Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The fruits of your labors, Officer Cook, all honored and humbly heroic should have been enjoyed as by now you would have been retired at least twenty plus years. Nearly thirty of them serving Dade County with unrelenting and undying affection and loyalty cherished and forevermore respected. Such manners, courtesy and politeness lighting up the skies along with your dignity, character and most sufficient heroism and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

Police work can never be watered down as it must be real and demonstrate authority and leadership all motivating one another. Dade County had a most resourceful man and a human being in your sweet soul and heart, Officer Cook, firmly, fairly and honestly defending freedom and truth. You were so consummate, so vital and integral to the health and welfare of the people whom you protected, preserved their quality of life, goodwill and substance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

With what is going on in the world today no one enjoys being couped up in their home or quarantined. You patrolled your community, Officer Cook, Dade County and provided par excellent service to all humanity. Your character, dignity and integrity were first rate and first class, all virtue and all valor verifying your versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

Officer Cook, you handled everything professional matter with gloves of gallantry, gladness and a glow on your smiling face. Dade County was where you prowess was and has always been well noted and duly received. Integrity, dignity and a heart of heroic honor battling,defending and fighting off evil and terror. You'll never be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

Evil seeks to knock down that partition of peace,perseverance and pride. You certainly displayed this every second of your watch over Dade County, Officer Cook. Your family and department's hero established in effort and never anything less than decency and determination. Honor, integrity and dignity all implanted engraved and embellished forever to be treasured for its tenacity and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Character, commitment and convictions all true and through. A gentleman who embodied everything correct and proper in law enforcement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

Such violence and adversity unfortunately greets brave women and men of heart and soul everyday. You were centered, focused and surely a devout man of principles, Officer Cook, so humanely heroic and honorable. If integrity,dignity and character could have kept you alive and well today your family obviously would be most appreciative and grateful. Your life and career of acumen and maturity ended too soon as your trusted and truthful soul was transported to heaven by Our Creator who brings joy,health and happiness to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was where crusades of justice and relevance were your journeys and missions of hopeful inspiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

Never antagonistic and always polite and well mannered, your life and service to the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, was honored and forever heroic. Only dignity and integrity marched along with you on your trails of character and respectful humility. God's heavenly kingdom has your unwavering, tireless and unselfish energy, heart and soul that continues to soar mightily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2020

A studious learner picks up his lessons quickly. With conditioned honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, all geared and ready to fortify your combat missions in and around Dade County you'll never be forgotten. You waged battle after battle against the wars of wanton criminals always showing fortitude, tenacity and an unselfish drive to succeed mightily. Heaven has your humble character, truth and trust all wrapped tightly around Our Lord's palms for safekeeping. The gates and streets are well paved by your perseverance and unrelenting resolve. The very same taken to the people whom loyalty made that impressionable difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

Wickedness huffs and puffs and tries to blow the roofs away. Your courage, boldness and breathe, Officer Cook, was mightier and more heroically honorable than ever. Stoic and always passionate about your work and family, Dade County will never felt any better than when you served with ingenuity,integrity and all the respectful dignity one could muster. The roofs and structures are strong although a little less safe because of your absence from your peers and strong willed family of love and admiration. Always saluted and brave to your brothers. God's angel wings fit you perfectly for your more distinguished eternal role. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

Society seems to be staggering these days due such adverse evil filling our land. Your whole life and heroically honored career, Officer Cook, was replete with plenty of dignity and integrity so much needed to protect Dade County's folks. Forever as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero it is your legacy of character,trust and the sustainable humility and peaceful sanctity that governed your pursuits of happiness while carrying out perilous onuses upon your broad shoulders.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

The gallantry and gladness you brought to your work was reflective of your formative years of learning and educating yourself, Officer Cook, to the basics of endeavor and energy from your honorable heart and soul that steered some semblance of serenity and stability back into the lifelines of Dade County where its citizens could relish some relief from the affects of evil. The man who cowardly took your life got his punishment while you my neighbor, friend and hero continue gaining your source of eternal strength from Our Master whose compassion and mercy stretches far and wide. A gentleman of commitment so humanely honored and saluted for reverence, respect and wholehearted trust. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

Peace of mind frees you to accomplish whatever it is you so desire. The earth and all its wonders for all to witness and your career and life, Officer Cook,instilled the very basic tenets of wisdom, vision and maturity within Dade County's borders where its people could finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. Your direct leadership and dedication brought forth a new day and having the morals of honor, dignity and integrity went a long way to stemming this tide of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

Even with an ache or pain, your perseverance and unending honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook,made that heroic difference for Dade County. Such a wonderful young man full of zest and zeal keeping harmony and character close to us forever to be so cherished and revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2020

There is always something to be corrected and cleaned up. No shortage of effort. You exerted full concentration, Officer Cook, acquitting your integrity, dignity and humane honesty to the full maximum. No one worried about you and your capabilities to get results the right way. Such excellent character, quality of commitment and the trusted convictions that raise the bars of boldness,bravery and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Accessibility allows one quicker response time to a situation that is of dire consequences Life and property need that support and constant protection and you performed your essential duties, Officer Cook, as all heroes must, with fearlessness, ferocity and undying resolve and dignified resourcefulness. Dade County always knew you were there present to assist and that day of May 16,1979 was no different. You gave your life to battle and evil man so wayward and heinous. Your class, decency and character gave strength to our purposes and missions which you faithfully attended to. Really tragic what transpired. You'll be an inspiration as an angel of courage all coupled with your marvelous credence to fight for our rights and liberties. Yours, Officer Cook,should never have been violated and disrespected!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

There are peaks and valleys. Every second on the streets is somewhat comparable to a roller coaster ride. The ebb and flows were accomplished very well by your humility and heroic heart, Officer Cook. A mainstay here in a community where you grew up and got married, all the emotions of intensity and integrity done with unrelenting ingenuity, the composed dignity so serene yet sacred in your passions to patrol and serve Dade County. Heaven's angel always missed and not forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

With all the danger, stress, duress and constant pressures to perform more than adequately it's a wonder more men and women who serve don't leave their professional roles for something less demanding. But, we must remember and keep solidly in mind no one forced police work on anyone. No one grabbed your arm and made you sign on the dotted line to join the academy where your rigorous training and preparations are all so essential to the matters at hand. You relished your job, Officer Cook. forever a Dade County hero. Honor. Dignity and integrity both humbly and humanely touching the hearts and souls of those people whom you served.It's a shame you could not have joined the crime scene team sooner as you knew the dangers and yet operated as you always did, with a full and caring heart and a mind so sharp and skilled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Never one to waver or waffle you just put the pedal on the metal, Officer Cook, to bring about a freedom and unity so vital to the interests of Dade County. It's inscribed in a young man's heart of heroic integrity, dignity and the fundamentally virtual honor which is forever be noted, solemnly saluted and duly paid homage for its unselfishly tireless endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, truth and justice's trustworthiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Surely it takes one to know one. Your sincerity and genuine mannerisms, Officer Cook, were all pleasant and pleasing. A smile to light up a room and humbleness so honored and so solemn. The virtue, integrity and dignity are certainly absent today and yet your keeps carrying your heroism forward. A legacy well documented and so real. Understanding that uplifted mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

The flow of traffic depends upon all who move back and forth observing the letter of the law and in turn safe trails, harbors and shelters are guaranteed for mankind. Society exists because of men like yourself, Officer Cook, so principled and so full of the decent genesthat go into honor,dignity and character. It takes more than one to patrol and secure Dade County. Your gestures of gallantry were heroic and so humanely humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Tracking down terror takes all the efficiency in a man complete with discipline and the dignity to improve the face of humanity. You took to your roles, Officer Cook and made a huge imprint upon the landscape of Dade County where all who travel can do so in peace. Integrity and honor doing their part to save lives and to preserve the quality of stability for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Just an earthly man doing a job built upon the standards as set forth by your department. So valid and so virtuous, your career and life though way too short, Officer Cook, is how one should compose their character and commitment as this was your courage and dignity set forth on a journey to restore and to reinvigorate resolve and resiliency for all Dade County. A supreme sacrifice respected and so revealing. Heaven has your kind heart and gentle soul patrolling the gates of bravery where nothing will harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Dedication, determination and devotion all dictate honesty, integrity and dignity be implemented at all times to stem this tide of unrelenting and unending violence. All from your heart of heroism, humility and civility, Officer Cook. Dade County was prepared and with your unassuming, unselfish and tireless energy and effort it all paid dividends to be solemnly blessed and most rewarded by Our Maker. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Always remember the important things in life that brought you to your career. You were so conscienous, Officer Cook and always so family oriented. Dade County was where your heroic honesty, dignity and integrity made a distinct impression to be saluted, revered and admired for character, commitment and class. An angel of decency and sanctity forever walking a proverbial beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2020

Distinct and clear are how you go about solving serious conflicts. A domestic dispute that takes four officers to reach a peaceful conclusion is serious enough and Dade County needed your vital response, Officer Cook. Heroism, honesty and all loyaltyto fight on deal with a man lacking your integrity, dignity and vigilant character to be faithfully saluted and given its homage. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Transparent means that truth and nothing but that important ingredient.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2020

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