Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Apathy is a word that shall not creep or seep into any public servant's badge and uniform of honor and integrity. It degrades dignity and character so much that all respect can be lost. That loss can challenge and cripple any community that looks up to its heroes and heroines of esteem. Dade County and its people looked up to you, Officer Cook, a man who genuinely cared about us and whose sanctity and civility was torn apart that day of May 16, 1979 by one angry and rotten human being. No character, no honesty and not one good thing though I believe he had a child. You'll be saluted and so duly honored for diligence and faith. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2020
Your benevolence, Officer Cook, made Dade County a humble and cherished part of your heroic legacy as benefactors of your honored and dignified hope and goodwill. Of course we are terribly sorry and overwhelmed by the anguish and grief your loving family has suffered and endured because of your absence, taken heinously by one cowardly evil man. Integrity and character were the notions of your sacred and purposeful routes of resourcefulness and total devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2020
Dade County was made safer and more peaceful by your loving exploits, Officer Cook,all sound and heroically honorable. Never more dignity and character, respect and integrity which lead your life and career too shortened by violence. Resolve and harmony all covered by your unwavering and unassuming sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2020
Praise and blessings of health, peace and prosperity to our crusaders who risk their lives for our safety and serene travels. Your outstanding career and accomplished life, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. For heroism and honor, dignity and integrity may Our Creator bless your heart and soul, the backbone of your character that brought pride and humility to your family and department to be treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2020
The culprits are out in force making a loud disruption to humanity. You delivered to Dade County, Officer Cook,a stellar character and sterling work ethics never to be more respected and held in high esteem.When a man does his job and has his dearly honorable soul and dignity taken then heaven help our very best servants patrolling those streets where anything dangerous may lie. Tranquility and unity are not easy to create when disturbances bust through the doors of quiet. You made every effort to calm and stop an evil man on May 16, 1979, my neighbor, friend and hero. God must have needed another special angel, wise and virtuous. Rest in peace. Character to be praised. Resolution to be humanely rewarded forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Commotion causes undue mayhem and it's chaos that jeopardizes the safe trails of all who desire to live peacefully. Your approaches, for the most part worked, Officer Cook,a man and a hero for the people of Dade County. You gave supremely high quality service and the excellence of your integrity and character made your dignity more humanely cherished than ever. Your legacy is forever moving forward by means of your family's virtues and those who serve valiantly while getting us around the mazes of evil these days. Dade County was more than adequately preserved by your unassuming and undying support and civility. Unselfish and tireless all given in the holy name of Our Lord. He watches over your soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman literally and a youthful yearning to be the very best public servant you became. Six years of thoughtful and faithful engagement.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
The fraternity of brothers and sisters all dedicated and honest who bravely risk their lives to service and protect communities shall never be overlooked nor of course forgotten. To blot out cowards and heinousness one must have both integrity and dignity, character without questions nor doubts. You, thank God, Officer Cook, had all three and heroism supporting your ingenuity and intuitive trustworthiness and total truth all spoken and measured in mostly calm and rationale tones. For the enhancement of Dade County is your soul one with virtue and scruples resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. And your uplifting character and resolving respect by etched within the hearts of your family and saluted humbly for positive accomplishment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Exceptional vision and a humble wisdom created a warm and honorable hero in yourself, Officer Cook,who made Dade County and its people a bit safer and more at peace. Unfortunately, since your death while performing your duties many things a have changed and much progress has been instituted because of your labors of passion, a sanctity so consistent and effort that God has both blessed and rewarded in heaven where eternity and His gates of perfection are under your watch with the Lord providing your soul safe shelter and comfort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Today is Father's day. I know for your dad, Charles, Officer Cook, may he and your mother, Julia rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. It was always a special day to share with your dad. I make it a habit to visit my parents may they rest in peace on both Mother and Father's days. I cry and get emotional, a sad day. My dad has been gone forty years and my mom sixteen and a half. Your solemn and loyal service sacred and principled lead Dade County through terror and evil but, with convincing character and honesty, integrity and dignity, all hope and goodwill that battled constantly the foul weathered flows of furious violence. It is sad that you cannot be here to share and see progress in a community you respected and where your heroism has been consistently saluted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
An honorable man, a humble hero, a wonderful son, brother and cherished husband to Karen. Everyone who knew you personally, Officer Cook, just keeps wondering why? Why at age twenty-five did God see your journeys as finished and took you and your reverent soul to heaven? Dade County was vitally served and with your virtues and background the skies above are replete with angels and wisdom to last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Uncle Bo will forever be in his family's hearts all your nephews, your niece and great-nieces and great-nephew all great kids. You watch over their trails and the joy your soul is doing uplifting mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Everyday you grinded through your daily tasks, Officer Cook, pounding those pavements to provide a stable division within mankind. Dade County very much appreciated your best of endeavors and your constant supervision and outstanding leadership all because of your keeping calm,dignified and honorable. Integrity and genuine respect as was your consummate character never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
The wheels of honor and humility spin gracefully throughout humanity bringing relief and safety to all citizens. Dade County was your responsibility, Officer Cook, a hero whose steadiness allowed you the chance to save lives while building foundations of character for a sounder future. Dignity and integrity from a man's humble maturity. It will always your love and admiration for your family in and around work, Officer Cook. You were complete with courage and sacred purposes. They were your missions of faith and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Respect gains its vision for honor's wisdom. Your purposes in life, Officer Cook and during your proven career was to serve with a heart of compassion while providing a sane balance of bravery and boldness. There was no mistaking your sincerest of efforts to calm a violent man who took your life of character away from you and your family to enjoy. The heaven reign supreme with many heroes and heroines who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep Dade County more secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
We cannot always portend what is going to transpire in our world. It's a society at times filled with doubt, violence and disrespect. No matter your heart and very heroic soul, Officer Cook, protected and served the people of Dade County quite nobly. Quite passionately. Very wisely and with great vision and a keen sense of acumen. Your character and faithfulness was all trustworthy and always truthful. You'll be solemnly honored for integrity,honesty and the trains of dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2020
Honesty, dignity and integrity are certainly not contingencies as during those heated and most brutal fights over violence must be utilized to the zenith to create a plan for peace and safety in a community. You fought your utmost, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County with humble, humane and heroic stability, character and a genuine love and admiration for mankind. Today because of your unselfish, unwavering and relentless sacrifice can the citizens of your community that continues honoring your memory and legacy live in freedom a little less since you left this world forty-one years ago. Heaven is humanely enriched by valiant angels whose mortal souls elevate their family's existences as they carry on the values you, Officer Cook, laid down your heart, soul and maturity for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your respect and resolve has been passed down to other fine menand women for which they honor your uniform of courage and badge of esteemed goodwill.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Tenacity lies in those trenches where courage looks to corner callousness. Mr. Pearsall the evil man who took you from your family and department was a very abrasive fellow, Officer Cook, showing no remorse and obviously no honorable respect towards authority. His actions nearly took other officers, your friends, colleagues and the civilians embroiled in his domestic issues. It took your good natured will so ironclad to attempt to stop him and yet the hero in your heart and soul steered some tranquility into Dade County's various neighborhoods. We keep thinking and dreaming for a light to go on at the end of the tunnel signalling hope. Your special soul of virtue and vision can watch over us as we pray for sanity and civility, the calming affect that carries us forward in our earthly pursuits of happiness and joy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Humanity is steeped in humility so long as the sanctity and integrity of our esteemed public servants is enriched in honesty and in dignity. If you were allowed to have finished your career, Officer Cook, no telling how much better Dade County and its residents would have fared. God only knows. And His compassion has your unselfishly heroic character watching over your family and all of us. This as you walk your proverbially perfect beat without any harm coming your way. Of course we are all so sorry your fate was utterly robbed by violence that you protected us from in a skillful and serene manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Violence continues to unnerve, disturb and perturb society and its goals, dreams and aspirations of freedom,unity and stability. The peaceful forces of mother nature spreading her gentle wings against our very hearts and souls. Our doors and windows open to take in the fresh air because of you, Officer Cook, a model officer, honored hero and dedicated crimefighter of the highest degree of scruples, integrity and dignity defending us. We salute your humility and tireless efforts to wrest wickedness away from our land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
I think I meant to say, Officer Cook, that it must be placed with due respect and diligence which is exactly what Dade County received from a most honorable and heroic gentleman. Cloaks and daggers alone won't get the job done fighting injustice and adversity because honesty and humility will travel further down those trails of character better than anything. Your comrades and family continue your legacy precisely through their sacred and serene nobilites. All your inspirations for us to have peaceful healthy and most blessed paths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
The other day while waiting on my car to be serviced I took a walk past Fulford Elementary School here in North Miami Beach, FL in Dade County. I believe it was the first school you attended, Officer Cook and I could not help but remembering you and how proud your parents must have been of you their beloved son, "Billy." Somewhere this moment your esteemed soul is patrolling those peaceful gates where gallantry and respect have climbed as high as humility and sacred honor. Their passions and purposes launched your career and furthered your life of dignity and integrity where destiny took your heroi character around those sometimes perilously awful corridors. But, never forgotten. One day when things calm down from this pandemic I've got to place down Lord willing some humble plaque commemorating your heroism. It cannot go with due notice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Fear unleashes all sorts of chaos in a community. Yet, your heroically honorable actions everyday and that fateful day, Officer Cook, will forever be remembered, embraced and saluted for wonderful service,proud protection and a pride as humble as your big smile. A terrific young man gone too soon way before you could finish your unassuming journeys of justice, truth and peace here in Dade County. Character, desire and determination remain a vital part of your legacy to be solemnly carrie don by colleagues and your family members. Your excellence is their excellence,the hope and prayers of a grateful venue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Engaging, endearing and humbly enhancing, but most of all honesty and effort carried your patrols of peace over Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose legendary heroism shall be noted and never overlooked. Such fortitude and ferocity all sacrificed for the ultimate goodwill of society. It's heaven where your gentle wings and soul rests forever in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and bravery that was responsible, practical and morally outstanding. Truth and trust can be hailed in their connections to your battles over evil. Those wars remain and those carrying your mantel must never give up hope nor give in.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Perseverance must not plunge nor truth and trust nosedive into the ground. All noble intentions of humility, sanctity and civility must be allowed to channel their earthly resources into the making of harmony and goodwill in society. Humanity and Dade County all thank you and salute your intuitions, Officer Cook, fabulous and heroic. All tenacity and ferocity trying their utmost to eliminate terror and torment from our midst. Karen knows where your very special soul is right now and forever. She remarried, the folded flag from your casket remains hers to adore and respect. Humbleness is resting in place. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, commitment to excellence and convictions to everything transparent that stability and tranquility require.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
Each day is a new day and affinity to be demonstrated to all who risk their lives in service to their communities. Boldness,honor and trust are put in danger to faithfully preserve the integrity of life and property. Your humble and heroic badge, Officer Cook, were your bodyguards of strength and courage from your heart in which all Dade County relied upon your virtue and professional prowess. You are certain to be so duly and solemnly honored by all your sisters and brothers of law enforcement who too risk their souls to place peril and wickedness where they rightfully belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
While the cannons blaze, bravery invokes. Its signals are those of proper honesty, dignity and the integrity that peace and respect usher in together. Dade County was under your eyes and ears, Officer Cook and your solemn badge and crisply pressed uniform made that telling difference and now decades from when you paid the ultimate price you still continue receiving compliments and thoughtful reflections of your life of sanctity and grace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are etched in memorial walls for us to take special notice on your unselfish and unwavering dedication.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2020
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