Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

While the cannons blaze, bravery invokes. Its signals are those of proper honesty, dignity and the integrity that peace and respect usher in together. Dade County was under your eyes and ears, Officer Cook and your solemn badge and crisply pressed uniform made that telling difference and now decades from when you paid the ultimate price you still continue receiving compliments and thoughtful reflections of your life of sanctity and grace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are etched in memorial walls for us to take special notice on your unselfish and unwavering dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2020

Vermin have no virtue. It's found in the decent hearts of honest women and men who fortify their passions with ingenuity and integrity. Your professional dignity, Officer Cook, was most heroic and humble and brought a kindred of faith, hope and resolve to the people of Dade County whom you relished serving. We pray for your soul to be wrapped around Our Creator's palms for eternal safekeeping as you kept us safe and secure. You endeavored to stop a high speed locomotive that day, a callous and evil man who took your life and stole respect and reverence from under your beloved family and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2020

Pardon is for the sincerest of repenters.Society has enough on its plates of honor and dignity that straying from integrity and character can make their crucialest of differences between peace and stability or violence and its chaos. You spread your goodwill and hope, Officer Cook, far and wide within the boundaries of Dade County and made a distinctly heroic impression never to be forgotten only championed by those who have succeeded you in bringing truth and trust back to its citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2020

To be endearing you must be an effective leader able to take instruction and criticism and give heart and hope to others. Listen before you speak. You were composed as you comforted many people during your life and career, Officer Cook. The high beams were always turned up when integrity and dignity followed the paths of perseverance and pride here in Dade County. By virtue of your versatility, Officer Cook, you have become a decorated hero forever to be saluted, etched in your family and peers' heart for sacred, solid and passionately humane service.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God needs character as it breeds bravery. Sincerity breeds resolve. It breeds solutions to issues at hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

You have to be a united nation to elicit change. Not a country tied together by tyranny and turmoil. First of all, Officer Cook ,you treated all people fairly,equally and gave no special favors to anyone. Faithful, yet firm, fair and trusted, truthful, yet honest. Dade County has honored your heroism that was born of passion, that was conceived in dignity, the integrity with consolidated cooperation that crusaded those boundaries with nothing but boldness and all heart. Your soul may freely fly in heaven's havens of eternal peace for all your unselfish wisdom,maturity and high beamed respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Silence maybe golden. If it cannot be heard over prejudice and racism it cords of hope and goodwill are pointless. The coming weeks and months will tell the story.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Earmarked for eternity are those angels whose esteem and honor rest in peace forever in honored soil. The soil where you toiled vigorously for Dade County to thrive, Officer Cook. The good measures of decency and peace patrolling our every venue, it's what makes a man's humble virtue stand tall and proud. With accentuated character, perpetual commitment, convictions so trustworthy and transparent it's what model individuals are created from. To protect and preserve, to prosper and to be persevering, patience is a loyal virtue rewarded for its acumen and accountable wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Honesty rests at night to reinvigorate dignity and integrity for the next day's trails of truth and trust. So totally fair and unbiased, that's what you were, Officer Cook and will continually be revered for. Not just rescuing, aiding and helping Dade County citizens over those bumps in the pavements where you too walked and crawled as a youngster along the way. Never forgotten and forever judged as a righteous soul whose distinct intuitions and ingenuity left those impressions to be respectfully for due diligence and virtue of desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Gruesome and ghastly, a most hideous act of evil that police seems to be employing these days which has lead to protests, some peaceful, some out of hand. Dade County knew and saw it all. The entire repertoire of your cunning and resolve, Officer Cook, demonstrating its prowess around the communities here in Dade County. Such an esteemed and a most humanely revered man of God, dignified and faithful in all your pursuits of integrity. You made everyone feel pride and proud of you. Your family most notably and your battling comrades of valor and vision. All class, all inspirations for a safer and more serener future. One that would have made you proud, Officer Cook, your soul is perched high atop looking down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Undying love for a job you were so committed to, Officer Cook. Unwavering devotion. Unending courage,honesty and sacrifice. Unrelenting integrity and character. The loss of a hopeful and gallant young man left your family and Dade County shaking and wondering what to make of it. So much left undone and I say that humbly yet so much validated and fruitfully fulfilled. Your life left questions the answers to your marvelous mettle and heroically are obvious. Just a cherished and well mannered gentleman of faith not fiction. Fallacy and fantasy trap us into believing in whatever.Just a brilliant career polished and professional, pristine and prudent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice was served to the heinous man who took you from your beloved and adored family and bravely esteemed colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Talent alone cannot sway that pendulum. The clock keeps ticking and somehow honest men and women must delve and dive right into the fracas and stop this mess we brand as violence. You tried very much, Officer Cook ,to stop this man employing whatever was ethical, legal and by the book. Dade County folks will always respect you those alive now who remembered your mortal soul digging and reaching for some balance of peace and unity for all. It's clear that your character, pride and commitments have been transferred back to heaven to serve a more humble cause. Walk along God's gates of perfect justice in gentleness as your soul passes each revered angel of heroic endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

A hearty smile, a laugh something to break up the sadness. No matter the grief and anger will remain. Just cannot get over why God took you, Officer Cook at such a tender young age with more to fulfill on the horizon. Accomplishment and morals, respect and politeness, common sense,courtesies all extended to mankind and to the residents of Dade County whom you loyally served and aided when they called. A man of honor whose wisdom and integrity are his valor and rewards from heaven. A sacrifice so ultimate,so humane and so morally purposeful. Deceit is worse than vain. Vigilance is conceived in those whose truth and trust upholds the law. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

A mechanic may strip a car down and put it back together. Not so when a human life is suddenly taken by vicious and serious evil. Your life, Officer Cook, was filled with so many wonderful times and now your career all taken by a coward and callous man at age twenty-five can never be brought back. Your duly honored soul comported with character, respect and dignity cannot ever be here to enjoy a peaceful and wonderful marriage to Karen and to see your healthy and happy family members prosper and succeed in their chosen ambitions. All halted by someone with no class, integrity and proper character. Your values have been praised and rewarded by Our Master who watches over His most cherished souls of heroism and sacred causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was where you were raised and taken to a higher eternal calling for crusaders of trust and justice, the truth sets all pious souls free while the wicked await their ultimate punishment by the heavenly tribunal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

You never sought the limelight, Officer Cook, because of your honest, humble and heroic virtue all serving Dade County and landing some stable of harmony at our doorsteps. The sanctity and seriousness of all matters and circumstances would dictate otherwise. You are solemnly remembered and cherished for being a loyal member of your family and department providing comfort and shelter as a blessing to all mankind. Truth and trust would run wild if most women and men sought the spotlight. The lights go on and flash when versatility and tenacity need to be amped up. The heavens above are filled with enhancement, enrichment and engagement the perfect balance among angels so treasured for their earthly missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your smile and demeanor, Officer Cook, were storied and valued to be shared for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

If confession is good for the soul, convicting the guilty should make our neighborhoods safer once again. Badge#1664 did just that and even way beyond your responsibilities, Officer Cook, always a superb man and a forever Dade County hero. Onus is placed upon the shoulders and hearts of the brave and honest, whose noble causes and purposes help see us through the toughest of times. Integrity and character are a part of having dignity and a plan of attacking this torment and turmoil that strike sat our very core. It constricts peace and security only making a public servant's jobs much tougher to be successful in completing. God saw a richness of devotion,dedication and fierce determination, Officer Cook and the tragedy is that He needed another angel to walk that proverbial beat. Everything you accomplished in your life and during a humble career of virtue,humility and sanctity was the basis of vision,clarity and acumen all from thoughtful scruples you and Nancy, your big sister were taught by your parents may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Racial and social injustice are a precursor to alienating society and from that there cannot be honor and humility among the morals of most who do good. In other words those inclined to commit mayhem and violence unless they are stopped may just keep on making a mockery of the dignity and integrity that are the very fabric of our land. Your humble and heroic journeys here in Dade County were founded upon certain character and principles ascribed in our very constitution. One that governs the entire universe. You'll forever be remembered and duly saluted, Officer Cook, for faithfulness, esteem and for having the heart and wisdom to serve and to protect lives with resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your end of the affirmation was upheld, Officer Cook, as you uplifted the spirits of humanity which very much misses you today and everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2020

Having a hearty smile and a deep sense of love and admiration, Officer Cook, you were the consummate representative of Dade County as its defender of dignity, desire and dedication. Pure determination led your life of values and profession of principles. The highest compliment paid to an honorable hero so full of ferocity and the right mixes of mettle and morals making your respected character so trustworthy and true. One welcome warrior whose virtue was validated by superb endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven welcomed your soul was sanctity and the nobility of all your actions. Forever etched and preserved within the walls of memory here and in Our Nation's Capitol. You will always be held in high regard by me and my loving family! You paid the dearest of prices to secure liberty and its balances of boldness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Police officers must be built from the highest of honor, boldness and the humanely humble heroism that accompanies them on their daily missions of peace, freedom and stability for one and all. Mankind, society and humanity demand and expect accountability, reliability,durability and the versatility that branches out from their reflectively professional character. The commitments to pride and excelling, Officer Cook, were all a product of your fond and solemn environment at your home here in Dade County, North Miami Beach, Fl where you grew up and were educated. A mature and capable gentleman so gifted, gallant and richly loyal to the challenges that lied ahead, violence from one man should not have ended your life and marriage to Karen, your dreams, goals and further aspirations. Yet you'll continue to inspire your loved ones, colleagues and many friends for have a warm and engaging personality capped by a wide smile on your handsome face. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

There is no patronizing in heaven God for Our Maker has seen all His heroes deeds, recorded them and has given them their due honors, angels all flying higher. Humility and honesty lift hearts up as does one's uplifting personality and yours, Officer Cook, was humble, heroic and surely wise beyond your youthful years of effort and experience. Dade County has seen it all and back in your day you were accountable to give sure relief against the eyes of evil. A day of sanctity and reverence was paid to your enriching soul of clarity and vision. All future men and women have a large task ahead, that is to police and kept wickedness from entrapping them, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, trust and truthful decisions. God saw your awesome completeness and needed in His highest of abodes to walk that perfect beat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Jewels and cars are materialistic things and cannot be taken to the afterlife world. But, honor, reverence, dignity and integrity the kind of humility you possessed, Officer Cook, can be heroically taken and after God saw your earthly missions serving Dade County as complete, destiny came calling for your special and virtual soul of charm and maturity. No tricks just truth and trust the honorable package wrapped tightly around Our Lord for Him to protect you. Your family has missed you as have your comrades of the past. Officer Piloto, Officer Jackson and Chief Jacobs. So many to name. But being as likeable as you were and determined to stop crime all who paid their respects said goodbye to an angel resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Esteemed character all the caring and concerned loyalty add up to one great life and career of satisfaction chopped down all too soon. But never forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Honor, integrity and dignity position their humble and heroic perseverance right where communities depend upon its resolve. Seeing that you maintained excellent character throughout your life and professionally chosen work, Officer Cook, may your heart, soul and spirit be humanely blessed as God provides you with eternal shelter forever. No more harm or hurt will ever cross paths with you again. Mr. Pearsall crossed his evil trails with you and your fellow officers and you saved them from death and the citizens of Dade County who too were wounded by his violent rage. Authority uses those tools of solemness to sway terror from our midst. Heroism to be loyally cherished and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Nihilism is when you don't ascribe to values and certain ethical behavior. Citizens and law enforcement share in this onus. Officer Cook, you were a very decent and worthy public servant whose eyes and ears worked relentlessly towards providing peace and a semblance of stability for Dade County. With earthly honor, cherished dignity and integrity of character never to be scorned at nor questioned, you made everything and all people feel more at ease. With a heart that captivated mankind, its loss of you left your family and peers asking those questions of why? Reckless abandonment parades down these streets and corners lately as though it's just another day at the grocery store. Terrible when a diligent gentleman of valor has his rights and life just ripped apart by this very wave of wickedness you just attempted to stop. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police just cannot go around callously gunning down people. And the citizens cannot go around taking innocent lives the victims of their massacres. They serve, protect and preserve the very domains through their humble channels of courtesy and courage. We must annihilate evil and terror forever!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Violence does not take vacations . Evil does not abandon itself when unleashing total wreck upon any venue. You abided by principles and morals, Officer Cook, to help see your missions as successful on behalf of loyalty and to Dade County. They all are treasured and remain a vital package of your dignified dossier. Integrity and honesty flow forth when that person engages in a trustworthy style of purpose keeping secure their heart's inner passions. Surely, respected and resolute. With bravery facing responsibility you solidly commanded other officers, Officer Cook, steering them to newer levels of motivation and the validity of virtues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Most individuals concur with excellent character, honorable efforts and dignified desire. No one agrees with disgraceful conduct unbecoming a police officer. No one should allow a virtueless man or woman to don a badge or yet wear a sacred uniform of trust and integrity. I believe the general public would be a bit sacred. What happened in Atlanta, Georgia last week sends another clear and very concise message to police and the public. You just followed your dignity, Officer Cook, where humility and heart conceived themselves as your best of friends. Dade County was watched and given an opportunity at tranquil times by your unwavering relevance and determined leadership not to be shelved and overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism is sacred. Life matters. And your missions were duly faithful and very meaningful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

For the duress, stress and liability to life and property all police must put everything on the streets leaving nothing to chance. You journeyed, Officer Cook, from one area to another making many stops and visits to locales checking on their safety. A man of justice, legitimate trust and honest truth and sincere dedication who has not been forgotten. Heroism,humility and vigilant virtue and durability never waned one second. You are always a part of vitality and a legacy warmly embraced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character crusades. Commitment is courage of your convictions both shall remain alive in your family as they carry on their lives and passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

Thought provoking, diligence with a dignified destiny behind your integrity as they travelled around the various corridors of Dade County, Officer Cook, to broaden and to shape the entire landscape of safe passageways and an openness to resolve any conflicts. You surely proved the versatility and truest of values in the word hero. Your years of service and life invigorated a new lease on hope, faith and goodwill that has built up many cornerstones and their fruitful foundations where you unselfish and undying character remains widely esteemed, cherished and most notably respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2020

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