Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians. Nowadays, it's everyone's problem and circumstance to deal with. No matter where the fires of fury and the destinies of fate travel, all diligent and devoted officers must partake in the responsibilities of law and order. Protection and service are their roles. Possessing humility and sacredness during terse moments is a challenge indeed. Your acumen and versatility, Officer Cook, was top flight and always going to be cherished and very much saluted. You put integrity and dignity into wholesome character and class, decency all excellent as were your mettle and resourcefulness. The cream of truth and trust stays situated above us at every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County will solemnly honor you as their hero, Officer Cook. No mistaking humbleness for insolence. You were not that just polite, well mannered and courteous. That smile certainly is missed by your family, peers and friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

Trust and truth are supposed to yield peace and unity. Tragically a knee to one man's neck and head has brought a backlash of undue adversity to all communities these days. One pandemic and protests that have unleashed vile and venomous terror upon the lands where quiet times should always prevail. Your honesty and humility, virtue and bravery, Officer Cook,were so valuable and endearing. Not to be overlooked but revered and humane. Dade County and its people had heroism and character 24-7. Your blessed heart,soul and name, Officer Cook, is to forever be treasured and championed for its courage and crusading convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were consummate and decent. Death should not have been your destiny at the hands of a troubled man. His fate was the start of something very wrong, very wanton , shooting police officers and the civilians you were protecting with superior service. Opportunities abound we must avail ourselves when caution, care and concern are on the front lines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

Lack of common sense and maturity, stupidity and absent respectful honesty cannot pursue the demons of destruction. Thoughtful and truthful warriors can chase after terror and torment if their faculties of ferocity and tenacity are tied together as one. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, are always going to remain a valid and most vital part of your heroic legacy. Dade County is not an afterthought even all these decades after your brutal and senseless killing. All at the hands of a monster gone mad. God's angel of character gracing heaven with humble wings perfect in every direction just as your life and career passionately pristine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

Police officers cannot come off as lambs. Too soft and too gentle. A little hardened never so crusty. But with fierce steadiness and virtual acumen, Officer Cook,you defended Dade County and its citizens as their honored hero of esteem and character. so polite and respectful, dignified and with a sacred purpose behind your unselfish and tireless integrity. God does not duplicate the same two people even twins whose very DNA's are different. Your profile and panel was of perception, perseverance and very charismatic proficiency never to be forgotten. Your professionalism was highly regarded as was your behavior and ethical mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

The trajectory of terror this country has sadly witnessed the last two plus weeks could have destroyed our lands. The United States of America is a place devoted and dignified by supposed freedoms and rights granted to all who live and breathe here. Your determination, honest dedication and humble commitments to pride and excelling in all your passionate journeys, Officer Cook, have brought a piece of mind, peaceful resolve to overcome the obstacles of peril that threaten our very hearts and souls. Your sanctity and civility all loyal, trusted and battle tested, the truth came forth with respect and beloved character to be humanely saluted for valor above and beyond your years of mature service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2020

When the deck appears to be stacked against you more power and honesty must be wielded in order to get the desired result. meaning not be egotistical just use the humility the Lord instilled in your heart and brain of integrity and dignity. You battled sheer evil, Officer Cook, by being calm and resourceful. Always good character produces an end result that can only benefit mankind. Dade County was preserved and its measurements of morals and principles were always practiced and preached by a most devout man of faith. Comrades took careful note of your acumen and most assuring confidence and this was instilled in other mates. Never forgotten and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The doors and windows to true justice and trust just require a little jarring to welcome in some relief and stability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

Once the foundations are faithfully set up,the cornerstones may be laid down and cemented as one. You fruitfully fought for peace in Dade County, Officer Cook and make no mistake your heroism and honor will be eternally revered. Character, wisdom and vision all virtuous as was your unassuming manner,loyalty and humility knocking down doors of violence. It spared the public more shame and disgrace. Humiliation is the bully always seeming to pick on humanity. Badge#1664 never let that happen and was excellent in taking over other officers and steering their intuitions and ferocity upward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

Justice was handled swiftly and to the points of precision and perseverance. So much love and esteemed bravery, Officer Cook,displayed, distributed and demonstrated without any shadows of doubt or hesitance. The venues of your community, Dade County were solidly watched over by your unselfish and most unwavering dignity, honesty and integrity. God's tender loving kindness has your compassion and charisma courageously secured until your loved ones reunite with you and your beloved parents.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One slice of the pie at a time. One piece of hope and goodwill we can toast to good health, tranquility and joy forevermore as your soul, Officer Cook, observes from the top deck where only heroic angels roam free patrolling those golden and guarded gates of gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

Tragedy can be revisited so long as happiness revives the loneliest of hearts. People who suffer loses of beloved family members usually want to honor their heroic memories of dignity,integrity and honor, to generate the celebrated influx of sanity, civility and noble sanctity which they created in their communities of responsibility. You forged ahead here in Dade County, Officer Cook, securing and sheltering lives with all the loyal and true protection anyone could request. Violence and terror that day took a very gallant and fiercely determined young man who is forever soaring over us and your adored family. They have passed down your character and generosity, all legendary to their family which have grown since you departed this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

Retribution does not a cleanse a soul. Matter of fact it only darkens the heart of one inclined to commit violence. Dade County was under your trusting and truthful belts of boldness and bravery, Officer Cook. Never forgotten for having hope and honesty pinned next to your constant integrity and dignity. All of sound character as were your conclusive convictions of faith and dedication. Always loyal, dependable and reliable in finding peace and hunting down heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

An umbrella and a raincoat can only keep you dry so long. The entourage of protestors seems to be gathering steam that must be slowed down a bit. Serenity and safety which you wisely provided Dade County with , Officer Cook, won't be overlooked and neither with your heroic honesty, integrity and thoughtful dignity all of which made you character and commitments to excellence and pride shine brighter than ever before. The lights of your spirit and soul have come from your most engaging heart and a smile so terribly missed today and forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

Police are the ambassadors of their communities of which they serve, protect and defend us from evil. Your dignity, heroic honor and true and trusted integrity, Officer Cook, made up the mantra by which you patrolled. Never again sadly will your family, peers and close friends talk to you. You had a consummate heart of humbleness and esteemed resolve. A man on a missions delivering the essentials of peace and togetherness taken suddenly just by doing your job and being instrumental in scruples and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

If the instigators and violators of our civil laws think they are being shrewd than think again. Dade County was bestowed with good officers during your time, Officer Cook and you were among the most finest and consummate of them all. Dignified and faithful, loyal and respectful, honorable and with integrity to back your battles over torment. With sterling character the truth and trust was always realized, too bad your nemesis did not get the messages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The King's courts are lined with solemn angels of valor and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

The disgrace, the dismay and the total arrogance of respect and honor. Our country seems to be headed down hill quickly if something miraculous is not done now not later. You always performed your sacred and heroic duties for the present, Officer Cook and for this Dade County and its people can be extremely thankful. Heroism, dignity and integrity all came with quality character to be forever and fondly paid tributes to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

If society could receive a quick fix for evil the world would be elated. Your effort and energy, Officer Cook, poured hours upon hours of honor and dignity back into Dade County where your sincerest of character and integrity helped bring harmony and a wealth of humble resolve. Honored and saluted for heroic missions and loyalty to faith and goodwill. Forever an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2020

With an aura of acumen and a vision so humbly virtuous, your precision and poise under pressure, Officer Cook, has been forever remembered for its stoically professional actions. The tasks, chores,roles and whatever else is called upon were answered and authentic. You authored goodwill and brokered aboveboard relationships with all Dade County for which society is deeply indebted you. A hero with a genuinely serene manner and principles deeply wrapped around your faith and cherished loyalty to your brave and esteemed comrades. Take integrity,character, honor and respect blend in dignity and those severely toughest of wars against wickedness are perhaps a little easier to bare. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Leadership, determination and dedication all are motivated primarily when one is young and things begin to seep in one's mind. Chief Geoffrey Jacobs, your friend and classmate, Officer Cook, was spot on when he meant your maturity was beyond the crowd. Police officers should keep their lights turned on concerning wisdom and clarity. A powerful tool to be carefully utilized.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

People are like stained glass windows. Their beauty radiates when light shines through. When darkness appears their beauty shines within. Your sweet soul and virtuous heart, Officer Cook, all were tailor made by Our Creator who instilled intuitions of honor and decorum, decency and devotion, respect and heroically humble admiration. They all served and restored order to Dade County where its residents treasured your being there for them at a time of crisis. Domestics were your specialty and because of the dangers involved and you wanted to transfer to the crime scene technician squad as a police photographer. So sorry you could not live to receive that assignment as I'm sure you would have made an excellent technician. Those pictures are more radiant than ever now that heaven has your humility and sacred acts of kindness enwrapped around its hands to protect your wonderful soul of essence. Just tragic and terrible your life and career were taken in a scant few moments. We salute you and remain poised to carry on with how you would act. Your family valiantly carries your legacy of distinction and honor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, rest in peace and to you Nancy, your darling younger and heroic brother, "Billy," won't be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

One or more suspects don't view a man or woman's age or experience when in the commission of violence and terror. It's torment and turmoil released into society's lap for good public servants to face every second. Your watch, Officer Cook, was a constant reminder for even the best and most highly trained to stay sharp and never assume anything. It will always be why did Mr. Pearsall commit these offenses against you and your fellow comrades, all dignified, honorable and complete with character and integrity. Ingenuity cannot always invent a solution yet your heroic actions did in fact save Dade County that somber day of May 16,1979. A hot and sunny day five minutes until you finished your shift and badge#1664 was taken away robbed from his loved ones and forever fitted with angel wings for a perfect mission to continue in heaven. Never forgotten and forevermore engaging and loyal to the very last ounce of energy from your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Interrogations are informative yet they are fact finding missions where all the puzzle pieces can be successfully put together to solve a crime and or to resolve a conflict. They must not be interrupted by times of violence and evil. One bad vibe, one tense situation can have a ripple affect upon mankind. Everything cannot be sugarcoated nor like a cherry on top of your ice cream sundae. Life sadly is not always pleasurable and joyful. Police officers must jump immediately into a fracas gone wild to save lives and property. These were your proponents, Officer Cook,truth, honesty and trust which you gained from your department and peers as well as Dade County's folks. A man whose unwavering actions of heroism will be forever saluted. With persistence and passion it was plain to witness why you were the consummate professional with sterling character and never ending loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man's death must serve not just as our land's wake up signal it must be that solid lightning rod of permanent resolve not to repeat these acts of wanton and heinous disregard, disrespect and total disgrace for human life. You were a tower of modest means, Officer Cook, nothing but a strong heart and sound mind delivered prosperity, goodwill and hope to your community where vibrant individuals shall work together for a unified purpose.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

An ally of the people, for the people and by the people, with your serene nature, Officer Cook, did you faithfully and most assuredly protect, preserve and restore peace, unity and freedom to Dade County. A place you called home and spent the balance of your life all too short taken by a wanton and very vile man with no respect for life and law. Today, many look back and adore, admire and honor you and your dignified memory of integrity and character built within the walls of welcome relief. Humanity has taken note of your relevance and endearing persona with a happy smile. The uniform and badge you donned with excellence has always been greatly felt by your loved ones and close knit group of resourcefully brave colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As the boats and canoes move about the mighty waters may you soul soar above God's mightiest of plains.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Air tight acumen and tenacity. Vacuum sealed validity of virtues and security. They all made up your ethics and work performances on behalf of Dade County and society in general, Officer Cook. A mainstay and a legend of honor and heroism beyond the dispatches of responsibility. Everyday you uplifted the spirits of humanity and replaced evil with a sense of happiness and peace to be stoically shared among each other. Those who fought and worked with you have keenly and warmly remembered a very humble and gallant soul of endearment. The eyes of Our Lord look down on His most faithful of public servants striving for an airwave of convincing hope, goodwill and esteemed admiration. You were and always will be respected, revered and loyally cherished for both unassuming,unselfish and tireless efforts to shape prosperity for aland crying out for a slice of serenity these days. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

The recording gets louder and louder. It's your confident voice, Officer Cook, calling down from heaven to stop this utter and embarrassing mayhem in our land. You were passionate, you were compassionate and downright loyal, desirable and dedicated to the verdicts of virtue and honesty. Dade County and its citizens could safely live under those covers of courage and conviction all a vital part of your reserved and faithfully true character. Never a day goes by without the thought of you and how things would be like today. You brought a renewed sense of urgency, effort and dependability to a sacred position of professionalism and trustworthiness to be cherished and embellished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Terror and wickedness just simply rake the reputation of mankind over the coals. Hot and blazing. Those fires of furious violence have just shaken the roofs off of their structures, the ones you protected with virtue and valor, Officer Cook. Dade County will never let your charming and heroic actions be undone by such a breach of reprehensible misconduct. Your future was bright and for having the acumen of respect,character and dignity, may God reward your toil and tenacity as you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. A man with a wit, a soul of wisdom and maturity beyond the scope of your youthful years. It was sad to see your life ended by one man's lack of restraint.Always solemnly saluted and hailed as a note worthy gentleman of grit and boldness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Police and the public are embroiled in one of the biggest tussles to hit this country in a few years. One officer's tragic killing of a man by kneeling on his neck for almost ten minutes has sparked an outcry of racial unrest as humiliation furthers to destroy the common good of why we live by purpose, cause and plausible reasons for living our lives. Your causes and vision, Officer Cook, were right on target and delivered the sacred humility of honor,the brushes of your gentle dignity and the heart most filled with loyalty and integrity. Dade County and its people were vitally served by your instincts of intuition and ingenuity. Never a more trusted and truthful man of distinct heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

Birds of a feather flock together. All faithfulness, all ferocity and all high intensity honor directed at your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, hoping to dispel evil and the smouldering flames of violence. Your ethics and pride were all top flight and your heroism so enriching no one will ever forget your engaging personality nor big smile from ear to ear. Forty-years later humanity has taken a cue from your courageous humility and it is instilled in the hearts and souls of those who have succeeded you to proceed with caution and due diligence. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and your beloved family has forever treasured you as they remain affixed on maintaining the respect of your legacy. They are surely not be be shelved and overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2020

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