Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your diligence, dedication and determination, Officer Cook, were front and center in leading other honorable men and women through the rocky times here in Dade County. Your department counted upon your advanced leadership talents and skills to get through to our very purpose in life and our very serenity, hope, goodwill and prosperity. Character, commitment and conviction were sacred and versatile in your valued and esteemed searches for contentment and trust. You were unselfish, reliable and now you'll be your family's angel of bravery and virtue all soaring higher each second heaven has your wonderful and special heart and soul cradled and safe from harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be saluted, paid homage and treasured as a man of his word and for having a caring, compassionate and golden heart of humbleness and blessings from Our Lord.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2023

The personification of your proficiency, perseverance and missions of heroic pride and honor, Officer Cook, all shined clear. For Dade County and its residents were forevermore protected by a wise man of vision and sacred virtue. Our lives and aspirations have gone forward because of your unselfish, unedning and unwavering sacrifice that was humble, dignified and brought truth and trusted integrity to your very trails and paths of character, reverence and commitment to excel even in trying moments where unrest, tension and the pressure mounted on you and your fellow officers that day to stop a very evil man. You are to be saluted for effort, efficiency and a yearning to share and to direct other comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2023

Dade County was the location where honor, heroism, heart and humility were performing their perilous duties on behalf of the citizens. You had integrity, character and dignity, Officer Cook, so well placed within your soul and angelic uniform and badge of virtue, wisdom and vision driving your truthful and trustworthy trails and pathways of endeavor, vigilance and just keeping the peace of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man and a prince who was adored and loved by his family, comrades and friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2023

Sincere and concerned, your eyes and ears, Officer Cook, were squarely focused on protecting Dade County from awful crime. Such evil and wickedness was your ventures of faith, dignity and honest integrity spread out far and wide as our stability and harmony were on the line. You showed respect and earned the admiration of your family, colleagues and officers throughout our land for your relentless pursuits of violence. We remember the man who took his wisdom, virtue and character to the highest level our exerting great endeavor. You are to be saluted for accepting and fulfilling your sacred and solemn affirmation of hope, goodwill and resourcefulness with unending heart, humility and heroism to be honored forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2023

You were dedicated and determined, Officer Cook, to weed out crime and violence in Dade County. Your life and career exemplified the highest morals, honesty, dignity and integrity being utilized along with your consummate character and loyal commitment to provide us with more than a staple of peace. You will be humbly and heroically saluted and remembered for your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Diligent and vigilant, a gentleman of concern and a heart of truth and trust, unselfish and esteemed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2023

Your journeys were humble and heroic, your missions of heroic faith, hope and goodwill shall remain everlasting, Officer Cook. The sad, tragic and most cowardly thing that happened to a very good human being, an excellent Dade County public servant and a man steered by Our Maker during your whole life and career all too short cut down by one man, one angry and callous individual lacking any honesty, dignity and integrity all that you possessed in your own humble and loyal heart and soul of blessing and esteem. So loyal yet so compassionate and composed during times of crisis. It gives your family so measure of healing as they carry your genuinely brave and cherished good name and legacy forward while they pursue their goals,lives, dreams and aspirations with you looking down from heaven. A real proud and true angel of virtue, vision and wisdom. You sought truth and justice and were trusted with being tenacious and most vigilant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man content to handle his assignments with an oath of loyalty and true allegiance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2023

Devotion and faith are the reservoirs of resourcefulness, responsibility and resilience. Your fountains of honesty, integrity and dignity always flowed over, Officer Cook, so heroically and with so much humane and humbly blessed character, commitment and conviction from a well tested and shining angel of wisdom, vision and sacred virtue that rescued Dade County and its citizens from evil. That day of May 16,1979 is a day of remembrance for your unwavering and unselfish soul and heart of giving and gold. You always did the right thing and never turned your back when heinous violence came charging like a bull in a china shop. Our tranquil lives and journeys proceed with caution and purpose because of your truthful and most trustworthy sacrifice that left mankind to continue its future paths and trails where justice serves its missions of hope, esteem and goodwill as much as you were loyal and consummate. Never forgotten and always a blessed angel of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2023

A man of heart, heroic character and honor defending Dade County with all his might, dignity and clear integrity. No doubt, Officer Cook, you'll forever be remembered for having the wisdom, virtue and vision of a gentleman so blessed yet taken way too early. Peace and serenity were delivered by your sacred and solemn words of affirmation and due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of truth and trust your trails and paths were surely paved with unselfish perseverance and resiliency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2023

Great men and women think big. The humble, honest and heroic don't boast. You were the consummate Dade County public servant, Officer Cook, whose, character, dignity and integrity shall not be forgotten. You are to saluted, paid homage and commended for your versatile and valiant endeavors throughout a life and a career blessed with morals, excellent conduct and tenacity like no other. Such commitment, virtue and unselfish work ethics always were and remain treasured as you were a loyal young man and a first class gentleman of heart, soul and devotion to duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2023

Your service to Dade County, Officer Cook, will never go unappreciated for your heroic life and honesty shall forever be saluted. For dignity, integrity and your sparkling character will always be paid homage as you were consummate, unselfish and always loyal, esteemed and now angelically an angel. Your family will forevermore miss your sweet smile and easygoing personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of sacred missions, virtue and wisdom beyond your years.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2023

A most heroically moral man performing his daily tasks with honesty, integrity and dignity all giving their all. Dade County, Officer Cook, was most fortunate to have a well revered, well disciplined and well organized public servant in its department to spread the humble blessings and lots of serenity and safety throughout your beloved community. Always so genuinely humble and forever a gentleman of character, commitment and conviction that is forever respected. You are to be commended and saluted for your gallant efforts and always present smile. An angel of versatility, vision and virtue spreading your seeds of wisdom in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero with our heroes and heroines of humbleness and esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2023

The headlights of heroism, heart, honesty and humility shine brightly in heaven, Officer Cook. It is and will always be your unassuming, unwavering and most unselfish integrity, dignity and respectful character that created each new day of your patrols in and around your beloved community of Dade County where you'll forever remain loyal, esteemed, treasured and beloved by all citizens and your family who misses you greatly. You sacrificed for our goodwill, stability and tranquil lives of reason and aspirations to go forward only thing your retirement should have now proceeded that direction. Nonetheless we will pay homage to a gentleman, a leader who followed professional guidelines at all times insuring safety for your neighborhood. Vigilance and determination were your paths and trails of freedom, truth and virtue. A wise man who followed and learned by setting the example in morals, conduct and proper courtesy at all times during your all too short watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2023

Dignity and integrity are the aces in the hole where honesty, character and respect plant their seeds of virtue, vision and wisdom. So true and so very trustworthy were you, Officer Cook, seeing Dade County and its citizens through the toughest of times. That day was simply heinous, horrible and terribly tragic for both your family and department to lose you because of one man so evil and despicable. Your life and career reflected your deep impact upon our world our very society which still suffers from unwanted terror and your appreciation for your job was the very fact that you were constantly loyal, esteemed and cherished forevermore. Your heroic legacy grows by leaps and bounds every second your angelic wings are hovering over your loved ones protecting them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2023

Perseverance and resourcefulness that shined like a finely polished diamond, this was you, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero forever implanted with dignity, integrity and total honesty flowing from your unselfish heart, soul and lips. You surely were determined, devoted and dedicated beyond the letter of your core responsibilities to see us protected and at peace. Mankind cringes today because of all this unwanted evil and senseless violence that undermines God's special world. Now and for eternity an angel whose wisdom, sacred missions all had that special coat of conviction, commitment and character never finer and always esteemed and loyal as only a gentleman of gallantry could be. You performed at the highest levels daily to safeguard our homes, palaces and castles of love and fruition. You'll be missed by your family, peers and friends who grieved when you were suddenly robbed of your life, career and a wonderful woman in Karen who loved you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ideals, values and principles must mean something if the good people of law enforcement are going to function justly in doing their utmost to keep us free of wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2023

You put the sledgehammer down on violence, evil and heinousness, Officer Cook and your heroic name shall remain blessed forevermore. Because when a man of woman has the truth, trust and honesty upon their humbly golden lips and heart then that in of itself uplifts everything, dignity,integrity and your humanely refined character, sterling commitment and convictions that kept peace and safety attached to all mankind and the homes here in Dade County that you protected. You shall be one special angel of virtue, sanctity and the wisdom of being so precise, sincere and duly diligent. Versatility and resiliency that will be saluted just as your legacy that grows each second as you soar over your family, comrades and friends watching them. Cherished, loyal and esteemed as the Cooks, Tidwells and Wilkerson Families all carry on with you in their hearts,minds and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2023

A man of precise heroism and honor whose whole life and public service career protecting the people of Dade County was spelled out in humility, heart and dignity. Yes, Officer Cook, your unwavering and unselfish integrity and character was what brought peace and prosperity to those who remain, those who are alive today who have not forgotten you nor your fellow officers nearly taken while you made the ultimate sacrifice of wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys who designated to create stability within the homes where loyalty, esteem and goodwill were extended by your solemn pledge and a guarded optimism to preserve mankind. You rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero as your family's angel who watches over them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2023

A man's dignity and integrity always were cherished and honorable. Yours, Officer Cook, were well noted and quite proficient as you patrolled and protected the people of Dade County. Your unassuming character and commitment were on par with your truthful, trusted and humble convictions as our peace and liberty were on the line. You'll forever be saluted for your unselfish and unwavering dedication, tenacity and determination to eliminate violence and chaos from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2023

Never a day of dodging evil, you always were consummate, heroic and extremely loyal and cherished to all your peers, Officer Cook, they appreciated everything you did for them to create a distinct level and measure of peace and liberty for all Dade County folks. A man of humbleness blessed with truth, trust and honesty all following dignity, character and the crusades of integrity in and around your esteemed and most beloved community where your name and legacy have risen each moment as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Diligence and vigilance always wins out over wickedness, violence and such heinous actions demonstrated by those lacking class, decency and principles the values we believe in. Your badge and uniform was not just pride it was the paths and trails you blazed for others to follow in. You set the example and the professional bar high for a reason this was your ultimate sacrifice toward humanity where sacred serenity and safe shelters for all shall remain.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2023

We search for clues, for answers as to why you were taken from us, Officer Cook. At the tender age of twenty-five years a man so gifted, heroic and honest giving his life and career to preserve the quality of life here in Dade County where our peace and stability were delivered by you. Dignity, integrity and excellent character earmarked your years of learning, yearning and determination. No more ferocity and commitment than what you brought to your professional position. Badge#1664 was repeated reverence, resilience and resourcefulness always cherished, loyal and very much missed by your family, colleagues and friends. We salute you for demonstrating the wisdom, virtue and vision so sacred and yet humbly blessed by Our Lord and confident. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2023

Today, Officer Cook, I visited your grave and prayed for your soul and spirit so heroic, honored and dignified. A man of integrity whose solid foundation of fruition and sacred missions was true and trusted until that very tragic afternoon when you gave your life for Dade County's peace and liberty for all citizens. Never a day goes by without remembering a stoic and stellar gentleman of God devoted and dedicated to his profession. Character, conviction and commitment all above the throes of tenacity and the trails and paths of precision blessed and now carried forward as your legacy on mankind's behalf grows each second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2023

Tomorrow, Officer Cook, will sadly be the forty-fourth anniversary of your loss. Though a sacrifice you made to further the safe shelters and serenity of all Dade County homes. Your undivided attention to devotion, dedication and fierce determination won't be forgotten as your beloved family, comrades and friends salute your unselfish humbleness, heart and sincerest of character and the outstanding and uplifting commitment you provided mankind. A man with class, honesty and integrity, dignity and scruples all blessed as you went about your daily responsibilities all perilous to shield and to serve the common good of humanity. It was the paths and trails of justice, wisdom,truth and trust that you diligently pursued and others now must shoulder the onuses that violence and evil launches against the normalcy of our land. It's supposed to be free of anything that impedes us from our health, peace and humane prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman and a morally righteous scholar who is missed terribly each day by your adoring loved ones.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2023

Dignity, politeness, integrity, intelligence and heroic honor, made up your beloved life and humbly enriching public service career, Officer Cook. Everything good that Our Creator implanted and instilled within your kind heart and soul that was humility, character and the framework of decency, respect and allegiance to your central duties toward Dade County and its citizens who have peace and serenity today because of your trusted loyalty and truthful missions of faith, dedication and devotion that shall forever be saluted for vision, wisdom and maturity. Virtue is a trait that is never to be taken for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Last reflection it should have said may God keep you cradled in His angelic arms for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2023

Such a fine young man, a humble and honorable heroic servant who enhanced the people of Dade County with respect, dignity and integrity, they won't forget you, Officer Cook, your life and career was the total truth, trust and epitome of values and character so loyal, treasured and esteemed. A commitment of unwavering and unselfish faithfulness from your heart and soul. May God keep you cradled in His angelic forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2023

Dedication is truth, trust and fortitude and that was displayed by you, Officer Cook daily to Dade County. A young man, a hero whose noble heart and soul of character, commitment, dignity and integrity put forth the effort to keep us safe and secure never to be forgotten. Loyal, esteemed and cherished by your family and colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2023

Resilient and a man blessed with honesty, integrity and dignity all in your heart and soul. A heroic warrior whose life and career was centered around the poles of proficiency and unwavering perseverance. Officer Cook, you brought excellent character and outstanding commitment all through your years serving and protecting Dade County. Our freedoms and safety came through your esteemed, cherished and undaunting tasks so perilous to make an impression to last forevermore. We salute your bravery, ingenuity and wisdom all from being a man of virtue so sacred and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2023

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