Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A by-product of honesty, integrity and dignity, your whole life and career of loyalty and esteem, Officer Cook, was so planned. Dade County was the area where mettle, morals and humility from your heroic heart was accentuated daily and not to be forgotten. A man paid tributes for his tenacity, unrelenting defense and tireless endeavor punctuated by unselfish perseverance and proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2020
The golden days were here to stay. Too sad, Officer Cook, just tragic that a young life and career of nobility, sanctity and civility concluded all too soon. Your protection of Dade County spotlighted superb honor and reverence, character and the dignity that made your impressive integrity more refreshing. Never again, never again. Your family was deprived of seeing you anymore and a humanely humble marriage to your very beloved wife, Karen, ended seemingly as though it just began. Four years of a faithful relationship, six years of bravery and admiration for your unwavering heroism. The paths have been paved. The torch continues to burn. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Karen and your loved onbes won't forget humility in your fond heart of everything trustworthy and truthful that humanity has to offer mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
Whenever a curveball of callousness comes a public servant's way they must be ready not to shirk their sacred yokes of humanity. Always sanctity and civility, Officer Cook, assembled into your daily patrols over Dade County. Steady and sturdy with a humble smile and some semblance of sanity amid this mayhem that has stripped society of some respect and relevance. Hopefully those who continue your fine efforts won't cease in their earthly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
Craziness can certainly end the hopes of humble and honored people. A life of piety and precision all preparing Dade County for whatever came its direction. That was the sincerity and charming young man in yourself, Officer Cook. Dedicated to service and always loyal to his fellow colleagues, our tranquility was tied to your paths of ferocity and a certain fire burning in your heart and stomach. Your passions were clearcut and never deviated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
Great white sharks prey on everything within the seas. Evil preys on those who are less fortunate. Your devoutness, faithand tenacity, Officer Cook, helped to tame adversity. The folks in Dade County will never overlooke your esteemed participation in this never ending process. Conviction and sincere resolution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The forests are green and filled with trees. Community surely would always want quiet and unity. So you brought honored and heroic courage to Dade County, Officer Cook. Never more integrity and dignified character that supported your commitments to wisdom, vision and their assurances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The skies are blue and the heavens are abuzz with solemnly humble angels all brave souls of honesty, integrity and the intelligence of dignity. They all were a vital part of your unselfish and greatly devoted service to Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. So humane and heroic never can we forget you and your badge, uniform and resilience. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
Your horizons broadend our hopes, Officer Cook, alleviating our greatest fears. Society is already under enough fire and mayhem, it surely needs no more dishonor, disrespect and lack of morals. God has certainly blessed your acumen, virtue and truthful journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
A challenge is said to make you better suited for this world. Tests distinguish the able bodied and the ones whose compass heads in the dirdctions of dignity and integrity. heroism and loyalty all from your wonderful heart, Officer Cook, to be fondly cherished and deeply inspirational. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The suspects will be caught. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, was heroic and valiant. Dade County had honor and humane respect from a very dedicated young man. Just sad that violence ended a promising career and a most beloved life with Karen. Conceived in liberty and navigated by faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The oven is lit. Evil now must be belted from behind halting its advances. Officer Cook, you were a humbly righteous man with heroic integrity, respect and the character that uplifts and upholds honor and dignity. Dade County was your community of onus and your outstanding performances only enhanced mankind forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To raise the spirits of all resolve and reliability rested upon your broad shoulders of courage and intuition.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The scent of evil marinates on the streets turning quiet and harmony into an army of awful violence. You aided and saved the people of Dade County and your comrades everyday, Officer Cook, never turning a blind eye when security, honesty, integrity and dignity was at stake. A hero of truth and trust always prapared, gracious and enthusiastic about central roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character conquers. An angel in heaven patrolling the gates of grit and gumption.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2020
The signals are clear. The smoke is immense. The turmoil treacherous. Dade County wa sunder duress and tensions during your watch, Officer Cook and no doubt you tried to untangle those dangerous moments. But, honesty, integrity and dignity battled violence and delivered a renowned sense of optimism. Forty-one years later your life, career and character surely have been fondly, solemnly and duly remembered and paid heroic homage. A soul that keeps is brilliance upon your family, peers and loyal acquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
Mankind now seems to be one giant obstacle course. Danger, peril, grief and enormous suffering. Police are the humane, honest and heroic servants who by their sacred acts of kindnessre supposed to ease the burdens that are placed upon the hearts of the citizens. Dade County was your juridiction, Officer Cook, where you life missions began and sadly were ended by the evil of one wayward individual. A chapter of trust and truth that uplifted and upgraded humanity's virtues,principles and ideals. Always solemnly treasured, admired and worldly revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
Walk and you'll find that treasure of noble circumstance. Run and you'll pass that opportunity of a lifetime to create that impressionable world. Well, you did both very well, Officer Cook, a real hero whose life and heart stretched far and wide here in Dade County. Our dignity and integrity have been allowed to march on exactly because of yours too. With convincing character and a truth commitment to progress surely as Our Creator guides your spirit above, He too observes and directs those who have taken your torch of loyalty. Never better and always brighter by your versatility and unselfish virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor is humbly perfect in the next world. Angels all surrounding Our Lord's houses of friendship and leadership.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
Those bonfires of evil just keep erupting into flames of ferocious violence. Your actions, Officer Cook, honored and heroic rescued the citizens of Dade County from more adverse harm. Your life and career of morals, values and mettle will never be forgotten. We pay you respect and admiration for esteem and cherished faithfulness to mankind. A gift of God with more left to accomplish. God needed yoursoul next to Him. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
Yearning is a desire to enrich the very foundations of mankind. Good men and women dedicated and devout all promised to make harmony out of harm and unfortunate bloodshed. You took your sacred oath, Officer Cook and were certainly instrumental in securing Dade County's folks from sure bedlam. One sad day and one giant loss to your family and department to be saluted and paid sincere homage. Honor worth its truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
A night of sleep helps the body delve into the rigors of the next day. With a courageous heart and mind of steel did you, Officer Cook, heroically go about your solemn duties to preserve respect, dignity and integrity here in Dade County. Heroism to remember, endeavor to cherish. Your soul and spirit certainly revolve around your family and humanity 24-7. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character. Badge#1664 was a real man of truth and unity who fixed his community of Dade County from its ailments of the worst circumstances. A solid career carved from the rocks of resiliency and dedication, surely Officer Cook, you were the consummate public servant whose venerable journeys all validated your convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
A nightmare of mayhem zips through a community and a never ending resolve and honest effort kept Dade County safe and sound. A real hero, Officer Cook, your life missions surely enhanced dignity and integrity. It was your classic character, staunch commitments to pride and humility and a badge full of open ended integrity that fought off crime and terror. Never overlooked and certainly saluted for bravery and esteemed faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2020
With life and liberty in honorable hands, heinous cowards who commit such dasterdly crimes will be caught. Your rhythm of work, Officer Cook, was absolutely just what the people of Dade County deserved and received. A man with stamina and energy all in your golden heart. Truth and trust in your humble uniform of quality and excellence. You graced the world, your family and professional colleagues with respect, dignity and the artful yearning to face each dilemma with rock solid humility and heroic dimensions to be treasured by everyone who came across your smiling and pleasant efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2020
To see a society in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. Life is an ambiguity. So many changes. So many clifffalls. Peril racing around that very corner looking to snatch away a human being from his or her loved ones robbing earth of their very essense. An impactful statement, yet, your humbleness and its sacred passions, Officer Cook, heroically tried their utmost to reign in evil while bestowing some semblance, some effort of safe huts for Dade County and their residents to uplift their humanity by way of Divine Providence. A hero so cherished and so well placed. You'll be forever rewarded and blessed my neighbor, friend and hero. God knows His angels, He also understands true grit and total truth and truth. Mettle's consequences facing men and women characters of devoutness and humane respect for mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2020
Forever endearing, grateful and enriching society with your pleasant smile and most upbeat and uplifting demeanor. Only a sincere young man so gifted and talented, yet wiser than most and stabler than the pack. Your concentration, Officer Cook, was to methodically seal in some hope and esteem while possessing honor and bravery alongwith admired humility all from your dignified heart of integrity to be paid its homage every passing second of time. Everything seems to just fly by. Badge#1664 was well liked, respected and loyally faithful to every task placed on your shoulders of gratitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2020
Life is like glass,so fragile but not fickle. The faint hearted cannot handle such stress and rigors of versatility that these men and women of bravery, honesty and keen composure offer to a community where dignity, integrity and character reside at every hero or heroine's doorstep. Yours, Officer Cook, here in Dade County persevered as you and Karen welcomed many to your home to spend a happy, quiet and relaxed time off the job. All seriousness never matter of factly. A valiant soul whose spirit flies and soars above us keeping unison in tact. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2020
Police surely cannot act like turtles. Slow for some but a little faster in answering those calls of responsilbility where life and death could meet at the worst of times. Never timid, always tenacious, your courtesies, Officer Cook, held back violence as well as it should. A man on a mission to both refine and to reshape Dade County's stability and clear peace of mind. God only knows why a gentleman of fine honesty, humble dignity and forthright integrity was evilly taken from his loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Success builds those sound bridges to a brighter tomorrow.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2020
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