Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Hatred, bias and bigotry are those handicaps which inhibit liberty of movement. A golden heart and a wisely visionary soul within your sweet and virtual being, Officer Cook, Dade County's hero whose resolute conduct helped to stave off more adversity that sad day the world and your beloved familylost you. Ideals, ideas and integrity certainly belong in the same sentence as devotion and dedication to dignity you recognized while handling our safety and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

If you help others, God will assist you when help is needed. Dade County, Officer Cook, I will not say was your stomping ground as you never trampled upon one single soul. You treated every human being with honor, respect, decency and all classy dignity and integrity. You were consummate, thoughtful and trusted in all your earthly missions and now your being hailed for heroism and saluted for effort and precision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

Innovation is creation being honorably distributed around a community just seeking hope, some faithfully reliable goodwill. Yours, Officer Cook, was endearing, enriching and all encomposing as you strove for humility and possessed the virtues of discipline and determination. If dignity and integrity could bring your devoted and truthful heart and soul back to your beloved Karen and family they all would be thrilled. Now as an angel of valor you must take care and welcome those who have made the ultimate and sacred sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A Dade County legend of acumen and wisdom. Maturity so sincere just as your bright smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

Your guiding lights of courage, heart and hope, Officer Cook, enhanced all of Dade County's landscapes.Growth is a trait that shall be habitual part of one's greatness as one puts his or her nose to the grindstone while delivering the goodness of harmony and for having sustained character, commitments to pride and excellence and for being composed in thoughtfully true convictions may Our Creator bless your treasured soul, Officer Cook, sacred and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

The essense of endeavor is to strive and to make mankind more peaceful. Your sacred journeys, Officer Cook, all humble, decent and honorable left an indeliable impression upon Dade County. Its people could live more freely because of your integrity, dignity and character. Resolve that is now left in the hands of those brave and loyal enough to continue battling crime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

Police essentially have plenty on their trays of vigilance and plates of valor. Honor and respect are earned and just as integrity, dignity and character are most important, it was how Dade County and your bosses appreciated excellence, Officer Cook, in your six years of heroically devoted service. Humility and sanctity following a gentleman of creed and goodwill while you showed class and virtue while patrolling the streets of your commmunity. Always cherished and always beloved by your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those chains of character will never break as they are as steady as ever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2020

Police essentially have plenty on their trays of vigilance and plates of valor. Honor and respect are earned and just as integrity, dignity and character are most important, it was how Dade County and your bosses appreciated excellence, Officer Cook, in your six years of heroically devoted service. Humility and sanctity following a gentleman of creed and goodwill while you showed class and virtue while patrolling the streets of your commmunity. Always cherished and always beloved by your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those chains of character will never break as they are as steady as ever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

To inspire you have to first aspire to a core value of concern, care and consideration. After displaying these important life and career traits, Officer Cook, your loved ones, department and friends witnessed affection and loyalty the esteem of your peers who recognized real heroic honor, devotion to duty and unselfish and purposeful integrity,character and dignity. Terro had to look again. God has to only look once at His flock of angels soaring humanely over His pristine gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 deserves its due respect and accolades of acumen and astuteness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Facing harm and whatever else befalls a brave hero, all men and women distinguish themselves in that humbly honorable treasure chest of tenacity, integrity and dignity which lends its credence to those seemingly unrelenting battles over adversity. Your sheer will, Officer Cook, allowed you an opportunity to make peace and enhancement an everyday affair on behalf of Dade County's folks. Never lost in the translations were your humility, heart and resolve to faithfully dispatch your assignmenys without fail leveling the field where mayhem, bedlam and chaos never belong. They create an unhealthy environment for ordinary people to travel on their journeys of hope, goodwill and happpiness. Forever will society salute your authentic soul and truthfully trusted morals and their scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

The blankets of bravery and boldness cover every living public servant so long as their honesty, integrity and dignity stays intact while they are dealing with and controlling the callousness that has invaded mankind. Your good cheer, goodwill and good nature, Officer Cook, were the humane and humble foundations of which Dade County and its residents were protected and preserved by a genuine hero of trust and truth, the cornerstones of unwavering and unselfish humility and heroism to be recognized for generations to come and all complete character and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Integrity graces those pillows of perseverance, pride and precision. It;s found indignity's honor and humility all the essentiality that makes one a born leader. To dedicate yourself to the tasks at hand surely takes training and practice. All in heaven's name and your most blessed name, Officer Cook, it was where you battled and defended the folks of Dade County so well and so esteemed. You continue to be missed and my your soul rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Everything you earned by toil and tears. Now your family sheds those for their"Uncle Bo." A great man and a gentleman full of greatness and yearning.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

We have had elections to choose our leaders. If their ambitions, honesty and desire is on a par with your heroic actions, Officer Cook, then the people will be better served and certainly protected more in a trail of wisdom and vision. Dade County is supposed to receive splendid service, morally righteous conduct from those donning a badge and a uniform. Violence needs cutting off and your respect and admiration was the gold standard to be cherished and deemed most courageous. Never forgotten and saluted for instincts and ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Surely as the sun shines will God brighten your soul and spirit, Officer Cook, as they together soar higher each moment. Heaven has your smile and honor. Dignity and integrity are now eternally wrapped around your character and heroism stationed right next to Our Creator. A bond so solemn and unbreakable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Libraries are for reading, writing and continued learning. The nets were cast aside to endeavor to snair serious evil and its callousness from those dangerous streets you maintained, Officer Cook, here in Dade County. A hero and alegend well informed and well respected among your peers for the highest degrees of nobility, sanity and sense of direction. That's why your leadership capacity was such and so articulated within your rank. Heaven has a bonified angel of trust, truth and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Etched and elevated among the heroes of Dade County and humanity, Officer Cook, rests your respect, boldness and integrity that dignified a humble life and amost memorable career serving the citizens of Dade County with the due diligence, fondness and assurances. Character, commitment to excelling and the pride undertaken in all your truly loyal convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

Choices give you the freedom to pursue whatever you enjoy doing. Sadly, evil and violence that you tried to fight off, Officer Cook, took your life and career right out from under the words of honesty, dignity and integrity. That being said sanctity, civility and humility will always rest in peace alongwith you my neighbor, friend and hero and stay within your heart, soul and spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2020

A body rested and a mind focused after sleep is always the best defense against terror's offense. Your tests and challenges rested greatly on your shoulders, Officer Cook, strong, bold and most heroic. With ferocity burning in your heart and ferocity stirring your soul, it was found in your decency, honesty and both dignity and integrity that stood up to evil here in Dade County. This is where your legacy is further blessed and remains all purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Some batons are harder to grasp. Yours, Officer Cook, demonstrated efficiency and vital durability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

Excuses are made to further the laziness of a procrastinator. Our existence is based upon principles, morals and values of great men and women, all heroes and heroines humanely, honorably and diligently serving the public trust. Only the truth can set a purposeful and sweet soul free. Your career and life responding to Dade County, Officer Cook, has set that bar of bravery higher for others to follow in. God's glory shines its light upon your heart of faith, hope and humble goodwill. You are going to remain treasured among family, peers and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

With a novel approach you surely can't go wrong. Its humanity that has been short changed by your untimely absense, Officer Cook, a hero tucked away in heaven as an angel who was honest and conducted his career and life with very tireless effort and unselfish humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Only resolve and versatility should come into a fracas to solve and undo any conflict. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

A pair of good legs might be able to run from an evil act. If you are determined to commit something wrong think first before doing so. You might save a community from undue harm as you rescued Dade County, Officer Cook, from a sinister man bent on violence. Your eyes, ears and legs were honest and dignified and full of heroic integrity never to be without a remembrance. Always focused on truth and trust the public accepted your gentle manner yet serious demeanor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

Opportunity knocks and then youmust avail yourself of honesty, reverence and character. You always did, Officer Cook and badge#1664 stood forbravery, boldness and dignity's respect for integrity. A solemn servant etched and duly honored by his comrades for serving Dade Countywith harmony and dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

The candle burns. The flames of your soul stay on for eternity, Officer Cook. It's the symbol of wisdom , vision and clear maturity. Dade County is where you wanted to be and the venue where virtue andvalor, integrity, character and honor have stayed forward keeping civility where sacred passions encircled us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gardens and castles where angels guard are forever safe and clear of impediments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

The brave are the warriors welcomed to heaven for their service and honor. Your integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, were heroic and directed at the very wickedness that casts its evil eyes on society. Mankind won't forget kindness and generosity from your humanely gifted heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

Gratification is humility balled up in a blanket of honesty, integrity and dignity. When they were unfurled they came to your aid, Officer Cook, to heroically dispense tranquility and goodwill to all Dade County. A young man rightfully paid homage to for sense of direction while leading peers through peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

Everything comes of good because from evil and violence nothing positive happens. For the safety and welfare of Dade County were you present to provide measures of peace, Officer Cook. Honesty sharpened. Dignity certainly devoted all the righteous causes of integrity and class of character and charisma always so distinguished and heroic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2020

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