Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Those who race to commit unsightly terror their hearts and minds just snap, crackle and pop. They sadly pay no heed to authority and look to undermine the good of society. Humanity surely frowns upon this sight and your years spent policing Dade County, Officer Cook,were certainly honored, dignified and with a brand of character always so humanely humble. Now as an angel your wings are fitted perfectly to allow you to fly higher every moment. You laid down your life for a sacred and practical purpose not to be shelved where dust simply gathers. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2020

Ghoulish, ghastly and just ignominious, all this crime and violence just infiltrating our roads, driveways, trails and streets where harmony, liberty and respect for mankind shall rule. You did an outstanding job, so marvelously well, Officer Cook, that Dade County has forever prospered because of your unwavering,undying and tirelessly unselfish endeavors to bring any evil to a head. A hero whose life and career meant the world to his family, comrades and peers. Always so poignant, dignified and full of hopeful honesty and reverent integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2020

You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, never ever for your honorable and heroically sacred actions to serve and to protect life in and around Dade County. But, how can we reverse the callous courses of actions that undermine safety, security and the sole integrity,dignity and character of a community? Good and decent public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, enhanced, enriched, engaged, encouraged and escorted evil from our sight. Your entry sadly into heaven was far too early as you left behind so much more to journey through. God saw your earthly missions through until they were deemed as fruitfully completed and now has blessed and rewarded your mortal soul, spirit and heart of gold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2020

Eternity humanely, heroically and most honorably embellishes the solemn, sacred and convicted actions of civilization. All women and men who have ever served and protected mankind, their names of blessing and reward are all seen on walls where their legacies shine with pride and excellence. Your name, Officer Cook, serves as a mantra for others who have taken over your watch here in Dade County. To begin to undertake, comprehend and to scratch and claw for effort,energy and efficiency, there must be honesty, integrity and dignity all residing within your hearts and souls now given angel's wings to float,soar and to fly higher everyday. The community folks own't forget you, Officer Cook and neither will your beloved family, esteemed and treasured colleagues and humbly embracing close personal friends. You made a ton of them just by being the supreme human being and gallant gentleman going truth, trust and character's extra mile. Loyalty and resourcefulness receive their just rewards and proper blessings articulating your life and career of both courage and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

To uplift is to raise mankind. A very special soul cherished and widely respected for service that was top notch, first class and professional all the way. Dade County had you for six years, Officer Cook, seventy-two months of humble, humane and loyal care, concern and consideration. Too short a journey, too soon your earthly missions were deemed as finished, you were just beginning your worldly tasks and roles when one single individual decided his problems had to be brought out to Liberty City's streets where you patrolled with your partner that fateful day. He unleashed a string of domestic violence against his girlfriend and you, your comrades and civilization. God has you tender soul, integrity and dignity walking soundly and smoothly now and for eternity. Just why? Why so soon? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Whatever personality you have so long as you can do the job. One that's able to handle danger and peril, keeping yourself humbly honest, focused in dignity and centered on integrity.The heart and soul of character, commitment and conviction. Respect, diligence and vigilance can meet the needs so long as you can function with your being and brain which of course you heroically did for mankind and for Dade County, Officer Cook. A place reserved for the upright and you did an excellent job enhancing, enriching and invigorating us with a sensation of serenity,security and safety from your wisdom, vision and maturity beyond the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

The majority of the time turning the key will get the motor to start. It's found in the sincerest of energy, effort and efficiency that drives a person's integrity, honesty and dignity. It all was instrumental in your accomplishments working and serving the people of Dade County, Officer Cook. The memories of your heroic life are as fresh as they were yesterday and they will remain forevermore a guarded and most distinctly humble part of your legacy. Badge#1664 never needed prodding, it never needed a poke to produce. Though, a smile is just that,it was your assurances that problems would be solved, conflicts would be lessened and circumstances all would be delicately handled by one loving soul of faithfulness,fairness and the firmness that represents justice's truth and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Serious trouble cannot forever be a sign of the times. Though, time certainly has progressed and of course changed since your untimely death, Officer Cook, while performing your basic honorable duties on behalf of Dade County. A human being, a gentleman all versed in dignity and character that integrity never had to pull its chains to make it go forward. You took burdens and responsibility quite to heart, very seriously, violence cannot continue to make a laughingstock of humanity. Mankind already is burdened with enough on its plate to swallow. Your family has had to burden the grief it suffered over forty-one years ago after the world lost a gallant young man. Time is supposed to heal those wounds and close those gaping holes where resolve,resiliency and effort only strengthened those bonds of boldness, trustworthiness and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

If getting greasy, dirty and bloody can stem the tide of violence than that is what is required of all servants. Their willingness is the purpose of why they became leaders, officers and professionals of honor, integrity and dignity. They all assist in quashing unrelenting evil as you performed so did Dade County function in a peaceful fashion, Officer Cook. Desire and hope can spring eternal only if reverence, respect and loyalty are always willing to dig deeper to carry the battle to callousness and wanton heinous activities. You'll forever be heroic my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanctity, nobility and civility are always looking out for each other. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Whatever initiative, ingenuity and intuition a public servant has it all stems from integrity one of those essential characteristics that supports the structures of both honesty and dignity. Evil, terror and wickedness can be dealt with and defended much more accurately when all these factors are pinpoint and in place. Yours, Officer Cook, were present and surely very versatile as you protected lives in Dade County. Only such dexterity and virtue could see you through your missions of hope,faith and goodwill. Being a leader, one relies upon certain basic instincts to seize the moment to calm and to restore the truthful and trusted tranquility that all communities desire. Heaven has blessed and rewarded your due devotion,diligence and the will to summon your scruples and morals when times got tough. Just a fearless and fierce warrior now an angel with gentle wings made to fly higher every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Bedlam and boldness work opposite ends of the streets. What supports a brave man through his days and nights are two companions: dignity and integrity and without a heart and soul of truth nothing will stop evil and violence from crashing through those doors. Dade County was your beat Officer Cook, always carefully guarded and well respected, revered and greatly admired by your peers.Today, I bet Officers Jeffrey Jackson, Frank Piloto, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs greatly miss you and your ever present smile. Such humility and resolve all for the sake of heaven and never amiss.Cornerstones built for a safer future one better served if you were here, Officer Cook, to direct the construction efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Between the bustle and tumult, the reigns were under your guiding lights navigated by God Himself as you patrolled throughout Dade County. An impression so humble,so blessed and so serenely personal. Just what a shame things ended so tragically for you that day, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 worked, sweated and toiled feverishly to make sense of what transpired to you and to your beloved comrades. The character and loyal commitment were present at all times to keep you trained on your objectives. What more can be stated. Principles, scruples and values all the time and all the years of your all too short life. Now in heaven you can walk your proverbial beat without harm. You should not have been hurt to begin with. You'll always be your family and department's warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Honor rolls reflect the roles and tasks for which you performed very well, Officer Cook. No mistaking an honorable man, genuine and heroic, dignified and polite to a tee. With such unassuming and unselfish integrity Dade County really shined under your watch over them. Peace and quiet amid the chaos and mayhem taking place. You did your humane and humble labors of love trying to corral an evil man. God gave him his punishment and your spirit and soul forever shine on being rewarded for instilling, installing and implanting a semblance of community direction. All tireless dedication,devotion and determination to be the best leader and motivator of other fine souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

Every circumstance must be handled with a delicate touch, with precision and expertise no matter the moment or time. That day, Officer Cook, five minutes before heading back to your station house to end your shift a domestic call came in and an officer down needing assistance. You did everything a loyal mate would do. You answered and demonstrated your mettle, honor and respectful integrity. Your sacred sacrifice proved what your peers and family already knew. How decent a gentleman and how esteemed a human being preserving the quality of life in Dade County. Mankind misses you as does your family. Heaven has a very heroic angel soaring higher and higher on wings fitted so pristine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

The streets and roads were your canvass, Officer Cook and so being a loyal soldier and sincerely brave you followed your integrity, dignity and honesty in and around the corridors of Dade County, listening and seeing the entire picture of what the residents had to say. Being humble and admired surely has your heart, soul and spirit further enhanced in heaven as Our Lord blesses you everyday as one of His many angels of courage and transparency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

The high standards and morally correct conduct calls for all who serve and protect to sign willingly on the so called dotted line to be dignified, honorable and carry your character, integrity and humility squarely where truth, trust and justice meet up. Your surely fulfilled your end, Officer Cook and made Dade County safer and prouder, your parents,wife and sister were all proud of your heroic endeavors to encase our community in harmony and liberty forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2020

With more than a trace of tenacity, with more than a humble intuition, humility from your very heart, Officer Cook, flowed freely within the boundaries of Dade County persevering and displaying the right vibes for an important position where both truth and trust are essential centerpieces to peace and liberty abounding once again. Your heroic efforts tackled every aspect of acumen well placed, awareness well devoted and astuteness well accentuated.You can be vitally positive your legacy will be spoken in the highest of regards forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

I meant again to say nothing but happiness was arranged because of your tireless effort and unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook, always a Dade County hero and legend whose vigilant mannerisms saved lives. Honor, trust and respect when tied with some integrity and character can certainly produce more often than not good outcomes. I have all the respect for you my neighbor, friend and hero. Due diligence has been humbly rewarded and blessed these last forty-one plus decades for outstanding service and consummated effort poured into all your fruitful journeys.Happiness,health and peace should be how retirement is now unfortunately God needed you for a more essential onus in His heavenly abode.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

I take a long walk everyday, Officer Cook. It invigorates me and I guess causes my brain to recharge its batteries. To place these noble yet poignantly humble reflections does take some endeavor. After all you paid a dear price for freedom and tranquility to reign loudly here in Dade County where its streets were kept safe for the most part. I see when I drive to Miami Airport all the newest of housing venues and your sacrifice along with around a hundred and forty other humane officers helped to set the stage for nothing happiness. Yours was uprooted for no reason at all except for the vindictive actions of a troubled man bent on revenge as I'm sure you did not know one another. The people sure as heck know and remember your special and virtuous soul of valor and promise never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your smile and handsome face behind the American flag tell your story, Officer Cook. A sincere and sweet young man gone all too soon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

God's best crops get put to the severest of tests each day. Police work beckons the humble, brave and honored servants outdoors for some challenging times so much so exasperation can surely be felt. Their hearts are golden and pure, so invigorated and dignified, it's where integrity and character's respect count for the most. The best offense can be the best defense when you sheltered Dade County, Officer Cook, with a hut of humility, hope and heroism. Never overlooked nor forgotten for feats of compassion, consideration and kindness given to humanity which misses you along with your whole family and close personal peers of truth and trust, justice served properly the first time around. But it will always be a sinister man who ended a promising career and a happy marriage to your beloved Karen. She has never forgotten you even though she has remarried over ten years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Time sometimes seems to creep along inching its way forward. The decades are just flying by. But, you always be cherished, treasured and very well remembered for acting with purpose and a sacred passion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

History ordains the heroic legacies of all men and women who ever served and who made the ultimate sacrifice. Dade County has the books and the facts right where we can look them up. Never a doubt as to your honest actions, dignified character and integrity so very well admired and diligent in all its details. The truth and trust, Officer Cook, are where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Eternity is where sleep is never tampered with. No vacuum big or large can summon an angel of compassion from where they slumber upon God's gentle wings of sanctity. You performed your professional feats of acumen and authenticity with the greatest of hope and devotion, Officer Cook,never wavering and never despairing. Total unselfishness and resourcefulness designed to weed out wickedness. It brought the serenity and safety from under the sheets of serious trouble. You protected and for this your soul and spirit continue to thrive being most rewarded and blessed by Our Very Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

Hope cannot hop over the fence disappearing. Faith cannot be allowed to flounder. Goodwill cannot be gone from our sight. Dade County had a man of means whose clear and crystal caring and vision supported his every movement within a community that has continued being honor to your dignified soul of integrity and humility from your very serene heart, Officer Cook. No matter the situation or circumstance fate and destiny took you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln to Liberty City that afternoon where your heroism was relied upon to dig deeper to pull your colleagues and the citizens through one perilous time. History and a man's soul are his legacy, a venue where your heart struck a chord of courage forever to be solemnly remembered and surely warmly received in the gallery of valor, God's perfect home replete with tradition and angels whose superior exploits have founded a new beginning for their various communities throughout our land and in society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, your beloved family has really missed everyday that heaven has your adorable soul. All serving Dade County, Officer Cook, with such honor, a developed dignity and an intuitive integrity, character, commitment and conviction so respectful and completely righteous. All the homage, honors, salutes and whatever a dutiful hero is due shall come your way. Our streets and roads a little less safe now that God has you but such foundations and bridges constructed by the fabrics of your unselfish fierceness and unrelenting ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your parents rest in peace knowing their darling and gallant son is at their side guiding you all through those gates of gladness and hopeful expression.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

Young, bold and with a mighty brave heart. Such a decent man who deserved more years to live on fulfilling your earthly missions. Now all your journeys, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County residents have been taken on a new trip, eternity is where heroes are angels who soar as mighty humble warriors. Certainly is that. Justice was served as Mr.Pearsall was killed by your esteemed comrade, Detective Donald Blocker. You'll be forever missed, yet always in your family's hearts and lives. A sweet soul with a concerning spirit never to be forgotten and surely never overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

Succinct, sweet, sincere and serene the way everybody would like it. Society should not have to bend over and bow to evil and corruption. Crime takes more than a slice out of our very lives. Pragmatism should never indulge itself more than it may have to. You were an optimist, Officer Cook, self-confident in your abilities and versatility to complete your given roles and tasks to benefit the lives of all Dade County. God gives us one heart,one brain, two lungs,eyes and ears, legs as well for a practical reason, truth and trust must avail and not be interrupted. When decent people are hurt or lose their lives the plans and preparations must be reevaluated. Your death hurt your family, colleagues everyone concerned, I personally don't take kind to police being hurt or God forbid taken from their loved ones. As you know my father may he rest in peace served thirty-eight years with the New York City Police Department. Badge#1541 gave his all, badge#1664 yours, Officer Cook, gave a total effort and well beyond to be remembered and fondly to forever shared.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2020

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