies and efficient energy and integrity. Dignity and desire to be passed down to others who lead, dedicate and motivate others. The heroism in your heart and soul, Officer Cook, can gracefully still be felt from heaven as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Professionalism must override showmanship. No showing up anybody. You do your job, help and encourage others to enhance humanity in a constructive manner and God will utilize His unique humble methods too. The tasks are tall and challenging, the responsibilities are plenty. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, oversaw the train of thought here in Dade County starting forty-seven years ago. A career built on esteem and honesty, dignity and the reverence of good character and stellar commitments to pride and excellence chasing evil while insuring a measure of mettle and vision. Always a man geared toward helping others, congenial and courageous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Fury has ferocity but than so too does tenacity when applied for heaven's sake. For all the torment and upheaval that mankind is experiencing lately we just pray that violence will cease at once. Your image protecting the lives of Dade County, Officer Cook, was of a supremely humble and loyal man. Humility and dignity carried your unselfish integrity through the streets where it would have a most tranquil affect. We pray the police and public can resolve its issues and whatever punishments come to those who heinously took Mr. Floyd's life that has lead to these protests may they come with solid truth and trust. Justice must prevail. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Your loss, Officer Cook, has humbled society as your family carries on with your legacy. Proficient and positive.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Terror and torment are those eyes of a tiger that affix themselves upon society's doorposts as we all just pray. Violence surely usurps the peace and calmness of a community and its unrest just leads to some sort of bedlam. Your image,Officer Cook, crystal clear was honest and noble, a man who achieved more heroically in twenty-five years of life than some who live to be a hundred. Dade County had its resolve and dignity worn solidly on your uniform and badge of distinct integrity. Our Lord does His thing and hopefully goodwill and peace will grace humanity once again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Assaulting one's very humble and esteemed character cannot be tolerated. taking one man's life of humbleness and honesty all in a few moments of one living their final earthly moments is indeed ghastly. A monumental disrespect for authority and leadership. You directed other officers, Officer Cook,by the very foundations of virtue of valor and vigilance. Dade County had a more resourceful public servant of both dignity and integrity humanely keeping its streets, corners and roads free of impediments of peril. A gentleman to be most revered and blessed by Our Maker Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

Maturity is not mind over matter. Morals and honesty travel greater lengths with integrity and dignity to battle violence than if neither were present. You were accountable and responsible, Officer Cook, for all lives in Dade County. Every soul you protected and served God made real sure your heroic reward would be humbly given to you. Blessings for peace and goodwill all navigated throughout your respected and cherished character. Always part of a plan to have some perseverance, acumen and fortitude. Saluted for decency and pure dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

The idea is to be desirable and not detrimental. Society needs no more deterioration within its harmonious walls of sanctity and civility. All provided for in a first class manner by an honored hero in yourself, Officer Cook. A man who vitalized Dade County and its residents with some balance of safety and a real semblance of wisdom, dignity,character and respectful integrity. You can be certain your soul and heart will be remembered forever being there during tense and dangerous times. heaven has you as your family and department's angel to soar as you observe them continuing your legacy of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2020

If looting, ransacking and wanton evil are any part of a duly organized legal system then heaven help those honest and humbly heroic who do risk their lives to actually attempt to save one life, what can we think? The summation is that you were a superb human being, Officer Cook, honestly devoted to serving Dade County with your bands of dignity,character and integrity. This wave of terror must cease at once. The job has its inherent peril and the responsibility are very real. Justice must be maintained as liberty,freedom and security are on the minds of everyone. Humanity does not need humility and civility condemned. You'll be solemnly paid homage to, Officer Cook, the heroi has not deviated once off of that righteous and valiant path. All trails of tenacity and of a positive influence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Darkness comes soon to most areas let us pray that light leads to right,not a dreadful song of wrong.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Officer Cook, you honorably and diligently renovated Dade County with heroic resourcefulness, resolve and energetic resiliency. The battles, fights and wars over violence and terror from one man alone, you stood face to face demonstrating such humble efficiency. A most sacred man performing upon your golden words of boldness and bravery. The residents did not have to do as much soul searching because of your unwavering, undying and unselfish commitments to carry out with ironclad morals and scruples to be validated and saluted for eternity. Badge#1664 was consummate, caring and with the wisdom and maturity that was your visional trust and wholeness of truth and professional purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

The premise for peace is a public servant's word of trust. Your truthful demeanor, Officer Cook, shall never be heroically forgotten. You bestowed a sense of interest and ingenuity within the hearts of all Dade County folks. A dignified man taken by evil too early with much love and respect, honor and humility in your tireless heart. The heavens above have all the conclusively heroic character and transparency among the faithfully cherished flock. You were a wonderful man, proud and prudent, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Reprisals are anything but happy. Sad and tragic. All this violence because of a man having his civil rights violated. You cannot sugarcoat nor deny this happened. Your service and preservation of Dade County, Officer Cook, made Dade County more vigilant, more vibrant and most virtuous. For possessing honor, dignity and integrity to battle the likes of evil may God bless and reward your character and unassumingly unselfish sacrifice. A loss to everyone, your family and brave comrades. When humility and sanctity are cut into, the public must take notice. Your heart of efficiency, Officer Cook, was mankind's best friend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every citizen no matter race or background is entitled to due process of the law. Truth and trust must prevail. We all have rights, constitutional , miranda whatever. Justice must be handled with judicial prudence. You were a hero and the consummate gentleman of doing things correctly the first time around.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

You have to be ardent in whatever you choose to pursue. happiness, peace and honor, they all have their own identity of integrity and dignity. Dade County and their folks should never forget their heroes and heroines for they are the brave and bold, whose hearts sacrificed for safety, security and tranquility to all take shape. Officer Cook, forty-one years later you are to be saluted for respect and renewal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Your virtue and honor is to be lauded as much as your legacy of diplomacy. Dade County was righteously served by a man of integrity and the highest caliber of dignity. Officer Cook, with character, convictions and commitments to excellence and pride it's plain to see why you were so respected and cherished by all beside of course your beloved family. Badge#1664 rests in hallowed ground as do you my neighbor,friend and hero. The learning curve was set like the bar of bravery and boldness for others to follow endeavoring to set down serenity and the best of times. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Those secure in their convictions the blankets keep them comfortable at night. The entire country seems to be living in a maze just tossing and turning waiting for something else to occur. There is good here and there is not so nice things transpiring. Your life, Officer Cook,was formulated on a creed and a courage to be honest, intelligent and most of all professional no matter what the circumstances were. Dade County was patrolled by you and your unselfish integrity and dignity of character as you tried to halt advances of adversarial dimensions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism that may get us over these hurdles where trouble and grief lie.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

We never can languish in pity nor let violence lampoon us. God still looks over us and for all the good, decent and honest men and women, those rogue and sinister will be caught and taken off the streets. Their jobs, professions are sacred and where humility flows from their hearts of dedication, dignity and integrity. Sure, even you did some soul searching, Officer Cook, no man or woman is perfect and yet your passion was to serve, instruct and motivate others. Dade County and its residents won't forget you, heroic and never insulate.Your were polite and courteous with that ever present smile. Just truth and trust everyday. Always remembered and solemnly paid homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Never inept, inert or lethargic, just a man full of grit and drive to serve Dade County with whatever honesty, reverence and commitment was called for. Your heroically shining badge and pristine uniform, Officer Cook, was one of fortitude and the proper attitude to maintain a balance of law and order on the streets. Corners where callousness maybe hiding, roads where heinous and wanton chaos was roaming to unfurl more evil. You did your job in a very precise and clear manner never capitulating to the bad people. Forever saluted as a hero of resolve and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

A turncoat goes against the grain of establishment and the fury must be ended at all costs. You secured and protected Dade County with all your honorable might and heart. So heroic and endearing, dignity and integrity of character that will remain treasured forever. Our stability and staples of life was served by your undying and loyalty trustworthiness and simple but truthful lips, feet and hands. Our warrior whose soul was valued and your missions were deemed as complete and God took you back to heaven to look over your family, friends and most humane and esteemed of colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations for a brighter future pursued by a graceful gentleman with a gallant heart and soul of impression.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2020

Tirades against society tear down the frameworks of freedom and honor. Violence is the biggest instigator in these serious matters as they must be stopped at once. Your veracity, Officer Cook, never wavered, never vacillated. Dade County had its unrest and tensions back then and now today because of what occurred with this African American gentleman, George Floyd being killed by police in Minneapolis. Very sad and your death in the line of duty is sad and forever a tragedy. Integrity, dignity and your all unassuming character were ended by a very evil individual. A man whose soul lacked dignity and respect. His disgrace disfigured your family and department robbing humanity of your sacred humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Charm is not vain. Deceit is and all the trust and truth were poured into your labors of love.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

The tables of terror must be turned and fast. Your quick response that fateful day, Officer Cook, at least gave your fellow officers and the residents a chance of coming out without more undue harm as peril in Mr. Pearsall was lurking to unleash further violence. The respect for honesty, the devotion to dignity, a man of integrity and character serving and giving his entire soul and heart for Dade County's safety. Always esteemed and efficient. May you be saluted for heroism and sacred acts of civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

When one is buried the body returns to the earth from where it came and the soul is free, released to fly higher up to the stars above. The searching for truth, the meaning of trust and the containment of confidence all led your watches over Dade County, Officer Cook. A real honored soldier, loyal and esteemed, quite sharp and mature beyond your youthful years. All the vitality and happiness usurped by a wild man bent on ruining authority's rightful shoulders of serenity. It's what drives all women and men. Peace and no harm to the public. A sacred oath is meant to be ascribed to seriously. There can be no pleasure until the most complex of plans are carried out exactly to the letter of the law. Your community received extra love and affection. They got faithful diligence and total vigilance valid and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2020

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