Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Just like your mom may she and your dad rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, such a refined young man with more humble and honored missions ahead. God must have needed another angel to watch over his family and beloved Dade County community where you provided dignity, integrity and heroic character and very much needed loyal and esteemed commitment to always be saluted for virtue, wisdom and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2023

Violence is the vicious animal that does not stop at attacking society's core. Public servants are men and women trained and prepared to deal with any situation, issue or dilemma that may surface. You went out daily, Officer Cook, to make peace for everyone living in and around Dade County. A gentleman well groomed, well spoken and very well versed in humility and having a heart and soul of both integrity and dignity that came about through your upstanding and outstanding actions of ferocity and tenacity. We the citizen could know our sense of pride and purposeful directions because of all your unassuming, unselfish and unwavering acts of enrichment and enhancement never to be forgotten and saluted for having the aptitudes of virtue, wisdom and vision so versatile and yet so morally sacred . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Journeys and missions on behalf of mankind undertaken with faithfulness, resourcfulness and blessed endeavor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2023

Learned but humbly loyal, your sacred crusades, Officer Cook, were solely directed upon the goodwill of the residents of Dade County ofwhom you protected quite heroically, honorably and with a comprehension of everything carved in the solemn words of character, dignity and integrity. One cannot battle and give their all without any of these important traits for if there is one small flaw then violence, danger and wickedness can just continue to negatively overtook a community and you saw to our very peace, liberties and abilities to fulfill our missions of which yours will be saluted as your legacy grows each and everyday. May Our Maker shelter you and your unselfish heart and soul forever under His wings of compassion and perfection as you walk your beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of his word whose true convictions, commitments and professional conduct were all humanely consummate and considerate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2023

Direction and detail are for those who are dedicated to their profession of which you were, Officer Cook, honorably and most heroically as a public servant whose resourcefulness scoured every nook and cranny of Dade County. Integrity, dignity and character make up an essential part of a man or woman's drive. Our tranquility came through your trails and paths cherished and esteemed. A loyal man who persevered through danger and whatever else you faced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2023

Slow to anger and of great kindness, you were a man bestowed, Officer Cook, with a heroically honest heart and decent soul that served and protected the folks of Dade County with a humane and loyal sense of pride, esteem and virtue. The sacred pieces of perseverance, dignity and integrity made your outstanding character that much more adoring and beloved by your family, colleagues of the past and by an entire police world who mourned your untimely loss because of one man's revolting disrespect and cowardly heinousness towards authority. May God shine His countenance upon your spirit and soul of dedication, truth and trust forevermore as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2023

Prevalent in proficiency, perseverance and pride can never let any good and decent public servant go astray at least for nine out of ten men and women who wear a symbolic and yet sacred badge of integrity, character, courage and honored commitment. You achieved, Officer Cook, by serving Dade County with your undivided attention to details, morals and valid principles which created and delivered a real and truthfully trusted sense of serenity, stability and freedom for all humanity never to be forgotten. We salute your wisdom, smile and sense of virtue and vision which now is your heroic legacy for others to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2023

Security, serenity and safety are essential to the public's welfare. You supplied the honorable and most dignified of resources, Officer Cook, to protect Dade County and its residents from violence. Integrity, reverence and character were consummate and trusted beyond any shadow of doubt. Your heart and heroic soul will forever be solemnly remembered and saluted for their desire, dedication and loyal determination. Such a true warrior and a man of faith who strengthened the bonds of humanity and mankind which misses you very dearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and blessings carry your loved ones as they make that endeavor to move forward with your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2023

The salt of the earth and a serene young man girded in honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, Dade County was where your heroic life and career began and tragically ended because of one crazed man. Senseless and heinous, yet your character, class, decency and dedication were the consummate ingredients of hope, faith and goodwill for all whom you protected. We salute you for bravery, boldness, wisdom and sacred virtue demonstrated upon all your cherished and loyal earthly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2023

Your sincerest convictions, Officer Cook, delivered, created and forever implanted peace, stability and liberty for all to witness here in Dade County. A man still young and strong going toe to toe with a crazed madman and the sadness of your devoted and humble family and comrades losing you to this awful violence sends goosebumps down our spines. For your dignity, respect, class and character is surely being watched over by Our Creator. A devout and faithful gentleman loyal toall his duties giving his life and career for a noble mission poured forth with wisdom, virtue and a humanely humble and decent heart and soul. An angel protecting us from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2023

A gentleman born with heroically humble honor, a public servant persevering with his dignity, integrity and clutch character attached to his uniform of consistency, courage and conviction, it all made for a safer Dade County, Officer Cook, as you patrolled every corner and every sidestreet with precision accurancy, acumen and the determination that all who are deserving. Twenty-five years arenot all that long a time, perhaps the vile and despicable man who took you from this world should have thought long and hard before pulling his gun out and doing what he did. Officer Cook, you, Officer Keith DiGenova and Officers Robert Edgerton and Scott Lincoln your last partner deserve a lot of credit and for surviving as they did. God must have needed a true and trusted angel of virtue, wisdom and humbleness that now watches over us and your esteemed family as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2023

The bread of affliction we consume daily as the fruits of your faithful and heroic fruition were loyalty accomplished each watch over Dade County, Officer Cook. A true man, a genuine gentleman born with class, dignity and integrity never ever to be forgotten. Always so sincere with a handsome smile and outstanding character, confident desire, trusted dedication toevery assignment that was placed on your professional agenda. Your actions and life represented morals and every breath of your unwavering and unselfish heart and soul of humbly blessed virtue and sacred missions that sprouted forth peace and stability for mankind tosolemnly remember and to salute a humane hero. An angel whose role is to walk that perfect beat in eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2023

You achieved, accomplished and despite your life and career, Officer Cook, being cut all too short were heroic, dignified and had integrity in all your humbly blessed actions that safeguarded the people of Dade County. The recipients of your virtuous resolve, resourcefulness and unselfish resiliency through effort and energy from your unwavering and undying heart and soul that cared and was most compassionate. You'll always be saluted for upstanding missions of goodwill, devotion and dedication spreadout among your beloved community where your name and legacy stay forevermore enshrined, imbedded and implanted within our lives and frontdoors where serenity and safety were your rightful journeys that enriched and were completely withinthe boundaries of honorable character, commitment and trusted intuition. The truth speaks now God has your angelic spirit to watch over us and your adoring family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2023

Supurb morals, declarative dignity, honesty and integrity that was the excellence of your wisdom, virtue and valor, Officer Cook and it was heroism spelled out in true tenacity and trusted acumen, awareness and the sacred journeys of faith and resourcefulness poured forth that gave Dade County and its folks the opportunity at having stability and peace mounted within the frameworks of their homes. A person's castle should be of outstanding character, commitments to exceed expectations and the versatility of a real warrior who was unrelenting, unselfish and most humbly unwavering and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2023

Dade County could only marvel at your heroically humble actions, Officer Cook, ones that were honorable, loyal and most dignified as they saved lives. Our serenity, safety and freedoms were all blessed by your unwavering and most unselfish heart and soul of integrity, character and the esteemed commitments all required from sacred angels of bravery who are never forgotten by their families and departments. They all miss you but know they carry your legacy as they move forward with their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2023

Perseverance and peace must not be disturbed nor may violence interrupt the passionate purposes for which we live and breathe. You lived for your family and Dade County all heroically, Officer Cook. Honor, dignity and integrity are not just caring character, commitment and nobly sacred convictions that must be exercised daily if our society is to thrive. Thank God for a man of heart, soul and loyal truth and trust going down the very same trails and paths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2023

Officer Cook, you were one of Dade County's most bravest of warriors and your honorable, dignified
and intuitive actions of integrity saved the day on May 16, 1979. The class of character, virtue and commitment bringing in liberty and justice for all. To live forward while you made the ultimate sacrifice speaks to your upstanding morals and fabrics of ferocity, trust and true allegiance of an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Missions faithfully undertaken for the sake of your esteemed community where your blessed name is forevermore respected and greatly admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2023

A man of grace, virtue and faithfulness relying on all his basic instincts of honor, integrity and dignified character to lead other fellow officers heroically through peril here in Dade County says it all about you, Officer Cook, a true and trustworthy gentleman of resourcefulness and diligence who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to experience the most humble and loyalest of blessings of safe trails for mankind. Your loving family certainly and most unselfishly carries your legacy forward as they live their lives of succinct distinction and because of their"Uncle Bo" giving his entire heart and soul of humility while maintaining law and order with the values,scruples and principles so essentail to your public service. Always a heroic angel andmay Our Master shelter you my neighbor, friend and hero under His wings for eternity to shine down upon you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2023

Progress helps to protect the environment. You goodwill, good nature and honesty, Officer Cook, heroically made all the difference in how we can go beyond our purposes of life here in Dade County. Crisp, succinct and with a dignity, integrity and character that bolstered your missions of faith and resolve and for having such outstanding morals, wisdom beyond the crowd may God bless you spirit and dearly beloved soul of serenity and security as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I told the administrator of the cemetery that the grass in your section needs to be tended to and cutdown. You deserve the humility of where you rest for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2023

Satisfaction is not for one day alone, but seizing the opportunity to create a more stable peace and freedom of movement for all concerned is the key. Our progress and hopeful prosperity was because you cared and were concerned about Dade County's safety, Officer Cook. Dogged, devoted and determined to rid us of problems and wickedness you utilized every tool at your disposal that tragic day to get Mr. Pearsall to surrender. He did not and you and your partner and fellow officers found yourselves in a hornet's nest of chaos. You my neighbor, friend and hero performed admirably, humbly and heroically keeping your honesty, integrity and dignity all within your unselfish heart and soulof true character, trustworthy commitment to succeed and the intuitive convictions that are necessary for both the public and for officers' survival. May Our Maker shine His grace and countenance upon your soul of virtue and sanctity for all mankind will not forget your missions and journeys put forth in goodwill, faithfulness and versatility. Rest in peace. I will try and visit your grave todayand offer a prayer for you. You were consummate and humanely speaking the very best! Your beloved family carries your legacy forward with renewed wisdom and humility from their hearts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2023

Evil and violence can wipeout a community, but it can never ever tarnish a righteous public servant of Our Lord such as yourself, Officer Cook, who served and preserved Dade County with a special heart, soul and heroic passion. Our harmony came about through your outstanding character, commitment and convictions of dignity, integrity, trust and faithfully ordained truth. Never forgotten and saluted for valor and virtue all implanted within your sacred journeys here in this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2023

The book of bravery forever contains those chapters of your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, that served Dade County and its citizens with a passion and unrelenting heart and heroic soul. God's many angels dwell high above looking down upon their families forevermore protecting them as they carry forward their legacies of enrichment, loyalty and by being esteemed and certainly most devoted and dedicated to the calls of duty. Where resiliency and relevance share the roles of faithfulness and goodwill you made very sure to perform nobly and with a sacred mission delivered to us in the forms of tranquility and contentment. Character, commitment and conviction that was the total truth and trust of a grateful community where you remain beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2023

The beams of boldness, enhancement and engagement were all alive and well when you served Dade County, Officer Cook. They opened newer doors for peace and security to walk through. A refined gentleman with dignity, integrity and honesty all flowing inyour heart and soul of character and class never to be overlooked as we salute your life, career and heroic legacy now stamped as one of God's angelic and most faithful of peacekeepers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2023

Those bonds of solemn faith,devotion, dedication and determination were strictly carried out by you, Officer Cook, so wisely, so dignified and with humbly blessed integrity, honor and heroic intuition, the ingenuity of a man so well revered, Dade County, your family, comrades and friends will never forget you and what you stood for as a loyal and most esteemed public servant. Our way of life and security all came about because of your undying and unselfish heart and soul so giving, caring and sincerely kind it's mankind that continues missing you but does receive your angelic messages from the heavens above where you now and for eternity walk your perfect beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2023

A servant, a messenger sent here for a sacred mission, journey and profound purpose, Officer Cook. To protect, enhance, enrich and to uplift the values and morals of honest hard working people here in Dade County. You were a heroic man, young at heart with character, dignity and integrity who forged new bonds while sacrificing your life for serenity and safe trails for all mankind. You'll be saluted and forever for being your family's guardian angel. Their shield and warrior never forgotten for being a gentleman of wisdom, virtue and thoughtful faithfulness and beloved resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forty-four years later and still esteemed and humanely cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2023

The script that God wrote for you, Officer Cook, was punctuated and accentuated with heroic honesty, integrity, character and dignity. Never simple for some you received the messages of commitment and clarity very succinctly and comprehended your all essential roles quite well protecting the folks of Dade County with acumen and the esteemed loyalty that who serve must strive for. We remember with distinction your life and noble career cut way too short because of evil and violence of a disrespectful and cowardly individual. We salute you for having wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys that brought a sense of directional peace to all. Keep looking down upon your family and may your angel wings perfectly keep your spirit soaring higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2023

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