Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The balance of power between violence and goodwill at some point in time must change for the better. No one can argue that you were the consummate friend and public servant, Officer Cook, that forever changed the landscape of all Dade County and humaity. Honesty, reverence, integrity and dignity shall battle and fight off evil until one day resolve and enhancement shall take its truthful andmost loyally trusted place in society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 1, 2020
Never falcify ferocity you'll never know when tenacity will come calling. Your tireless efforts to assist Dade County, Officer Cook, surely will be solemnly remembered. A man on a mission to restore and to pacify its residents with some semblance of serenity and peace should be worthy of honor. Your dignity, integrity and heroic actions that day and everyday stood for respourceful character, proud commitment and wisdom for all your worthy convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 1, 2020
Callousness should br crucified. Courage shall be commended. You lived a noble and a most honored life, Officer Cook, cherished by heroism and excellence in character, dignity and integrity which fortified Dade County in all your missions and journeys on behalf of unselfishness and the freedom the citizens expect to complete their sacred purposes for which this world stands. Never forgotten and saluted for respect and bravery above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 1, 2020
You try and intercept evil before its violence becomes more free to unleash more undue harm to society. Dade County and its folks were given the very finest service, advice and acumen from your most humbly unwavering heroic heart, Officer Cook. Deep down dignity, top notch integrity and above humility in honesty. The character, commitments and convictions were genuine andmost sincere. A bright soul continuing to light up our darkest of skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Holidays at the Cook Family home were joyous occasions. Hospitality, hope and good cheer were revered and positively very much appreciated. Your humility, heroism and honorable life and public service given Dade County, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. I know your family, comrades and friends all miss their compadre who delivered valor and gusto to the canvas of serenity and security. God is sure and so are we that your spirit is pure and safe in heaven. Eternity holds the special hearts andsouls of virtue and character who brought only pride and genuine loyalty to their sacred positions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The celebrations go on just with a little less happiness while remembering your smile and sincerest of hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Longevity is God's way of purpose, the years of life so essential that we are offered to live and to thrive. Police officers I'm sure all want to make it home safely after their shifts and to one day greet retirement with a smile and cheerful disposition. Yes, Officer Cook, you are forever a hero of Dade County whowas blessed to become a very uniquely special servant on behalf of your community. Whatever signs and inscriptions are on walls are there to humbly point out your character, valiant commitments to dignity, morals and unending integrity. May 16,1979 should not have ended the way it did for you, your adoring family and esteemed and loyalest of comrades who fought evil with you that day. I do hope their lives are fulfilling because as survivor heroes they too had a working mentality and honor as you as you soar like an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Karen, your beloved wife who lived for thirty years as your widow has been remarried for at least eleven years hopefully healthy and prosperous times. Time still cannot ever erase those deep wounds caused by your untimely loss to humanity. It's vey clear that vision, wisdom and a maturity supported and accentuated your paths and trails in life and as a vigilant peacemaker. The citizens won't forget you ever!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Nefarious can be unnerving to society. Yet, unrelenting, unwavering, undying and unselfish can be regimented if placed wisely between those who commit evil and those pure souls, honest, talented and tenacious who patrol and go after these persons of disrespect and lack of intuition and integrity. You were a purposeful young man, Officer Cook, most humble, humane and heroic who spearheaded hope, trust and the inspirations of goodwill going forward here in Dade County where you bravely and loyally protected life and property. You are an angel so virtuous and vital to know patrol heaven as an angel watching over those sacred and pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character constituted the faith, diligence and devotion to all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
The scent of talent and its noble protectors lives on forever. Your sanctity, nobility and civility, Officer Cook, live on in the books of boldness and bravery on behalf of all Dade County. You were and will always be an inspiration to your family and colleagues all by unselfish and tireless vigilance and virtue bounded validly by ferocity and fierce tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Death leaves tragedy fighting for breath. So much sorrow and grief nestled in a web of wickedness that snairs our beloved family members. So much grace and love, admiration and the sincerity ofyour heroic deeds of dignity and virtue, Officer Cook, the inspirations of hope, goodwill and the humility of morals permeating in and around Dade County delivering much needed safety and harmony. The doors stay open tos welcome those who made that ultimate sacrifice to be treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
A truthful and purposeful smile certaianly and surely missed by your treasured loved ones all these decades later,Officer Cook and always a happy young man who never ever let accomplishment infiltrate his brain. Dade County and your service sacred and pristine were always priority number one. You led others by virtue of your commendable work ethics and reliability to dedicate yourself to civil and noble standards. The skies are replete with the sparkling souls of valiant angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
One great moment does not make a career. It's only a blip on the radar screen. You must be humble, honest and resolute day in and day out as you were, Officer Cook, all twenty-five years God gave your humane and honorable talents. You impressed Dade County leaving behind that distinct legacy of heroic actions so well mannered and so well admired for integrity and dignity that orchestrated outstanding efficiency to be solemnly revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
No police officer does not carry worry into their shift. Danger, peril and what not lurks out on the streets and sometimes is serious. Consternation steers their rudders rudely into the fracas. Dade County was where you placed the lives of all unto your humble shoulders of bravery and integrity, Officer Cook. Gone now for over forty-one years but never forgotten,overlooked nor out of heart,sight or our thoughts. Evil undid a life of pious devotion, a man devoted to family and faith who forever soars higher every minute as an angel so full of enrichment and enhancement. Society, mankind and humanity all miss you, Officer Cook, our friend and hero. Your family attempts to diligently carry your heroic legend incorporating its intrinsic truth and trust within their sacred ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Values and virtue steer our heavenly purposes while we live and exist. If somewhere along the line the pipes of perseverance and professionalism become clogged or broken, a fixture might be in order if honesty, dignity and integrity may flow freely throughout a neighborhood. You watched over Dade County night and day, Officer Cook. You were humnble, yet, you were a proud man who appreciated his opportunities to provide able bodied assistence where the folks needed some semblance of peace and liberty. A hero who was dedicated to the cornerstones of heroism and resolution, all wisdom and all visionary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Departments have traditions. Trust and truth are among their themes with dealing with the public. The respect, honor and integrity thankfully were never absent from your life and career, Officer Cook. Dade County and its citizens received a lion's share amicable protection, the sincerest ofmindful character and convictions humble and fair. A man young as you were, Officer Cook, went on an unfortunate rampage that awfully tragic day when God took your treasured heart and soul back to heaven to perform its eternal deeds of nobility. Always respected and beloved by your family and peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Some get loads of time while others don't for whatever reason. God gave your parents a humble and heroic gift for twenty-five all too short years of life and public service fixing and restoring law and order within the confines of Dade County. For a gentleman of humility and intellect, Officer Cook, badge#1664 made things happen. Constructing the very foundations of wisdom and trust wonderfully mastermining truth and resolve in accomplishing all your difficult and sometimes perilous responsibilities. We salute your maturity, virtues and bravery. All loyal and humanely angelic! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Thankfulness, thoughtfulness and faithfulness never get mixed up. Their resilience and efficiency stay locked on their targets where humble and dignified tenacity is called upon to be most useful, trusted and truthful. Your passions, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse into your life and career of success while bringing in some hope and tranquility to Dade County folks. You are to be revered and offerd poignant homage for the sincerest of service to the public and community where you grew up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Temptation can lead to a much severe fate. God Himself drives our journeys and their destinies to sancity, humility and honest heroism Yours, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County's residents were all undertaken with a certain framework of ferocity and respectful commitment in mind. It's found in a man's integrity and dignity his valiant virtues. Always loyal, esteemed and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Rewards and blessings are an angel's best partner.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Always so mindful and kind, you life and career, Officer Cook, were driven by principles of honesty, integrity and the dignity to fight through those dangerous moments. Dade County was protected and served by amost scrupulous and heroic young man full of virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and sincerity are forever watched over by Our Master of compassion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2020
Popping off won't calm an area. Acting disrespectful and disloyal won't cut the mustard either. You respected authority, Officer Cook and were a greatly admired comrade so adored by his family and genuinely trusted to handle the rigors of working in and around the venues of Dade County. Honest, sincere and very humble, your decent dignity and inspiring integrity will always be so honored. Sanctity and fortitude only from your heart and concerned soul of mettle and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
So respected and revered among mankind, your gratitude and humble life will never be out of mind or sight. You were a conforting influence for all of your colleagues who never doubted your capabilities, abilities and reliability, Officer Cook. A humble and heroic legend in Dade County for the people who embellished civility, honesty and shining dignity and intense integrity. The wars and their fights roar on my neighbor, friend andhero. Rest in peace and continue watching over your family and society in general.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
The wings of wickedness must be clipped and cast into the largest of bodies of water to disappear forevermore. A gentleman so gallant and so rvered among his comrades and those who served along side of you, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of action and sacred purpose, trust and truth. God surely implanted and instilled humane wisdom, honor and integrity into your veins of dignity. To fight with courage not showing fear and for displaying loyalty always so solemn. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
One's environment can go a long way toward determining how honesty, dignity and integrity can affect your professional performance. Yours, Officer Cook, were all heroic, all truthful, faithfully trustworthy as you defended Dade County's prosperity and security. A man on a journey never forgotten for humility sprinkled throughout humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Conviction, character and commitment can turn the tides of terror and tyranny.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
Never relax nor take for granted what the good Lord has bestowed upon you. Have faith and devotion in all your efforts. Be sincere and consideration will allow you the peace of mind to provide the necessary safety, security and basic freedom of movement. You did a superb job bringing calmness to all Dade County and to mankind in general, Officer Cook. A man who was born of good ethics and came from a peaceful home of love and yearning. All of that is certainly missed today as you continue being missed by all. The heavens above hold the heart and soul of an esteemed and a most treasured angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
Pressure builds and all seems insurmountable. Never giving up nor conceding to evil, you kept your wits and cool about you, Officer Cook, everyday during a storied life and solid career built with honor, truth and trust. The people of Dade County were vitally important and for having the essential integrity and dignity may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020
You steer a wheel hoping your vehicle will keep its proper course. You navigate dignity, honesty and integrity praying that your sense of purpose will never deviate. Your values, ideals and principles, Officer Cook, were all heroically geared toward avoiding mayhem, bedlam and confusion that violence builds. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for efficient endeavor and for having an energetic heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2020