Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Our world today seems to be polluted with everything,drugs,violence you name it. Good people, proud men and women of destiny and desire,dignity and morally upright servants giving their all out integrity and virtual honor to expose and cut down this terror and what not. You rescued Dade County, Officer Cook and will forever be a hero. Badge#1664 was filled with patience, valor and joy for being able to perform a dangerous mission where journeys home are not granted nor guaranteed. Making it home safe and sound while securing the public is the demand and expectation. God one day will reunite your family, Officer Cook,so your soul, heart and spirit won't be alone. Your parents are with you forever. Two blessed and faithful individuals raising Nancy and you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

Meant to say earthliest of missions, Officer Cook. Humanity, mankind and society can all step back and ponder the future of Dade County if you were alive and well today. You surely,certainly and forever were a wonderfully consummate and humanely humble servant who was steered by Our Maker to become a fine policeman. Dade County had excellent quality, a high octane battler, passion and courage fro a valiant heart of care. Dignity and desire were never left on an island alone. Heaven's kingdom is where your grit and gumption belong with unselfish and tireless gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

Perseverance and proficiency are just one slice of precision's pie. The part about honesty,integrity and dignity cannot ever be dismissed from service and protection. A community no matter its size needs all the gentle support, humility and a heart that flows with character, respect and resolve. Yours, Officer Cook, had the entire masterpiece of mettle,morals and scruples encircling you constantly. Never forgotten and always cherished,admired and duly paid homage to for being present to achieve your earthiest of missions. Hope, faith and goodwill seemed to adjust nicely when you set out to secure and deliver tranquility for everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

It took all your unwavering acumen and being astute, Officer Cook,to knockout violence once and for all. A hero of high class and decency who relished his years all too short serving his community of Dade County. A master motivator, a very deserving and dedicated leader of others, you toiling and tenacity was brought straight to the streets where you dutifully patrolled and gained a deeper appreciation and insight for what it took to combat offensive behavior. A vastly different scene today but from heaven's perfect terraces you can watch over your family and colleagues trying to perform as you did so wonderfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Being vocal and having vision is all well and good, actions will convey more than words.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

The words spoken by a revered servant of God are everything humble,honest,heroic and humane. Never a bad word or vibe ever with you, Officer Cook, as you dealt with Dade County's folks like family. Your righteous upbringing indeed was built around the instruments of integrity,ingenuity and thoughtful intuition. So much and consideration all well respected and solemnly saluted for its engagement, enhancement and enrichment. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

Whenever a dearly respected comrade was in a jam or trouble they could rely upon you, Officer Cook, to honorably and heroically steer them free from harm. Dignity,character and integrity are supposed to be pliable and most durable during moments when virtue and versatility may be struggling with severe adversity. Dade County will forever cherish your memory and try its best to both faithfully and truthfully uphold your legacy of sanctity and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2020

Those cascades of companionship, courage and strong convictions all brought resolve and everlasting virtue to your heroic and honorable heart of trust and its never wandering truth. We sure can wonder what today might be like, Officer Cook, if you were with Karen and your families gathered together to join in the holiday spirit and celebrations. Such happiness and joy, but for now Dade County, your colleagues and family must remember, salute and champion your dignity,integrity and always vigilant character sustaining us and offering the salvation to overcome adversity and to succeed despite obstacles of peril and danger embracing our society, ones you tried your utmost to quash, alleviate and to eliminate from the cracks and crevices of mankind so it can dream, aspire and continue those noblest and most blessed of sacred journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I was glad to clean your stone and to have something placed back on your stone that was desecrated. A hero and humbleness need to be revered, recognized and fortified and now as angel who watches over us. God rewards those who support the pilgrimages of His pious flock.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

Your cabinets were never barren, Officer Cook. They were completely filled with humble smile simple enough. Then integrity, dignity and honor took over and wielded its strokes of serious engagement giving Dade County at least an opportunity to hang in through evil displaying its terrible affects upon humanity. Forever humble and stoic, your humility and character from your tireless heart made that distinct impression to be embellished and forevermore treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

Loose ends must be tied by unending tenacity and bravery. Your assurances, Officer Cook, yielding harmony and unity for all Dade County. A hero born with ethics,principles and mettle all attached to your dashboard of dignity,integrity and honesty. It's truly everlasting as you forever patrol heaven walking your pristine eternal beat as an angel so golden and gallant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

Dearly beloved and deeply adored, your life and career of determination, dedication and devotion toward Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook,will remain both a vital and focal part of your heroic legacy. Justice was served with class, candor,charm and convictions all from your heart and soul of respect, reverence and honesty coupled with decency, dignity and integrity. Badge#1664 was well respected and so precision like. A man who dreamed and now has forever become an inspiration to his family and department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

Your undying spirit and unrelenting heart, Officer Cook, heroically captured the humility of your ever present watch over Dade County. Precise and passionate, yet all business when the duties to patrol and make peace arose. Just sad very tragic your honor, integrity and dignity was snatched away from you at such a young age with more left to accomplish though you succeeded mightily in all your earthly journeys to create the bonds of boldness,freedom and togetherness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

The train rolls down the tracks and what follows should be a man or woman's undeniable honesty, integrity and revered dignity which all lend themselves to battling adversity. You fought for peace and purpose, Officer Cook with such endeavor on behalf of Dade County and your heroism will forever be saluted and stoically etched upon everyone's hearts. All trust and truth yield resolve and uplifting character and enhanced commitments to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

The chase begins and where it ends no one knows. Your vigilance, valor and virtue, Officer Cook, were certainly all honor,all heroic and all dignified with integrity fulfilling y our outstanding and unselfish character. Dade County and its people were well served and well cherished by a man of humility and sacred missions of faithfulness, truth and goodwill given back to society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2020

Those antennas of acumen, astuteness and awareness were surely set high. As the bars of excellence rose those beams of bravery, boldness and humility, Officer Cook, went skyward. Dade County had a top flight officer humbled by honesty, beloved and revered for his smile and candor, yet having dignity and integrity sticking as one to ward off adversity from its people. Such class, decency and ingenuity all set forth a new beginning. The future was looking ideal and sudden evil robbed your heart and soul from your family and close professional comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has your heroism, keen vision and uncanny wisdom shaping those perfect gates of gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

Torment frustrates the heck out of mankind. Humanity needed you , Officer Cook and because of your heroically honored sacrifice the angels in heaven needed your sweet soul and adoring heart more. Dade County was so better off with you guarding and serving them and now is less safe, this certainly indicates your grit, integrity and dignity have all been greatly missed. Take humility, sanctity, nobility and civility all out of the foundations you set down my neighbor, friend and hero, you see the big picture, you were most valuable, versatile and totally trustworthy. Rest in peace. A heart and soul of courage and character meeting the likes of callousness to thwart its deadly attacks.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

The gates of God's perfect domain of dignity, integrity and the hearts of loyalty, faith and courage stay open round the clock to welcome those who join the ranks of the thin blue line. A peaceful order of assembled public servants who operated, enforced and enhanced lives one way, with honor and humbleness echoing from their shiny badges and crisply worn uniforms. Everything you wore, Officer Cook,was pristine and most precise never anything loose, untied or out of place. And never will your heroism on behalf of Dade County be shuffled and left on the shelves of your safe journeys all fruitful and vital to our welfare. Your virtue and vigilant versatility shall be duly noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

Police must move about to locate and nail down unending and unrelenting evil. Sounds pure and simple and fairly routine, it's not. A lot of skill, talent some good fortune and tenacity surely assists one devoted to dedication and sheer determination such as the case of your honored life,humbly heroic career and integrity with a smile and charisma, you, Officer Cook, will remain treasured, admired and well thought of. Dade County has you in their hearts, prayers and inspirations forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

The very next time I visit your grave, Officer Cook, I will try and pluck more weeds off of your stone and to keep the cross and ledger clean. It's an important reminder of your sacred, serene and solemn service given to Dade County's folks. All fairness, firmness and faithfulness indulging integrity, character and dignity. They must stand as one entity to battle and to fight violence and wickedness which has tugged and the pierced the hearts and minds of all who sacrifice. Humility and humanity belong in one sentence when a gentleman of gallantry patrols with a destiny and perseverance in tow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

When the calls go out, men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, head straight to the action. No messing around and all seriousness. You were a consummate human being, public servant and a genuinely nice man who laid his life down for Dade County and its citizens. The honor, reverence and dignity that had your integrity's support never wavered and neither did it lack class, desire and pure effort. Forty years ago your family,peers and friends have solemnly saluted and paid homage to your memory. Twenty-five years although too short and suddenly robbed from you by terror. An angel of trust, truth and resourceful resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

Sometimes shortcuts circumvent traffic. In law enforcement that is not always the case. No dodging, no shirking your responsibility and no running away from evil. The very notion of violence sets off a chain of events all governed by ethical conduct and honorable morals. Your fortitude and mettle, Officer Cook, helped Dade County survive an onslaught of trouble and because of your humbly heroic integrity, dignity and respectful commitment the light of unity and liberty could be realized and achieved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

The night follows the day. Honesty and wisdom continue down those pathways and trails of truth, trust, dignity and integrity. That in itself sounds simple enough. And for most public servants who serve,protect and risk their lives for serenity, safety and the peace of mind that faith, devotion and goodwill bring that alone is essential. Dade County was served by your caring and heroic heart and soul, Officer Cook and its stellar character not to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2020

Driving through an area as a public servant you must be open and honest, responsible and most diligent to what is out there lurking and looking to create a problem on the roads and streets. You certainly and most willingly performed all your jobs, Officer Cook. with a hero's gentle and humane touch. The dignity and integrity digging deeper to rid a community of needless terror and evil not to be overlooked. A man of humility, sanctity and civility all lending their help and credence to solve which in turn can lead to peace and happier lives. All your journeys my neighbor, friend and hero were of goodwill,good cheer and a spirit that mankind won't ever forget. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 2, 2020

Vile and vengeful conduct needs more than reprimanding, it needs swift actions to remove its pungent odor from society. Dade County had your fortitude, attitude and paths,trails of justice following you, Officer Cook, heroically as an honored man with a serious and strong heart and mind. You conducted your professional affairs as always and never let up from onus and versatility. Our Lord's has His purposes, reasons and just causes,perfect vision and hearing. All His flock of valiant angels must do is walk their proverbial beats with sincerity and candor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 2, 2020

When your loved travel to be together for the Christmas and New Year's Day celebrations taking a moment to offer a prayer for your sacred and honorable soul of heroism and then toasting a glass of wine or eggnog would be just the tranquil feeling to remember your career and life of incredible integrity, virtue and the validity of dignity, Officer Cook. It all fortified such tremendous character which gave Dade County uplifting moments to be solemnly shared by one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light at the end of the tunnel means your tenacity stills keeps moving forward just as your soul keeps being humanely rewarded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 2, 2020

Evil's negative energy and efficiency should not and shall not get the drop nor advantage over a gritty and gallant servant. You served your life, Officer Cook, pursuing peace, perseverance and proficiency all because Dade County and its folks depended upon your reserves of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency. So stellar, superb and sterling just as your sacred foundations bonded with commitment to excellent character and outstanding commitments to trust and its truth. The thanks given to humanity that shall be poignantly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 2, 2020

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