Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police are not impervious to getting hurt no one wants them hurt or worse the loss of a life. Yet, they risk their lives everyday to shield and to guard a community from the insane actions of a few loose cannons, the callous and those who commit and support wanton violence that disrupts the flow of progress and peace within a venue. Your tasks and roles, Officer Cook, were to witness and steer Dade County as clear and free of perilous impediments. Your life and career so graceful humble and honorably heroic. Never more integrity and dignity concentrated in all your thoughtful endeavors of truth, trust and tenacity. When the heat gets turned up a notch it's time for all dedicated servants to ramp up their resolve, responsibility and resourcefulness all of yours has been cherished and treasured and remain a part of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

No matter where one hails from proper grammar is most essential. Some people still interject slang within the structure of their sentences. Lexicon and jargon between them proper speech should be extolled. Well, your virtue and visionary life and career, Officer Cook, spearheaded goodwill amongst the serenity and liberty you attempted to formulate daily in Dade County. The never ending battles all relentless and fought with feverish ferocity one surefire method to overcome adversarial evil. Today though many decades after your sacrifice, your wisdom, maturity and respectful character and amazing commitments are shared and heroically remembered now that badge#1664 is part of a long bond of bravery and trusted boldness in serving and in preserving the capacity of life so sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sentences must coordinate and the proper contractual verbs must be exercised when writing up reports. God can certainly steer a piece of paper with a report of many pages and a pen to do the same filling in of a report of any incident. Take care Officer Cook and keep looking down over your family and their earthly journeys of tranquility and enjoyment of which you were deprived of both by one sinister man. A gutless and heartless coward who produced just God awful trouble with you and your comrades of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Visability is the ability to see clearly down the road. When calls and dispatches are given officers respond to locations where decency and determination connect up to integrity, dignity and honesty. The linkages are many and with your resources, Officer Cook,valued and heroic, tranquility and unity was seen as on the horizon. You'll not be forgotten, the perseverance, the missions and their fruitful cornerstones are all today a very integral part of Dade County's landscape and your deserved legacy of ingenuity and maturity. To complete the cycle God when He deems one's successes as finished takes their lofty souls to a higher place where nothing by love,enrichment and sunlight warms them forevermore with no harmor fuss.Badge#1664 served with assurance and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

When get dispatches regarding problems,issues, dilemmas and serious conflicts they are all imminent. And where trouble lies, danger as well. You worked hard, trained hard and dedicated your life and soul, to conquer life's problems with your good natured heart and respect. A willful man unleashed his anger and truculence against you and your fellow officers that day. Honesty, integrity and dignity sprung forth among character, commitment and total convictions to make Dade County securer once more. The principles, the passion with which you addressed your life and career of heroic values can be summed up this way: if you dream and will it to be then Our Maker has in His power to bestow humility upon your heart. Your parents and sister loved you, Officer Cook, the letter you mother wrote me may she rest in peace along with your dad and you my neighbor,friend and hero, said you were her darling son. So sincere and true to her. After your father passed you always made a point to stop and check upon her welfare and whatever she required for peace of mind, stability and comfort. You honored and respected your faithful and revered parents. Woe to us for now we look to heaven where your virtual soul of intelligence lies forever crowned and praised for its distinct service to mankind and humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Now with what is transpiring with this novel Covid19 virus and people being asked to practice social distancing you still cannot believe the closeness of those partygoers at pools or bars. I guess they want their fun at the risk of others contracting this virus. Police have died from this and yet our nation does not seem to have found a way to handle this pandemic. Domestic calls are still challenging I guess certain officers like yourself, Officer Cook , had a way of calming down people who were aggressive or who became agitated. Officer DiGenova who worked with you and was nearly shot and killed the day you died said you were good at domestics. You were a righteous individual. A consummate professional, loyal and faithful to your sisters and brothers. A man solid in foundations of honor,integrity and dignity. Wickedness, terror had a serious man dealing with them and trying to make harmony a living and breathing staple of life for Dade County. Our Master has your character and cherished respect at His podium day and night for your soul and its wings to patrol His sacred gates where angels flock. Valor gathers. Virtue is vigilant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Every single public servant in our land I'm sure feels a pressure to produce peace, happiness and safety for all concerned citizens. Dade County is and was no different. The law is the law and is expected to be enforced by every sworn personnel and the people are obliged to listen and pay careful attention to any directives given to them. Your voice, Officer Cook , had that capacity to validate your chosen causes in life.To search for violence and to serve the goodwill of those indeed humbled by you. Dignity and integrity all maintain their bridges and foundations that you set down for others to follow in. If they are able to take that baton of valor it will be with your undivided blessings. Your soul may safely observe them carrying out your legacy just as your beloved family members humanely do each day. Always highly regarded and saluted for ideals and scruples so essential to society caring and functioning. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

We live by certain values, precepts, sort of an honor system. No one had a portent of anything bad happening to you, Officer Cook. You were a consummate and steady officer who performed your normal roles on behalf of Dade County's faithful everyday. Truth. Trust. Respect and loyalty. It was your purpose in life to serve, protect and to lead other brave colleagues through the darkest of peril and danger. Because of your devoutness and humility from your considerate and caring heart, you were able to cope and more than give goodwill the chance to excel throughout humanity. Everyone from your family, professional peers and friends all miss your wonderful smile and endearing personality. All of which has made you one of Our Lord's many heroic angels. Your service now is eternal and so perfect, harm can never cross your trails again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

The validity of virtue stands to reason why you lived and functioned the way all public servants must, Officer Cook. Always a heroic Dade County legend imbued with wisdom, vision and so much promising capability. The intensity of your honesty, downright dignity and unselfish integrity kept people safe. Always excellent to stay on your toes for when decency and good character are trusted and truthful they can stay the paths fighting evil and whatever spawns from it.Everything you laid your life down for is exhibited in the changes that have taken place long after you went to heaven prematurely. So very sad, Officer Cook, you had more to offer, God designed your destinies in life and during you most memorable career of choice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Most normal human beings crave for affection. It's our happiness and peaceful adventures that drive us. Your courage and humble heroism, Officer Cook, steered night and day around Dade County providing the basis for freedom and liberty. The hero in your heart and soul,blessed with intuition and intelligence always looking out for the other person shall be honored and paid homage to for possessing humility, charm and wit. Dignity,character and integrity acting sacredly as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

Those heroic and honored servants dispense advice and then it becomes up to the public to heed their gentle messages since security and harmony rode on your every onus at hand. Dade County was beloved by you, Officer Cook, a dignified and humanely intelligent officer. Our peace and virtues were delivered by your unwavering and unselfish responsibilities of truth and trust as they all contributed to violence being abated. Your actions on May 16, 1979, saved the civilians and your comrades being under fire by a cowardly and heinous man. Always remembered and saluted for renewed bravery and morally righteous resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You lived here, were educated here and finally you protected the public making the ultimate sacrifice and now soar higher as an angel every second.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2020

One never forsakes their oaths, nor runs where violence needs to be essentially put out to pasture. Dade County was your venue of wisdom and hope, Officer Cook, where heroism and honor never clashed. They only worked and toiled more soundly to enrich the edicts of effort and energy through integrity, character and dignity. Respect for mankind, reverence for nature. Humanity misses this everyday where a kind and noble young man fought on our behalf. Now to bestow blessing and endearment upon your worthy name, heroic and resolute, the brilliance of your smile and the embodiment of values never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

The humane paradigm of virtue and vision, the unrelenting public servant, so gifted and talented. All heart, total tenacity touching the doorsteps of all Dade County. Badge#1664 was proof of a good life life, a solid career on the upswing, more left to accomplish if not for one entirely rotten apple who stole you away from this world. Your family, Officer Cook, their darling and most precious hero of resolve, respect and all ingenuity, your department's go to guy of gladness and pleasure, a community gem of a smile to at least take your worries off of tension and wickedness. Whenever an angel is victimized, away goes their integrity, honor and dignity, but it is called by God not God forbid in vain but, to serve a more eternally humble role that humility insists upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day all smiles and not evil will walk our paths of peace and in our shelters of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

To engender goodwill, hope and faithful days ahead they are were a significant part of your life and nobly chosen career, Officer Cook. A most humble and blessed man of wisdom, keen vision and undying acumen, your versatile vigilance promised Dade County's folks days of tranquility and togetherness. Truthful character, unwavering trustworthiness, seeing the big picture and understanding how to react accordingly within the confines of the law. Such respected and unassuming courage from deep within your compassionate heart, it speaks volumes on your degrees of sanctity, civility and durability. Never forgotten and etched within your family's hearts and their pursuits of health and happiness, the ones that were violated when Mr. Pearsall took your life and robbed your family of "Uncle Bo." A most heroic and resourceful angel now serving the goodwill of Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

An increment of ingenuity here and some integrity there all adds up in this seemingly never ending war over an arch foe such as terror. Such disgusting violence perpetrated by low lifes who seem to relish in making society worse rather then better. Dade County prospered under your prudent and proficient watches over them, Officer Cook. A sacred man of passion whose life of humbleness will be saluted and cherished forever. The commitments, the transparency the trust have all been taken to heaven to see a mission eternally serene where no hurt will pass your direction ever again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

The inception of your police career, Officer Cook, was filled with hopeful anticipation and was very noteworthy. Never bypass a man of honesty, integrity and dignity who captivated the hearts of all people here in Dade County. Your roles served to reinforce faith, hope and forevermore goodwill among humanity. Every chore, task and onus was handled with the most gentlest of blessings from heaven. While living in your community where served and promised protection, your sheer energy and battling resolve left no doubt as to how secure we would become. Now as one of God's many angels of valor your eternal tasks will be to focus your unselfish character upon those sacred gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

An incisive man with great intuition and humbly heroic integrity. That was why you were able to lead others, Officer Cook, through the chaos and mayhem occurring in Dade County during your time. But, you'll never be more respected and revered for having all the righteous morals, principles and the honesty that makes dignity stoically remembered forever. Peace,security and safe havens for one and one brokered by your trusted esteem and truthful loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was too important and humility from a caring heart to long for just wantonly taken by an evil man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2020

Hype should be halted and honor and humility raised up those flag poles of dignity and integrity. You only knew one speed to serve Dade County full throttle. Never backing up or dodging violence your sincere dedication to duty, Officer Cook, will be remembered solemnly for resolve, distinct sanctity and the way you went about the details of your assigned tasks. Your family, your parents all were proud of your heroic actions and the life you led though shortened by wanton evil from a most troubled man. The skies delight when our heroes risk all to protect and enhance serenity and above all the welfare of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

Policies are implemented and now it's the hour when all proven and dedicated men and women go out and provide the integrity and knowledge of honesty, dignity and acumen to see these directives carried out. Dade County had your heart and soul, Officer Cook,instrumentally heroic and deserving of earning its sacred trust. Evil and wickedness sadly ended those chapters of courage and character,but always to be revered and certainly never tarnished. Tenacity put up a good battle as ferocity waged a grand accounting. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God keeps His accounts securely squared never anything off by even a tad!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

To some crying helps ease the grief. Some don't cry. Others think worry is a useless emotion. I'm sorry if I cry at your grave, Officer Cook, though I didn't know you personally. To me when someone dies young especially sacrificing their life of honesty,humility and heroism to corral evil it bothers me greatly. My dad served as a policeman in New York City and whenever I see a fallen colleague of his I'll cry. It's just my nature and as I grow older my emotions become more pronounced. I'm not as stoic and whenever I perform a funeral for someone or a family member I try as hard not to let my emotions show. Pain,anguish and grief even for a Rabbi just show. Your years spent serving Dade County, Officer Cook, were surely characteristic of a man of dignity,integrity and virtue all in heaven today patrolling God's gates of mercy and compassion, perfect and with angels all heroic and humane flocking as one unit to keep things in balance here. Pictures of my loved ones who have passed make me cry. I cried in your home when I showed your niece, Gina Wilkerson your picture and she patted me on the shoulder. A woman young with her family comforting a stranger like me. That says a lot about you my neighbor,friend and hero. Rest in peace. I bought Krispy Creme doughnuts for her, her husband and children. Then I kicked a soccer ball in your parents's backyard with your great-nephew Legend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

Devout, faithful and very fair beyond any shadow of doubt, your goodwill and gallantry, Officer Cook, speak very highly of yourself. Unselfish, undying, unwavering and relentless in all your tireless pursuits of Dade County's peace and well being. Our welfare was placed in your honest and dignified hands and feet all of integrity and respect, character's cornerstones all built with love, honor and humble esteem by a man whose vision, wisdom and maturity were way beyond the crowd. With courage channeled in were you able to resolve and solve dilemmas and situations that most would not want to delve in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

Fortitude, attitude and esteem carry one' sole purposes down those lines of honor and valor so long as character, integrity and heroism are in tune with one another. Every step, every beat of your solemn life and duly noted and solemnly sacred career, Officer Cook, was service first and foremost. Priorities are just that not to be relegated into someone else's lap. Responsibility was your foundation of communication and shared information with the residents of Dade County where your oath and affirmation meant boldness and believable truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just really sad your life of fruition , hope and goodwill was sabotaged by a purely evil man. A life of devoutness nonetheless to be celebrated, remembered and stoically etched upon your family's hearts, walls and pictures of their humble hero!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

Every servant must go about their business of protecting and serving the public as they see fit. Nothing but,honesty, integrity, dignity and character can be shared by everyone. And though no two people are alike certain factors must fit a certain pattern of respect and humane perseverance. Your energy, Officer Cook, strong and heroic provided the uptake to uplift the safety of Dade County. Never letting go you delivered life and substance t oan area suffering the afflictions of unrest and tension while doing your job most assuredly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

The light of our civilization and your family, Dade County and your colleagues' knight in shining armor, you were the complete servant, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 represented ideals, ideas, integrity and the independence of total dignity and honor afforded all souls who came to know and admire you greatly. Forever does Our Lord have and hold a treasured crusader of character, convictions, but most of all humility so loyal and sacred for each to remember fondly. Never forgotten and always well liked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

Blatant violence perpetrated removes the sunniness of the vision and wisdom of a community. Since you were a consummate public servant, Officer Cook, it goes to reason that a man of integrity, honor and dignity shall never be forgotten. Dade County had its safety and security implanted at your hands and feet and for all your character, charm and charisma may God bless your mortal soul and heart of resilience and everlasting resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility that gets chipped away by heinous actions of a human being if we can label this man that shall never tarnish the respect and reverence of the badge and uniform you solemnly donned, Officer Cook. Heaven has a gentleman with a soft and endearing spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

When the oceans are calmer then sailing on them is more enjoyable. No one sails through life without so much as a peep. You lived each of your twenty-five years, Officer Cook, humbly, honorably and beyond heroically. Restoring peace and liberty into the veins of Dade County so serenity and gratefulness would flow was your top task and never any easy one to achieve. A host of dignity and integrity was incorporated into real life character and the stellar commitments to excellence for which you remain cherished and worthy of trusted salutes for bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2020

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