Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Repetition is a word police practice daily and take home its lessons to be preached and learned diligently. With fervor and ferocity,Officer Cook,were your paths of peace and trust realized. Dade County felt your gentle heart and mighty soul steering its way through the neighborhood as you endeavored to create a more bountiful harmony while accentuating dignity and transparent hope and goodwill by your blessed acumen. A hero through and true whose journeys were sadly ended by a man of violence. Shame on him and just as sad for both your family and his too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forty-one years ago you were transported to your final resting place. Why at twenty-five did Our Master require you so young with more promise ahead?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

A heavenly balance is struck between Our Lord and His servants, loving and honest individuals who have risked their lives to preserve the tranquility of a community. Your place, your location, your venue, Officer Cook, where your heroic actions helped to ward off and save your fellow officers and the citizens whom you loyally protected. Just a tragedy, a crying shame and such blatant disrespect for a young man with a child himself to display and to demonstrate such arrogance against police who were just trying to calm him down and get him to surrender peacefully. Dade County and the area where you gave your life, Liberty City, have undergone great changes surely we hope for the enhancement of humanity's future. One brighter if you were present to witness it, Officer Cook. Heaven has an even greater angel, sacred and purposeful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

Strength and stamina never sapped. Heart and valor never wavering. Integrity,character and dignity always a commitment of unselfishness. Never a worry or bad word ever spoken about you, Officer Cook. So true to your humility and humane class, all capable of leadership and taking others through trials and obstacles that can impede the harmony of a community. Well, Dade County has surely cherished you and by its admiration and respect towards yourself, they will never be a more mindful,thoughtful and resolute human being serving them. Badge#1664 was principles, morals and the ethical conduct all departments expect and demand from its men and women of honesty and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

A man charged with serving and protecting his community with so much humility, respect and admiration. Your steadfast determination and devotion, Officer Cook, brought a newer lease on life for all Dade County, to share,relish and cherish. A soul and a heart being released to perform the will of heaven where the yokes, onuses and burdens only made resolution a more constant virtue. You were the consummate public servant whose discipline and dedication were first class first rate and above all top notch. Wings of an angel fitted perfectly for your eternal missions to continue forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

Respect is rationale. There was no reason why you had to die that day, Officer Cook and yet despite an evil man taking your life,your sacrifice has served as a spring board for Dade County to summon the intestinal fortitude to live each day with honesty,integrity and dignity flowing from its mouth and legs. You lived by these rules and you turned out better than alright. You brought pride to your profession, family and community at large who still salutes your heart and soul of humbleness, loyalty and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

Numbers some have reasons and some lead to results. The uptick in violence in our society must be lowered, curbed and forever halted if mankind is ever able to enjoy the pleasures and purposes of life. To live is to breathe. Having dignity,honesty and integrity are all one thing just maintain your character along with a million other things that all who serve and wear a badge must. You strove for quality, Officer Cook and the heroism proved beyond a doubt your courage and heart. Such humility is not often found, yours became the genesis of your outstanding upbringing by your two faithfully devoted parents may they rest in peace. Dade County will not forget your resolve and diligence to defend against evil. Serenity, goodwill and hope have been blessed and rewarded by God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2020

Your motor and transmission run better when not timid, more tenacious, always solemnly truthful and most notably trusted. It's the only way to solve and accomplish your goals and assignments. Dade County, Officer Cook, was both duly and superbly served by your cunning vision and insightful wisdom, There is not a doubt that if you were here today somehow the world as we know it and live in it would be profoundly enhanced by a great man of heroism and your legend of humility always available to be reviewed and shared forever. You went to your last call, Officer Cook and gave supreme effort and an undying sacrifice to be blessed in heaven as an angel of valor and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Police who have to moonlight to earn extra money to support their families are to be commended. They too risk life while off duty yet they are forever serving their communities. You saved and served Dade County with fine distinction, Officer Cook. Always secure, always honest and forevermore a hero trusted and dignified. Its found in integrity that lead your missions of hope, faith and unwavering goodwill. What others think only your family, comrades and God know for sure. A man of regal resolve and legitimate direction whose legacy perpetually is saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

The wicked cannot run away from God's anger, wrath and punishment. The righteous smile and deeply comprehend the meanings of reward and blessing. Certainly honest, surely dignified and forever a man with an abundance of integrity and virtue that cemented Dade County into stability, safety and peaceful journeys. Heroism, Officer Cook,represented your entire heart, soul and existence, one based on success and effort not failure and fallacy. The world and your family indeed does raise a salute to a brave man bounded and guided in sheer courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and reverence add fuel to the fires of ferocity. Never can yours, Officer Cook, be discounted and tarnished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

How one chooses to comport themselves goes a long way in determining how scenes and their circumstances will play out. In the end of a long and trying day, Officer Cook. Wednesday, May 16,1979 was a day so sorrowful and tragic for your family and department, as they lost a real warrior gifted, talented and so skillful. You defended the residents challenging a man gone crazy who tried his utmost to ruin the day in Dade County.Liberty City can certainly be classified as a war zone and your constant honesty, integrity and graceful dignity made that forever impression that humanity won't soon forget never can you overlook a truly likable gentleman protecting and just doing what needed to done. To overhaul a community is difficult enough without the added issues of wickedness and callousness pervading the landscape. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

The supporters of peace rely upon the virtues that validate an officer's humane and humble honesty and its heroism. The rudders control the ships of dignity,integrity and character that must be steered correctly and righteously as well. Your compass, Officer Cook, was always in the general direction of where peace and security needed to be displayed in Dade County. A man so blessed, praised and treasured by all and certainly terribly missed by his family and colleagues of admiration and inward courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, is a perfect valley of virtue, valor and vigilance. Never a place or time to be mired in mediocrity while battling the outrages of violence and evil. You policed Dade County with everlasting and genuine peace and affection. To be admired and respected one must perform at a certain level not just wishing, hoping and daydreaming everyday. Humility, sanctity and civility all marked your trails of justice, truth and character. Such a warm and wonderful man taken before his time. God gives and He takes may His name be blessed forever as your fine soul, Officer Cook, continues to be kept in security. Once again rest in peace and keep up your angelic efforts!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Place your heart and soul before the Lord he will faithfully execute His purposes for which you serve Him. You served with courage,valor and humility in honor, reverence and the respect both dignity and integrity require, Officer Cook. A hero forevermore. Dade County's people were sincerely grateful you came into the ranks in 1973 joining Metro-Dade Police Department at a valuable time. Such a man of virtue and gallantry who patrolled his areas with knowledge, vision and expertise so much so that ultimately you were able to lead others through adversity, tension and strife. Your beloved wife,Karen, has never forgotten you. She remarried thirty years after your loss,a loss for your beloved family,friends and close personal comrades who tackled the very same issues you strove to control. To create harmony and unity you must build from the bottom floor up. Never forgotten and always so special a human being. Trusted and tenacious. With unselfish character and tireless commitment to excellence. God has your spirit to cherish and reward humbly for heroic endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

You can't be reaching into the thin air and grasping at straws. You must be diligent and maintain dignity,integrity and honor at all times precisely to make that sincerest of impressions. You surely did that, Officer Cook,on behalf of mankind, Dade County and civilization. Never taking shortcuts you solved and resolved conflicts, issues and circumstances before things got carried away and out of hand. Such sacred missions, humility bottled within your caring heart shall be etched and honored for generations to come. Respect. Resolve. Courage all under Our Creator's watchful eyes and ears. Your trustworthiness and truthful voyages all have been humbly accepted in God's cherished name and your blessed soul and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Almost twenty-five thousand men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice as you solemnly did, Officer Cook. Straight laced and heroic, honorable and dignified. So poignant and passionate. It's hard to find integrity and character, respect and resolve unless you live your life by these outstanding examples which of course you were raised with. Your parents raised you and your big sister, Nancy,with values and decency, you couple that with concern and pride and all that heroes and heroines live by it's notable to understand why Dade County was your treasured community that gained strength from a devout and loyal comrade who will forever be missed. Heaven gained an angel. Your family lost such a gentleman and a wonderful human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Take heed and pay close attention for violence does not want you to take away its ugliness and continues to disrespect and tarnish the goodness of our society, Humanity though highly of you, Officer Cook, your family,peers and collectively did Dade County admire your legendary ethics,mettle and total honor, esteemed in dignity and in integrity. They surely fortified your battles over such adversity. You accomplished more in your short life and career than many who live longer. But, it's quality of life and what humbleness comes from your heart and soul always blessed as an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Staring out into space if you're retired is fine. Staring down pure evil is another matter and must always be relevant for those public servants who protect us with a special passion and perspective. Clearly, yours, Officer Cook, was always decent, devoted to honesty, integrity and dignity, character that created a lasting harmony for all Dade County and its citizens. We salute your wisdom, vision and maturity all virtue and vigilance where humility gently uplifted the masses. You have been blessed and rewarded for working over and beyond the scopes of your professional responsibilities. An angel eternally guarding the golden gates and streets of Our Lord's kingdom of compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Death crushes the hopes of those whose honor, humility and heroism expresses their sincerest of faith, goodwill and integrity. And certainly your dignity has stood, Officer Cook, for more than just that simplest of things. A heart so strong and a soul that fought hard for peace and stability within Dade County. How could its people thank you enough? Your family carries their desires, dreams and journeys all in your legacy to be forever cherished, respected and so gallantly received in God's land of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2020

Devout and most humbly resourceful, your life, Officer Cook, carried a humble meaning as you patrolled the areas around Dade County. It's a place where few men and women dare to roam. You did not just roam, rather you succinctly embraced all the challenges, obstacles and impediments placed in your way as you sought out the goodwill, good cheer and good nature of serenity and its unending stability. Such a tall order for a most uniquely gifted man of dignity and integrity written beside your quality of character. A commitment and conviction so trusted and transparent they'll never be forgotten. A man filled with grace and humility all performing more than admirably. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everyday the people received back in kind the same honest and intuitive endeavors. Badge#1664 is revered and memorialized for its mettle, morals and functional scruples and their associated principles of motivation and advanced leadership of other colleagues under your humane direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

In all fairness, faithfulness must reign supreme if terror and turmoil are to be alieviated from society. What ails us is this unrelenting surge of mayhem and evil seemingly allowed to race around freely. All noble and honored public servants have this task and challenge inmind and that's to preserve the integrity and fabric of dignity that we here in Dade County expect and yearn for. Your life and career goals and visions, Officer Cook, were to make this a reality, your number one onus. Leadership is being able to humbly follow someone then to take the yokes theysworn to protect. No one has forgotten you and the uniform and badge you donned in excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

The knives cut deep just as wickedness digs deep to inflict a hurt like never before. Dade County was indeed struck down by evil that day, you, Officer Cook, acted profoundly and humble as a hero must to keep them alive and the citizens whom you took a sacred oath to preserve. The dignity and integrity of life calls for certain instruments of intellect, ingenuity and intuition to create purposes by which mankind and all who live can prosper. The gates of God's kingdom shine forth as an angel of loyalty patrols them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character always takes precedence about all else.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

I take walks every morning very early before the sun comes up, Officer Cook. Can smell the crispness of the air and yes think of a great man who was taken by violence before his time. A happy and productive life of wisdom,maturity and honesty all usurped by one man. When integrity, dignity and reliability are interrupted we know there is a major problem. You will forever be saluted and respected by your colleagues for having the fortitude to defend and rescue those afflicted by terrible circumstances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County has never been the same without your smile and humanely profound dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

Trust and truth they are all bonded to honor and dignity. Yours, Officer Cook, were heroic and deluxe in devotion and pure desire. Dade County was more than adequately protected by your humble esteem and courage from your golden heart. Heaven has you next to your parents where you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero of humility and its sacred goodwill on behalf of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

You yearned for destiny, Officer Cook and took whatever humble means were required to complete your police studies so faithfully. Dade County had your accomplished decency, honesty and respect for everything proper regarding standards of dignity and integrity. Such fine character helped you thwart evil. What an angel! Always missed very much and forever in your family's hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

A man journeys and missions are all too sacred. And because of your pursuits of harmony and resolve, Officer Cook, could Dade County and its residents live quietly. You sacrificed more than honor, integrity and dignity to uplift the hearts and spirits of mankind. A warrior who remains cherished and admired will not be forgotten. You are to be honorably saluted for esteem and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2020

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