Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Trees serve a practical purpose in our forests. Police officers like trees must be sturdy and honorable to all acumen and awareness that must be duly noted and dignified. You were all business and took all your tasks completely to heart dedicating your life and career to Dade County residents, Officer Cook. So heroic and endearing and certainly never forgotten. We salute your unwavering,unselfish and tireless energy and sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2020

The sheer gall of individuals looking and lurking to commit crime against mankind and the police. The establishment and authority figures of our society who go on patrolling and protecting their venues of versatility and virtue. Dade County was where heroism and honesty remain treasured forevermore. A plan and a wise heart that endeared itself to your adoring family and esteemed comrades, Officer Cook, who forever hold you close to their hearts. Humility and civility blanketing a venue and its spirit of opportunity to thrive once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

Marvel while you can, but mettle, proper conduct and ideals can uplift a humanity filled with violence and wickedness. You engaged, enriched and did a superb job preserving life and property for Dade County, Officer Cook. Always thoughtful, faithful and fair when the issue called for your acumen. Your best versions of vision and vigilance all applied to dignity and reverent integrity to bring about a change for the better. Fondly remembered and duly accorded salutes of praise and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

A good navigator steers the rudder. A leader dedicates and inspires others to follow in those righteous pathways. A motivator yearns to uplift the spirit of society which of course you did very well, Officer Cook. Maintaining virtue and versatility while protecting Dade County's folks and never more integrity and dignity enhancing the chapters of life for those whose journeys march forward. An angel of truth and trust wanting to become better everyday. Now for heaven you can look down and keep on enriching your loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

Add 77 you arrive at 14 and add 12 to that you get 26. That would have been your age later the year you were taken from this world, your family and department, Officer Cook. So brave and honorable, cherished and loyal to all mankind, integrity, dignity and respectful character do mean something and the man who stole your heart and soul from you and the community got his punishment while you continue reaping your angelic blessings and rewards for valiant effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those numbers were where you sacrificed your humble and humanely caring soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

Your family and colleagues can indeed say that badge#1664 did its yeoman job securing Dade County. Your earthly missions, Officer Cook, honored, heroic and forever dignified shall be remembered for their unselfish, unwavering and unending integrity bounded by your character, commitments to pride, values and the excellence of your trusted convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

The coolness of the air, the crispness of courage, the crusader of wisdom, heart and soul. You were surely and most definitely the honest hero of Dade County, Officer Cook, one to be counted upon to serve and rescue us from evil. A gentleman with character, dignity and integrity loyal to his comrades and never a finer man. Humility and nobility are sanctity's callings, your passions, life and career my neighbor, friend and hero will be solemnly saluted for their encasing virtue. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2020

A windy day today, Officer Cook and that pattern seems to be prevailing as of late. But what always prevailed and was constant was honesty,integrity and dignity all serving Dade County with pinpoint accuracy. Accountability, dependability and sanctity all versatile and diligent. The cream does rise to the top and badge#1664 rose to the challenge to tackle small and big issues. Identifying and undermining, two different words. One creating evil. The other you had to sort through the mazes of bedlam to shift its violent winds. Everything done right and done by the book. God's ledgers are perfect and your spirit and soul keep being rewarded and revered for their class and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Magnets attract metal. Mettle and morals pull together a man's composed honesty, dignity and strength of both character and his integrity. Never any doubt waver or hesitation you would turn out to be a great officer, a superior leadership, a quality motivator and most of all an inspiring hero to your family,department and to all Dade County, Officer Cook. Forty-one and a half years ago you laid down your life of achievement to corner a heinous and cowardly man who took your life for no reason other than being troubled and depressed. They are not at all good causes and he nearly killed his wife, a couple of civilians and not to mention your two colleagues who hung on by a thread. God must have needed your sensitively sweet and virtual soul more at that time, Officer Cook, determining your fates and destinies as finished and heroism to be the legacy you family clutches close to their hearts as they try to fulfill your unfinished business. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just twenty-five and a whole life ahead for you and Karen. Retirement and some stable peace of mind enjoying the fruits of your labors of passion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

You were so proud to first put on your badge and uniform, Officer Cook. Your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook,may she rest in peace and your dad, Mr. Charles Cook, may he rest in peace were so glad and very proud of you. Karen was married to a beautiful soul, sweet, considerate and caring all while loving her and being cherished for the occupation you chose even with its dangers. Dade County was policed and watched like no other. Humbleness and sanctity were your guides of vision, wisdom and you noted maturity never more blessed and ordained to perform their onuses for mankind's goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your son Mr. and Mrs. Cook, was your darling and most heroic young man to be forevermore saluted for having the acumen to support his driven desires and the composure to calm and to restore law and order.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

If you drive by NW 77th Terrace and NW 12th Avenue at night the street lights are your wonderfully humble heart aglow, Officer Cook. That venue was where virtue, vigilance and versatility all earned their stripes of honor, reverence for a job well done and humility from integrity and character of dignity providing stability for Dade County and its people. Only a fine young man giving his all and undivided attention to details at every turn. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sacrifice takes courage and the heart of a lion which you were, Officer Cook, simply a gentleman of morals,values and principles that governed your life and duly organized career of fortitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Ferocity so unwavering and unrelenting. Dade County was preserved by your most honest and reliable service to mankind, Officer Cook. All sincere and all heroic. Surely God's cup overflows with His blessings for your heart and its sacred integrity and dignity as they certainly reached out far and wide to procure peace and harmony for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Frivolously tampering with one's tenacity will never get you anywhere but in trouble. Public servants have to walk that so called " fine line" never crossing into the pathways of disrespect,disgrace and dishonesty. A well meaningful life and career although it was cut way too short because of violence perpetrated against you, Officer Cook, a man with a strong and most sincerely humble and heroic heart defending,protecting and fighting tooth and nail for Dade County's freedoms, liberties and unity. Mankind can then really enjoy the blasts of bravery and boldness gently touching its very community, its streets, roads and corners where you built relationships and cemented foundations to last forever. Humility and sanctity unselfish, most enhancing and always engaging and endearing. They are truly missed just as your down to earth truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel sheltered in God's warmest and most compassionate of wings. Goodwill, hope and devotion that are to be treasured for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Policing a community is not a simple walk or stroll in the park. When darkness sets in things can become a little more perilous and all who serve must keep their eyes and ears open and aware of the challenges that are ahead. You probably worked nights, Officer Cook and performed your roles as you always did with class and courage from your wise heart and dignified soul of ferocity. Only the most sophisticated of integrity and humility so sacred and with a passion as you yearned to protect your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

If you can look at yourself in the mirror and understand your job and its responsibilities, then the challenges, roles and tasks at hand can be done with a little less apprehension.Danger and peril do lurk and all any humble public servant can do is their own assignment. You worked with many fine women and men, Officer Cook,heroes and heroines as fine as you. With a complete heart and soul you took your dignity and integrity directly to the fine people that resided in Dade County. You were their fundamental warrior to success and safe travels. Tireless energy and undying leadership nestled among your steadfast motivation and mettle never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Violence makes mankind spin out of control at times causing a ruckus that never seems to stop rotating. You handled all your daily professional affairs, Officer Cook, with confidence, class and careful consideration. Dade County received more than a lion's share of excellence, honesty and the reverence that is located in a person's own integrity, dignity and their character. Such commitments do get their humble blessings and heavenly rewards for being an angel, Officer Cook, may God perfect wings launch your versatile soul and spirit to newer heights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Doing your utmost to preserve life and property entails many notions. The ideas, values and morals that are ethically proper need to remain in place. Honesty, dignity and integrity that you so maintained humbly, Officer Cook, did its heroic job of service so much so that now your legacy of vision, wisdom and maturity shine much brighter yet better if your presence was still here giving advice and relating your trails, trials and tribulations during the courses of your career. Always loyal and cherished, bold and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

Efficiency can only take effort down those trusted and truthful trails where justice must be served if honor, integrity and dignity stay hitched to their humbleness within the hearts of those who proudly protect the public. You were the consummate comrade, Officer Cook, never more diligent and such a fine young man, heroic and talented, loyal and esteemed. Only the best of angels patrol those golden roads above. Character and class lead the way! Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

From all indications, Officer Cook, your honorable and heroic career dedicated to Dade County's citizens was headed up filled with promise and unselfish dignity and integrity. They all captured the hearts and thoughts of the myriad of friends and colleagues who either worked you or just were close acquaintances. Your humility a stabilizing factor in the way serenity and unity was spread about a community that has continued to respect and salute your noble actions of consideration, courtesy and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2020

The weather lately has been changing. A little bit cooler and windier in the morning a great time for a walk. To energize the old battery. I told you, Officer cook, that every time a see a plane in the skies above I think of you and Karen, your beloved wife travelling to some destination for a well deserved retirement vacation. Such a life and lives are left in the hands of Our Creator who thinks,postulates and plans our days, weeks, months and years. Which have been unfortunately too many to mention since that hot afternoon of May 16,1979 where you sacrificed your life, Officer Cook. Gladeview in Liberty City and Dade County was the venue where your best conduct,humble virtue and heroic honor, dignity and integrity was summoned to a higher plain. Just terribly sad! You had much more to give back to humanity. So many unfulfilled and uncompleted missions of faith, hope and unwavering goodwill all established by a noble man of honest principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

The mother hen watches over her young. And you observed, preserved and protected all mankind especially Dade County with extra loving compassion and morals, Officer Cook. The saga of your wonderful life and yet too short a career and existence punctuated by a very nefarious man bent on revenge and anger. Never cuts the mustard. For your honesty, dignity and integrity gave freedom and safety another extra belt of boldness to make such a career more sustainable. Believe me you expended the endeavor, Officer Cook and humility, sanctity and civility were never too far behind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

For all you gave, Officer Cook, those bagpipes still sound louder today than ever. Such wailing and misery spread out all because of your heroic actions to spare peace and security, Officer Cook. Dade County had your honesty,integrity and persevering dignity directing your battles over adversity never to be forgotten. A man , a gentleman of knowledge and kindness mixing his skills of admiration gently through a community that still cares about you their hero of resolve and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

Nothing fragmented about your ferocity and fearlessness, Officer Cook. So virtual and honored. Everyone in your family and department revered and respected your infinite wisdom,devotion to duty and the mature vision that has led t o a brighter tomorrow though one lessened because of your loss. So sad, terrible and above all tragic. A young man carrying out his dreams and inspirations which keep moving forward as does your humble sacred heroic legacy doing its utmost to secure and protect the public at large. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero . Dade County will forever cherish your fighting spirit and heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

The keys to humble and sacred journeys and their missions of purpose are found in a mans' secure,humane and very loyal soul of motivation. You never needed prodding, Officer Cook,that's for sure. You possessed marvelous conduct, a smile and a laugh and yet through it all, honesty, dignity and wisdom flowed in your veins of virtue and integrity as you chased down evil here in Dade County. Twenty-five years of humility and civility all marked and capped by noble acts of faith and boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

A bump, a bruise and a scratch you can see another day. But, just a tragedy that overwhelmed your entire family, colleagues and our world, our humanity in general.What transpired that afternoon police face everyday, but your heroic actions, honored and brave, Officer Cook,certainly proved why everyone adored and admired your cunning and fighting heart and soul. You assisted in trying to stabilize the freedom and goodwill of the folks living in and around the community of Dade County. Their harbor and shelter where serenity belongs. Now as an angel you belong with many heroes to Our Lord to continue your proverbial beat above where eternity will steer your spirit where its tasks forever guard us from evil and harm. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2020

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